Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer
Stage 4 is the extreme stage of breast cancer. By now things have the potential to get worse. In this stage, cancerous cells are all over the lymph nodes and they are damaging the breast tissues with an increased pace. Chemotherapy for breast cancer stage 4 is the best option to opt. At this stage of cancer, the only chemo can make sure that the cancerous cells are under control.
Read MoreChemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer
In pancreatic Cancer, the cancerous cells make a tumor in a pancreas. Chemotherapy treatment for pancreatic cancer works for this type of cancer because through chemotherapy drugs injects in a pancreas that makes it possible to shrink the tumor. There are cases when doctors were able to remove the tumor simply through the chemotherapy with or without radiation. It is a most effective method, which is out there for this type of cancer. Doctors use it wisely.
Read MoreChemotherapy for Leukemia
Leukemia is a cancer, which happens when there is an abnormal growth of white blood cells in the body. White blood cells are supposed to defend the body against infections and in case of the abnormal production of these cells, white blood cells become dangerous for the body. Leukemia is a dangerous disease; it is the serious form of cancer.
Read MoreAlkylating Agents Chemotherapy Drugs
One of the things, which are very prominent about alkylating agent’s chemotherapy, is that they were the first chemo drugs.
Read MoreTypes of Cancer Treatments
There are different types of cancer treatments, which are out there to cure the cancer patients. Not all the treatments work alike for all the patients. Some work well for some and some work well for some others.
Read MoreTopoisomerase inhibitors for cancer patients
Topoisomerase inhibitors are the type of chemotherapy, which is best to treat different cancers.
Read MoreIntravenous Chemotherapy Treatment
Intravenous chemotherapy is that treatment where patients take the chemotherapy medication via veins. Oncologists make sure that they insert the chemotherapy drugs into the veins of Cancer patients. Through the veins the drugs goes into the bloodstream and there they perform miracles.
Read MoreIntravitreal Chemotherapy for retinoblastoma and eye cancer
As chemotherapy is the most effective treatment for all kind of cancers, so it is an effective treatment for eye cancer as well. The most potent type of chemotherapy to treat eye cancer is Intravitreal chemotherapy.
Read MoreIntravesical Chemotherapy
In intravesical chemotherapy treatment a liquid medication is given to the cancer patient via a small tube that is inserted in the bladder. In Intravesical chemotherapy treatment patients receive the medication through their bladder and that medication is always liquid. Doctor gives the liquid medication through a catheter. Catheter is like a tube which doctor’s place inside a bladder so that serious cancer patients receive the intravesical chemotherapy treatment through it. Intravesical chemotherapy is an effective type of chemotherapy and patients who suffer from early stages of bladder cancer usually take advantage of it.
Read MoreHyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
Intraperitoneal chemotherapy is one of the greatest and more efficient types of chemotherapy and doctors administer this type of chemotherapy by combining it with surgery. This treatment is effective for abdominal cancers.
Read MoreSalvage chemotherapy treatment
Salvage chemotherapy is different from all the other kinds of chemotherapies because in this treatment Oncologists do not take the lenient way.
Read MoreLow dose Metronomic Chemotherapy regimen benefits and side effects
In standard chemotherapy, doctors administer high dosage of anticancer drugs to treat the cancer patients but in metronomic chemotherapy, doctors administer low doses of anticancer drugs. This low dosage of anticancer drugs makes sure that they work really well on the blood vessels of cancerous cells and tumor.
Read MorePalliative Chemotherapy Treatment
As far as the definition of palliative chemotherapy is concerned then this type of chemotherapy is different from the other types of chemotherapy. It is different because in this type of chemotherapy doctors try to elevate the symptoms and pains of the cancer patients.
Read MoreIntrathecal Chemotherapy
The difference between intrathecal chemotherapy and other form of chemo is that in other types oncologists administer the drugs directly into the bloodstream of cancer patients but in intrathecal chemotherapy doctors give the chemo in the cerebrospinal fluid.
Read MoreMyeloablative Chemotherapy
Myeloablative chemotherapy is an aggressive form of chemotherapy. In this type of chemotherapy doctors, administer high dose chemotherapy drugs to kill the cancerous cells in the bone marrow. Cells mostly form in Bone marrow and in this treatment; doctors make sure that they nip the devil in the bud. This type of treatment mostly destroys the Lymphocytes, which becomes rogue.
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Plant Alkaloids Chemotherapy Treatment Drugs
plant alkaloids chemotherapy keep plants from raiders and regulate their progress. Intensely, alkaloids are particularly famous as anaesthetics, cardio protective, and anti-inflammatory representatives. Alkaloids used in clinical sites contain morphine, strychnine, quinine, ephedrine, and nicotine.
Read MoreTypes of Corticosteroids drugs and their side effects
Corticosteroids are very effective in treating the cancerous patients. Corticosteroids are hormones and these hormones are very good to reduce the tissue damage. When a person suffers from cancer then cancerous cells start damaging the tissues inside the body.
Read MoreRegional Chemotherapy Treatment
In regional chemotherapy, doctors take a different approach. Usually when doctors go for other types of chemotherapy then they inject the chemo drugs in the bloodstream.
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