Category: Diseases

Prostate cancer

The prostate is a gland that, among other things, forms transport fluid for the sperm at the time of ejaculation.

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Penis Cancer

Penile cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer that men can get in the genitals or the urinary tract. Most people who get penis cancer are over 60 years old. Penile cancer does not infect and is not hereditary.

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Kidney cancer

Kidney cancer is a serious illness, but knowledge about the disease has increased and treatments have improved in recent years.

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Neuroendocrine Tumors, NET

Neuroendocrine tumors are cancerous tumors that may be present in the gastrointestinal tract or in the lungs. Many people who get a neuroendocrine tumor get rid of it, or can live a good life long despite the disease. Most people who get neuroendocrine tumors are about 60 years old. The disease is unusual.

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Hyperthyroidism – the excess of thyroid hormone

The thyroid gland sits on the front of the throat and produces hormones that affect almost all of the body’s functions and control the metabolism. If the thyroid gland produces too much hormones, you get hyperthyroidism. Then the metabolism increases and the body goes high. The disease can be treated with drugs, radioactive iodine or with surgery.

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Myeloma is a cancer of the bone marrow. The disease can differ greatly between different people and can also vary with the time of a person. Myeloma is not possible to get rid of, but most get better with treatment and can live a good life. Every year about 700 people get myeloma. Most are over 60 years old.

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Your mood may change the days before you get menstrual if you have PMS, premenstrual syndrome. You may also get sore breasts or feel swollen in the body.

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Menopause is experienced in different ways from person to person. Most people feel some kind of discomfort associated with menopause. It can be light or more difficult. Some feel as usual during menopause.

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Addison’s disease

In Addison’s disease, you are deficient in the hormones cortisol and aldosterone. Common symptoms include fatigue and stomach pain. The disease does not pass, but with treatment you can usually live as you did before you became ill. The treatment consists of drugs that replace the hormones.

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Pain in the chest

If you get chest pain it can have many different causes. One of the most common is that the muscles in the chest hurt because you strained them more than usual. Mental stress can also create a feeling of pain or discomfort in the chest. Occasionally, chest pain may be due to diseases of the heart, stomach or muscles. A strong, pressing pain in the chest can be symptoms of angina or heart attack and then it is important to seek care.

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Lymphedema is a swelling of the body. The swelling is because the fluid in the body called the lymph is difficult to transport and instead accumulates in one place. The treatment is to reduce the swelling and to prevent the size of the lymph nodes.

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Swollen lymph nodes

It is common for children and adults to have swollen lymph nodes. Then they are often tender and bigger than they usually are. For example, it may be due to a viral infection in a cold, a bacterial infection in the throat, or a wound that is infected. If you have swollen lymph glands larger than two centimeters, they should be examined by a doctor.

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The ability of the heart to pump around the blood in the body is impaired if you develop inflammation of the heart muscle. Sometimes fluid is collected in the lungs and in the heart sac, the membrane surrounding the heart. The disease usually heals by itself.

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Malignant melanoma – skin cancer

Malignant melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer and the most prevalent cancer disease. It is usually because you have burned several times in the sun. Almost everyone who gets treatment early gets rid of the disease.

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If you have a myocardial infarction, the double membrane that is around the heart has become inflamed. In rare cases, fluid may accumulate between the membranes. Then the heart becomes more difficult to pump the blood and the blood circulation becomes worse. With treatment, inflammation can go away quickly, but sometimes it takes months or years.

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Infections of the heart in children

Children can have three different types of infections or inflammations of the heart. All three variants are unusual. The infections are caused by viruses or bacteria, which spread to the heart. It can happen when the child has an infection elsewhere in the body or during surgery. It can also occur without knowing the cause.

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Stomach cancer

Gastric cancer means that a cancerous tumor has started to grow in the lining of the stomach. There are good chances of getting rid of the disease if it is detected early. If the cancer has spread and cannot be eliminated, there are treatments that will make you feel better. Stomach cancer is also called stomach cancer.

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Lymphoma – lymph node cancer

Lymphoma or lymph node cancer is a collective name for cancer diseases that occur in cells in the body’s lymphatic system. The prognosis varies but many can get rid of the disease.

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Altered heart rhythm in children, arrhythmia

If the heart beats very fast, very slowly or irregularly, it is called cardiac arrhythmia or arrhythmia. Irregular heartbeat is common. Almost all people have extra heartbeats.

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Heart palpitations in the form of extra beats, hard heartbeats or short-term heart murmurs are common and occur at all ages. Usually, there is nothing to worry about, especially if the trouble comes in connection with stress or worry. But if you get heartache and at the same time feel sick, get chest pain or difficulty breathing, you should seek treatment immediately.

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Permanent atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation means that the heart beats irregularly and often even faster. This means that the heart cannot pump around the blood in the body as efficiently as it usually does. Permanent atrial fibrillation is the most common cause of stroke. This is because the flicker degrades blood circulation in the atrium of the heart, making blood clots more easily formed.

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