Category: Genitals

Cell changes in the cervix

Cell changes in the cervix are mostly due to a viral infection. The most common type of cell change heals by itself. The type of cell changes that can develop into cervical cancer can be removed by a simple operation.

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Genital mutilation – circumcision of girls’ abdomen

Circumcision of girls and women’s abdomen is a tradition that has been around for a long time. The tradition is not linked to any particular religion. It can affect both your body and how you feel if you have been circumcised, but it doesn’t have to.

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Scabies is a small spider-like animal, a mite. The scavenger enters the skin and makes passages in the outer layer of skin where they lay their eggs. The most common symptom is it itching, especially at night. Scabies are usually treated with medicines that you apply to your skin. Scabies is usually transmitted through close body contact.

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Mycoplasma of the abdomen

Mycoplasma of the abdomen is due to a bacterium that can be transmitted when you have intercourse. Common symptoms are that it stings when you pee and that you have floats, itching or bleeding.

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Genital warts

Condyloma is one of the most common STDs and is more common among young people. You can get warts in the genital area or around the rectum if you have a condyloma. Most people do not get any physical problems from the warts that usually disappear by themselves. The warts are caused by a virus called HPV, human papillomavirus.

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Chlamydia is a common venereal disease many countries. The infection is caused by a bacterium and is spread mainly through the slit joint or anal joint.

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HPV, human papillomavirus

HPV, the human papillomavirus, is a very common virus found in over a hundred different types. Some types can cause cell changes that, in unusual cases, can lead to cancer, especially in the cervix. Other types of HPV can cause warts, usually on the hands and feet. In addition, there are some types that can cause warts in the genital area, so-called condylomas.

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Herpes in the genital area

Herpes in the genital area is caused by a virus and is very common. It is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Most people who have herpes in the genital area get so mild symptoms that they do not know that they have herpes.

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Herpes in the mouth

Herpes around the mouth is caused by a very common virus, which can cause mouth ulcers. You can even have the virus in your body without getting any cold sores. Avoid kissing, kissing or having mouth sex when you or someone else has a mouth ulcer with blisters.

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Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that is transmitted primarily through vaginal and anal intercourse or through oral sex. The faster you receive treatment, the less likely you are to transfer gonorrhea to someone else. Without treatment of gonorrhea, you may find it difficult to get pregnant, or difficult to make someone else pregnant. Gonorrhea is caused […]

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Flatlusen is a skin parasite that thrives in hair and causes intense itching. The lice and their eggs are difficult to see with the naked eye and can be more easily detected with a magnifying glass.

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Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria. The most common way to get infected is by having sex without a condom. You can also be infected by oral sex. Syphilis is treatable.

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HIV is a virus that can be transmitted between humans. You get a HIV infection if you get infected by the virus. AIDS is a disease state that occurs when the immune system is so weakened by a HIV infection that you can get other diseases.

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Slick Patch

A latch is a small sheet of latex or plastic that you can use as a cover if you want to lick in and around someone’s sheath or anal opening.

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A condom is a protection from very thin rubber or plastic that you can put on a penis or a dildo if you are going to have intercourse. Condom is easy to use and provides good protection against both STDs and pregnancy.

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A femidom is a protection from very thin plastic or latex that you insert into the vagina or anal before having intercourse. Femidom protects against STDs or pregnancy.

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STDs – sexually transmitted infections

STDs are infections that you can get by having sex. Some STDs are included in the Infection Protection Act and you must test if you suspect you have any of them.

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Vestibulitis – Sore Opening

In vestibulitis, the small, superficial nerves found in the mucous membrane of the ventricle have become hypersensitive. It hurts in and around the opening to the sheath when you have slit or insert something into the sheath.

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Fungus in the vagina

Mushrooms in the genital area are harmless but can be cumbersome as it usually itch and sting. It is common to get mushrooms in the vagina. Mushroom on the penis, on the other hand, is unusual. It is often possible to treat the fungus with non-prescription drugs.

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Lichen sclerosis and atrophicus

Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus is a disease that causes itching and skin changes, usually in the genital area. The disease does not infect. For most people, the hassles are alleviated and many become perfectly well after treatment.

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Itching of the genital area

It is common for it to scratch around the slide opening and on the labia. The most common causes are the fungus in the abdomen or some form of eczema. Often you can treat the itching with non-prescription drugs. The itching can sometimes be due to a STD. Then you need treatment.

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