

Nose rashes appear as raised itchy rashes, which are light red or have the same color as the skin. They can vary in shape, from small individual rashes to large contiguous areas. Typical of hives is that they can quickly change both shape and location without leaving any marks after they disappear.

Nose rash is also called urticaria.

What are hives?

Nose rash can have many different causes, and is divided into the following three types:

  • Allergic hives, which may be due to allergies to, for example, certain foods.
  • Non-allergic hives, which can be a reaction to, for example, an infection, a berry or a drug.
  • Physical hives, which can be caused by pressure, cold or physical exertion. However, it is more unusual.

It can often be difficult to find any clear cause of hives.

For the most part, the rash disappears by itself within a few days, but it is also common for the trouble to come and go in the next week. There are also hives that can last for a long time, and they are called chronic.

A rash can occur once or several times. It is common for children to get a rash several times.

Symptoms of hives

The first sign of hives is usually that it suddenly starts to itch. Itching can be intense and burning. Many times the itching comes before the rash is visible.

The hives are raised and pale red or have the same color as the skin and are often paler in the middle. They can vary in size and shape, from small single centimeters to large contiguous areas. Typical of hives is that they are volatile, they can quickly change both shape and location. They do not leave any marks behind when they disappear. The rash usually sits both on the upper body and on the arms and legs.

In a severe reaction, the lips, tongue, and throat may swell. You may find it difficult to breathe or feel very ill.

When and where should I seek care?

Contact a health care provider for help investigating the cause if any of the following is true:

  • The rash comes more than once.
  • The rash does not disappear within a week.
  • You suspect it is allergy.

Immediately contact a health care center or an on-call reception if any of the following is true:

  • You suddenly get a rash that spreads quickly.
  • The itching is very troublesome.
  • You suspect that you have eaten a food that you have severe allergies to and are beginning to feel an allergic reaction.

seek urgent help at an emergency room or nearby health center if you have difficulty breathing or feel very ill. The same applies if you become very tired and lethargic or have difficulty keeping yourself awake in connection with a possible allergic reaction. Other symptoms at the onset of a serious reaction may be the following: 

  • The lips or tongue swell and fall.
  • Severe itching, which can start in the scalp and then spread to the face, nose, mouth, palms, and soles of the feet.
  • Cough and asthma symptoms.

Those who have known allergies often have emergency medicine at home. These should be taken first, before going to care.

What can I do for myself?

For troublesome itching, you can try non-prescription tablets containing a so-called antihistamine. Even children can take antihistamines in liquid form or as tablets, but this varies with the age at which the various antihistamines can be used. Often, there are age limits for the drugs listed on the package. You can ask at a pharmacy.

Also try to shower cool or lubricate the rash with, for example, a cooling conditioner. Cooling conditioners are available at pharmacies.

You may be extra sensitive to substances that can irritate the skin for a week after having a hive. During that time, it may be good to avoid eating certain foods, such as seafood, tuna, and strawberries. You should also be extra careful about alcohol. Otherwise, there is a risk of having trouble again.

Treatment for hives

In the case of allergic hives, the treatment usually consists of both antihistamine and cortisone in the form of tablets, and in the case of a more severe reaction also a syringe with adrenaline. You may have medicines at home if you have previously had allergic hives. Then you follow the doctor’s prescription as to when the medicines should be used.

It is not as urgent if the hives are not allergic. Non-allergic hives and physical hives are treated with an antihistamine.


Most often, it is the medical history that is most important when the doctor is to diagnose hives. The medical history is what you tell about how the rash has looked and varied. The medical history is also important in assessing what triggered the hives.

It is often impossible to find out what triggered the rash if it is not allergic or physical hives. There is no test to prove it.

What is the cause of hives?

Nausea rash is due to the release of the substance histamine in the skin. Histamine causes itching.

There are three types of hives; allergic, non-allergic and physical.

Allergic hives

In the case of allergic hives, it is almost always an allergic reaction to something you have got in you. It can be any food, such as eggs, milk, peanuts, nuts or seafood. Then it is often quite easy to guess what triggered the hives.

Peanuts and nuts provide the most and most difficult reactions in school age. Milk allergy or egg allergy usually begins earlier, during the first year of life.

Allergic hives can also be due to allergies to bee stings, wasp stings,  any drug or any chemical. 

A rash can be part of a serious allergic reaction called anaphylaxis or allergic shock, but it is uncommon. Then you also get symptoms of allergic hives from organs other than the skin.

Non-allergic hives

Rashes are commonly associated with infections, often respiratory infections.

Some foods and some medicines can cause hives without an allergic reaction. For example, there may be strawberries, acetylsalicylic acid present in painkillers or benzoic acid found in some berries, such as lingonberries.

Usually, it is not possible to find a cause for non-allergic hives. This also applies to hives that remain daily for more than two to three months, so-called chronic urticaria. This type of hives is usually quieter.

In rare cases, some foods can aggravate the inconvenience but are not cause for them.

Physical hives

A more unusual type of hives is caused by physical effects such as pressure, cold, physical exertion and ultraviolet light.

In the case of so-called pressure urticaria, the rash occurs at the place that has been exposed to pressure, for example during a sharpening. Then it is good to avoid tight clothing or straps.

In so-called cold urticaria, the rash occurs on skin that is exposed to cold and wind, usually the face and hands. It is not always because the skin has been subjected to severe cold, but it is the cooling itself that causes the rash. Sometimes the rash only comes when you come in after being out.

Why some people get cold urticaria is not known. It is not linked to other allergies. The trouble can last for many years. Therefore, it may be good to know what increases the risk of cold urticaria. One risk is to swim outdoors, as the body is then exposed to cooling. The greater the difference in air and water temperature, the greater the risk. The cooling down can also cause blood pressure to drop. In some cases, it may lead to fainting. Children who have cold urticaria usually get the advice to bathe in shallow water and gradually get used to the body at the new temperature.

In so-called cholinergic urticaria, small, strongly itchy hives occur in connection with physical exertion, when sweating or showering hot.

Influence and participate in your care

You can seek care at any medical center or open specialist clinic you want throughout the country. Sometimes a referral to the open specialized care is required.

You should understand the information

In order for you to be involved in your care and treatment, it is important that you understand the information you receive from the healthcare staff. Ask questions if you don’t understand. For example, you should get information about treatment options and how long you may have to wait for care and treatment.

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