Category: Medicines

Propiomazin Orifarm

Propiomazin Orifarm – Propiomazine Uses, Dosage, And Side Effects

Propiomazin Orifarm is a different antipsychotic mediator, is used to give both negative and positive signs of schizophrenia, serious desire with bipolar syndrome, anxiety, and psychotic symptoms in dementia.

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Propess – Dinoprostone uses, dose and side effects

Propess contains the active substance dinoprostone 10 mg which is used to start labor after 37 full weeks of pregnancy. Dinoprostone causes the birth canal (cervix) to mature and open so that childbirth can take place. There can be several reasons why you want to start labor. Ask your doctor if you want to know more.

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Propecia – Finasteride uses, dose and side effects

Propecia is used to treat male pattern baldness (so-called androgenic alopecia ) in men aged 18-41 years. If you have any questions about male pattern baldness after reading this leaflet, ask your doctor.

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Propavan – Propiomazine Uses, Dose, And Side Effects

Propavan is used to treat sleeplessness, relax, and relieve anxiety before or during surgery. Propiomazine, marketed under the brand Propavan among others.

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Pronaxen – Naproxen uses, dose and side effects

Pronaxen is a painkiller, antipyretic and anti- inflammatory drug. Pronaxen belongs to a group of medicines called NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These work by reducing the formation of so-called prostaglandins (painkillers) in the body. Full effect is achieved after about 2 hours.

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Prometazin Actavis – Promethazine Hydrochloride Uses, Dose And Side Effects

Prometazin Actavis is used to treat joint pain, swelling, and inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

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Prolutex – Progesterone Uses, Dose, and Side Effects

Prolutex 25 mg contains progesterone. Prolutex is naturally a female sex hormone when the body is not working. A doctor must recommend Prolutex.

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Prolia – Denosumab uses, dose and side effects

Prolia contains denosumab, a protein (a monoclonal antibody ) that inhibits the function of another protein in order to counteract the loss of bone mass and treat osteoporosis (osteoporosis). Treatment with Prolia strengthens the bone tissue and reduces the risk of bone fractures.

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Prolastina – Alpha 1 -proteinase inhibitor uses, dose and side effects

Alpha 1 -proteinase inhibitor is a substance that is formed in the body to inhibit the effect of substances called elastases and which damage the lungs. In the case of hereditary deficiency of alpha 1 -proteinase inhibitors, there is an imbalance between alpha 1 -proteinase inhibitors and elastase. This can lead to gradual degradation of lung tissue and development of pulmonary emphysema . Pulmonary emphysema is an abnormal enlargement of the lungs, with degradation of the lung tissue. Prolastina is used to restore the balance between alpha 1 -proteinase inhibitors and elastase in the lungs, which prevents further deterioration of the pulmonary emphysema .

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ProHance – Gadoteridol uses, dose and side effects

You have had it prescribed for examination of the brain, bone marrow and surrounding tissue or the whole body.

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Progynon – Estradiol valerate uses, dose and side effects

Progynon is a drug used for Hormone Replacement Therapy ( HRT ) . It contains the female sex hormone estrogen . Progynon is used in women whose menstruation has stopped ( menopause ).

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Prograf – Tacrolimus uses, dose and side effects

Prograf belongs to a group of medicines called immunosuppressants. After an organ transplant (of eg liver, kidney, heart) your body tries to repel the new organ. Prograf is used to check the immune system in your body in order for it to accept the transplanted organ.

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Profast – Propofol uses, dose and side effects

Profast belongs to a group of medicines called general anesthetics. General aesthetics are used to induce unconsciousness (a type of sleep) so that surgeries and other treatments can be performed. They can also be used as sedatives, so-called sedation (so that you become sleepy but do not fall asleep completely.

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Pro-Epanutin – Phosphenytoin sodium uses, dose and side effects

Pro-Epanutin contains the active substance phosphenytoin, which belongs to the group of antiepileptic drugs . These drugs are used to treat epilepsy .

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PROCYSBI – Cysteamine uses, dose and side effects

PROCYSBI contains the active substance cysteamine (also called mercaptamine) and is taken to treat nephropathic cystinosis in children and adults. Cystinosis is a disease that affects the body’s function and causes an abnormal accumulation of the amino acid cystine in various organs in the body, e.g. kidneys, eyes, muscles, pancreas and brain. Cystine accumulation causes kidney damage and excessive secretion of glucose , proteins and electrolytes . Different organs are affected at different ages.

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Procren Depot – Leuprorelin Acetate Uses, Dose, And Side Effects

Procren Depot is an injection used under the skin. The medicine has leuprorelin acetate, which is a artificial hormone that decreases testosterone and estrogen in the body.

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Probecid – Probenecid uses, dose and side effects

Probecid contains the active substance probenecid and is used in gout to relieve gout problems. Probecid accelerates the excretion of uric acid by preventing it from re-entering the kidneys. As a result, the blood’s content of uric acid decreases and this leads to reduced gout problems. Probecid should be administered continuously. When treatment is stopped, the level of uric acid in the blood rises . Probecid has no immediate analgesic effect. In acute gout attacks, painkillers must therefore be used.

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Privigen – Human normal immunoglobulin uses, dose and side effects

Privigen belongs to a group of medicines called human normal immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulins are also called antibodies and are blood proteins that help the body fight infections in healthy people.

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Prismasol uses, dose and side effects

Prismasol contains the active substances calcium chloride dihydrate, magnesium chloride hexahydrate, glucose monohydrate, lactic acid solution 90% w / w, sodium chloride, potassium chloride and sodium bicarbonate.

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Priorix | Vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella uses, dose and side effects

Priorix is ​​a vaccine used in children from 9 months and up, adolescents and adults to protect against measles, mumps and rubella.

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