Category: Diseases

Sudden cardiac arrest in athletic children and adolescents

Although it is very uncommon, sports children and adolescents may suddenly experience unexpected cardiac arrest. This is usually because the child has had some disease of the heart muscle or the duct system that you have not previously known about.

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Pleural cancer

Lung sack cancer is an uncommon disease that is usually due to the fact that you have been breathing in asbestos. It can take over 30 years for lung sac cancer to develop. It is difficult to get rid of the disease. But there are treatments that make you feel better even though the cancer remains.

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Lung cancer

You can get rid of the disease if it is detected early. Lung cancer is unusual before the age of 40. Most people who get the disease are around 70 years.

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Bleeding sound in the heart

When the blood is pumped through the heart, sometimes small swirling movements occur that produce a sound. It is usually called a heart murmur and you can’t usually hear it yourself. Wheezing is more common in children than in adults and usually does not cause any problems. But sometimes you may need to be treated with drugs and in some cases operated on.

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Loud noise in the heart of children

A doctor who listens to a child’s heart with a stethoscope can sometimes hear a roaring or rushing sound. It is usually called because the child has a blistering sound in the heart.

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Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer, which is the lower part of the uterus, usually develops slowly over many years. If you go on regular cell test checks, cell changesthat can lead to cancer can be detected and removed in good time.

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Myocardial infarction

A myocardial infarction is usually due to a blood clot being formed that completely or partially clogs the heart’s coronary artery so that the blood cannot pass as it usually does. The part of the heart that would have received the blood from the blocked coronary artery may be deficient in oxygen and damage to the heart muscle.

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Heart Valve Diseases

In the heart are four flaps that act as valves and prevent the blood from being pumped in the wrong direction. The flaps can become too tight or start leaking, which can lead to different types of heart valve diseases. They are often detected when the doctor listens to the heart and hears wheezing. If the failure of the valve causes symptoms or affects the functioning of the heart, surgery may be required to replace the heart valve that does not work with a new one.

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Heart failure

In the event of a heart failure, the heart cannot pump enough blood into the body. This may be because the ability of the heart muscle to contract is weakened. The impaired pump function may also be due to the fact that the heart muscle cannot relax properly. Heart failure occurs at all ages, but is most common in the elderly.

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Uterine Cancer

Uterine cancer means that you have a cancerous tumor inside the uterus. The symptoms are often noticed early. Then you can get treatment that removes the disease. Cervical cancer is rare before the age of 40.

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Different types of heart malformations in children

Congenital heart defects due to birth defects are the most common heart disease in children. It may be, for example, holes in the partitions of the heart or constrictions of the flaps in the heart or large vessels. About one-third of the congenital injuries are treated during the first months of life. Most children are treated with good results, but often the child needs to be followed up for a long time.

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Congenital heart defects in children

A congenital heart defect means that there are malformations in the heart or in the large blood vessels. Most heart defects cause no or mild discomfort, but sometimes it can be more serious. Then the child often gets symptoms during his first weeks of life and may need surgery.

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Long QT syndrome, LQTS

Long QT syndrome, LQTS, is in most cases a hereditary heart disease and is due to an electrical disorder in the heart’s muscle cells. Many people who carry the disease never get any symptoms. Others get a fast heartbeat that can lead to dizziness and fainting.

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Dilated cardiomyopathy, DCM

Dilated cardiomyopathy, DCM, is the collective name for a number of conditions. Common to them is that the heart muscle becomes weaker and the heart cavity dilates without the cause of high blood pressure, coronary artery disease or heart valve failure. The disease is sometimes hereditary.

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Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, HCM

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, HCM, is a disease that thickens the heart muscle. Some people do not notice the disease while others get short of breath, get chest pain, palpitations and fainting. Thickening of the heart muscle is most often found in the teens, but many people are diagnosed with HCM only at adulthood. Everyone can get the disease, but the risk is greater if you have a close relative with the diagnosis of HCM.

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Hereditary cardiovascular disease

Some diseases of the heart and blood vessels are hereditary. The diseases can be followed for several generations in a family. They differ from folk diseases such as stroke, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, which largely depends on your living habits.

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Liver Cancer

Liver cancer means that there are one or more cancerous tumors in the liver. It can be released from the cancer if it is detected early, but it is more common that it is detected late. Then there are treatments that can slow down and relieve the disease. Some can live a good life with such treatment.

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Blood pressure is the pressure that occurs in the blood vessels as the blood is driven from the heart into the body and later back to the heart. High blood pressure makes the heart pump work harder and can be serious if you do not get it treated. The risk of cardiovascular disease and kidney problems in particular increases if you have high blood pressure.

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Low blood pressure

Low blood pressure is in most cases completely harmless and does not require any treatment. Most people who have low blood pressure have no symptoms. If you have a sudden drop in blood pressure, you should sit down or lie down. Sometimes you may need to seek care.

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Anemia means you have too little red blood cells in your blood. The red blood cells are needed for the body’s various organs to get enough oxygen. Anemia can cause you to become tired, dizzy and have a headache. Often it is possible to recover the amount of red blood cells with the help of drugs.

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Anemia due to too low iron

Anemia due to too little iron is common and can make you feel tired and powerless. The most common cause of anemia is that you have lost blood. For example, it can be during menstruation or if you have a stomach or intestinal disease that causes bleeding. It may also be because you cannot absorb iron from the food.

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