Sudden cardiac arrest in athletic children and adolescents



Although it is very uncommon, sports children and adolescents may suddenly experience unexpected cardiac arrest. This is usually because the child has had some disease of the heart muscle or the duct system that you have not previously known about.

A small proportion of this sudden cardiac arrest is caused by acute myocarditis, which can occur in connection with acute viral infections. It is therefore important that everyone, both children and adults, avoid sports if you have an infection in the body until you are completely healthy.

What symptoms should you seek care for?

  • the child faints or has ongoing chest pain during exertion.
  • the child has previously fainted, had dizziness or chest pain during exertion or if
  • there is heredity in the genus for heart muscle disease or for severe heart rhythm disorder or if
  • unclear sudden death has occurred in a relative younger than 40 years.

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