To treat the cancer patients there are various treatments, which are available in the medical Arena. These treatments include surgery, in surgery, doctors try to remove the cancerous tumor, or they try to shrink it. The other method, which is effective other than surgery, is radiation, in radiation, doctors try to shrink or kill the tumor. The third and most effective method to treat the cancer patient is chemotherapy. The treatment, chemotherapy is much more effective and efficient in treating the cancer patients than surgery and radiation. Patients who go through chemotherapy have a better chance of survival.
Chemotherapy is drug therapy and it is not a standard treatment. There are various types of chemotherapies and which type work best for which kind of patient depend on the area of cancer and the stage of Cancer. Today we are talking about Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. This is one of the greatest and more efficient types of chemotherapy and doctors administer this type of chemotherapy by combining it with surgery. This treatment is effective for abdominal cancers.
Suppose that a woman is suffering from ovarian cancer, in this case, it is best if doctors go for Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy along with surgery. This treatment can yield amazing results.
Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal chemotherapy is an amazing treatment of chemotherapy and in this type of hyperthermia therapy doctors use the warm anticancer drugs to treat the cancer patients. They, the oncologists infuse the warm drugs into the peritoneal cavity that is abdomen of the patient for a small period. The agents and the drugs, which doctor use for this type of chemotherapy, are mitomycin and cisplatin.
Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal chemotherapy procedure
This type of chemotherapy works best with surgery. Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy is best to treat the ovarian or bladder cancer. Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy procedure is simple.
The process through which doctors operate the abdominal area to evaluate the peritoneal cancer is exploration. Once doctors do exploration then they highlight the area where the cancerous tumor is. The next step is Debulking. In Debulking, surgeons remove the visible tumor implant. In this, step doctors make sure that they remove the visible tumor in the abdomen. If the tumor is in the ovary then surgeons make sure that they remove the visible part of the tumor. In this, step surgeons remove the tumor completely. Still there are chances that the cancerous cells are somewhere in the abdomen. To rid the patient completely from the cancerous cells doctors make sure that they use Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal chemotherapy.
Doctors use this treatment to remove the remaining cancerous cells from the cancer patient. The last part of Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy procedure is chemoperfusion. Here doctors rinse the abdominal cavity with warm chemotherapy solution. This warm infusion of different drugs is go to the bloodstream throughout the whole body. Doctors make sure that they deliver the necessary drugs through the peritoneal cavity into the bloodstream. This way doctors can be certain that the remaining cancerous cells are no more bothering the cancer patients who are suffering from the ovarian cancers.
Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal chemotherapy for ovarian cancer
Usually doctors use this type of chemotherapy to treat the women who are suffering from ovarian cancer woman who suffer from stage 3 epithelial ovarian cancer opt for this type of treatment. Women who go through Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy feels like that they have a better chance of survival than all those people who do not go for this chemotherapy.
Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal chemotherapy survival rate
Women who are suffering from ovarian cancer have better chances of Survival when they go through Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. This chemotherapy does not yield many side effects. The side effects, which this type of chemotherapy yields, are regular. Women who are at the stage 3 of ovarian cancer have better chances of Survival when they go through this type of chemotherapy.
Hypothermic Intraperitoneal chemotherapy side effects
Though this treatment is amazing for women who are suffering from ovarian cancer yet there are side effects and these side effects are very much there. Women who go through Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy can experience many Side Effects. For instance, they can experience abdominal pressure and bloating. Along with bloating, they can also feel like there is shortening of breath.
The regular side effects of this type of chemotherapy are nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, frequent urination, bladder fullness, abdominal pain, and loss of few or all hairs. However, there are Side Effects for this type of chemotherapy but this type of chemotherapy is much more effective than all the other type of chemotherapies. The infusion makes sure that the cancer patients have better chances of survival.
Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal chemotherapy anesthesia
Anesthesia is the integral part of this type of chemotherapy. it is never a good idea to keep the patient in senses when she is going through this type of chemotherapy. The administration of anesthesia is very much important. When a woman decides to go through Hyperthermic, intraperitoneal chemotherapy there can be pain in this procedure and there can be renal injury. It is best if doctors administer anesthesia before making a women go through this type of chemotherapy.
Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy cost is not much. It is not very expensive. There are various rates at various clinics but still this type of chemotherapy is not expensive but it is very effective. Women who go through ovarian cancer should go through this type of chemotherapy because it is effective and yields good results.
Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy is for the abdominal cancers specifically doctors suggest this type of chemotherapy for ovarian cancer. Women who are at the last stages of a ovarian cancer go through this type of chemotherapy mostly. At the end of the day, it is up to us to make sure that our body is cancer free and the only way through which we can be certain that our body is cancer free is by visiting the doctor regularly. Make sure you are visiting your doctor regularly; make sure you are making health your priority.