Tag: treatment

Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s syndrome is a disease that mainly means that you become very dry in the eyes and mouth. It is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system attacks its own tissue. The disease persists throughout life, but there are treatments that relieve the hassle.

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Ankylosing Spondylitis – Bechterew’s Disease

Bechterew’s disease is due to inflammation, especially in the muscles and joints. You get hurt, get tired and stiff. The pain comes and goes for periods, usually more tightly at first. It is not possible to recover completely, but with treatment the disease can be slowed and relieved.

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Transient Toe

If a toe is over the toe closest to it, it is called an overbearing toe. Most often the reason is that you also have an oblique big toe, hallux valgus. On an oblique large toe the toe tip points towards the other toes on the same foot. If the big toe is very oblique it can fold under or over the next toe.

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Different Long Legs in Children

There are several reasons why children have different long legs. It does not usually cause any trouble if the length differs less than two centimeters between the legs. Growth can be stopped in the longer leg or the shorter leg can be extended if it differs widely between the legs.

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Your lower rectum’s bulging veins are haemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids, often known as piles, are enlarged veins in the lower rectum and anus that resemble varicose veins.

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Anal Fissure – Crack in the Rectum

An anal fissure is a wound in the form of a crack at the rectum opening. You notice the crack because it hurts or it gets blood when you poop. The crack usually heals within a couple of weeks. Analgesic ointment can relieve.

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Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation of the lining of the rectum, but the colon can also become inflamed. Common symptoms are poop blood and diarrhea, and you can rush to the toilet in a hurry. You may also have a stomach ache after eating. Ulcerative colitis does not go away, but with treatment it can often be trouble-free.

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Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is a disease that causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, usually in the small intestine and the first part of the large intestine. Common symptoms are diarrhea, stomach crunch after eating and losing weight. The disease does not pass, but with treatment you can live almost as usual. The treatment consists of different types of drugs.

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Children Pooping on Themselves

Some children poop on, even though they are at the age when children are usually able to control when to poop. Then it is important to find out the cause and try to help the child.

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Umbilical Hernia

Umbilical hernia means that an area on the inside of the stomach near the navel has weakened. A so-called hernia sac is formed under the skin and there is a round bulge on the abdomen. Umbilical hernia almost always grows away in children.

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Pylorus Stenosis – Narrowing of the Lower Stomach

Pylorus stenosis is a condition that a child under one year may have. The connection between the stomach and the intestine does not work properly, but the food is prevented from entering the intestine.

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Stomach Pain in Adults

You can get a stomach ache for many reasons. The cause can be obvious, for example in case of food poisoning or menstrual pain. Sometimes it is more difficult to know what it is due to, for example if the problems are about stress or a disease that is difficult to detect. Often, stomach pain goes away by itself but sometimes you may need treatment.

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Heartburn – Gastric Reflux

Heartburn is caused by the fact that the upper abdomen cannot hold completely tightly but permits some gastric juice from the stomach up to the esophagus.

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Dyspepsia – Sensitive Stomach

Dyspepsia is the collective name for various symptoms that you may have in the upper abdomen. For example, you may feel sore or have a burning sensation in the stomach. Dyspepsia may be due to a disease, but most often the doctor does not find any cause for dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is therefore often called a sensitive stomach.

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Liver Cirrhosis

Liver cirrhosis means that the liver is damaged and it no longer works properly. Often this is because you have been drinking a lot of alcohol for several years, but you can also get liver cirrhosis for other reasons. The treatment depends on what caused the disease. It is important not to drink alcohol if you have liver cirrhosis.

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Lip Gap, Jaw Gap, Palate Gap – LKG Gap

Some children are born with clefts in the lip, jaw and palate. This usually shortens the LKG gap. LKG columns mean that parts of the child’s face have not grown together as they usually do. LKG column can be operated with good results.

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Bladderworm disease – infection with dwarf band worm

Dwarf bandworm is a small bandworm that mammals can have in the gut, especially dogs and foxes. The animals do not get sick but in their feces there are worm eggs that can infect humans and cause an infection. The infection is called bladder disease.

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