Stuttering in children


Stuttering in children means that the child hooks up letters and syllables, or that the speech is stopped even though the child knows what they want to say. It is often noticed when the child is between two and four years. For the most part, it goes away by itself within a couple of years. If it does not go over if the child thinks it is difficult or if you are worried, you can get help from a speech therapist.

Young children who have not yet completed their language development can repeat words and phrases without stuttering. It can be difficult to determine the difference between these repetitions and stuttering. Both are common.

Symptoms of stuttering in children

Being a parent means that the child is in some way difficult to come forward in the speech, even though they know what they want to say.

The child may get stuck on a letter, sound, word or syllable and repeat it before moving on. There may be shortstops or sometimes long silent breaks where the child presses to get the word out. It can also be difficult to get started with what they want to say.

The stuttering in children can come and go in periods and also often varies from situation to situation. For example, children may stutter more if they are anxious or tired.

What can I do for myself?

It is important to listen to what the child has to say, not how the child says it.

The child needs time to form the words. Therefore, it is good to consider this:

  • Let the child speak clearly in peace and quiet.
  • Do not give advice or fill in the words or sentences when the child hooks up.
  • Make eye contact when talking to or listening to the child.
  • Never tease.

Talk to the child

Children are often more aware of their lineage than they think. Talking about the stuttering doesn’t make it any worse. However, it is usually good to talk about it in an open and easy way. For example, you could say, “Was it difficult to get the word out? Sometimes it can be. But we have time to wait until you are done. What good that you talk anyway.”

When children find it difficult

Children may find it difficult to breastfeed. For example, they can get excited when they need to talk and avoid situations when they need to talk. They can sometimes say, “I can’t talk.”

When should I seek care?

Usually, the stuttering in children goes away by itself as the child gets older, usually before the age of seven. Sometimes they may need to meet a speech therapist, who is a specialist in stuttering.

You can contact a speech therapist, bvc, care center or student health if you are worried about the child’s stuttering if the child himself thinks it is difficult or if the child stems increasingly.

You can seek care at any healthcare center or speech therapist you want throughout the country. Sometimes a referral is needed to get to a speech therapist.

Treatment of stuttering in children

If the child needs the help of a speech therapist, it is good if it is done as early as possible. The treatment of stuttering in children at the speech therapist takes place in close cooperation with you as an adult.

How often you need to go to a speech therapist depends on how the stuttering develops. Some need a single visit while some go with a speech therapist for several years.

What is the origin of stuttering?

Everything about the causes of the stuttering has not been clarified. Research shows that stuttering is about how the brain can control speech. Sometimes the control can vary and be less accurate

Stuttering does not depend on anything psychological.

There is clear heredity in the lineage. This means that it is more common to date if a biological relative originated or originated during childhood.

The longer a child has stammered, the more common it is that the stuttering remains. If you have been stammered for more than four years, the stuttering usually does not go over. But the stuttering tends to get lighter and some think it will disappear completely as they get older. Some children continue to stutter for a long time, sometimes into adulthood.

Children should be involved

There is no age limit when a child is allowed to participate in a care situation. The child’s right to decide for himself is related to the child’s maturity. The older the child, the more important it is for them to be involved in their care. In order to be active in health care and to make decisions, it is important that you understand the information you receive from health care personnel.

Ask questions if you don’t understand. You can also ask to have the information printed to read it peacefully. If interpretation is needed in other languages, you may have the right to have it. You may also have the right to receive interpreting assistance in the event of hearing loss.

The older the child is, the more important it is that the child himself participates in discussions and decisions about the treatment of stuttering in children. It becomes especially important during adolescence.

So you can prepare the baby at home

Both you and the child can have thoughts and questions before a visit to the care. You have the right to receive all the information you need from the healthcare staff. It is good if you can prepare yourself at home. There are various tips depending on how old the child is.

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