Salivary Gland Stone


A salivary gland can form a small stone that prevents saliva from coming out of the mouth. Often it comes off by itself, but sometimes it needs to be removed.

In front of the ears, at the lower jaw and under the tongue are three pairs of larger salivary glands. When you eat, most saliva is formed in the mouth. If saliva and calcium salts clump together, a stone, a mock gland or speck stone will form.

Usually, such stones come out of the mouth cavity with saliva and are swallowed without you noticing. But it happens that a salivary gland gets stuck in the canal where the saliva comes out in the mouth. Then it may be necessary to remove it.

Symptoms of salivary gland stone

You often become swollen and sore in or near the oral cavity if you have a salivary gland that is stuck. It is mainly when you eat that you get a sore mouth because the stone prevents the saliva from entering the oral cavity. A moment after eating, the tenderness and swelling can go away.

Exactly where it hurts in the mouth depends on which of the six glands is blocked. Sometimes it is in the mouth, sometimes further in the mouth.

What can I do for myself?

To relieve the pain, you can take prescription pain tablets.

A salivary gland may loosen more easily if you massage the face where you are in pain. At the same time, you can suck in something acidic that stimulates the formation of saliva, such as a piece of lemon.

When and where should I seek care?

Most people who have salivary glands do not need to seek care because the problems usually go away by themselves.

Contact a health care center if the swelling and soreness do not go away. If it is a weekend, you can wait until it is every day. You can contact many receptions by logging in.

Contact a health care center or an on-call clinic if you have fever and swelling in addition to swelling. If closed, you can wait until the health center or on-call reception opens.


The salivary gland that has a stone that stops the saliva’s output feels tender and often a little enlarged.

Your doctor will examine your mouth with your fingers. The doctor can feel the salivary glands and the channels where the saliva comes out, with one finger from the inside of the mouth and one from the outside.

Sometimes the stone feels clear. Other times, the doctor may find it difficult to determine the cause of the swelling. Then you may need to be examined with an X-ray, X-ray, or ultrasound. These examinations are usually performed in hospitals.

You should understand information

In order for you to be involved in your care and treatment, it is important that you understand the information you receive from the healthcare staff. Ask questions if you don’t understand. For example, you should receive information about treatment options and how long you may have to wait for care and treatment.

Children should also be involved in their care. The older the child, the more critical it is.

Treatment for salivary gland stone

A salivary gland that does not detach itself and hurts may need to be removed. It is usually a small operation and you then get local anesthesia.

The salivary gland leading into the mouth is enlarged or fully opened. Then the doctor can remove the stone. The doctor may try to grab the stone and pull it out with an instrument.

Sometimes, if the stone is large and difficult to access, the entire salivary gland may need to be removed, but it is unusual.


Removing a salivary gland usually does not cause any trouble afterward.

If you get an infection in the salivary gland, you are treated with antibiotics.

Your saliva production is not affected much even if you have had a salivary gland removed.

What is the salivary gland?

Mouth dryness and diseases that cause dry mouth increase the risk of salivary glands, for example, Sjögren’s syndrome.

Drugs that cause dry mouth also increase the risk of salivary glands. Examples of such drugs are some blood pressure and allergy medicines.

Getting problems with salivary glands is most common in middle age. Children rarely get salivary gland stones.

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