MRSA – Resistant yellow staphylococci


You can carry MRSA without any problems, but the bacterium can also cause skin infection. The infection often goes away by itself but sometimes you may need treatment with antibiotics. MRSA is a bacterium that is resistant to certain antibiotics.

What is MRSA?

MRSA is a yellow staphylococcus bacterium. The difference between other yellow staphylococci and MRSA is that MRSA is resistant to certain antibiotics. This means that if you get an infection, there are fewer antibiotics that can be used. Another word for resilience is resistance.

It is common to have bacteria like yellow staphylococci on the body without having any problems. It’s called being a carrier. The staphylococci are usually present in the nose, throat or other mucous membranes. You can also wear them on the skin, for example in groin and armpits.

Samples show if you are a carrier

It is very likely that the bacterium will disappear if your skin is intact and you have no ulcers or eczema. The doctor can check if the bacterium is gone through repeated sampling.

Symptoms of infection

Being MRSA carriers gives no symptoms. MRSA does not cause more or more serious infections than regular yellow staphylococci, but there are fewer antibiotics to treat.

In infection, MRSA causes ulcer infections, scabies, or rare times more serious infections such as sepsis. 

An infected wound can hurt, and fluid. It may become red or swollen around the wound. You may also have a fever.

When and where should I seek care?

Contact a health care center if you have a minor skin infection or wound that is not healing for a week. You can contact many receptions by logging in .

If any of the following is true of you, contact a health center or on-call reception immediately: 

  • You have a major skin infection or wound that is infected.
  • You have a skin infection or an infected wound and at the same time have a fever.

If closed, you can wait until the on-call reception or medical center open.


You may leave a sample from an infected wound, mucous membrane or damaged skin. It can show if you have MRSA.

What can I do for myself?

Use liquid soap when washing your hands and apply liquid wounds or eczema. It can reduce the risk of MRSA spreading through infected wounds and skin infections.

How is MRSA transmitted?

MRSA, like other skin bacteria, can be transmitted through direct contact between people. But the bacteria can also get stuck on different surfaces such as door handles. The bacteria can then be passed on if someone touches the surface.

A person who is only a carrier of MRSA rarely infects others. The risk of infecting others increases if you have a skin infection, fluid sores or if the skin is damaged.

MRSA is part of the Infection Protection Act

MRSA is included in the Infectious Protection Act as one of the most dangerous diseases because the bacteria are resistant to certain antibiotics. This means that the doctor gives precautions that the carrier of MRSA must follow. It can also mean that people in your family or family may have a test to see if they carry the bacteria.

Tell us if you are the carrier of MRSA when you are in contact with the health care

You must inform the healthcare staff if you are a carrier of MRSA in connection with visits to the care. Then you help reduce the risk of the bacteria spreading in the care. It also means that you can get the right kind of antibiotics in the past if you have an infection.

Treatment for MRSA

Most mild infections caused by MRSA heal by themselves. Sometimes you may need treatment with some type of antibiotic.

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