Itching of the genital area


It is common for it to scratch around the slide opening and on the labia. The most common causes are the fungus in the abdomen or some form of eczema. Often you can treat the itching with non-prescription drugs. The itching can sometimes be due to a STD. Then you need treatment.

Symptoms of itching of the genital area

It can itch and sting in the abdomen and sometimes back towards the rectum. Sometimes you can see that the skin is red and swollen, or that you have small rashes.

When should I seek care?

Contact a health care center or gynecologic clinic if any of the following is true of you:

  • You have itching that does not go over.
  • You have rashes or warts in the abdomen that itch.
  • You think you have a fungus in your genital area and have used non-prescription drugs for it without getting better.
  • You have had fungus in the genital area more than twice in six months.

What causes itching of the genital area?

There can be many reasons for itching in the genital area.

One cause of pruritus is infections, usually fungal. It gives a sudden, strong itching, swelling, and redness in the abdomen. It can itch and sting during or after vaginal intercourse. This is often because you have had a fungus in your genital area.

Sexual diseases such as condyloma or herpes in the genital area can also make it itchy.

There are also some skin diseases that can cause itching in the genital area. Eczema and lichen sclerosis are examples of such skin diseases.

You can get red dots, small wounds, itching and hair follicle inflammation if you shave your abdomen. This is because shaving damages some of the outermost layers of skin, which otherwise protects against bacteria getting attached there.

You who have come into the menopause can suffer from dry and irritated mucous membranes, which sometimes cause itching.

It is unusual, but sometimes it can itch because you are hypersensitive to different materials. It may be, for example, material in panty liners and binders or latex in condoms. Some react to detergent, rinse aid or soap.

Springform, scabies or flat lice can also cause itching in the genital area.

What can I do for myself?

How you can treat the itching of the abdomen depends on the cause of the itching. You can test some things for whatever the reason for the itching.

Use oil instead of soap when washing your genital area. Then you become clean while the water does not dry out the mucous membranes as easily. The oil can also relieve itching. You can try for example children’s oil or intimate oil which is available at pharmacies. Even oils used in cooking, such as olive oil or sunflower oil, work well.

It can feel good to use clothes that do not fit if you have itching.

Prescription-free antifungal medicines

If you have had a fungus in your genital area before and recognize the symptoms, you can treat the infection with non-prescription medicines for fungi. They come in different forms and you can buy them at a pharmacy. You can read more about how to do in the text about fungus in the genital area.

Prescription-free drugs for you in menopause

There are several medicines for you that are in menopause and are troubled by the fact that it feels dry in the genital area. Try non-prescription creams or abrasive pills that contain low estrogen. You can read more about how you can do in the text on medicines for menopausal symptoms.

How can I prevent itching in the genital area?

There are some things you can do to avoid getting itching in the genital area.

Keep the mucous membranes moist

It is enough to wash your abdomen once a day, otherwise, the water can dry out the mucous membranes. Use oil instead of soap. It is extra important for you who for some reason wash you more often than that. Avoid showering water in the vagina.

Wash with oil instead of water as soon as you notice that you are getting symptoms.

Never use a tampon when you only have floats or bleed very little during menstruation. Tampons dry out the mucous membranes.

Have safer sex and use lubricants

Condom and femidom are the best protection against STDs. Use a condom or femidom if you have vaginal or anal intercourse. It is important that the condom or semi-dome is intact and that it is on throughout the entire intercourse.

Remember to also use a condom, femidom, or lick if you share sex toys like a dildo or a vibrator with someone else. A licking patch is a thin rubber cloth that is placed over the genital or rectum opening.

It is also good to use a condom or lick if you have oral sex.

Use a sharp razor and lubricate the abdomen if you shave

Use a clean and sharp razor and a lot of razor or razor if you’re shaving your genital area. It is better for the skin to shave straight hair than to shave straight hair. It usually feels nice to lubricate with an unpaired softening cream afterward. It can also reduce the risk of inflamed hair follicles. Avoid shaving for a period of time if you get a lot of trouble so that your skin can rest.

Does itching in the genital area?

Skin diseases such as eczema do not infect. It is unusual for fungi in the genital area to be transmitted at sex. Condyloma and herpes, on the other hand, can be transmitted at six.


A gynecologist or midwife can do a gynecological examination of the genitals. Then they can often see what the itching is due to. If the itching is due to an STD, you will receive treatment, usually antibiotics.

You may be examined at a gynecological clinic, a youth clinic, or at a skin and sex clinic.


Some STDs that cause itching in the genital area can cause sequelae. Therefore, it is important that you be examined if you have had unprotected sex.

Itching of the abdomen and pregnancy

Pregnancy can temporarily change the bacterial balance in the genital area. For example, it is common to get fungus during pregnancy. Talk to your midwife if you have any problems.

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