Tag: itching

Itching of the genital area

It is common for it to scratch around the slide opening and on the labia. The most common causes are the fungus in the abdomen or some form of eczema. Often you can treat the itching with non-prescription drugs. The itching can sometimes be due to a STD. Then you need treatment.

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Swimmer’s Itch

In summer, the water at the beaches can contain bird parasites that are so small that they are not visible. When bathed, they can drill into the skin a few millimeters before dying, resulting in a harmless reaction with itchy rash.

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Itching in children

Children who are tired, worried or stressed about something can also get itchy, for example when they go to sleep at night. It can itch all over the body but sometimes it itches in specific places, such as the tail or ears.

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Dry skin and itching

Dry skin has too little moisture and fat. The skin can be fragile and easily irritated. It can also itch. It is important to take care of dry skin so that the problems do not get worse.

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