Tics Disease


If you have tics, it is because you have difficulty controlling and holding back certain movements or sounds. Tics are most common in school-aged children, but also occur in adults. Tics usually go by themselves, usually within a year.

The tics can be partially controlled with the will, but it may require you to react off with even more tics afterward. It is common to get more tics if you are tense or stressed, or if you have been very moving and then relax.

Tics occur in  Tourette’s syndrome. Some medications for concentration difficulties can also give tics.

Symptoms of tics disease

Examples of tics may be that you throw your head or blink. You can even squirm or grunt.

Sometimes you may say inappropriate words or repeat what you or others have said. For example, if you have more difficult tics, you can mimic other people’s movements.

Usually, the trouble usually goes away by itself.

When should I seek care?

Most people with tics do not need to seek care. If you are concerned or have questions, you can contact the child and school health care, or a health center.

What can I do for myself?

Tics often get worse if they get noticed. Therefore, it is good to try not to react to their own or others’ tics. Reduced stress and increased physical activity can be good for countering tics.

Treatment for tics disease

You rarely get medication for tics, because drugs that can reduce the number of tics also produce side effects such as fatigue and poorer concentration. 

Sometimes you may receive treatment with a special form of psychotherapy that involves changing your behavior.

If you have severe and very disturbing tics you may get so-called neuroleptics, medicines that affect various substances in the brain and which are used in the treatment of mental illness.


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