Category: Mental illnesses and disorders

Eating Disorders

If you think a lot about your body and what you eat, you may have an eating disorder. An eating disorder harms you both physically and mentally. But there is help to get, and you can get rid of the disease if you seek care.

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Binge Eating Disorder

You can have hot eating disorder if you eat frequently and regularly without being able to control you, and get large amounts of food in a short time. Afterwards you will experience guilt and shame. Hot-eating disorder can lead to physical and mental illness if left untreated. Most people who receive treatment become healthy.

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Bulimia is an eating disorder that means that you eat hot and then try to get rid of the food, for example by vomiting or using laxatives. Bulimia can cause mental illness and serious bodily harm if you are not treated. Most people who receive treatment become healthy.

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Being close to someone who has an eating disorder

It is common to get worried or upset if you are told that someone you care about has an eating disorder. There is much you can do to help the person. You can ask questions, listen and show that you care and help seek help. To be a good support you need to take care of yourself.

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Anorexia is an eating disorder that means that you try to starve to lose weight, even though you weigh less than what is healthy for your height and age. Anorexia can be life-threatening if you do not receive treatment. Most people who receive treatment become healthy.

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Anxiety and Phobias in Children and Teenagers

It is common for children and teenagers to feel worry and fear. It is not dangerous to feel strong emotions, and it goes over. But if the fear does not go over and affect how the child or teen works in everyday life it can be an anxiety disorder. Then they may need treatment.

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Anxiety – Strong Feelings of Worry

Anxiety is the fear or worry that is felt in the body. It is uncomfortable but not dangerous to have anxiety. There are various ways to deal with anxiety, and things you can do yourself to feel better. There is also treatment that helps.

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Dental Care in Children

About one in ten children feel fear in connection with a dentist visit. It is most common in younger children.
Dental care can be due to many things. Often, the child has previously had bad experiences with dental treatment, for example that it has hurt or that the child has felt violated.

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Dental Care Fear in Adults

Dental care fears more or less strong feelings of discomfort in connection with a dental visit. You worry that it will hurt and that something may go wrong. You who are in the dentist’s chair may also feel very exposed, in a situation that you do not control.

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Dental Fear

Both children and adults may feel anxious or afraid in connection with a dentist visit. But anyone who has dental fear can get help and the vast majority can be free from their fear.

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Spray Fear

It is common to be afraid of taking syringes and blood tests. There are several things you can do yourself to reduce the feeling of discomfort and better manage needle-stick situations. It is considered a phobia if your fear is strong and limits you. Then you can get treatment.

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Social anxiety

Social anxiety means that you are afraid of getting into situations with other people, where you risk feeling lost or scrutinized. It can lead to you avoiding social contexts. Seek care if your anxiety hinders you in your everyday life. There are treatments that help.

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Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome, PTSD

It can be difficult to feel good again after experiencing scary events such as accidents, war and sexual or physical violence. You may have symptoms such as nightmares, having difficulty concentrating and being relieved. With the right treatment, many people with post-traumatic stress disorder have good chances to feel good again.

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Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome in Children and Adolescents

Children and young people may find it difficult to feel good again after having been involved in serious events such as escape or abuse. Children may have severe anxiety, distressing memories or nightmares. With support and treatment, children have good chances to be free of their symptoms.

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Panic Disorder

You may have what is called panic syndrome if you have recurrent panic attacks and have begun to avoid certain situations and locations. Then you may need to seek help. There are treatments that help.

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OCD – Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children and teenagers

When a child or a teenager has obsessive-compulsive disorder, they notice that they have to think in a certain way or do certain things in a special way. Otherwise, they will have anxiety or think that something awful will happen. There is good treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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OCD – Forced Syndrome

Most have at some time had hard thoughts and have felt a compulsion to do certain things. It may be to double check if the door is really locked or the cooker is off. In obsessive-compulsive disorder, thoughts take up a lot of your time and you often have anxiety. Those who want help can get good treatments.

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder – GAD

You may have what is called generalized anxiety disorder or GAD if you have so much anxiety and anxiety that it affects your life every day. Then you may need to seek help to feel better.

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You may have what is called phobia if you are so scared of something that you do everything to avoid it. For example, there may be certain animals, places or situations. If your phobia has started to limit you in life, you may need to seek help. There are treatments that help.

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Emotionally Unstable Personality Syndrome – Borderline Personality Syndrome

Emotionally unstable personality syndrome, EIPS, or borderline personality syndrome, also known as it, means you deal with strong emotions in a way that can be harmful to yourself. There are treatments that can help you with EIPS. There is also much you can do yourself to feel better.

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For those who have thoughts of suicide

If you have thoughts of suicide you should not keep it to yourself, but then you need to seek help. Talk to someone you trust, call a guide or seek care. Thoughts of suicide are common, and nothing to be ashamed of. You’re not alone.

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