Tag: skin cancer

Disc epithelial cancer – skin cancer

Disc epithelial cancer is a form of skin cancer that is usually due to the fact that you have been in the sun a lot, without having to burn yourself. Disc epithelial cancer is becoming more common, but most people who get the disease get rid of it after treatment.

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Skin Cancer

The three most common forms of skin cancer are malignant melanoma, squamous cell and basal cell cancers. All three can be caused by the sun’s ultraviolet rays that damage the skin’s cells so that they begin to divide uncontrollably.

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Basal Cell Cancer – Skin Cancer

Basal cell cancer is also called basal cell carcinoma. It is a type of skin cancer that is usually because you have been in the sun a lot. Basal cell cancer rarely spreads, unlike other cancers. It is still important to get treatment. Almost everyone who gets treatment gets rid of the disease.

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