

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that causes high fever and rashes on the body. The disease can be very serious, even life-threatening. the disease is unusual because the vaccine for measles is included in the vaccination program for children.

However, measles is more common in other countries. In Europe, the number of sick people in measles has increased in recent years. It is therefore extremely important to be vaccinated, especially when traveling abroad.

The vast majority of children in many countries are vaccinated against measles at the age of 18 months in the vaccination program for children.

Symptoms of measles

Measles usually first give the following symptoms:

  • cough
  • irritated and photosensitive eyes
  • high fever.

After a few days, you get a rash. They are initially bright red, but then darken and can flow together. The rash usually starts on the face and then spreads to the rest of the body. Rashes can look different on different skin types and are often easier to see on light skin than on dark skin.

The fever usually goes away within five to six days after you get the rash. Then it usually takes another week before you are fully restored. It can take significantly longer if you get a sequela.

Consequential diseases and complications

Consequential diseases such as ear inflammation ,  sinusitis  or  pneumonia  in conjunction with measles are quite common  .

Measles can also lead to severe inflammation of the brain, but it is more uncommon. Brain inflammation can cause damage that does not go away.

About 1 in 1,000 who get measles dies.

When and where should I seek care?

Contact a  health care center if you suspect that you or someone related has had measles. You can contact many receptions by logging in.

Always call first

Because measles is so contagious, you should always call the clinic first instead of going straight there. If you need to see a doctor, you can then go straight to an examination room without first waiting in the waiting room. Then you can prevent others from getting infected. This also applies to sick children.

You can seek care at any medical center or open specialist clinic you want throughout the country.

How does measles get infected?

Measles infects very easily when the sick person coughs or sneezes. Then small droplets of virus spread through the air. The virus can then spread to several rooms or even in a whole staircase. If you have not had measles and are not vaccinated, you may become infected.

It takes about two weeks after the infection before you get sick. At most, you are contagious five days after the rash has arrived.

If you have had measles once, you cannot be infected again.

Contact tracing

Measles is a notifiable disease according to the  Infection Protection Act. When measles is detected in a person a doctor makes a so-called infection tracking or contact tracking. Then the contacts that the sick person has had are mapped.

Those who may have become infected are offered examinations and vaccines if needed.


Most often the doctor suspects that you already have measles during a  body examination. You are given a blood test that can show for sure if you have measles.

Treatment for measles

There is no treatment for measles, but antidepressants can make it feel a little better.

It is usually nice to rest in a cool and darkroom. Usually, it is nice to avoid bright light as the eyes can be irritated.

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