Chronic Prostatitis


Prostatitis means inflammation of the prostate gland. Often you have lower back pain, abdomen, and abdomen. It can also hurt when you pee. Chronic prostatitis means that the problems come and go for a long time. Most often, the inflammation heals itself eventually.

Chronic prostatitis is also called chronic pelvic pain. This is because sometimes the pelvic floor muscles are affected. Children before puberty are not allowed to have prostatitis.

There is also acute prostatitis. Then the trouble comes suddenly. Chronic prostatitis is more common than acute prostatitis.

Common ailments are pain in the stomach and difficult to urinate

It is common to feel some or all of these problems if you have chronic prostatitis:

  • It hurts the lower back, lower abdomen, and abdomen. The pain also radiates down to the groin, into the scrotum and penis.
  • It hurts to sit.
  • You have a hard time peeing. It sizzles or hurts when you pee.
  • You need to pee more often.
  • You are in pain during ejaculation.

The problems with chronic prostatitis are usually felt more and more afterward. The symptoms can develop over a few days or weeks. In the case of acute prostatitis, the trouble comes suddenly.

When and where should I seek care?

If you think you have chronic prostatitis, contact a  health care center or an open health clinic.


The doctor does a body examination and feels especially on the stomach, penis, and scrotum. It is done to assess if there are changes and if you are in pain.

The doctor feels the prostate

The prostate is examined by the doctor putting on a glove and inserting a finger into the rectum. The investigation can feel uncomfortable and hurt a little. The prostate usually becomes a little swollen and sore If you have prostate.

You may submit samples

You can have a urine test to see if there are bacteria or traces of red or white blood cells in the urine. If the doctor suspects that you have a venereal disease, you may submit special tests for gonorrhea and chlamydia.

You can have a blood test to see if the substance PSA is elevated. It is to exclude cancer of the prostate. Chronic prostatitis may give a slightly elevated PSA value, therefore new samples may be submitted if the value was elevated at the first check.

Specialist examination

Sometimes you get a referral to a urologist who is a specialist on the kidneys, urinary tract, and the man’s genitals. The urologist can do more examinations. This is especially true if you have difficulty emptying the bladder or need to urinate frequently.

Prostatitis usually passes without treatment and the problems can be relieved

Chronic prostatitis usually goes away by itself without treatment. The pain can be relieved by painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Sometimes it can help with antibiotic treatment if the prostate is due to bacteria.

You can try a drug called alfuzosin if you have difficulty peeing. It can help sometimes.

You can practice various forms of relaxation that can help.

Therapy can help

Chronic prostatitis is harmless but can be very troublesome. It can affect how you feel in general and also your sex life. There is help to get. For example, different types of psychotherapy can be good.

Affect and participate in care

In order to be involved in the care and treatment of chronic prostatitis, it is important that you understand the information you receive from the healthcare staff. Ask questions if you don’t understand. For example, you should get information about treatment options and how long you may have to wait for care and treatment.

What can I do for myself?

There are some things you can do yourself to relieve the hassle. For example, you can try some of the following tips:

  • Stay warm. Cooling can aggravate the problems. Therefore, it is good to take warm baths and dress warmly. Avoid sitting on cold surfaces or wearing wet clothes after bathing.
  • Have regular triggers. Secretions that stop in the prostate gland may be a cause of prostatitis.
  • Keep your gut running so you don’t get constipation that presses against the prostate.
  • Relieve the trouble by taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Consult a doctor or pharmacist.

What Is Chronic Prostatitis?

The prostate is a gland that is located around the urethra exactly where it leaves the bladder and exits the penis. The prostate forms transport fluid for the sperm. Just below the prostate is a muscle plate called the pelvic floor. It holds the organs in the lower part of the pelvis.

Prostatitis means that the prostate becomes inflamed. Then it becomes tender and swollen. Sometimes, the muscles of the pelvic floor can also be affected. Prostatitis is also called chronic pelvic pain.

Chronic prostatitis means you have a problem for a long time. But you are not in pain all the time. The trouble disappears after a while, to come back later. Sometimes the trouble can come and go for several years. The disease is not serious but can be troublesome. Eventually, it usually goes over.

Where does it depend?

It is not entirely clear why some people get chronic prostatitis. It is rarely due to bacteria or viruses. Sometimes the prostate is inflamed. But it is common to have only pain in the pelvic floor muscles. It is possible that what is today called chronic prostatitis may have completely different, different explanations in different people.

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