Category: Diarrhea, constipation and blood in the stool


Gas in the stomach and intestines is something that everyone has. The gas consists of air that you swallow or that forms in the large intestine when the body breaks down food. Having gases can cause your stomach to swell and cause you pain, but is usually not dangerous and is rarely due to a serious illness.

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Constipation in Children

Children who have constipation are difficult to poop, and the poop is hard and sluggish. It is also common to get stomach upset. Often it becomes better if the child drinks more and eats high fiber foods, but sometimes drugs that soften the poo may be needed.

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If you have constipation, you have difficulty bumping and it can also hurt. Often it is enough to drink more fluid and to eat more fiber rich foods. There are also medicines you can use that make the pelvis softer or prevent the constipation.

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Diarrhea in Children

Diarrhea in children can be due to various things. The most common is that the child has a viral infection in the form of a stomach illness. Diarrhea can also depend on what the child eats. It is important that the baby gets more fluid than usual when the child has diarrhea.

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Blood in the Poop in Children

This text is about blood in the poop in children and adolescents up to about 18 years. Blood in the adult poo may have other causes.

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Blood in the Stool in Adults

The fact that there is blood in conjunction with your poop may have different causes. Most often it is due to hemorrhoids or a crack in the rectum.

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