

Dyslexia involves difficulties in learning to read and spell. It is often hereditary and can be discovered at an early age. You who have dyslexia or have a child who has difficulty learning to read and spell need help from a specialist educator. With the right support and help, many people with dyslexia can do well in life.

Symptoms of Dyslexia

Dyslexia can be marked in various ways. Initially, it is often the case that you or your child have problems with both spoken and written language. This is common if you have dyslexia:

  • You may have difficulty perceiving and distinguishing different sounds in the language, such as u and y or g and k.
  • You read slowly and get stuck on words or read quickly and incorrectly.
  • You omit words or the last part of the word when reading. You can also turn the letters into words, such as food and tame. 
  • You write unclearly and throw or omit letters, for example, write dice instead of training.
  • You have a hard time spelling right.
  • You may find it difficult to learn many things that come in succession. This may include, for example, the numbers in the multiplication table, the months of the year or the letters of the alphabet.
  • You can have a hard time quickly figuring out what things are called even if you know it. You often avoid slightly longer, more difficult words.
  • It is more difficult for you to read than to hear information.
  • You may also have other difficulties that make it more difficult for you to learn things, such as difficulties concentrating or the trouble of planning and getting things started.

It is more difficult for you to read than to hear information.

When and where should I seek help and support?

Contact your child’s teacher and student health if you think your child has dyslexia. 

You can seek support from other parents of children who have dyslexia. Contact The Parents Association for dyslexic children who have activities where children and young people can get in touch with other young people with dyslexia.


Mapping and investigating dyslexia can be done by a specialist teacher, specialist educator, dyslexia educator, speech therapist or psychologist who has knowledge of dyslexia. The purpose is to determine what action programs and adaptations are needed.

Help and support

If you are an adult and have dyslexia, you can get help in the form of different kinds of adjustments as you study or work. For example, it may be that tasks are divided into smaller parts, that you get checklists with instructions or access to recorded textbooks.

If your child has dyslexia and is learning to read, they need to practice some kind of sound method. If the child has not learned to read in first class, they need extra support. For example, the child can receive this through individual teaching by a special education teacher.

You as a parent can watch films with information about dyslexia at Kod-Knäckarna. There are tips on what you can do at home. 


There are various aids that can make it easier for you to read and write. In some county councils, aids can be printed on prescriptions. For example, a computer with a spelling program can be a good tool and a reading ruler can make it easier to follow the text.

Audio support for the lyrics is also good. For example, you can listen to read books or use speech synthesis when a computer voice reads the text. Most books can be listened to through the Legimus app, which is available in libraries and is accessible to anyone with reading disabilities. In many schools, librarians or special educators can help with logging into Legimus.

Influence and participate in your treatment

In order for you to be involved in your treatment for dyslexia, it is important that you understand the information you receive. Ask questions if you don’t understand.

Even children should be involved in their treatment. The older the child, the more important it is.

 You also have the opportunity to get help from an interpreter if you have a hearing loss.

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