Autumn Blisters


Autumn blisters are a viral infection that is most common in children, but even adults can get it. The infection usually goes away by itself within a week. The infection occurs mainly in children under ten years of age. Autumn blisters are common in children attending preschool.

The infection occurs most often in late summer and autumn. Therefore, it is called autumn blisters.

Symptoms Of Autumn Blisters

Common symptoms of autumn blisters:

  • You have blisters that can sit in your mouth, lips, cheeks inside, tongue, and palate.
  • Small wounds occur if the blisters break.
  • You have a fever of 38-39 degrees.

Sometimes there will also be blisters on the hands, feet, or tail. The blisters can sometimes itch. When the viral infection is over, the nails of some children may change or fall off. Some get no symptoms at all. 

The Trouble Goes By Itself

There is no special treatment for autumn blisters. The trouble usually goes away by itself within a week.

What Can I Do For Myself?

It can hurt your mouth and be difficult to eat. It is usually easier to eat things that are cold, such as chilled drinks or ice cream. Abstain from acid and salt. 

Prescription-Free Drugs When Children Have To Mouth pain

  • You can give medicines containing paracetamol to children from three months of age. 
  • You can give medicines containing ibuprofen from the age of six months. 

The drugs are available in several different forms that are suitable for children, such as orodispersible tablets and solutions. Ask a pharmacy what is right for your child.

Follow the instructions on the package carefully and do not combine different medicines. Here you can read about combining paracetamol and ibuprofen. 

You can read more about medicine in the package leaflet that comes with the package. You can also lookup the drug at and read the package leaflet there.

Non-prescription Drugs For Oral Pain In Adults

There are several different prescription drugs. Examples are drugs containing paracetamol and drugs belonging to the NSAID group, or cox inhibitors.

Here you can read about which prescription drugs are available and which may be right for you. 

When And Where Should I Seek Care?

Contact a health care center if you or the child get blisters and ulcers on or in the mouth and at the same time get a high fever. 

How Do Autumn Blisters Infect?

The infection spreads from person to person through close contact, especially through the hands. The disease mostly infects the first days of illness. The time from infection to symptoms is usually three to seven days. The infection is mild and goes away by itself.

If you have once had this virus infection, you usually do not get it again. If the infection recurs, it is milder than the first time. The disease is sometimes also called hand foot and mouth disease.

Should The Child Stay At Home?

How the child can decide if they should be at home. When autumn blisters are detected at a preschool or school, the infection has often already spread. It is therefore difficult to stop the infection by keeping children with blisters at home. Children can go to preschool or school if they feel good and are able to be in a children’s group and participate in the usual activities.

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