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Op Amps For Everyone |
The Op Amp’s Place In The World
Review of Circuit Theory:Laws of Physics, Voltage Divider Rule, Thevenin’s Theorem
Development of the Ideal Op Amp Equations:The Noninverting Op Amp, The Differential Amplifier
Single Supply Op Amp Design Techniques:Circuit Analysis, Simultaneous Equations
Feedback and Stability Theory:Block Diagram Math and Manipulations, Bode Analysis of Feedback Circuits
Development of the Non Ideal Op Amp Equations:Noninverting Op Amps, Inverting Op Amps
Voltage-Feedback Op Amp Compensation:External Compensation, Stability, and Performance
Current-Feedback Op Amp Analysis:Development of the Stability Equation, The Inverting CFA
Voltage- and Current-Feedback Op Amp Comparison:Precision, Bandwidth
Op Amp Noise Theory and Applications:Characterization, Types of Noise, Noise Colors
Understanding Op Amp Parameters:Operational Amplifier Parameter Glossary, Slew Rate at Unity Gain
Instrumentation: Sensors to A/D Converters:Design Procedure, ADC Characterization
Wireless Communication: Signal Conditioning for IF Sampling:Anti-Aliasing Filters
Interfacing D/A Converters to Loads:Understanding the D/A Converter and its Specifications
Sine Wave Oscillators:Phase Shift in the Oscillator, Gain in the Oscillator
Active Filter Design Techniques:Fundamentals of Low-Pass Filters, Practical Design Hints
Circuit Board Layout Techniques:PCB Mechanical Construction, Decoupling, Packages
Designing Low-Voltage Op Amp Circuits:Dynamic Range, Shutdown and Low Current Drain
Appendix A:Single-Supply Circuit Collection, Computing Circuits, Oscillators
Appendix B:Single-Supply Op Amp Selection Guide
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