Tag: what fluorescein sodium is used for

Optax – Fluorescein sodium / Oxybuprocaine hydrochloride uses, dose and side effects

Optax eye drops contain the active substances oxibuprocaine and fluorescein . Oxibuprocaine is a topical anesthetic, used for short-term anesthesia of the eye surface. Fluorescein is a dye that facilitates the diagnosis of corneal damage. These eye drops are intended for diagnostic use. They are used in measuring eye pressure and examining corneal damage.

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Lidocaine-Fluorescein Bausch and Lomb | Lidocaine hydrochloride , fluorescein sodium | uses, dose and side effects

Lidocaine – Fluorescein Bausch & Lomb is used local anesthesia and staining of the eye for the measurement of eye pressure in glaucoma ( glaucoma ).

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