Tag: childhood cancer

Wilms Tumor – Kidney Cancer in Children

Most people who get the kidney cancer form Wilms tumor, also called nephroblastoma, are young children between one and five years. But it happens that children of other ages and adults get the disease, although it is unusual. Every year, between ten and fifteen people are diagnosed many countries. Nearly nine out of ten get well after treatment. The cancer tumor usually sits in one of the kidneys, but can sometimes sit in both kidneys and usually in slightly younger children.

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Sarcoma in Children

Skeletal, muscle, tendon, connective tissue and other so-called support tissues are called sarcomas. Skeletal sarcoma is called skeletal cancer. Sarcomas that are not in the skeleton are called soft tissue sarcomas.

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When a Child Gets Cancer

It can be done in different ways to discover that a child has cancer . Some children have had diffuse symptoms for a long time and may have been on many different examinations before, as a parent or physician, one begins to suspect that it may be cancer. Other children have more sudden symptoms. Maybe the child comes to an emergency room where doctors tell them that they need to immediately investigate the cause of the symptoms, and that it may be cancer.

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Leukemia in Children

Leukemia means that the bone marrow begins to form a large number of diseased white blood cells, also called leukemia cells. The diseased cells push away the healthy blood formation in the bone marrow. Eventually, the leukemia cells also spread to other organs in the body, such as the liver, spleen, or to the central nervous system.

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