
The FALCON-E, Instruction Set Architecture Comparison

<< Behavioral Register Transfer Language for FALCON-A, The EAGLE
CISC microprocessor:The Motorola MC68000, RISC Architecture:The SPARC >>
Advanced Computer Architecture-CS501
Computer Architecture
Lecture No. 10
Reading Material
4) Instruction Set Architecture Comparison
FALCON stands for First Architecture for Learning Computer Organization and
Networks. We are already familiar with our example processor, the FALCON-A, which
was the first version of the FALCON processor. In this section we will develop a new
version of the processor. Like its predecessor, the FALCON-E is a General-Purpose
Register machine that is simple, yet is able to elucidate the fundamentals of computer
design and architecture.
The FALCON-E is characterized by the following
·  Eight General Purpose Registers (GPRs), named R0, R1...R7. Each registers is 4
bytes long (32-bit registers).
·  Two special purposes registers, named BP and SP. These registers are also 32-bit
in length.
·  Two special registers, the Program Counter (PC) and the Instruction Register
(IR). PC points to the next instruction to be executed, and the IR holds the current
·  Memory word size is 32 bits (4
·  Memory space is 232 bytes
·  Memory is organized as 1-byte
cells, and hence it is 232 x 8
·  Memory is accessed in 32-bit
words (4-byte chunks, or 4
consecutive cells)
·  Byte storage format is little
Programmer's view of the FALCON-E
The programmer's view of the FALCON-E is shown in the given figure.
FALCON-E Notation
We take a brief look at the notation that we will employ for the FACLON-E.
Register contents are referred to in a similar fashion as the FALCON-A, i.e. the register
name in square brackets. So R[3] means contents of register R3.
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Memory contents (or the memory
location) can be referred to in a similar
way. Therefore, M[8] means contents
of memory location 8.
A memory word is stored in the
memory in the little endian format.
This means that the least significant
byte is stored first (or the little end comes first!). For instance, a memory word at address
8 is defined as the 32 bits at addresses 11, 10, 9, and 8 (little-endian). So we can employ a
special notation to refer to the memory words. Again, we will employ as the
concatenation operator. In our notation for the FALCON-E, the memory word stored at
address 8 is represented as:
The shown figure will make this easier to understand.
FALCON-E Features
The following features characterize the FALCON-E
·  Fixed instruction size, which is 32 bits. So the instruction size is 1 word.
·  All ALU instructions have three operands
·  Memory access is possible only through the load and store instructions. Also, only
a limited addressing modes are supported by the FALCON-E
FALCON-E Instruction Formats
Four different instruction formats are supported by the FALCON-E. These are
Type A instructions
The type A instructions have 5 bits reserved for the operation code (abbreviated op-code),
and the rest of the bits are either not used or specify a displacement.
Type B instructions
The type B instructions also have 5 bits (27 through 31) reserved for the op-code. There
is a register operand field, ra, and an immediate or displacement field in addition to the
op-code field.
Type C instructions
Type C instructions have the 5-bit op-code field, two 3-bit operand registers (rb is the
source register, ra is the destination register), a 17-bit immediate or displacement field, as
well as a 3-bit function field. The function field is used to differentiate between
instructions that may have the same op-code, but different operations.
Type D instructions
Type D instructions have the 5-bit op-code field, three 3-bit operand registers, 14 bits are
unused, and a 3-bit function field.
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Encoding for the General Purpose Registers (GPRs)
In the instruction formats discussed above, we used register operands ra, rb and rc. It is
important to know that these are merely placeholders, and not the real register names. In
an actual instruction, any one of the 8 registers of our general-purpose register file may
be used. We need to encode our registers so we can refer to them in an instruction. Note
that we have reserved 3 bits for each of the register field. This is because we have 8
registers to represent, and they can be completely represented by 3 bits, since 23 = 8. The
following table shows the binary encoding of the general-purpose registers.
There are two more special registers that we need to represent; the SP and the BP. We
will use these registers in place of the operand register rb in the load and store
instructions only, and therefore, we may encode these as
Instructions, Instruction Formats
The following is a brief introduction to the various instructions of the FALCON-E,
categorized with respect to the instruction formats.
Type A instructions
Four instructions of the FALCON-E belong to type A. These are
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nop (op-code = 0)
This instruction instructs the processor to do nothing. It is generally useful in
pipelining. We will study more on pipelining later in the course.
·  ret (op-code = 15)
The return instruction is used to return control to the normal flow of a program
after an interrupt or a procedure call concludes
·  iret (op-code = 17)
The iret instruction instructs the processor to return control to the address
specified by the immediate field of the instruction. Setting the program counter to
the specified address returns control.
·  near jmp (op-code = 18)
A near jump is a PC-relative jump. The PC value is incremented (or decremented)
by the immediate field value to take the jump.
Type B instructions
Five instructions belong to the type B format of instructions. These are:
·  push (op-code = 8)
This instruction is used to push the contents of a register onto the stack. For
instance, the instruction,
push R4
will push the contents of register R4 on top of the stack
·  pop (op-code = 9)
The pop instruction is used to pop a value from the top of the stack, and the value
is read into a register. For example, the instruction
pop R7
will pop the upper-most element of the stack and store the value in register R7
·  ld (op-code = 10)
This instruction with op-code (10) loads a memory word from the address
specified by the immediate filed value. This word is brought into the operand
register ra. For example, the instruction,
ld R7, 1254h
will load the contents of the memory at the address 1254h into the register R7.
st (op-code = 12)
The store instruction of (opcode 12) stores a value contained in the register
operand into the memory location specified by the immediate operand field. For
example, in
st R7, 1254h
the contents of register R7 are saved to the memory location 1254h.
Type C instructions
There are four data transfer instructions, as well as nine ALU instructions that belong to
type C instruction format of the FALCON-E.
The data transfer instructions are
·  lds (op-code = 4)
The load instruction with op-code (4)loads a register from the memory, after
calculating the address of the memory location that is to be accessed. The
effective address of the memory location to be read is calculated by adding the
immediate value to the value stored by the register rb. For instance, in the
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example below, the immediate value 56 is added to the value stored by the
register R4, and the resultant value is the address of the memory location which is
lds R3, R4(56)
In RTL, this can be shown as
R [3]  ← M[R [4]+56]
·  sts (op-code = 5)
This instruction is used to store the register contents to the memory location, by
first calculating the effective memory address. The address calculation is similar
to the lds instruction. An example:
sts R3, R4 (56)
In RTL, this is shown as
M[R [4]+56]  ← R [3]
·  in (op-code = 6)
This instruction is to load a register from an input/output device. The effective
address of the I/O device has to be calculated before it is accessed to read the
word into the destination register ra, as shown in the example:
in R5, R4(100)
out (op-code = 7)
This instruction is used to write / store the register contents into an input/output
device. Again, the effective address calculation has to be carried out to evaluate
the destination I/O address before the write can take place. For example,
out R8, R6 (36)
RTL representation of this is
IO[R [6]+36] R [8]
Three of the ALU instructions that belong to type C format are
·  addi (op-code = 2)
The addi instruction is to add a constant to the value of operand register rb, and
assign the result to the destination register ra. For example, in the following
instruction, 56 is added to the value of register R4, and result is assigned to the
register R3.
addi R3, R4, 56
In RTL this can be shown as
Note that if the immediate constant specified was a negative number, then this
would become a subtract operation.
·  andi (op-code = 2)
This instruction is to calculate the logical AND of the immediate value and the rb
register value. The result is assigned to destination register ra. For instance
andi R3, R4, 56
Note that the logical AND is represented by the symbol `&'
·  ori (op-code = 2)
This instruction calculates the logical OR of the immediate field and the value in
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operand register rb. The result is assigned to the destination register ra. Following
is an example:
ori R3, R4, 56
The RTL representation of this instruction:
R [3] R [4]~56
Note that the symbol `~' is used to represent logical OR.
Type D Instructions
Four of the instructions that belong to this instruction format type are the ALU
instructions shown below. There are other instructions of this type as well, listed in the
tables at the end of this section.
·  add (op-code = 1)
This instruction is used to add two numbers. The numbers are stored in the registers
specified by rb and rc. Result is stored into register ra. For instance, the instruction,
add R3, R5, R6
adds the numbers in register R5, R6, storing the result in R3. In RTL, this is given by
R [3] R [5] + R [6]
·  sub (op-code = 1)
This instruction is used to carry out 2's complement subtraction. Again, register
addressing mode is used, as shown in the example instruction
sub R3, R5, R6
RTL representation of this is
R[3] R[5] - R[6]
·  and (op-code = 1)
For carrying out logical AND operation on the values stored in registers, this
instruction is employed. For instance
and R8, R3, R4
In RTL, we can write this as
R [8] R [3] & R [4]
·  or (op-code = 1)
For evaluating logical OR of values stored in two registers, we use this
instruction. An example is
or R8, R3, R4
In RTL, this is
R [8] R [3] ~ R [4]
Instruction Summary
The following are the tables that list the instructions that form the instruction set of the
FALCON-E. These instructions have been grouped with respect to the functionality they
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Instruction Set Architecture Comparison
In this lecture, we compare the instruction set architectures of the various processors we
have described/ designed up till now. These processors are:
·  SRC
Classifying Instruction Set Architectures
In the design of the ISA, the choice of some of the parameters can critically affect the
code density (which is the number of instructions required to complete a given task),
cycles per instruction (as some instructions may take more than one clock cycle, and the
number of cycles per instruction varies from instruction to instruction, architecture to
architecture), and cycle time (the total cycle time to execute a given piece of code).
Classification of different architectures is based on the following parameters.
Instruction Length
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With reference to the instruction lengths in a particular ISA, there are two decisions to be
made; whether the instruction will be fixed in length or variable, and what will be the
instruction length or the range (in case of variable instruction lengths).
Fixed versus variable
Fixed instruction lengths are desirable when simplicity of design is a goal. It provides
ease of implementation for assembling and pipelining. However, fixed instruction length
can be wasteful in terms of code density. All the RISC machines use fixed instruction
length format
Instruction Length
The required instruction length mainly depends on the number of instruction required to
be in the instruction set of a processor (the greater the number of instructions supported,
the more bits are required to encode the operation code), the size of the register file
(greater the number of registers in the register file, more is the number of bits required to
encode these in an instruction), the number of operands supported in instructions (as
obviously, it will require more bits to encode a greater number of operands in an
instruction), the size of immediate operand field (the greater the size, the more the range
of values that can be specified by the immediate operand) and finally, the code density
(which implies how many instructions can be encoded in a given number of bits).
A summary of the instruction lengths of our processors is given in the table below.
Instruction types and sub-types
The given table summarizes the number of instruction types and sub-types of the
processors we have studied. We have already studied these instruction types, and their
sub-types in detail in the related sections.
Number of operands in the instructions
The number of operands that may be required in an instruction depends on the type of
operation to be performed by that instruction; some instruction may have no operands,
other may have up to 3. But a limit on the maximum number of operands for the
instruction set of a processor needs to be defined explicitly, as it affects the instruction
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length and code density. The maximum number of operands supported by the instruction
set of each processor under study is given in the given table. So FALCON-A, FALCON-
E and the SRC processors may have 3, 2, 1 or no operands, depending on the instruction.
EAGLE has a maximum number of 2 operands; it may have one operand or no operands
in an instruction.
Explicit operand specification in an instruction gives flexibility in storage. Implicit
operands like an accumulator or a stack reduces the instruction size, as they need not be
coded into the instruction. Instructions of the processor EAGLE have implicit operands,
and we saw that the result is automatically stored in the accumulator, without the
accumulator being specified as a destination operand in the instruction.
Number and Size of General Purpose Registers
While designing a processor, another decision that has to be made is about the number of
registers present in the register file, and the size of the registers.
Increasing the number of registers in the register file of the CPU will decrease the
memory traffic, which is a desirable attribute, as memory accesses take relatively much
longer time than register access. Memory traffic decreases as the number of registers is
increased, as variables are copied into the registers and these do not have to be accessed
from memory over and over again. If there is a small number of registers, the values
stored previously will have to be saved back to memory to bring in the new values; more
registers will solve the problem of swapping in, swapping out. However, a very large
register file is not feasible, as it will require more bits of the instruction to encode these
registers. The size of the registers affects the range of values that can be stored in the
The number of registers in the register file, along with the size of the registers, for each of
the processors under study, is in the given table.
Memory specifications
Memory design is an integral part of the processor design. We need to decide on the
memory space that will be available to the processor, how the memory will be organized,
memory word size, memory access bus width, and the storage format used to store words
in memory. The memory specifications for the processor under comparison are:
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Data transfer instructions
Data needs to be transferred between storage devices for processing. Data transfers may
include loading, storing back or copying of the data. The different ways in which data
transfers may take place have their related advantages and disadvantages. These are listed
in the given table.
Following are the data transfer instructions included in the instruction sets of our
Register to register transfers
As we can see from the given table on the next page, in the processor EAGLE, register to
register transfers are of two types only: register to accumulator, or accumulator to
register. Accumulator is a special-purpose register.
FALCON-A has a mov instruction, which can be used to move data of any register to any
other register. FALCON-E has the instructions `lds' and `sts' which are used to load/store
a register from/to memory after effective address calculation.
SRC does not provide any instruction for data movement between general-purpose
registers. However, this can be accomplished indirectly, by adopting either of the
following two approaches:
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A register's contents can be loaded into another register via memory. First storing
the content of a register to a particular memory location, and then reading the
contents of the memory from that location into the register we want to copy the
value to can achieve this. However, this method is very inefficient, as it requires
memory accesses, which are inherently slow operations.
A better method is to use the addi instruction with the constant set to 0.
Register to memory
EAGLE has instructions to load values from memory to the special purpose register,
names the accumulator, as well as saving values from the accumulator to memory. Other
register to memory transfers is not possible in the EAGLE processor. FALCON-A,
FALOCN-E and the SRC have simple load, store instructions and all register-memory
transfers are supported.
Memory to memory
In any of the processors under study, memory-to-memory transfers are not supported.
However, in other processors, these may be a possibility.
Control Flow Instructions
All processors have instructions to control the flow of programs in execution. The general
control flow instructions available in most processors are:
·  Branches (conditional)
·  Jumps (unconditional)
·  Calls (procedure calls)
·  Returns (procedure returns)
Conditional Branches
Whereas jumps, calls and call returns changes the control flow in a specific order,
branches depend on some conditions; if the conditions are met, the branch may be taken,
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otherwise the program flow may continue linearly. The branch conditions may be
specified by any of the following methods:
·  Condition codes
·  Condition register
·  Comparison and branching
Condition codes
The ALU may contain some special bits (also called flags), which may have been set (or
raised) under some special circumstances. For instance, a flag may be raised if there is an
overflow in the addition results of two register values, or if a number is negative. An
instruction can then be ordered in the program that may change the flow depending on
any of these flag's values. The EAGLE processor uses these condition codes for branch
condition evaluation.
Condition register
A special register is required to act as a branch register, and any other arbitrary register
(that is specified in the branch instruction), is compared against that register, and the
branching decision is based on the comparison result of these two registers. None of the
processors under our study use this mode of conditional branching.
Compare and branch
In this mode of conditional branching, comparison is made part of the branching
instruction. Therefore, it is somewhat more complex than the other two modes. All the
processors we are studying use this mode of conditional branching.
Size of jumps
Jumps are deviations from the linear program flow by a specified constant. All our
processors, except the SRC, support PC-relative jumps. The displacement (or the jump)
relative to the PC is specified by the constant field in the instruction. If the constant field
is wider (i.e. there are more bits reserved for the constant field in the instruction), the
jump can be of a larger magnitude. Shown table specifies the displacement size for
various processors.
Addressing Modes
All processors support a variety of addressing modes. An addressing mode is the method
by which architectures specify the address of an object they will access. The object may
be a constant, a register or a location in memory.
Common addressing modes are
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An immediate field may be provided in instructions, and a constant value may be
given in this immediate field, e.g. 123 is an immediate value.
A register may contain the value we refer to in an instruction, for instance,
register R4 may contain the value being referred to.
By direct addressing mode, we mean the constant field may specify the location
of the memory we want to refer to. For instance, [123] will directly refer to the
memory location 123's contents.
Register Indirect
A register may contain the address of memory location to which we want to refer
to, for example, M [R3].
In this addressing mode, the constant value specified by the immediate field is
added to the register value, and the resultant is the index of memory location that
is referred to, e.g. M [R3+123]
Relative addressing mode implies PC-relative addressing, for example, [PC+123]
will refer to the memory location that is 123 words farther than the memory index
currently stored in the program counter.
Indexed or scaled
The values contained in two registers are added and the resultant value is the
index to the memory location we refer to, in the indexed addressing mode. For
example, M [[R1]+[R2]]. In the scaled addressing mode, a register value may be
scaled as it is added to the value of the other register to obtain the index of
memory location to be referred to.
Auto increment/ decrement
In the auto increment mode, the value held in a register is used as the index to
memory location that holds the value of operand. After the operand's value is
retrieved, the register value is automatically increased by 1 (or by any specified
constant). e.g. M [R4]+, or M [R4]+d. In the auto decrement mode, the register
value is first decremented and then used as a reference to the memory location
that referred to in the instruction, e.g. -M [R4].
As may be obvious to the reader, some of these addressing modes are quite simple, others
are relatively complex. The complex addressing modes (such as the indexed) reduce the
instruction count (thus improving code density), at the cost of more complex
The given table lists the addressing modes supported by the processors we are studying.
Note that the register-addressing mode is a special case of the relative addressing mode,
with the constant equal to 0, and only the PC can be used as a source. Also note that, in
the shown table, relative implies PC-relative.
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Displacement addressing mode
We have already talked about the displacement-addressing mode. We look at this
addressing mode at length now.
The displacement-addressing mode is the most common of the addressing mode used in
general purpose processors. Some other modes such as the indexed based plus index,
scaled and register indirect are all slightly modified forms of the displacement-addressing
mode. The size of displacement plays a key role in efficient address calculation. The
following table specifies the size of the displacement field in different processors under
The given table lists the size of the immediate field in our processors.
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Instructions common to all Instruction Set Architectures
In this section we have listed the instructions that are common to the Instruction Set
Architectures of all the processors under our study.
·  Arithmetic Instructions
add, addi & sub.
·  Logic Instructions
and, andi, or, ori, not.
·  Shift Instructions.
Right shift, left shift & arithmetic right shift.
·  Data movement Instructions.
Load and store instructions.
·  Control Instructions
Conditional and unconditional branches, nop & reset.
The following tables list the assembly language instruction codes of these common
instructions for all the processors under comparison.
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Instructions unique to each processor
Now we take a look at the instructions that are unique to each of the processors we are
The EAGLE processor has a minimal instruction set. Following are the instructions that
are unique only to the EAGLE processor. Note that these instructions are unique only
with reference to the processor set under our study; some other processors may have
these instructions.
·  movia
This instruction is for moving the immediate value to the accumulator (the special
purpose register)
·  a2r
This instruction is for moving the contents of the accumulator to a register
·  r2a
For moving register contents to the accumulator
·  cla
For clearing (setting to zero) the value in the accumulator
There is only one instruction unique to the FALCON-A processor;
·  ret
This instruction is used to return control to a calling procedure. The calling
procedure may save the PC value in a register ra, and when this instruction is
called, the PC value is restored. In RTL, we write this as
PC  R [ra];
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The instructions unique to the FALCON-E processor are listed:
·  push
To push the contents of a specified general purpose register to the stack
·  pop
To pop the value that is at the top of the stack
·  ldr
To load a register with memory contents using displacement addressing mode
·  str
To store a register value into memory, using displacement addressing mode
·  bl
To branch if source operand is less than target address
·  bg
To branch if source operand is greater than target address
·  muli
To multiply an immediate value with a value stored in a register
·  divi
To divide a register value by the immediate value
xor, xori
To evaluate logical `exclusive or'
·  ror, rori
Following are the instructions that are unique to the SRC processor, among of the
processors under study
·  ldr
To load register from memory using PC-relative address
·  lar
To load a register with a word from memory using relative address
·  str
To store register value to memory using relative address
·  brlnv
This instruction is to tell the processor to `never branch' at that point in program.
The instruction saves the program counter's contents to the register specified
·  brlpl
This instruction instructs the processor to branch to the location specified by a
register given in the instruction, if the condition register's value is positive.
Return address is saved before branching.
·  brlmi
This instruction instructs the processor to branch to the location specified by a
register given in the instruction, if the condition register's value is negative.
Return address is saved before branching.
·  brlzr
This instruction instructs the processor to branch to the location specified by a
register given in the instruction, if the condition register's value equals zero.
Return address is saved before branching.
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This instruction instructs the processor to branch to the location specified by a
register given in the instruction, if the condition register's value does not equal
zero. Return address is saved before branching.
Problem Comparison
Given is the code for a simple C statement:
The given table gives its implementation in all the four processors under comparison.
Note that this table highlights the code density for each of the processors; EAGLE, which
has relatively fewer specialized instructions, and so it takes more instructions to carry out
this operation as compared with the rest of the processors.
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Table of Contents:
  1. Computer Architecture, Organization and Design
  2. Foundations of Computer Architecture, RISC and CISC
  3. Measures of Performance SRC Features and Instruction Formats
  4. ISA, Instruction Formats, Coding and Hand Assembly
  5. Reverse Assembly, SRC in the form of RTL
  6. RTL to Describe the SRC, Register Transfer using Digital Logic Circuits
  7. Thinking Process for ISA Design
  8. Introduction to the ISA of the FALCON-A and Examples
  9. Behavioral Register Transfer Language for FALCON-A, The EAGLE
  10. The FALCON-E, Instruction Set Architecture Comparison
  11. CISC microprocessor:The Motorola MC68000, RISC Architecture:The SPARC
  12. Design Process, Uni-Bus implementation for the SRC, Structural RTL for the SRC instructions
  13. Structural RTL Description of the SRC and FALCON-A
  14. External FALCON-A CPU Interface
  15. Logic Design for the Uni-bus SRC, Control Signals Generation in SRC
  16. Control Unit, 2-Bus Implementation of the SRC Data Path
  17. 3-bus implementation for the SRC, Machine Exceptions, Reset
  18. SRC Exception Processing Mechanism, Pipelining, Pipeline Design
  19. Adapting SRC instructions for Pipelined, Control Signals
  20. SRC, RTL, Data Dependence Distance, Forwarding, Compiler Solution to Hazards
  21. Data Forwarding Hardware, Superscalar, VLIW Architecture
  22. Microprogramming, General Microcoded Controller, Horizontal and Vertical Schemes
  23. I/O Subsystems, Components, Memory Mapped vs Isolated, Serial and Parallel Transfers
  24. Designing Parallel Input Output Ports, SAD, NUXI, Address Decoder , Delay Interval
  25. Designing a Parallel Input Port, Memory Mapped Input Output Ports, wrap around, Data Bus Multiplexing
  26. Programmed Input Output for FALCON-A and SRC
  27. Programmed Input Output Driver for SRC, Input Output
  28. Comparison of Interrupt driven Input Output and Polling
  29. Preparing source files for FALSIM, FALCON-A assembly language techniques
  30. Nested Interrupts, Interrupt Mask, DMA
  31. Direct Memory Access - DMA
  32. Semiconductor Memory vs Hard Disk, Mechanical Delays and Flash Memory
  33. Hard Drive Technologies
  34. Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit - ALSU, Radix Conversion, Fixed Point Numbers
  35. Overflow, Implementations of the adder, Unsigned and Signed Multiplication
  36. NxN Crossbar Design for Barrel Rotator, IEEE Floating-Point, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
  37. CPU to Memory Interface, Static RAM, One two Dimensional Memory Cells, Matrix and Tree Decoders
  38. Memory Modules, Read Only Memory, ROM, Cache
  39. Cache Organization and Functions, Cache Controller Logic, Cache Strategies
  40. Virtual Memory Organization
  41. DRAM, Pipelining, Pre-charging and Parallelism, Hit Rate and Miss Rate, Access Time, Cache
  42. Performance of I/O Subsystems, Server Utilization, Asynchronous I/O and operating system
  43. Difference between distributed computing and computer networks
  44. Physical Media, Shared Medium, Switched Medium, Network Topologies, Seven-layer OSI Model