
JOB INQUIRY LETTER AND INTERVIEW:Understanding the Interview Process

<< RESUME & APPLICATION LETTER:Personal Details, Two Types of Job Letters
PROCESS OF PREPARING THE INTERVIEW:Planning for a Successful Interview >>
Lesson 36
Use a job-inquiry letter to request an application form, which is a standardized data sheet that
simplifier's comparison of applicant's credentials.
Your care in filling out application forms suggests to the employer that you will be thorough and
careful in your work.
Guideline Writing Follow-up Messages
B. Inquiries
1. Make an inquiry ­ by letter, phone, or email ­ if you aren't informed of the decision by the promised
2. Follow the plan for direct requests: main idea, necessary details, specific request.
C. Requests for a time extension.
1. Request an extension if you have pending interviews and need time to decide about an offer.
2. Open with an expression of warmth.
3. In the middle, explain why you need more time and express continued interest in the company.
4. In the close, promise a quick decision if your request is denied, and ask for a confirmation if your request
is granted.
Application Follow-Ups
Unsolicited even if you've received a letter acknowledging your application and saying that it will be
kept on file, don't hesitate to send a follow-up letter three months later to show that you are still interested.
Three months have elapsed since I applied to you for an accountant position, but I want to let you
know that I ma still very interested in joining your company.
Please keep my application in your active file, and let me know when a position opens for a capable
Unless you state otherwise, the human resources office is likely to assume that you've already found
a job and are no longer interested in the organization. Moreover, requirements change. A follow-up letter
can demonstrate that you're sincerely interested in working for the organization, that you're persistent in
pursuing your goals, and that you're upgrading your skills to make yourself a better employee. And it might
just get you an interview.
If your application letter and resume fail to bring a response within a month or so, following up
with a second letter to keep your file active. This follow-up letter also gives you a chance to update your
original application with any recent job-related information.
Since applying to you on May 3 for an executive secretary position, I have completed a course in
office management at Community College. I received straight A's in the course. I now am a proficient user
of MS Word, including macros and other complex functions.
Please keep my application in your active file, and let me know when you need a skilled executive
Understanding the Interview Process
Big Companies
Small Companies
Number and type of Consistently hire thousands of new
Hire requirement fluctuate,
applicants sought
employees each year; have relatively
often looking for flexibility,
specific hiring criteria, depending
versatility; often somewhat
on the position; tend to be highly
more open-minded
Person or
Handled by human resources or
In really small companies,
department in charge personnel department
the founder/top manager
of recruiting
makes all hiring decisions
General recruiting  Governed by formal policies and
Conducted informally on an
and interviewing style procedures; typically involves series
as-needed basis without a
of several interviews; approach is
standard procedure; hiring
generally systematic, well planned,
decision may be made after
and well financed
first interview or may drag
on for several months;
Where/how they
Use national and local newspapers, Rely heavily on word of
trade journals, campus placement  mouth and local newspapers
offices, word of mouth, online job
banks, company websites
Use of employment Roughly 60 percent use
Agency use varies widely
agencies, search firms employment agencies, whereas 40  among small companies;
percent use executive search firms; cost may be a factor
Responsiveness to  Received hundreds of unsolicited  Receive relatively few
unsolicited resumes resumes, which typically get less
unsolicited resumes, so they
attention than resumes obtained
pay close attention to them;
through departments' own planned however, given limited
recruiting program; most companies hiring needs, chances are
will scan unsolicited resumes into a slim that your resume will
database if they maintain one; best arrive when company has a
to send resume directly to line
corresponding opening.
manager or potential co-worker in
department where you want to
Reliance on campus On campus recruiting programs,
The smaller the company,
relatively small number
the less likely it is to recruit
in this manner.
Best way for
Use campus placement office to
Check with campus
candidate to
schedule interviews with companies placement office; try to
approach company
that recruit on your campus. If
make direct personal contact
company does not recruit on your with owner/manager or
campus, call the person in charge of department head; get names
college recruiting, explain your
and addresses from chamber
situation, and ask for advice on best head; get names and
way to get an interview
addresses from chamber of
commerce, business
directories, send resume and
application letter.
Understanding the Interview Process
An employment interview is a formal meeting in which both employer and applicant ask questions
and exchange information to learn more about each other.
Dual purpose
1. The organization's main objective is to find the best person
2. The applicant's main objective is to find the job test suited to his or her goals and capabilities.
Organizations hundreds of new employees every years take a more systematic approach to the
recruiting and interviewing process
Adjust your job search according to the company's size and hiring practices.
Start seeking jobs well in advance of the date you want to start work. Begin job search as much as
nine months. During downturns in the economy, early planning is even more crucial.
The typical Sequence of Interviews
In a typical job search, you can expect to have many interviews before your accept a job offer. A
candidate undergoes a rigorous interview process that can take.
Most organization interview an applicant several times before extending a job offer:
Screening stage
Selection stage
Final stage
The Typical Sequence of Interviews
Interviews at the screening stage are fairly structured, so applicants are often asked roughly the
same questions. Many companies use standardized evaluation sheets to "grade".
Technology has transformed the initial, get-to-know-you interview, allowing employers to screen
candidates by phone, video interview, or computer.
During the screening stage of interviews, try to differentiate yourself from other candidates. You
Might face a panel of several interviewers who ask you questions during a single session. By noting how you
listen, think, and express yourself, they can decide how likely you are to get along with colleagues.
Best approach during this selection stage on interviews is to show interest in the job, related your
skills and experience to the organization's needs, listen attentively, ask insightful question, and display
During the final stage, the interview may try to sell your on working for the firm.
You may be invited back for a final evaluation by a higher-ranking executive who has the authority
to make the hiring decision and to decide to your compensation. As underlying objective of the final stage is
often to sell you on the advantages of joining the organization.
Organizations use various types of interviews to discover. A structured interview is generally used
in the screening stage. A Structured Interview
Open-ended Interview
Group Interview
Stress Interview
Video Interview
Situational Interview
structural interview is controlled by the interviewer to gather facts. Here the employer controls the
interview by asking a series of prepared questions in a set order. Working form a checklist, the interviewer
asks candidates each question, staying within an allotted time period. All answers are noted. Although useful
in gathering facts, the structured interview is generally regarded as a poor measure of an applicant's personal
qualities. Some companies use structured interviews to create uniformity in their hiring process.
Types of Interview
Opening-ended interview is less formal and unstructured. In an open-ended interview, the recruiter
encourages the candidate to speak freely. The interviewer poses broad, open-ended question and
encourages the applicant to talk freely. Good for bringing out an applicant's personality and is used to test
professional judgment. However, some candidates reveal too much, rambling on about personal or family
problems that have nothing to do with their qualifications for employment, their ability to get along with
co-workers, or any personal interests that could benefit their performance on the job. So be careful. To
strike a delicate balance between being friendly and remembering that you're in a business situation.
Group interviews meeting with several candidates simultaneously. Group interviews help recruiters
see how candidate interact. This types of interview is useful for judging interpersonal communication.
It tells how candidates relate to one another. Do they smile? Are they supportive of one another's
comments? Do they try to score points at each other's expense?
Perhaps the most unnerving types of interview is the stress interview. Stress interviews help
recruiters see how you handle yourself under pressure. See how well a candidate handles stressful situations.
During a stress interview, you might be asked pointed questions designed to irk or unsettle you. You might
be subjected to long periods of silence, criticisms of your appearance, deliberate interruptions, abrupt or
even hostile reactions by the interviewer.
Video interviews require some special preparation.
As employers try to cut travel costs, the video interview is becoming more popular. Companies use
videoconferencing systems to screen middle-management candidates or to interview new recruits at
universities. Experts recommend that candidates prepare a big differently for a video interview than for an
in-person meeting:
Ask for a preliminary phone conversation to establish rapport with the interviewer.
Arrive early enough to get used to the equipment and setting.
During the interview, speak clearly but not more slowly than normal.
Sit straight.
Look up but not down.
Try to show some animation, but not too much (since it will appear blurry to the interviewer).
Situational interview. In situational interviews, candidates must explain how they would handle a
specific set of circumstances. "How would you handle this?" Proponents of this approach claim that
interview is about the job, not about a candidate's five-year goals, weaknesses or strengths, challenging
experiences, or greatest accomplishment. So the situational interview is a hands-on, at-work meeting
between an employer who needs a job done and a worker who must be fully prepared to do the work.
Regardless of the type of interview you may face, a personal interview is vital because your resume
can't show whether you're lively and outgoing or subdued and low key, able to take direction or able to take
charge. Each job requires a different mix of personality traits. The interview's task is to find out whether
you will be effective on the job.
What Employers Look For
Having the right personality traits for the job is important in today's workplace. A sense of
humor tops the list because they believe that people who don't take themselves too seriously are better able
to cope with the stress. Employees who are self-motivated, enthusiastic, not afraid to make decisions,
willing to take risks, intelligent, good communicators, and considerate of others.
Current research shows that employees with certain personality traits tend to be more successful at
their job. As a result, many employers today seek candidates with a high "emotional intelligence," or EQ
(emotional quotient). People with a high EQ generally possess these desirable attributes: self-awareness,
good impulse control, persistence, confidence, self-motivation, and empathy, as well as the ability
to persuade, articulate a mission, interpret the mood of a group, and communicate with people in terms
they understand.
What's your EQ?
·  Think clearly and stay focused on the task at hand while under pressure
·  Admit to your own mistakes
·  Meeting commitments and keep promises
·  Hold yourself accountable for meeting your goals
·  Seek new ideas for a variety of sources
·  Handle multiple demands and changing priorities.
·  Make sacrifices to meet an important organizational goal.
·  Cut through red tape and bend outdated rules when necessary
·  Seek fresh perspectives, even if that means trying something totally new
·  Separate form an expectation of success rather than a fear of failure
·  Try to learn how to improve your performance
·  Set challenging goals and take calculated risks to reach them.
When it comes down to it, every job has basic qualifications. Employers first look for-two things:
evidence that a candidate will fit in with the organization and proof that the person can handle a specific
Interviewers try to decide whether a candidate will be compatible with the other people in the
organization. Compatibility with the organization is judgment on the basis of personal background attitudes,
and style. Some interviewers believer that personal background is an indication of how well the candidate
will fit in, so they might ask about your interests, hobbies, awareness of world events, and so forth. You can
expand your potential along these lines by reading widely, making an effort to meet new people, and
participating in discussion groups, seminars, and workshops.
Qualifications for the Job
Suitability for the specific job is judged on the basis of
Academic preparation
Work experience
Job-related personality traits
When you're invited to interview for a position, the interviewer may already have some idea of
whether you have the right qualifications, based on a review of your resume. But during the interview, you'll
be asked to describe your education and previous jobs in more depth so that the interviewer can determine
how well your skills match the requirements. In many cases, the interview will be seeking someone with the
flexibility to apply diverse skills in several areas.
Pre-employment tests attempt to provide objective, quantitative information about a candidate's
skills, attitudes, and habits.
Pre-employment Test
Three types of pre-employment tests frequently administered by companies are job skills tests,
psychological tests, and drug tests. Job-skills tests, the most common type, are designed to access
competency or specific abilities needed to perform a job. Psychological tests usually take the form of
questionnaires. These tests can be used to assess overall intellectual ability, attitudes toward work, interests,
managerial potential, or personality characteristics ­ including dependability, commitment, honesty, and
Preparing for a Job Interview
List six tasks you need to complete to prepare for a successful job interview.
For a success interview, preparation is mandatory. The best way to prepare for a job interview is
to think about the job itself and prepare. It's perfectly normal to feel a little anxious before an interview.
But good preparation will help you perform well. Be sure to consider any cultural differences when
preparing for interviews, and base your approach on what you audience expects. Before the interview, learn
about the organization, think ahead about questions, bolster your confidence, polish you interview style,
plan to look good, and be ready when you arrive.
Learn About the Organization
When planning your employment search, you probably already researched the companies you sent
your resume to. But now that you've been invited for an interview, you'll want to fine-tune your research
and brush up on the facts you've collection.
Today's companies expect serious candidates to demonstrate an understanding of the company's
operations, its market, and its strategic and tactical problems. Learning about the organization and the job
enables you to show the interviewer just how you will meet the organization's particular needs.
Planning for a Successful Interview
How can you practice for a job interview? What are some questions that you might be asked, and
how should you respond? What questions are you not obligated to answer?
Think Ahead about Questions
Planning ahead for the interview's question will help you handle them more confidently and
intelligently. Moreover, you will want to prepare intelligent questions of your own.
Interview Strategies
1. What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
2. Why do you want to work for this organization?
3. Why would we employ you?
4. If we hire you, what changes would you make?
5. Can we offer you a career path?
6. What are your greatest strengths?
7. What are your greatest weaknesses?
8. What didn't you like about previous job you've held?
9. Are there any weaknesses in your education or experience?
10. Where do you want to be five years form now?
11. What are you salary expectations?
12. What would you do if......
13. What type of position are you interested in?
15. Tell me something about yourself?
16. Do you have any question about the organization or the job?
1. What was the toughest decision you ever had to make?
2. Why do you want to work for this organization?
3. Why would we employ you?
4. If we hire you, what changes would you make?
5. Can we offer you a career path?
6. What are your greatest strengths?
7. What are your greatest weaknesses?
8. What didn't you like about previous job you've held?
9. Are there any weaknesses in your education or experience?
10. Where do you want to be five years form now?
11. What are you salary expectations?
12. What would you do if......
13. What type of position are you interested in?
15. Tell me something about yourself?
16. Do you have any question about the organization or the job?
Bolster Your Confidence
If you feel shy or self-conscious, remember that recruiters are human too.
By building your confidence, you'll make a better impression. The best way to counteract any
apprehension is to remove its source. You may feel shy or self-conscious because you think you have some
flaw that will prompt others to reject you. Bear in mind, however, that you're much more conscious of your
limitations than other people are.
Polish your interview Style
Staging mock interview with a friend is a good way to hone your style.
Nonverbal behaviour has a significant effect on the interview's opinion of you.
Confidence helps you walk into an interview, but one's you're there, you want to give the
interviewer an impression of poise, good manners, and good judgment. Some job seekers hire professional
coaches and image consultants to create just the right impression.
Plan to Look Good
To look like a winner
·  Dress conservatively
·  Be well groomed
·  Smile when appropriate
Physical appearance is important because clothing and grooming reveal something about a
candidate's personality and professionalism. When it comes to clothing, the best policy is to dress
conservatively. Wear the best-quality businesslike cloth you can, preferably in a dark, solid color.
Interviewing for Success
Be prepared for the interview by
·  Taking proof of your accomplishments
·  Arriving on time
·  Waiting graciously
How you handle a particular interview depends on where you stand in the interview process. If
you're being interviewed for the first time, your main objective is to differentiate yourself from the many
other candidates who are also being screened.
In Warm-up
Of the three stages, the warm-up is the most important, even though it may account for only a
small fraction of the time you spend in the interview. Psychologists say that 50 percent of an interview's
decision is made within the first 30 to 60 seconds, and another 25 percent is made within 15 minutes. If you
get off to a bad start, it's extremely difficult to turn the interview around.
The Questions and answer stage
Questions and answers will consume the greatest part of the interview. The interviewer will ask you
about your qualifications and discuss man of the points mentioned in your resume. You'll also be asking
questions of your own.
Dealing with Questions
Tailor your answers to emphasize your strengths
Listening to the Interviewer
Paying attention to both verbal and nonverbal messages can help you turn the question and answer
stage to your advantage
Fielding Discriminatory Questions
Some question should not be asked by interviews.
To Close
Like the opening, the end of the interview is more important than its duration would indicate. In
the last few minutes, you need to evaluate how well you've done. You also need to correct any
misconceptions the interviewer might have.
Concluding Gracefully
Conclude the interview with courtesy and enthusiasms:
You can generally tell when the interviewer is trying to conclude the session. He or she may ask
whether you have any more questions, sum up the discussion, change position, or indicate with a gesture
that the interview is over.
Discussing Salary
Be realistic in your salary expectations and diplomatic in your negotiations.
If you do receive an offer during the interview, you'll naturally want to discuss salary. However, let
the interviewer raise the subject. If asked your salary requirements, say that you would expect to receive the
standard salary for the job in question.
When to Negotiate
If you don't like the offer, you might try to negotiate, provided you're in a good bargaining position
and the organization has the flexibility to accommodate you.
What to Negotiate
Negotiating benefits may be one way to get more value from an employment package.
Even if you can't bargain for more money, you may be able to win some concessions on benefit
and perquisites. The value of negotiating can be significant because benefits often cost employer 25 to 45
percent of your salary.
Interview Notes
Keep a written record of your job interviews.
If yours is a typical job search, you'll have many interviews before you accept an offer. For that
reason, keeping a notebook on binder of interview notes can help you refresh your memory of each
conversation. As soon as the interview ends, jot down the names and titles of the people you met. Briefly
summarize the interviews answers to your questions.
During the selection stage of interviews, you may interview with several people, perhaps even all at
once. Night face a panel of several interviewers who ask you questions during a noting how you
listen, think, and express yourself, they can decide how likely you are to get along with colleagues.
Best approach during this selection stage of interviews is to show interest in the job, relate your
skills and experience to the organization's needs listen attentively, ask insightful questions, and
display enthusiasm.
During the final stage, the interviewer may try to sell you on working for the firm. May be invited
back for a final evaluation by a higher-ranking executive who has the authority to make the hiring
decision and to decide on your compensation. An underlying objective of the final stage is often to
sell you on the advantages of joining the organizations.
Application Follow-Ups
If your application letter and resume fail to bring a response within a month or so, follow up
with a second letter to keep your file active. This follow-up letter also gives you a chance to update your
original application with any recent job-related information:
Since applying to your on May 3 for an executive secretary position, I have completed a course in
office management at ABC Community College. I received straight A's in the course. I now am a proficient
user of MS Word, including macros and other complex functions.
Please keep my application in your active file, and let me know when you need a skilled executive
A Letter of Acknowledge
Even if you've received a letter acknowledge your application and saying that it will be kept on
file, don't hesitate to send a follow-up letter three months later to show that you are still interested:
Three months have elapsed since I applied to you for an underwriting position, but I want to let
you know that I am still very interested in joining your company.
I recently completed a four-week temporary work assignment at a large local insurance agency. I
learned several new verification techniques and gained experience in using the online computer system. This
experience could increase my value to your underwriting department.
Table of Contents:
  1. COMMUNICATION:Definition of Communication, Communication & Global Market
  2. FLOW OF COMMUNICATION:Internal Communication, External Communication
  3. THEORIES OF COMMUNICATION:Electronic Theory, Rhetorical Theory
  6. NON- VERBAL COMMUNICATION:Analysing Nonverbal Communication
  7. NON- VERBAL COMMUNICATION:Environmental Factors
  8. TRAITS OF GOOD COMMUNICATORS:Careful Creation of the Message
  10. CORRECTNESS:Conciseness, Conciseness Checklist, Correct words
  11. CONSIDERATION:Completeness
  13. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION:Education, Law and Regulations, Economics
  14. INDIVIDUAL CULTURAL VARIABLES:Acceptable Dress, Manners
  18. COMMUNICATING THROUGH TECHNOLOGY:Email Etiquette, Electronic Media
  19. BASIC ORGANIZATIONAL PLANS:Writing Goodwill Letters
  20. LETTER WRITING:Direct Requests, Inquiries and General Requests
  21. LETTER WRITING:Replies to Inquiries, Model Letters
  22. LETTER WRITING:Placing Orders, Give the Information in a Clear Format
  23. LETTER WRITING:Claim and Adjustment Requests, Warm, Courteous Close
  24. LETTER WRITING:When The Buyer Is At Fault, Writing Credit Letters
  25. LETTER WRITING:Collection Letters, Collection Letter Series
  26. LETTER WRITING:Sales Letters, Know your Buyer, Prepare a List of Buyers
  27. MEMORANDUM & CIRCULAR:Purpose of Memo, Tone of Memorandums
  28. MINUTES OF THE MEETING:Committee Members’ Roles, Producing the Minutes
  29. BUSINESS REPORTS:A Model Report, Definition, Purpose of report
  30. BUSINESS REPORTS:Main Features of the Report, INTRODUCTION
  31. BUSINESS REPORTS:Prefatory Parts, Place of Title Page Items
  32. MARKET REPORTS:Classification of Markets, Wholesale Market
  33. JOB SEARCH AND EMPLOYMENT:Planning Your Career
  34. RESUME WRITING:The Chronological Resume, The Combination Resume
  35. RESUME & APPLICATION LETTER:Personal Details, Two Types of Job Letters
  36. JOB INQUIRY LETTER AND INTERVIEW:Understanding the Interview Process
  37. PROCESS OF PREPARING THE INTERVIEW:Planning for a Successful Interview
  38. ORAL PRESENTATION:Planning Oral Presentation, To Motivate
  39. ORAL PRESENTATION:Overcoming anxiety, Body Language
  41. NEGOTIATION AND LISTENING:Gather information that helps you
  42. THESIS WRITING AND PRESENTATION:Write down your ideas
  43. THESIS WRITING AND PRESENTATION:Sections of a Thesis (Format)
  44. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:Studies Primarily Qualitative in Nature
  45. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY:Basic Rules, Basic Form, Basic Format for Books