
Data Structures, types of Data Mining, Min-Max Distance, One-way, K-Means Clustering

DWH Lifecycle: Data-Driven, Goal-Driven, User-Driven Methodologies >>
Lecture# 31
Supervised Vs. Unsupervised Learning
In the previous lecture we discussed briefly DM concepts. Now we look with some greater
details, two main DM methods supervised and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning is
when you are performing DM the supporting information that helps in the DM process is also
available. What could be that information? You may know your data that how many groups or
classes your data set contains. What are the properties of these classes or clusters? When we will
talk about unsupervised learning you will not have such known or a priori knowledge. In other
words you can not give such factors as input to the DM technique which can facilitate your DM
process. So wherever the user gives some input that is supervised else that is unsupervised
Data Structures in Data Mining
Data matrix
§  Table or database
§  n records and m
§  n >> m
Similarity matrix
§  Symmetric square
§  n x n or m x m
Figure 31.1: Data Structures in data mining
First of all we will talk about data structures in DM. What does DS mean here? You can consider
it as pure data structure but we specifically mean how you store your data. Figure 31.1 shows
two metrics data matrix and the similarity matrix. Data matrix means the table or database used
as the input to the DM algorithm. What will be the dimensions or size of that table normally? The
size of records (rows) is much greater th an the number of columns. The attributes may be 10, 15
or 25 but the number of rows far exceeds the number of columns e.g. a customer table may have
20-25 attributes but the total records may be in millions. As I said previously that the mobile
users in Pa kistan are about 10 million. If a company even has 1/3 of the customers then 3.3 lakh
customer records in the customer table. Thus greater number of rows than columns and there will
be indices i and j in the table and you can pick the particular contents o f a cell by considering the
intersection of the two indices.
The second matrix in the Figure 31.1 is called the similarity matrix. Lets talk about its brief
background. Similarity or dissimilarity matrix is the measure the similarity or dissimilarity
obtained by pair wise comparison of rows. First of all you measure the similarity of the row1 in
data matrix with itself that will be 1. So 1 is placed at index 1, 1 of the similarity matrix. Then
you compare row 1 with row 2 and the measure or similarity value goes at index 1, 2 of the
similarity matrix and son. In this way the similarity matrix is filled. It should be noted that the
similarity between row1 and row2 will be same as between row 2 and 1. Obviously, the
similarity matrix will then be a square matrix, symmetric and all values along the diagonal will be
same (here 1). So if your data matrix has n rows and m columns then your similarity matrix will
have n rows and n columns. What will be the time complexity of computing
similarity/dissimilarity matrix? It will be O (n  2) (m), where m accounts for the vector or header
size of the data. Now how to measure or quantify the similarity or dissimilarity? Different
techniques available like Pearson correlation and Euclidean distance etc. but in this lecture we
have used Pearson correlation which you might have studied in your statistics course.
Main types of DATA MINING
Bayesian Modeling
Decision Trees
Neural Networks
·  One-way Clustering
·  Two-way Clustering
Now we will discuss the two main types Dm techniques as briefed in the beginning. First we will
discuss supervised learning which includes Bayesian classification, decision trees, neural
networks etc. Lets discuss Bayesian classification or modeling very briefly. Suppose you have a
data set and when you process that data set, say when you do profiling of your data you come to
know about the probability of occurrence of different items in that data set. On the basis of that
probability, you form a hypothesis. Next you find the probability of occurrence of an item in the
available data set on that hypothesis. Similarly, how this can be used in decision trees? To
understand suppose there is insurance company and is interested in knowing about the risk
factors. If a person is of age between 20 and 25, he is unmarried and his job is unstable then there
is a risk in offering insurance or credit card to such a person. This is because if married one may
drive carefully even thinking of his children than otherwise. Thus when the tree was formed the
classes, low risk and high risk were already known. The attributes and the properties of the
classes were also known. This is called supervised learning.
Now unsupervised learning where you don't know the number of clusters and obviously no idea
about their attributes too. In other words you are not guiding in any way the DM process for
performing the DM, no guidance and no input. Interestingly, some people say their techniques are
unsupervised but still give some input although indirectly. So a pure unsupervised algorithm is
the one which don't have any human involvement or interfere nce in any way. However, if some
information regarding the data is needed, the algorithm itself can automatically analyze and get
the data attributes. There are two main types of unsupervised clustering.
1. One-way Clustering -means that when you clustered a data matrix, you used all the
attributes. In this technique a similarity matrix is constructed, and then clustering is
performed on rows. A cluster also exists in the data matrix for each corresponding cluster in
the similarity matrix.
2. Two-way Clustering/Biclustering-here rows and columns are simultaneously clustered. No
any sort of similarity or dissimilarity matrix is constructed. Biclustering gives a local view of
your data set while one-way clustering gives a global view. It is possible that you first take
global view of your data by performing one-way clustering and if any cluster of interest is
found then you perform two-way clustering to get more details. Thus both the methods
complement each other.
Clustering: Min-Max Distance
Finding groups of objects such that the objects in a group are similar (or related) to one another
and dissimilar from (or unrelated to) the objects in other groups e.g. using K-Means.
Figure-31.2: Min-Max Distance
Now we talk about "distance" which here means that there must be some measure of telling how
much similar or dissimilar a record is form another e.g. height, GPA salary are examples of a
single attribute. So there should be a mechanism of measuring the similarity or dissimilarity. We
have already discussed clustering ambiguities, so when clusters are formed in unsupervised
clustering, the points having smaller intracluster distances should fall in a single cluster and inter
clustering distance between any two clusters should be greater. For example, consider the age and
salary attributes of employees as shown in Figure 31.2. Every point here corresponds to a single
employee i.e. a single record. Look at the cluster around age 60, these might be retired people
getting pensions only. There is another cluster at the age of 68, these are the people aged enough
but still may stick to their organizations. The thing to understand here is that as the age increases
the salary increases but when people get retirements their salaries fall. The first clus ter in the
diagram shows young people with low salaries. There is another cluster too that shows old people
with low salaries. There is also a cluster showing young and high salary, called outliers. These are
the people who might be working in their "Abba Jee's "company. So u must have understood
outliers, inter-cluster and intra-cluster distances.
How Clustering works?
Works on some notion of natural association in records (data) i.e. some records are more
similar to each other than the others.
This concept of association must be translated into some sort of numeric measure of the
degree of similarity.
It works by creating a similarity matrix by calculating pair-wise distance measure for n x
m data matrix.
Similarity matrix if represented as a graph can be clustered by:
§  Partitioning the graph
§  Finding cliques in the graph
In clustering there has to be the notion of association between records i.e. which records are
associated with other records in the data set. You have to find that association. There has to be a
distance matrix and you have to map that on the association. You may be able to quantify the
association among closely related records. Remember that all the attributes may not be numeric,
attributes may be non numeric as well e.g. someone's appointment, job title, likes and dislikes are
all non numeric attributes. Thus taking these numeric and non numeric attributes you have to
make an association measure which will associate records. When such a measure is formed, it
will reflect the simila rity between records. On the basis of that similarity a similarity matrix will
be built (one way clustering) that will be square, symmetric having same diagonal value 1. Since
we are using Pearson's coefficient the values in the matrix will be between -1 and +1. For
opposing items when one is rising and the other is falling, the correlation will be -1. For those
items that fall and rise simultaneously, there will be a correlation of +1 and if no correlation then
0. For the sake of simplicity, it is represented as a binary matrix i.e. if correlation greater than 0.5
it will be represented with 1. If correlation less than 0.5, it will be represented with 0. Thus in this
way the similarity matrix which was real is transformed into the binary matrix. Question ar ises
where is the clustering? Now assume that your binary matrix represents a graph. As you might
have studied that a graph can be represented as a matrix. So we utilize some graph properties for
performing clustering. We can use two techniques. One is the graph partitioning in which the
graph is portioned in such a way that the connectivity among vertices in the partition is higher
than across the partitions. Thus we performed clustering through graph partitioning. Another
technique called clique detection can also be used but we will not go into the details.
One-way clustering
Clustering all the rows or all the columns simultaneously.
Gives a global view.
Figure 32.3: One-way clustering example
Now I will give you a real example of one way clustering. A data matrix is taken and
intentionally put 3 clusters in that. Then similarity matrix is formed from data matrix and the
clusters are also color coded for better understanding. The similarity matrix is then randomly
permuted and some also is also inserted. The final shape of the matrix is as shown in Figure 32.3
and will be used as input to the clustering technique. You can see some black and white points.
White points represent missing values which can either be in data or similarity matrix. Black
points represent noise i.e. those data values which should not be present in the data set. Now I
apply my own indigenous technique for performing clustering this input similarity matrix. The
result is shown as output in Figure 32.3. Here you can see very well defined clusters and all these
clusters are clearly visible and distinguishable because of color coding. Remember that in
previous lecture it was stated that good DM techniques should be robust. So our technique
applied here is highly robust because it worked fairly well even in the presence of noise. Genetic
algorithms that we discussed previously are not robust because they do not work well in the
presences of noise.
Data Mining Agriculture data
Created a similarity matrix using farm area, cotton variety and pesticide used.
Color coded the matrix, with green assigned to +1 and red to -1.
Large farmers using fewer varieties of cotton and fewer pesticides.
Small farmers using left -overs.
Figure-32.4: Data Mining Agriculture data
In the previous slide the example was based on simulated data where the clusters were
intentionally inserted into the data. Now we will consider a real world example where agricultural
data has been use. The data, pest scouting data, has been taken from department of pest warning
Punjab for the year 2000 and 2001. Some of the attributes like farm area, cotton variety cultivated
and pesticide used are selected. Using these and some other attributes a similarity matrix has been
formed based on Pearson's Correlation. The matrix thus has values between +1 and -1 for better
understanding color coding is used and most positive i.e. +1 is represented with green and -1 is
represented with red color. Furthermore, as these values proceed towards zero from either side,
the colors are darkened accordingly.
Input matrix in Figure 32.4 shows the color coded similarity matrix. We can say that data
visualization has been performed here since we can see the relationship among records which are
around 600 to 700 in number. Otherwise it is not possible to visualize such a big table in a single
sight. Now when the clustering technique is applied in this input matrix the result is shown in
Figure 32.4 as clustered output. Here we see that the green points have grouped together i.e. those
points having high correlation or records having more association have grouped together. This is
what we needed and points with low association i.e. red color points have separated. Here one
thing is important that the input and the output matrices are identical except that the order of rows
and columns has been changed. The cluster in the output matrix is also present in the input matrix
but is not visible only because of reordering. Interesting enough if you search the world's greatest
and number one search engine Google for key words "data mining" and "agriculture", it results
in 4 lakh hits and 4th hit being the work done by me.
So what is the significance of doing all what mentioned above? The results showed that which
type of farmers small or big use what sort of varieties, which pesticide and in what quantity etc.
The information is useful from marketing point of view and can be used by pesticide
manufacturing companies, seed breeders and so on for m king effective decisions about their
target market.
Examining the features of a newly presented object and assigning it to one of a predefined set of
Assigning keywords to articles. Classification of credit applicants. Spotting fraudulent insurance
Figure-32.5: Classification
In one of the previous slide took and overview of classification. Now we will discuss it in detail
but before this have a look at the analogy in Figure 32.5. Here you can see a person is standing by
a rack that is boxed. It may also be called as a pigeon hole box. Each box in the rack represents a
class while the whole rack is a classifier model. Alongside the rack, there also lies a documents
filled bag which is the unseen data. It means that it is unknown that to which box or class these
documents belong. So using the classification technique and the built in model each document is
assigned to its respective box or class in the rack. Thus for performing classification, you must
have a classification model in place and also the classes must be known a priori. You must know
the number of classes and there attributes as well i.e. by looking at the data properties of any
picked document, the classification process will know the box/class of the document that it
belongs to. Thus in this way classification is performed. The classification can be used for
customer segmentation, to detect fraudulent transactions and issues related to money laundering
and the list goes on.
How Classification work?
It works by creating a model based on known facts and historical data by dividing into
training and test set.
The model is built using the test set where the class is known and then applying it to
another situation where the class is unknown.
Figure-32.6: How Classification works?
With understanding of classification by analogy in previous slide, lets discuss formally how the
classification process actually works. First of the available data set is divided int o two parts, one
is called test set and the other is called the training set. We pick the training set and a model is
constructed based on known facts, historical data and class properties as we already know the
number of classes. After building the classification model, every record of the test set is posed to
the classification model which decides the class of the input record. Thus class label is given as
the output of the model as shown in Figure 32.6. It should be noted that you know the class for
each record in test set and this fact is used to measure the accuracy or confidence level of the
classification model. You can find accuracy by
Accuracy or confidence level = matches/ total number of matches
In simple words, accuracy is obtained by divid ing number of correct assignments by total number
of assignemnets by the classification model.
Classification : Use in Prediction
gure-32.7: Classification Process- Model Construction
Here we will discuss how classification can be used for prediction. Before going into the details
we must try to understand what if we predict? Does data mining really beneficial? In one of our
previous lectures, we talked about assigning priorities to data sets in the context of data qua lity.
We also talked about group priorities and group precedence. The concept was that if your data
comes from two different sources and in one of those sources customers have told their gender
and if data passes through right processes then you the customer gender (high data quality).
However, there might be some customers which might not have specified or mentioned their
gender. So the quality of such a data is questionable.
A possible solution to the problem of missing gender could be to assign gender on the basis of
names. However, there might be some confusing names on the basis of which gender can not be
assigned like Firdous, Riffat, and Shaheen etc. In such a situation we can use data mining for data
cleansing.  So lets have a look at how we form a classification model using a customer data set
and then using that model for the identification of the unspecified gender which is mostly correct.
So, two aspects data cleansing and classification are being covered here simultaneously.
First of all w e will look in to the details of model construction process. Figure 32.8 shows a view
of the training data set. Here you can see 6 records and 4 attributes. Time means how much time a
customer spends during the shopping process. Items column refers to how many items a customer
buys while gender shows either the customer male or female. This training set is the input to
classification algorithms which automatically analyze the input data and construct a model or
classifier. The model could be a mathematical expression or a rule such as if then statement. The
model in our case is a rule that if the per item minutes for any customer is greater or equal than 6
than the customer is female else a male i.e.
Items/Time >= 6
Gender= `F'
Gender = `M'
The above rule is based on the common notion that females spend more time during shoping than
male customers. Exceptions can be there and are treated as outliers.
Figure-32.8: Classification model construction
Now once the model is built we have to test the accuracy of our classification model. For this
purpose we take or test data set. Three randomly picked test data records have been shown in
Figure 32.7. It is not the case that our test data contains only three records, here we have taken
just three records for the sake of simplicity and let you understand the concept. We already know
the classes of the test data set records i.e. we know their gender. The fact will be utilized to
measure the accuracy of our model. So we will pick each of the three records one after another
and put into the classifier. Since for the first record the ration is greater than 6 meaning that our
model will assign it to the female class, but that may be an exception or noise. The second and the
third records are as per rule. Thus, the accuracy of our model is 2/3 i.e. .66%. In other words we
can say the confidence level of our classification model is 66%. The accuracy may change as we
add more data. Now unseen data is brought into the picture. Suppose the re is a record with name
Firdous, time spent 15 minutes and 1 item purchased. We predict the gender by using our
classification model and as per our model the customer is assigned `F' (15/1=15 which is greater
than 6). Thus we can easily predict the missing data with some reasonable accuracy using
Clustering vs. Cluster Detection
In one -way clustering, reordering of rows (or columns) assembles clusters.
If the clusters are NOT assembled, they are very difficult to detect.
Once clusters are assembled, they can be detected automatically, using classical techniques such
as K -means.
The difference between clustering and clustering is an important thing to understand. Basically
these are two different concepts, mostly misperceived by novice data miners. First you cluster
your data and then detect clusters in the clustered data. If you take unclustered input and try to
find clusters, you may get some clusters or some part of a cluster no use of that. Thus until and
unless clustering is performed, cluster detection is useless. The purpose here is to let you
understand and remember the two mostly confusing concepts which are poles apart.
Clustering vs. Cluster Detection: EXAMPLE
Can you SEE the cluster in Fig-A?
How about Fig-B?
Figure-32.9: Clustering vs. Cluster Detection EXAMPLE
For better understanding consider the example in Figure 32.9. Can you tell the number of clusters,
if there, by looking at Figure 32.9(A)? No you can't tell except that every point is a cluster but
that is useless information. Cluster detection in Figure 32.9(A) is thus a very difficult task as
clusters here are not visible. When clusters are detected, its not necessary that the clusters are
visible as computer has no eyes. The clusters may be huge enough that you can not even display
or even if displayed you can not visualize. So cluster visualization is not that much a problem.
Now look at figure 32.9(B). The three clusters here are easily visible. We know that the Figures A
and B are identical except that reordering has been performed on A in a scientific manner using
our own indigenous technique. Figure 32.9(B) is the clustered output and when cluster detection
will be performed on B, three clusters will successfully be detected. If A is taken as input to the
cluster detection algorithm instead of B, you may end with nothing. There is a misconception
among new data miners that cluster detection is a simple task. They think that using K-means is
everything. This is not always the case, k-means can not work always . Can it work for matrices
A and B? Wait till last slide for the answer.
The K-Means Clustering
Given k, the k-means algorithm is implemented in 4 steps:
Partition objects into k nonempty subsets
Compute seed poin ts as the centroids of the clusters of the current partition. The
centroid is the center (mean point) of the cluster.
Assign each object to the cluster with the nearest seed point.
Go back to Step 2, stop when no more new assignment.
Before mentioning the strengths and weaknesses of the k-means, lets first discuss it working. It is
implemented in four steps.
Step 1: In the first step you assign k clusters in your data set. Thus it's a supervised technique as
you  must  know  the  number  of  classes  and
their  properties  a  priori.
Step 2: The second step is to compute the seed points or centroids of your defined clusters i.e.
which value is a most representative value of all the points in a cluster. For the sake of your
convenience, we are talking about 2- D space, otherwise k-means can work for multidimensional
data sets as well. The centroid can be the mean of these points, hence called k-means.
Step 3: In this step you take the distance of each point from the cluster centroids or means. On
the basis of a predefined threshold value, it is decide that which point belongs to which cluster.
Step 4: You may repeat the above steps i.e. you find the means of newly formed clusters then
find the distances of all points from those means and clusters are reconfigured. The process is
normally repeated until some changes occur in clusters and mostly you get better results.
The K-Means Clustering: Example
Figure-32.10: The K-Means Clustering Example
Consider the example in the figure 32.10 for better understanding k-means working. Figure A
shows two sets of color points and the two colors represent two different classes. The polygons
drawn around points in different clusters signify the cluster boundaries. Now at Figure B a red
point has come in each of the two clusters. This is the centroid or mean of the value in that
cluster. The next step is to measure the distances of all the points from each of these centoirds. So
those distances which are above some threshold will go in a cluster for each mean point or
centroid. Now look at the figure C, here on the basis of distances measured in the previous step
new cluster boundaries have been made. In figure D the boundaries have been removed and we
see that a point has been removed from one of the clusters and added to the other. As we will
repeat the process, the result will get more and finer.
The K-Means Clustering: Comment
§  Relatively efficient: O (tkn), where n is # objects, k is # clusters, and t is #
iterations. Normally, k, t << n.
Often terminates at a local optimum. The global optimum may be found using
techniques such as: deterministic annealing and genetic algorithms
§  Applicable only when mean is defined, then what about categorical data?
Need to specify k, the number of clusters, in advance
Unable to handle noisy data and outliers
Not suitable to discover clusters with non-convex shapes
At the end of the lecture there are some comments about k-means:
1. K-means is a fairly fast technique and normally when terminates , then clusters formed
are fairly good.
2. It can only work for data sets where there is the concept of mean (the answer to the
question posed in a few slides back). If data is non numeric such as likes dislikes, gender,
eyes color etc. then how to calculate means. So this is the first problem with the
3. Another problem or limitation of the technique is that you have to specify the number of
cluster in advance.
4. The third limitation is that it is not a robust technique as it not works well in presence of
5. The last problem is that the clusters found by k-means have to be convex i.e. if you draw
a polygon and join parameters of any two points in that polygon, that line goes out of the
cluster boundaries.
Table of Contents:
  1. Need of Data Warehousing
  2. Why a DWH, Warehousing
  3. The Basic Concept of Data Warehousing
  4. Classical SDLC and DWH SDLC, CLDS, Online Transaction Processing
  5. Types of Data Warehouses: Financial, Telecommunication, Insurance, Human Resource
  6. Normalization: Anomalies, 1NF, 2NF, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  7. De-Normalization: Balance between Normalization and De-Normalization
  8. DeNormalization Techniques: Splitting Tables, Horizontal splitting, Vertical Splitting, Pre-Joining Tables, Adding Redundant Columns, Derived Attributes
  9. Issues of De-Normalization: Storage, Performance, Maintenance, Ease-of-use
  10. Online Analytical Processing OLAP: DWH and OLAP, OLTP
  11. OLAP Implementations: MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP, DOLAP
  12. ROLAP: Relational Database, ROLAP cube, Issues
  13. Dimensional Modeling DM: ER modeling, The Paradox, ER vs. DM,
  14. Process of Dimensional Modeling: Four Step: Choose Business Process, Grain, Facts, Dimensions
  15. Issues of Dimensional Modeling: Additive vs Non-Additive facts, Classification of Aggregation Functions
  16. Extract Transform Load ETL: ETL Cycle, Processing, Data Extraction, Data Transformation
  17. Issues of ETL: Diversity in source systems and platforms
  18. Issues of ETL: legacy data, Web scrapping, data quality, ETL vs ELT
  19. ETL Detail: Data Cleansing: data scrubbing, Dirty Data, Lexical Errors, Irregularities, Integrity Constraint Violation, Duplication
  20. Data Duplication Elimination and BSN Method: Record linkage, Merge, purge, Entity reconciliation, List washing and data cleansing
  21. Introduction to Data Quality Management: Intrinsic, Realistic, Orr’s Laws of Data Quality, TQM
  22. DQM: Quantifying Data Quality: Free-of-error, Completeness, Consistency, Ratios
  23. Total DQM: TDQM in a DWH, Data Quality Management Process
  24. Need for Speed: Parallelism: Scalability, Terminology, Parallelization OLTP Vs DSS
  25. Need for Speed: Hardware Techniques: Data Parallelism Concept
  26. Conventional Indexing Techniques: Concept, Goals, Dense Index, Sparse Index
  27. Special Indexing Techniques: Inverted, Bit map, Cluster, Join indexes
  28. Join Techniques: Nested loop, Sort Merge, Hash based join
  29. Data mining (DM): Knowledge Discovery in Databases KDD
  31. Data Structures, types of Data Mining, Min-Max Distance, One-way, K-Means Clustering
  32. DWH Lifecycle: Data-Driven, Goal-Driven, User-Driven Methodologies
  33. DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach
  34. DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach
  35. DWH Life Cycle: Pitfalls, Mistakes, Tips
  36. Course Project
  37. Contents of Project Reports
  38. Case Study: Agri-Data Warehouse
  39. Web Warehousing: Drawbacks of traditional web sear ches, web search, Web traffic record: Log files
  40. Web Warehousing: Issues, Time-contiguous Log Entries, Transient Cookies, SSL, session ID Ping-pong, Persistent Cookies
  41. Data Transfer Service (DTS)
  42. Lab Data Set: Multi -Campus University
  43. Extracting Data Using Wizard
  44. Data Profiling