
Memory:Superset Schemas, Part hierarchy, Slots Have More Schemas

<< Memory:Schema Theory, A European Solution, Generalization hierarchies
MEMORY:Representation of knowledge (continued), Memory for stories >>
Cognitive Psychology ­ PSY 504
Lesson 37
Representation of knowledge
Schema Theory
Superset Schemas
A special slot in each schema is its superset schema. In House, it is Building
Building has walls, roof, it is built on the ground etc.
Generalization hierarchies
Supersets schemas are basically hierarchies' that we saw with semantic networks. In this case of
schemas, they are sometimes called generalization hierarchies. These hierarchies provide a lot of
information about an object.
Part hierarchy
Schemas have another type of hierarchy, called part hierarchy. Thus, Parts of houses, such as
walls and rooms, have their own schema definitions. Stored with schemas for walls and rooms we
would find that these have windows and ceilings. Thus, using the part relationships, we would be
able to infer that houses have windows and ceilings.
Schemas are designed to facilitate making inferences about the concepts. If we know something
a house, we can use the schema definition to infer that it is probably made of wood or brick, and it
has walls, windows, and the like. However the inferential processes for schemas must be able to
deal with exceptions.  It is also necessary to understand the constrains between slots of a
Slots Have More Schemas
Part: Rooms
Rooms Schema would ensure that we know about rooms having windows and doors. So the
House would have windows by default.
Psychological Reality of Schemas
Brewer & Treyens (1981) provided an interesting demonstration of the effects of schemas in
memory inferences.
In that experiment, 30 subjects were brought individually to a room.
They were told it was an office of the experimenter and were asked to wait there. After 35
seconds the experimenter returned and took the subject to a nearby seminar room and subjects
were asked to write down everything they could remember about the room. The picture of
experimenter office or room is given below;
Experimental Room
Schema in Action
Subjects'  recall  would  be  greatly
influenced by their schema of what an
office contains. Subjects would do well at
recalling parts of schema.
Subjects would not do so well at recalling
items that are not part of office schema.
They should falsify recall things that are
part of the typical office but not of this one.
Cognitive Psychology ­ PSY 504
This is just the pattern of results that they found.
The results of that experiment were
29 out of 30 recalled Chair, desk, and walls
Only 8 subjects recalled it had a skull
9 subjects recalled it had books which it did not
Memory for location is influenced by the person's schema for that location.
Schemas as a formalized for representing knowledge were developed in the field of artificial
intelligence, where they have proven very useful for organizing and reasoning about large and
complex knowledge bases.  Although Brewer and Treyens indicated that humans have
knowledge representations like schemas, it is not clear that human schemas have all only the
properties associated with schemas as they are used in artificial intelligence.
Schemas Represent Natural Categories
One of the important features of schemas is that they allow variation in the objects that might fit a
particular schema. There are constraints on what typically occupies various slots of a schema,
but there are few absolute prohibitions. This suggests that if schemas encode our knowledge
about various object categories, we ought to see shading from less typical to more typical
members of the category as the features of the members better satisfy the schema constraints.
There is now considerable evidence that natural categories like birds have the kind of structure
that would be expected of a schema. Schemas can represent natural categories such as birds.
This would help explain the data collected by Rosch or prototypes and exemplars. She had
subjects rate the typicality of various members of a category on a 1 to 7 scale, 1 meant very
typical and 7 meant very atypical. Subjects rated some members as more typical than other
members. In the bird category, robin got an average of 1.1 and chicken rated on 3.8. Murder was
rated a very typical crime 1.0 whereas vagrancy was not 5.3. It would also help incorporate
propositional information. Schemas don't have boundaries.
Scripts: Event Schemas
It is not just objects and concepts that can be encoded by schemas. It is alos possible to
represent events as schemas. That is we can encode our knowledge about stereotypic events,
such as going to a movie, according to their parts- for instance, going to the theatre, buying the
ticket, buying refreshments, seeing the movie, and returning from the theater. Each of these can
be divided into its parts. So, as with object schemas, we have part hierarchies. We also have
generalization hierarchies going to a driver in theatre is a special case of going to a movie.
Events are represented by special schemas called `Scripts'.
Schank and Abelson (1977) at Yale University have worked extensively on event schemas or
scripts. They pointed out that many circumstances involve stereotypic sequences of actions. For
instance, people go to the restaurant and the stereotypic aspects of dinning at a restaurant might
be (given below), and represent the components of a script for such an occasion.
Going to a restaurant: Entering, Sitting down, Ordering, Eating, Paying the Bill, Exiting
Another example of event schema can be understood by the example of marriage. We know
there are different events or things that make difference between marriage and birthday party.
Like, at marriage there are colorful clothes, bride, groom, dholak, food (lunch or dinner) etc.
Table of Contents:
  1. INTRODUCTION:Historical Background
  3. COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY:Brains of Dead People, The Neuron
  5. COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY (CONTINUED):Hubel & Wiesel, Sensory Memory
  7. ATTENTION:Single-mindedness, In Shadowing Paradigm, Attention and meaning
  8. ATTENTION (continued):Implications, Treisman’s Model, Norman’s Model
  9. ATTENTION (continued):Capacity Models, Arousal, Multimode Theory
  10. ATTENTION:Subsidiary Task, Capacity Theory, Reaction Time & Accuracy, Implications
  12. AUTOMATICITY (continued):Experiment, Implications, Task interference
  13. AUTOMATICITY (continued):Predicting flight performance, Thought suppression
  14. PATTERN RECOGNITION:Template Matching Models, Human flexibility
  15. PATTERN RECOGNITION:Implications, Phonemes, Voicing, Place of articulation
  16. PATTERN RECOGNITION (continued):Adaptation paradigm
  17. PATTERN RECOGNITION (continued):Gestalt Theory of Perception
  18. PATTERN RECOGNITION (continued):Queen Elizabeth’s vase, Palmer (1977)
  19. OBJECT PERCEPTION (continued):Segmentation, Recognition of object
  20. ATTENTION & PATTERN RECOGNITION:Word Superiority Effect
  21. PATTERN RECOGNITION (CONTINUED):Neural Networks, Patterns of connections
  22. PATTERN RECOGNITION (CONTINUED):Effects of Sentence Context
  23. MEMORY:Short Term Working Memory, Atkinson & Shiffrin Model
  24. MEMORY:Rate of forgetting, Size of memory set
  25. Memory:Activation in a network, Magic number 7, Chunking
  26. Memory:Chunking, Individual differences in chunking
  27. MEMORY:THE NATURE OF FORGETTING, Release from PI, Central Executive
  28. Memory:Atkinson & Shiffrin Model, Long Term Memory, Different kinds of LTM
  29. Memory:Spread of Activation, Associative Priming, Implications, More Priming
  30. Memory:Interference, The Critical Assumption, Limited capacity
  31. Memory:Interference, Historical Memories, Recall versus Recognition
  32. Memory:Are forgotten memories lost forever?
  33. Memory:Recognition of lost memories, Representation of knowledge
  34. Memory:Benefits of Categorization, Levels of Categories
  35. Memory:Prototype, Rosch and Colleagues, Experiments of Stephen Read
  36. Memory:Schema Theory, A European Solution, Generalization hierarchies
  37. Memory:Superset Schemas, Part hierarchy, Slots Have More Schemas
  38. MEMORY:Representation of knowledge (continued), Memory for stories
  39. Memory:Representation of knowledge, PQ4R Method, Elaboration
  40. Memory:Study Methods, Analyze Story Structure, Use Multiple Modalities
  41. Memory:Mental Imagery, More evidence, Kosslyn yet again, Image Comparison
  42. Mental Imagery:Eidetic Imagery, Eidetic Psychotherapy, Hot and cold imagery
  43. Language and thought:Productivity & Regularity, Linguistic Intuition
  44. Cognitive development:Assimilation, Accommodation, Stage Theory
  45. Cognitive Development:Gender Identity, Learning Mathematics, Sensory Memory