
Database Development Process, Tools, Data Flow Diagrams, Types of DFD

<< Internal or Physical View of Schema, Data Independence, Funct ions of DBMS
Data Flow Diagram, Data Dictionary, Database Design, Data Model >>
Database Management System (CS403)
Lecture No. 05
Reading Material
"Database Systems Principles, Design and Implementation"
2.3.2, 2.4
written by Catherine Ricardo, Maxwell Macmillan.
Overview of Lecture
o Database Application Development Process
o Preliminary Study of System
o Tools used for Database system Designing
o Data Flow Diagrams
o Different types of Data flow Diagram
Database design and Database Application design are two almost similar concepts, form
the course point of view it is worthwhile to mention that the course is mainly concerned
with designing databases and it concentrates on the activities which are performed during
the design of database and the inner working of the database. The process that will be
discussed in this lecture for development of database is although not a very common one,
but it specifies all the major steps of database development process very clearly. There
exist many ways of system and database development which are not included in the scope
of this course. But we will see only those portions of the other processes which are
directly related with the design and development of database.
Database Application development Process includes the Following Stages or steps:
o Database Design
o Application Programs
o Implementation
Database Management System (CS403)
These three steps cannot always be considered as three independent steps performed in a
sequence or one after another. Rather, they occur in parallel, which means that from a
certain point onward the application programs development may run in parallel with the
database design stages, specially the last stages of the database design. Similarly while
the design phases of the database are in progress, certain phases of the application
programs can also be initiated, for example, the initial study of the screens' format or the
reports layout. The database design process that we are going to discuss in this course
does not take these steps independently and separately, and since the major concern of
this course is the design stages of the database, it concentrate only on those.
o Database Design:
This part of the database application development process is most important process with
respect to the database application development, because the database is something that
will hold the organizations' data, in case the design of the database is not correct or is not
correctly reflecting the situations or scenarios of the organization then it will not produce
correct result, or even just produce errors in response to certain queries. So this portion of
the database design is given great attention when designing a database application.
Database Development Process
The database development process means the same thing that we have mentioned as
database application development process. Rather than discussing three stages of
database application development separately, the steps given in the database development
process include steps that cover all three phases mentioned for the database application
development process.
Preliminary Study:
Design of database is carried out in a number of steps; these steps play important role in
the design process and need to be given proper attention First Phase of the database
development process is the Preliminary Stage, which is based on the proper study of the
system. It means that all the parts of the systems, or the section of the subject
Database Management System (CS403)
organization for which we intend to develop the system must be studied. We should find
the relation or interaction of different section of the organization with each other and
should understand the way information flows between different sections of the
organization. Moreover it should also be made clear that what processing is performed at
each stage of the system.
o Requirement Analysis:
Once we have investigated the organization for its different sections and the way data
flows between those sections. Detailed study of the system is started to find out the
requirements of each section. This phase is the detailed study of the system and its
functionality decisions made at this stage decide the overall activity of the organization.
Requirements of one section of the organization are fulfilled in such a way that all the
sections in the organization are supporting each other, for example we can say that the
results produced by the processing taking place at one section are used as input for
another section. All the users of the systems are interviewed and observed to pinpoint and
precisely define the activities taking place in the different section of the organization.
Fig: 1. Database Development process
o Database Design:
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Third stage in the database development process is the database design; this is a rather
technical phase of the process and need handsome skill as a Database Administrator. This
is the phase where the logical design of the database is created and different schemas for
the database are created logically. Entities are identified and given attributes,
relationships are built and different types of entity mappings are performed.
o Physical Design
This is the phase where we transform our logical design into a Physical design by
implementing the designed database onto a specific DBMS; the choice of the DBMS is
made on the basis of requirements and the environment in which the system will operate.
Implementing a database on a specific DBMS is very important because it involves the
major financial investment of the organization, and can not be reverted in case a selected
DBMS in not capable of providing the desired efficiency.
o Implementation:
This phase is specific to writing the application programs needed to carry out different
activities according to use requirements. Different users may have different requirements
of the data in the database, so the number of application programs is not known or fixed
for all the organizations, it may vary for different organizations.
o Maintenance of the Database System:
Maintenance means to fine tune the system and check that the designed applications
systems are fulfilling the purpose for which they are meant. Also this phase may involve
designing any new application for the enhancement of the system. Or an already working
application may need to be updated or modified to remove any errors or to add some
functionality in the system. The phases involved in the development of the database
application are expressed graphically in Figure-1.
All these stages are necessary and must be given the necessary attention at each level to
get properly working and good system design and a better working environment.
Database Management System (CS403)
Database Development Process: Approach 2
There are other development processes also with some of the stages or steps modified as
compared to the model we have just studied. Such and alternative is given in the Figure-2
below. In this design process we see some of the design stages which existed in the
previous designing steps but some of the stages are modified or merged with others to get
more precise result or to distinguish different separate design phases. In this process of
designing; the following steps exist:
Analyze User Environment
Develop Conceptual Model
Map Conceptual Model to Logical
Choose DBMS
Develop Physical Design
Implement System
Test System
Operational Maintenance
o Analyze User Environment
This is same step as we discussed while discussing the previous designing process
o Develop Conceptual Model
Next stage in this process model is the development of conceptual model or schema Here
we actually transform the studied and analyzed information into the conceptual design of
the database, this stage may also be connected with the requirement analysis phase, as
expressed in the diagram by showing an arrow from this stage back to the first stage.
o Map Conceptual Model to Logical Model
Third stage is the mapping of the developed conceptual model to the logical model of the
database, means at this stage the schema rules are defined and identified for general
database structures.
o Choose DBMS
Once the mapping of the conceptual and logical model is done, the decision for the use of
DBMS is made; again we refer to the previous model for selecting of the DBMS and will
take care of all the necessary requirements of the environment before making a decision.
Database Management System (CS403)
o Develop Physical Design
Once we have selected a DBMS, the logical design is then transformed into physical
design. This also includes considering many other decisions, like, data type allocation,
indexes to be created, file organizations, etc. Physical database design is achieved by
using the DBMS specific rules for schema definition and all the facilities provided by the
Fig: 3. Database Development Stages. (Second Approach)
o Implement System
This stage is also similar to the one described earlier, i.e., designing the application for
different users and user groups of the organization.
o Test System
Testing is important in the sense that an application may be producing incorrect results,
and this incorrectness may lead to the inconsistency of the system. So when a system
Database Management System (CS403)
design is complete, once it is implemented it must be tested for proper operation and all
the modules must be checked for their correctness. Whether the system modules are
important or not because the result of the system is mostly dependent on the proper the
functionality of all database applications and modules.
o Operational Maintenance:
Maintenance means to check that all parts of the system are working and once the testing
of the system is completed the periodic maintenance measure are performed on the
system to keep the system in working order.
Tools Used for Database System Development:
Why tools are used?
Tools are used for describing the design process in standard ways. If there is no
standardized tool available for designing a specific systems; Then everyone will have to
use its own design notation, and a notation used by one designer may not be
understandable to the another one. This misunderstanding can be more drastic if both the
designers are working for the development of the same system. Tools can also help the
designer and the user to mutually agree on a specific design.
Data Flow Diagrams:
The most common tool used for deigning database systems is Data Flow Diagram. It is
used to design systems graphically and expresses different system detail in different DFD
DFDs show the flow of data between different processes o a specific system.
DFDs are simple, and hide complexities.
DFDs are Descriptive and links between processes describe the information flow.
o Limitation of DFDs
They do not provide us a way of expressing decision points.
Database Management System (CS403)
DFDs are focused on flow of information only.
o Symbols used in DFD:
There are a limited number of symbols which are used for design process in DFDs.
The purpose of the dataflow in a DFD is to express the flow of information from one
entity to another entity in the system
Data flows are pipelines through which packets of information flow.
Arrows are labeled with name of the data that moves through them. Figure-4 below show
the Dataflow diagram
Fig: 4. Dataflow Symbol
Data store is a repository for the storage of the data. When in a system the data is to be
permanently stored somewhere for future reference or use the DATASTORE is used for
this purpose. It is express with a rectangle open on right width and left width of the
rectangle drawn with double lines.
Data in the DATASTORE is held sometimes for processing purposes also i-e it may not
be a permanent data store.. Name of the DATASTORE is a noun which tells the storing
location in the system. Or identifies the entity for which data is stored. Figure-5 shows a
data store.
Fig: 5. Data store
o Processes:
Processes are expressed with ovals or rounded rectangles. Processes are used to express
the transformation of incoming dataflow into outgoing dataflow. Process symbols are
used for whatever is the action taking place and whatever is the magnitude or complexity
of the action. Simply stating when data is transformed from one form into another the
process symbol is used. Figure-6a and Figure-6b show two different shapes used for
presenting process in DFD.
Database Management System (CS403)
Fig: 6a
o DFD-Process:
In DFD processes are numbered for expressing their existence at a certain level in the
Fig: 7. Numbered DFD Processes
o External Entities:
These are the entities interacting with the system in any of two different ways. They may
be either receiving the data from the system, or may be producing the data for the system
to consume.
Shape used to express external entities is rectangle. The shape for external entity is
shown in Figure-8.
Fig: 8. External Entity
o Collector:
This DFD shape is used to express several dataflow connections terminating at a single
location. Collector is used to show the convergence of data to a single point. Fig 9a
shows the Collector symbol and Fig 9b show a collector symbol acting as a sink for
multiple data flows.
Database Management System (CS403)
Fig: 9a Collector
Fig 9b. Collector with Multiple Dataflow
o Separator:
The dataflow symbol which is used for separating data from a single source to multiple
sinks is known as a separator.
Figure 10a show the presentation of separator and the figure 10b shows the separator as it
may appear in a DFD.
Fig: 10a Separator
Fig 10b. Separator with Multiple Dataflow
o Ring Sum Operator:
This operator is used when data from a source process can flow to one of the mentioned
sinks. For this purpose the symbol used is displayed in Figure: 11a and its presentation in
a DFD is expressed in Figure-11b.
Fig: 11a Ring sum operator Fig 11b. Separator with Ring sum operator
o AND Operator:
This operator is used when data from a source process must flow to all the connected
sinks. For this purpose the symbol used is displayed in Figure: 12a and its presentation in
a DFD is expressed in Figure-12b.
Database Management System (CS403)
Fig: 12a AND operator
Fig 12b. Separator with AND operator
Types of DFD
o Context diagram
o Level 0 diagram
o Detailed diagram
o Context Diagram:
This is the level of DFD which provides the least amount of details about the working of
the system. Context DFDs have the following properties:
They always consist of single process and describe the single system. The only process
displayed in the CDFDs is the process/system being analyzed. Name of the CDFDs is
generally a Noun Phrase.
Fig: 13a. Example Context DFD Diagram
No System details are shown in the Contexts DFDs just context is shown. Input and
output from and to the process are shown and interactions are shown only with the
external entities. An example DFD at context level is shown in Figure: 13a and 13b.
Database Management System (CS403)
In the context level DFDs no data stores are created. Ant dataflow from external entities
are only directed toward the purported system and vice versa, no communication is show
between external entities themselves.
Fig: 13b. Example Context DFD Diagram
o Level 0 Data Flow Diagrams:
The level 0 Diagram in the DFD is used to describe the working of the whole system.
Once a context DFD has been created the level zero diagram or level `not' diagram is
created. The level zero diagram contains all the apparent details of the system. It shows
the interaction between a numbers of processes and may include a large number of
external entities. At this level it is the duty of the designer to keep a balance in describing
the system using the level 0 diagram. Balance means that he should give proper depth to
the level 0 diagram processes. Because placing too much details and showing all of the
miniature processes in the level 0 diagrams makes it too much complex. On the other
hand it is also not recommended to just ignore even larger processes of the system,
because in such a case although the level 0 DFD will become simple but now we will
have to create large number of detail DFDs. So a balance in describing the system should
be kept so that the depth of the Level 0 DFD is manageable.
o Steps in creating the level 0 DFD
1. Identify distinct modules of the system for which to create the DFD
Database Management System (CS403)
2. Create DFDs for all the modules one by one to show the internal functionality of
the system.
3. Once DFD for the distinct modules of the system have been created, establish link
between different DFDs where required by either connecting the entities of the
system, processes of the system or the data stores in different DFDs.
4. Now
As we know that the level 0 diagram encompasses a large number of smaller
systems, ant is a combination of a number of context DFDs. In level 0 diagram a
process when it has a lot of details, it is not explained further in the level 0, and
In the detailed Data Flow and is given a number. Numbering processes is based
on a specific notation, in the level 0 diagrams only left half or the portion before
the decimal point is valid but in the detailed diagram when a complex process is
expressed further its sub processes are number like 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 and so on.
Table of Contents:
  1. Introduction to Databases and Traditional File Processing Systems
  2. Advantages, Cost, Importance, Levels, Users of Database Systems
  3. Database Architecture: Level, Schema, Model, Conceptual or Logical View:
  4. Internal or Physical View of Schema, Data Independence, Funct ions of DBMS
  5. Database Development Process, Tools, Data Flow Diagrams, Types of DFD
  6. Data Flow Diagram, Data Dictionary, Database Design, Data Model
  7. Entity-Relationship Data Model, Classification of entity types, Attributes
  8. Attributes, The Keys
  9. Relationships:Types of Relationships in databases
  10. Dependencies, Enhancements in E-R Data Model. Super-type and Subtypes
  11. Inheritance Is, Super types and Subtypes, Constraints, Completeness Constraint, Disjointness Constraint, Subtype Discriminator
  12. Steps in the Study of system
  13. Conceptual, Logical Database Design, Relationships and Cardinalities in between Entities
  14. Relational Data Model, Mathematical Relations, Database Relations
  15. Database and Math Relations, Degree of a Relation
  16. Mapping Relationships, Binary, Unary Relationship, Data Manipulation Languages, Relational Algebra
  17. The Project Operator
  18. Types of Joins: Theta Join, Equi–Join, Natural Join, Outer Join, Semi Join
  19. Functional Dependency, Inference Rules, Normal Forms
  20. Second, Third Normal Form, Boyce - Codd Normal Form, Higher Normal Forms
  21. Normalization Summary, Example, Physical Database Design
  23. Physical Record and De-normalization, Partitioning
  24. Vertical Partitioning, Replication, MS SQL Server
  25. Rules of SQL Format, Data Types in SQL Server
  26. Categories of SQL Commands,
  27. Alter Table Statement
  28. Select Statement, Attribute Allias
  29. Data Manipulation Language
  30. ORDER BY Clause, Functions in SQL, GROUP BY Clause, HAVING Clause, Cartesian Product
  31. Inner Join, Outer Join, Semi Join, Self Join, Subquery,
  32. Application Programs, User Interface, Forms, Tips for User Friendly Interface
  33. Designing Input Form, Arranging Form, Adding Command Buttons
  34. Data Storage Concepts, Physical Storage Media, Memory Hierarchy
  35. File Organizations: Hashing Algorithm, Collision Handling
  36. Hashing, Hash Functions, Hashed Access Characteristics, Mapping functions, Open addressing
  37. Index Classification
  38. Ordered, Dense, Sparse, Multi-Level Indices, Clustered, Non-clustered Indexes
  39. Views, Data Independence, Security, Vertical and Horizontal Subset of a Table
  40. Materialized View, Simple Views, Complex View, Dynamic Views
  41. Updating Multiple Tables, Transaction Management
  42. Transactions and Schedules, Concurrent Execution, Serializability, Lock-Based Concurrency Control, Deadlocks
  43. Incremental Log with Deferred, Immediate Updates, Concurrency Control
  44. Serial Execution, Serializability, Locking, Inconsistent Analysis
  45. Locking Idea, DeadLock Handling, Deadlock Resolution, Timestamping rules