
Internal or Physical View of Schema, Data Independence, Funct ions of DBMS

<< Database Architecture: Level, Schema, Model, Conceptual or Logical View:
Database Development Process, Tools, Data Flow Diagrams, Types of DFD >>
Database Management System (CS403)
Lecture No. 04
Reading Material
Implementation"  written  by  Catherine  Ricardo, 4.1.4
Maxwell Macmillan.
Chapter 2
Overview of Lecture
o Internal Schema of the Database Architecture
o Data Independence
o Different aspects of the DBMS
Internal or Physical View / Schema
This is the level of the database which is responsible for the storage
of data on the storage media and places the data in such a format
that it is only readable by the DBMS. Although the internal view and
the physical view are so close that they are generally referred to a
single layer of the DBMS but there lays thin line which actually
separated the internal view from the physical view. As we know that
data when stored onto a magnetic media is stored in binary format,
because this is the only data format which can be represented
electronically, No matter what is the actual format of data, either
text, images, audio or video. This binary storage mechanism is
always implemented by the Operating System of the Computer.
DBMS to some extent decides the way data is to be stored on the
disk. This decision of the DBMS is based on the requirements
specified by the DBA when implementing the database. Moreover
the DBMS itself adds information to the data which is to be stored.
For example a DBMS has selected a specific File organization for the
Database Management System (CS403)
storage of data on disk, to implement that specific file system the
DBMS needs to create specific indexes. Now whenever the DBMS will
attempt to retrieve the data back form the file organization system
it will use the same indexes information for data retrieval. This
index information is one example of additional information which
DBMS places in the data when storing it on the disk. At the same
level storage space utilization if performed so that the data can be
stored by consuming minimum space, for this purpose the data
compression can be performed, this space optimization is achieved
in such a way that the performance of retrieval and storage process
is not compromised. Another important consideration for the storage
of data at the internal level is that the data should be stored in
such a way that it is secure and does not involve any security risks.
For this purpose different data encryption algorithms may be used.
Lines below detail further tidbits of the internal level.
The difference between the internal level and the external level
demarcates a boundary between these two layers, now what is that
difference, it in fact is based on the access or responsibility of the
DBMS for the representation of data. At the internal Level the
records are presented in the format that are in match with schema
definition of the records, whereas at the physical level the data is
not strictly in record format, rather it is
in character format.,
means the rules identified by the schema of the record are not
enforced at this level. Once the data has been transported to the
physical level it is then managed by the operating system. Operating
system at that level uses its own data storage utilities to place the
data on disk.
Inter Schema Mapping:
The mechanism through which the records or data at one level is
related to the changed format of the same data at another level is
known as mapping. When we associate one form of data at the
external level with the same data in another form is know as the
external/conceptual mapping of the data. (We have seen examples
of external/conceptual mapping in the previous lecture)
In the
same way when data at the conceptual level is correlated with the
same data at the internal level, this is called the conceptual/Internal
Now the question arises that how this mapping is performed. Means
how is it possible to have data at one level in date format and at a
higher level the same data show us the age. This hidden mechanism,
conversion system or the formula which converts the date of birth
of an employee into age is performed by the mapping function and
Database Management System (CS403)
it is defined in the specific ext/con mapping, for example, when the
data at the conceptual level is presented as the age of the employee
is done by the external schema of that specific user. Now in this
scenario the ext/con mapping is performing the mapping with the
internal view and is retrieving the data in desire format of the user.
In the same way the mapping between an internal view and
conceptual view is performed.
The figure below gives a clear picture of this mapping process and
informs where the mapping between different levels of the database
is performed.
Conceptual/Internal levels
In Figure-1 we can see clearly where the mapping or connectivity is
performed between different levels of the database management
system. Figure-1 is showing another very important concept that the
internal layer and the physical layers lie separately the Physical
layer  is  explicitly  used  for  data  storage  on  disk  and  is  the
responsibility of the Operating system. DBMS has almost no concern
with the details of the physical level other than that it passes on the
data along-with necessary instructions required to the store that
data to the operating system.
Figure-2 on the next page shows how data appears on different
levels of the database architecture and also at that of physical level.
We can clearly see that the data store on the physical level is in
binary format and is separate from the internal view of data in
location and format. Separation of the physical level from the
internal level is of great use in terms of efficiency of storage and
data retrieval.
Database Management System (CS403)
Fig: 2. Representation of data at different levels of data base
Architecture and at the physical level at bottom
At the internal level we can see that data is prefixed with Block
Header and Record header RH, the Record header is prefixed to
every record and the block header is prefixed to a group of records;
because the block size is generally larger than the record size, as a
result when an application is producing data it is not stored record
wise on the disk rather block wise which reduces the number of disk
operations and in-turn improves the efficiency of writing process.
Data Independence:
Data Independence is a major feature of the database system and
one of the most important advantages of the Three Level Database
Architecture.  As  it  has  been  discussed  already  that  the  file
processing system makes the application programs and the data
dependent on each other, I-e if we want to make a change in the
data we will have to make or reflect the corresponding change in
the associated applications also.
The Three Level Architecture facilitates us in such a way that data
independence is automatically introduced to the system. In other
words we can say the data independence is major most objective of
the Three Level Architecture. If we do not have data independence
then whenever there will be a change made to the internal or
Database Management System (CS403)
physical  level  or  the  data accessing strategy  the  applications
running at the external level will demand to be changed because
they will not be able to properly access the changed internal or
physical levels any more. As a result these applications will stop
working and ultimately the whole system may fail to operate.
The  Data independence achieved as a result of the three level
architecture proves to be very useful because once we have the
data , database and data applications independent of each other we
can easily make changes to any of the components of the system,
without  effecting  the  functionality  and  operation  of  other
interrelated components.
Data  and  program  independence  is  on  advantage  of  the  3-L
architecture the other major advantage is that ant change in the
lower level of the 3-L architecture does not effect the structure or
the functionality on upper levels. I-e we get external/conceptual
and  conceptual/internal  independence  by  the  three  levels
Data independence can be classified into two type based on the
level at which the independence is obtained.
Logical Data Independence
Physical Data Independence
Logical data independence
Logical data independence provides the independence in a way that
changes in conceptual model do not affect the external views. Or
simply it can be stated at the Immunity of external level from
changes at conceptual level.
Although we have data independence at different levels, but we
should be careful before making a change to anything in database
because not all changes are accepted transparently at different
levels. There may be some changes which may cause damage or
inconsistency in the database levels. The changes which can be
done transparently may include the following:
o Adding a file to the database
o Adding a new field in a file
o Changing the type of a specific field
But a change which may look similar to that of the changes stated
above could cause problems in the database; for example: Deleting
an attribute from the database structure,
Database Management System (CS403)
This could be serious because any application which is using this
attribute may not be able to run any more. So having data
independence available to us we still get problem after a certain
change, it means that before making a certain change its impact
should also be kept in mind and the changes should be made while
Fig:3.  The  levels  where
independence are effective
Physical Data Independence
Physical data independence is that type of independence that
provides us changes transparency between the conceptual and
internal levels. I-e the changes made to internal level shall not
affect the conceptual level. Although the independence exist but as
we saw in the previous case the changes made should belong to a
specific domain and should not exceed the liberty offered by the
physical data independence. For example the changes made to the
file organization by implementing indexed or sequential or random
access at a later stage, changing the storage media, or simply
implement a different technique for managing file indexes or hashes.
Functions of DBMS
o Data Processing
Database Management System (CS403)
A user accessible Catalog
Transaction Support
Concurrency Control Services
Recovery Services
Authorization Services
Support for Data Communication
Integrity Services
DBMS lies at the heart of the course; it is the most important
component of a database system. To understand the functionality of
DBMS it is necessary that we understand the relation of database
and the DBMS and the dissection of the set of functions the DBMS
performs on the data stored in the database.
Two important functions that the DBMS performs are:
User management
Data Management
The detailed description of the above two major activities of DBMS
is given below;
o Data Processing
By Data management we mean a number of things it may include
certain operations on the data such as: creation of data, Storing of
the data in the database, arrangement of the data in the databases
and data-stores, providing access to the data in the database, and
placing of the data in the appropriate storage devices. These action
performed on the data can be classified as data processing.
o A User Accessible Catalog
DBMS has another very important task known as access proviso to
catalog. Catalog is an object or a place in the DBMS which stores
almost all of the information of the database, including schema
information, user information right of the users, and many more
things about the database. Modern relational DBMS require that the
Administrative users of the database should have access to the
catalog of the database.
o Transaction Support
DBMS is responsible for providing transaction support. Transaction
is an action that is used to perform some manipulation on the data
stored in the database. DBMS is responsible for supporting all the
required  operations  on  the  database,  and  also  manages  the
Database Management System (CS403)
transaction execution so that only the authorized and allowed
actions are performed.
o Concurrency Support
Concurrency support means to support a number of transactions to
be executed simultaneously, Concurrency of transactions is managed
in such a way that if two or more transaction is making certain
processing on the same set of data, in that case the result of all the
transactions should be correct and no information should be lost.
o Recovery Services
Recovery services mean that in case a database gets an inconsistent
state to get corrupted due to any invalid action of someone, the
DBMS should be able to recover itself to a consistent state, ensuring
that the data loss during the recovery process of the database
remains minimum.
o Authorization Services
The database is intended to be used by a number of users, who will
perform a number of actions on the database and data stored in the
database, The DBMS is used to allow or restrict different database
users to interact with the database. It is the responsibility of the
database to check whether a user intending to get access to
database is authorized to do so or not. If the user is an authorized
one than what actions can he/she perform on the data?
o Support for Data Communication
The DBMS should also have the support for communication of the
data indifferent ways. For example if the system is working for such
an organization which is spread across the country and it is
deployed over a number of offices throughout the country, then the
DBMS should be able to communicate to the central database
station. Or if the data regarding a product is to be sent to the
customers worldwide it should have the facility of sending the data
of the product in the form of a report or offer to its valued
o Integrity Services
Integrity means to maintain something in its truth or originality. The
same concept applies to the integrity in the DBMS environment.
Means the DBMS should allow the operation on the database which
are real for the specific organization and it should not allow the
false information or incorrect facts.
Database Management System (CS403)
DBMS Environments:
o Single User
o Multi-user
·  Teleprocessing
·  File Servers
·  Client-Server
o Single User Database Environment
This is the database environment which supports only one user
accessing the database at a specific time. The DBMS might have a
number of users but at a certain time only one user can log into the
database system and use it. This type of DBMS systems are also
called Desktop Database systems.
o Multi-User Database systems
This is the type of DBMS which can support a number of users
simultaneously interacting with the database indifferent ways. A
number of environments exist for such DBMS.
·  Teleprocessing
This type of Multi user database systems processes the user
requests at a central computer, all requests are carried to the
central computer where the database is residing, transactions are
carried out and the results transported back to the terminals
(literally dumb terminals). It has become obsolete now.
·  File Servers
This type of multi-user database environment assumes another
approach for sharing of data for different users. A file server is used
to maintain a connection between the users of the database system.
Each client of the network runs its own copy of the DBMS and the
database resides on the file server. Now whenever a user needs
data from  the file server it makes a request the  whole file
containing the required data was sent to the client. At this stage it
is important to see that the user has requested one or two records
from the database but the server sends a complete file, which might
contain hundreds of records. Now if the client after making the
desired operation on the desired data wants to write back the data
on the database he will have to send the whole file back to the
server, thus causing a lot of network overhead. The Good thing
about this approach is that the server does not have lots of actions
to do rather it remains idle for lots of the time in contrast with that
of the teleprocessing systems approach.
·  Client-Server
Database Management System (CS403)
This type of multi-user environment is the best implementation of
the network and DBMS environments. It has a DBMS server machine
which runs the DBMS and to this machine are connected the clients
having application programs running for each user. Once a users
wants to perform a certain operation on data in the database it
sends its requests to the DBMS through its machine's application
software; the request is forwarded to the DBMS server which
performs the required operation on data in the database stored in
the dame computer and then passes back the result to the user
intending the result. This environment is best suited for large
enterprises where bulk of data is processed and requests are very
much frequent.
This concludes the topics discusses in the lecture No4.In the next
lecture Database application development process will be discussed
-  Extend the format of data from the exercise of previous
lecture  to  include  the  physical  and  internal  levels.
Complete your exercise by including data at all three
-  Think of different nature of changes at all three levels of
database architecture and see, which ones will have no
effect  on  the  existing  applications,  which  will  be
adjusted in the inter-schema mapping and which will
effect the existing applications.
Table of Contents:
  1. Introduction to Databases and Traditional File Processing Systems
  2. Advantages, Cost, Importance, Levels, Users of Database Systems
  3. Database Architecture: Level, Schema, Model, Conceptual or Logical View:
  4. Internal or Physical View of Schema, Data Independence, Funct ions of DBMS
  5. Database Development Process, Tools, Data Flow Diagrams, Types of DFD
  6. Data Flow Diagram, Data Dictionary, Database Design, Data Model
  7. Entity-Relationship Data Model, Classification of entity types, Attributes
  8. Attributes, The Keys
  9. Relationships:Types of Relationships in databases
  10. Dependencies, Enhancements in E-R Data Model. Super-type and Subtypes
  11. Inheritance Is, Super types and Subtypes, Constraints, Completeness Constraint, Disjointness Constraint, Subtype Discriminator
  12. Steps in the Study of system
  13. Conceptual, Logical Database Design, Relationships and Cardinalities in between Entities
  14. Relational Data Model, Mathematical Relations, Database Relations
  15. Database and Math Relations, Degree of a Relation
  16. Mapping Relationships, Binary, Unary Relationship, Data Manipulation Languages, Relational Algebra
  17. The Project Operator
  18. Types of Joins: Theta Join, Equi–Join, Natural Join, Outer Join, Semi Join
  19. Functional Dependency, Inference Rules, Normal Forms
  20. Second, Third Normal Form, Boyce - Codd Normal Form, Higher Normal Forms
  21. Normalization Summary, Example, Physical Database Design
  23. Physical Record and De-normalization, Partitioning
  24. Vertical Partitioning, Replication, MS SQL Server
  25. Rules of SQL Format, Data Types in SQL Server
  26. Categories of SQL Commands,
  27. Alter Table Statement
  28. Select Statement, Attribute Allias
  29. Data Manipulation Language
  30. ORDER BY Clause, Functions in SQL, GROUP BY Clause, HAVING Clause, Cartesian Product
  31. Inner Join, Outer Join, Semi Join, Self Join, Subquery,
  32. Application Programs, User Interface, Forms, Tips for User Friendly Interface
  33. Designing Input Form, Arranging Form, Adding Command Buttons
  34. Data Storage Concepts, Physical Storage Media, Memory Hierarchy
  35. File Organizations: Hashing Algorithm, Collision Handling
  36. Hashing, Hash Functions, Hashed Access Characteristics, Mapping functions, Open addressing
  37. Index Classification
  38. Ordered, Dense, Sparse, Multi-Level Indices, Clustered, Non-clustered Indexes
  39. Views, Data Independence, Security, Vertical and Horizontal Subset of a Table
  40. Materialized View, Simple Views, Complex View, Dynamic Views
  41. Updating Multiple Tables, Transaction Management
  42. Transactions and Schedules, Concurrent Execution, Serializability, Lock-Based Concurrency Control, Deadlocks
  43. Incremental Log with Deferred, Immediate Updates, Concurrency Control
  44. Serial Execution, Serializability, Locking, Inconsistent Analysis
  45. Locking Idea, DeadLock Handling, Deadlock Resolution, Timestamping rules