
Join Techniques: Nested loop, Sort Merge, Hash based join

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Lecture- 28
Join Techniques
Used to retrieve data from multiple tables.
Joins used frequently, hence lot of work on improving or optimizing them.
Simplest join that works in most cases is nested-loop join but results in quadratic time
Tables identified by FROM clause and condition by WHERE clause.
Will cover different types of joins.
Join commands are statements that retrieve data from multiple tables. A join is identified by
multiple tables in the FROM clause, and the relationship between the tables to be joined is
established through the existence of a join condition in the WHERE clause. Because joins are so
frequently used in relational queries and because joins are so expensive, lot of effort has gone into
developing efficient join algorithms and techniques. The simplest i.e. nested-loop join is
applicable in all cases, but results in quadratic performance. Several fast join algorithms have
been developed and extensively used; these can be categorized as sort -merge, hash-based, and
index-based algorithms. In this lecture we will be covering the following join
Nested loop join
Sort Merge Join
Hash based join
About Nested-Loop Join
Typically used in OLTP environment.
Limited application for DSS and VLDB
In DSS environment we deal with VLDB and large sets of data.
Traditionally Nested -Loop join has been and is used in OLTP environments, but for many
reasons, such a join mechanism is not suitable for VLDB and DSS environments. Nested loop
joins are useful when small subsets of data are joined and if the join condition is an efficient way
of accessing the inner table. Despite these restrictions/limitations, we will begin our discussion
with the traditional join technique i.e. nested loop join, so that you can appreciate the benefits of
the join techniques typically used in a VLDB and DSS environment.
Nested-Loop Join: Code
FOR i = 1 to n DO BEGIN
N rows in T1
IF ith row of T1 qualifies THEN BEGIN
For j = 1 to m DO BEGIN
M rows in T2
IF the ith row of T1 matches to jth row of T2 on join key THEN BEGIN
IF the jth row of T2 qualifies THEN BEGIN
produce output row
Nested loop join wo rks like a nested loop used in a high level programming language, where each
value of the index of the outer loop is taken as a limit (or starting point or whatever applicable)
for the index of the inner loop, and corresponding actions are performed on the statement(s)
following the inner loop. So basically, if the outer loop executes R times and for each such
execution the inner loop executes S times, then the total cost or time complexity of the nested
loop is O(RS).
Nested-loop joins provide efficient access when tables are indexed on join columns. Furthermore,
in many small transactions, such as those affecting only a small set of rows, index nested loops
joins are far superior to both sort -merge joins and hash joins. A nested loop join involves the
following steps:
1. The optimizer determines the major table (i.e. Table_A) and designates it as the outer
table. Table_A is accessed once. If the outer table has no useful indexes, a full table scan
is performed. If an index can reduce I/O costs, the index is used to locate the rows.
2. The other table is designated as the inner table or Table_B. Table_B is accessed once for
each qualifying row (or touple) in Table_A.
3. For every row in the outer table, DBMS accesses all the rows in the inner table. The outer
loop is for every row in outer table and the inner loop is for every row in the inner table.
If 10 rows from Table_A match the conditions in the query, Table_B is accessed 10 times. If
Table_B has a useful index on the join column, it might require 5 I/Os to read the data block for
each scan, plus one I/O for each data block. Hence the total cost of accessing Table_B would be
60 logical I/Os.
Nested-Loop Join: Working Example
For each qualifying row of Personal table,
Academic table is examined for matching rows.
Figure-28.1: The process of Nested-Loop Join without indexing
The process of creating the result set for a nested-loop join is achieved by nesting the tables, and
scanning the inner table repeatedly for each qualifying row of the outer table. This process is
shown in Figure-28.1: The question being asked is "What is the average GPS of undergraduate
male students?".
Nested-Loop Join: Order of Tables
If the outer loop executes R times and the inner loop executes S times, then the time complexity
will be O(RS).
The time complexity should be independent of the order of tables i.e. O(RS) is same as O(SR).
However, in the context of I/Os the order of tables does matter.
Along with this the relationship between the number of qualifyin g rows/blocks between the two
tables matters.
It is true that the actual number of matching rows returned as a result of the join would be
independent of the order of tables i.e. inner or outer; actually it is going to be even independent of
the type of join used. Now assume that depending on the filter criterion, different number of rows
is returned from the two tables to be joined. Let the rows returned from Table_A be RA and rows
returned from Table_B be RB, and let R  A < RB. If Table_B would have been the outer table, then
for each row returned, the inner table i.e. Table_A would have been scanned (assuming no
indexing) RB times. However, if Table_A would have been the outer table, then for each row
returned, the inner table i.e. Table_B would have been scanned (assuming no indexing) RA times
i.e. less number of times scanned. Meaning, even if the inner table have fewer number of
qualifying rows, it is going to be scanned the number of times the qualifying rows of the outer
table. Hence the choice of tables does matter.
Nested-Loop Join: Cost Formula
Join cost = Cost of accessing Table_A +
# of qualifying rows in Table_A × Blocks of Table_B to be scanned for each qualifying row
Join cost = Blocks accessed for Table_A +
Blocks accessed for Table_A × Blocks accessed for Table_B
For a high level programming language, the time complexity of a nested -loop join remains
unchanged if the order of the loops are changed i.e. the inner and outer loops are interchanged.
However, this is NOT true for Nested-Loop-Joins in the context of DSS when we look at the I/O.
For a nested-loop join with two tables, the formula for estimating the join cost is:
Join cost = Cost of accessing Table_A +
# of qualifying rows in Table_A × Blocks of Table_B to be scanned for each qualifying row.
Join cost = Blocks accessed for Table_A +
Blocks accessed for Table_A × Blocks accessed for Table_B
For a Nested-Loop join inner and outer tables are determined as follows:
The outer table is usually the one that has:
The smallest number of qualifying rows, and/or
The largest numbers of I/Os required to locate the rows.
The inner table usually has:
The largest number of qualifying rows, and/or
The smallest number of reads required to locate rows.
Nested-Loop Join: Cost of reorder
Table_A = 500 blocks and
Table_B = 700 blocks.
Qualifying blocks for Table_A QB(A) = 50
Qualifying blocks for Table_B QB(B) = 100
Join cost A&B = 500 + 50× 700 = 35,500 I/Os
Join cost B&A = 700 + 100× 500 = 50,700 I/Os
i.e. an increase in I/O of about 43%.
For example, if qualifying blocks for Table_A QB(A) = 50 and qualifying blocks for Table_B
QB(B) = 100 and size of Table_A is 500 blocks and size of Table_B is 700 blocks then Join cost
A&B = 500 + 50× 700 = 35,500 I/Os and using the other order i.e. Table_B outer table and
Table_A as inner table, the join cost B&A = 700 + 100× 500 = 50,700 I/Os i.e. an increase in I/O
of about 43%.
Nested-Loop Join: Variants
1. Naive nested-loop join
2. Index nested-loop join
3. Temporary index nested-loop join
Working of Query optimizer
There are many variants of the traditional nested-loop join. The simplest case is when an entire
table is scanned; this is called a naive nested -loop join. If there is an index, and that index is
exploited, then it is called an index nested-loop join. If the index is built as part of the query plan
and subsequently dropped, it is called as a temporary index nested -loop join. All these variants
are considered by the query optimizer before selecting the most appropriate join
Sort-Merge Join
Joined tables to be sorted as per WHERE clause of the join predicate.
Query optimizer scans for (cluster) index, if exists performs join.
In the absence of index, tables are sorted on the columns as per WHERE clause.
If multiple equalities in WHERE clause, some merge columns used.
The Sort -Merge join requires that both tables to be joined are sorted on those columns that are
identified by the equality in the WHERE clause of the join predicate. Subsequently the tables are
merged based on the join columns. The query optimizer typically scans an index on the columns
which are part of the join, if one exists on the proper set of columns, fine, else the tables are
sorted on the columns to be joined , resulting in what is called a cluster index. However, in rare
cases, there may be multiple equalities in the WHERE clause, in such a case, the merge columns
are taken from only some of the given equality clauses.
Because each table is sorted, the Sort -Merge Join operator gets a row from each table and
compares it one at a time with the rows of the other table. For example, for equi-join operations,
the rows are returned if they match/equal on the join predicate. If they are not equal or don't
match, whic hever row has the lower value is discarded, and next row is obtained from that table.
This process is repeated until all the rows have been exhausted.
The Sort -Merge join process just described works as follows:
· Sort Table_A and Table_B on the join column in ascending order, then scan them to do a
``merge'' (on join column), and output result tuples/rows.
Proceed with scanning of Table_A until current A_tuple current B_tuple, then
proceed scanning of Table_B until current B_tuple current A_tuple; do this
until current A_tuple = current B_tuple.
At this point, all A_tuples with same value in Ai (current A_group) and all
B_tuples with same value in Bj (current B_group) match; output <a, b> for all
pairs of such tuples/records.
Update pointers, resume scanning Table_A and Table_B .
· Table_A is scanned once; each B group is scanned once per matching Table_A tuple.
(Multiple scans of a B group are likely to find needed pages in buffer.)
· Cost: M log M + N log N + (M+N)
§  The cost of scanning is M+N, could be M*N (very unlikely!)
Figure-28.2: The process of merging
Fig-28.2 shows the process of merging two sorted tables with IDs shown. Conceptually the
merging is similar to the merging you must have studies in Merge_Sort in your Algorithm course.
Sort-Merge Join: Note
Very fast.
Sorting can be expensive.
Presorted data can be obtained from existing B-tree.
Sort-Merge join itself is very fast, but it can be an expensive choice if sort operations are required
frequently i.e. the contents of the t able's change often resulting in deterioration of the sort order.
However, it may so happen that even if the data volume is large the desired data can be obtained
presorted from existing B-tree. For such a case sort -merge join is often the fastest availabl e join
Hash-Based Join: Working
Suitable for the VLDB environment.
The choice which table first gets hashed plays a pivotal role in the overall performance of the join
operation, this decided by the optimizer.
The joined rows are identified by collisions i.e. collisions are "good" in case of hash join.
Hash joins are suitable for the VLDB environment as they are useful for joining large data sets or
tables. The choice about which table first gets hashed plays a pivotal role in the overall
performance of the join operation, and left to the optimizer. The optimizer decides by using the
smaller of the two tables (say) Table_A or data sources to build a hash table in the main memory
on the join key used in the WHERE clause. It then scans the larger table (say) Table_B and probes
the hashed table to find the joined rows. The joined rows are identified by collisions i.e. collisions
are "good" in case of hash join.
The optimizer uses a hash join to join two tables if they are joined using an equij oin and if either
of the following conditions are true:
A large amount of data needs to be joined.
A large portion of the table needs to be joined.
This method is best used when the smaller table fits in the available main memory. The cost is
then limited to a single read pass over the data for the two tables. Else the "smaller" table has to
be partitioned which results in unnecessary delays and degradation of performance due to
undesirable I/Os.
Figure-28.3: Working of Hash-based join
Cost of Hash -Join
· In partitioning phase, read + write both operations requires 2(M+N) I/Os.
· In matching phase, read both requires M+N I/Os.
Hash-Based Join: Large "small" Table
Smaller of the two tables may grow too big to fit into the main memory.
Optimizer performs partitioning, but is not simple.
Multi-step approach followed, each step has a build phase and probe phase.
Both tables entirely consumed and partitioned via hashing.
Hashing guarantees any two joining records will fall in same pair of partitions.
Task reduced to multiple, but smaller, instances of the same tasks.
It may so happen that the smaller of the two tables grows too big to fit into the main memory,
then the optimizer breaks it up by partitioning, such that a partition can fit in the main memory.
However, it is not that simple because the qualifying rows of both the tables have to fall in the
corresponding partition pairs that are hashed (build) and probed. Thus in such a case the hash join
proceeds in several steps. Each step has a build phase and probe phase. Initially, the two tables
are entirely consumed and partitioned (using a hash function on the hash keys) into multiple
partitions. The number of such partitions is sometimes called the partitioning fan -out. Using the
hash function on the hash keys (based on the predicates in the WHERE clause) guarantees that any
two joining records must be in the same pair of partitions. Therefore, the task of joining two large
tables gets reduced to multiple, but smaller, instances of the same tasks. The hash join is then
applied to each pair of partitions.
Hash-Based Join: Partition Skew
Partition skew can become a problem.
Hashing works under the assumption of uniformity of data distribution, may not be always true.
Consequently hash-based join degrades into nested-loop join.
Solution: Make available other hash functions to be chosen by the optimizer; that better distribute
the input.
Partition skew can become a problem in hash-join. In the first step of hash join, records are
hashed into the main memory into their corresponding bucket. This being done based on the hash
function used. However, an attribute being hashed may not be uniformly distributed within the
relation, and some buckets may then contain more records than other buckets. When this
difference becomes large, the corresponding bucket may no longer fit in the main memory. As a
consequence, hash -based join degrades into performance of a nested-loop join. The only possible
solution is to make available other hash functions to be chosen by the optimizer; that better
distribute the input.
Hash-Based Join: Intrinsic Skew
Intrinsic skew can become a problem for hash, as well as sort -merge join.
The skew is in data, NOT due to hash function.
Example: Many non-CS majors registering for CS-101 instead of CS students in summer.
Intrinsic skew occurs when attributes are not distributed uniformly; it is also called attribute value
skew. For example a basic Computer Science (CS) course being offered in summer, and taken by
many non -CS majors who want to know about computers. The course taken by few CS-majors
who missed it or got an incomplete (i.e. I) grade during the regular semester due to one reason or
another. Ironically, intrinsic skew effects the performance of both hash and sort -merge joins.
Sort-merge join works best when the join attributes are the primary key of both tables. This
property guarantees absence of duplicates, so that a record in the left -hand-side of the relation
will join with at most one record in the right -hand-side of the relation, thus avoiding the intrinsic
Table of Contents:
  1. Need of Data Warehousing
  2. Why a DWH, Warehousing
  3. The Basic Concept of Data Warehousing
  4. Classical SDLC and DWH SDLC, CLDS, Online Transaction Processing
  5. Types of Data Warehouses: Financial, Telecommunication, Insurance, Human Resource
  6. Normalization: Anomalies, 1NF, 2NF, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  7. De-Normalization: Balance between Normalization and De-Normalization
  8. DeNormalization Techniques: Splitting Tables, Horizontal splitting, Vertical Splitting, Pre-Joining Tables, Adding Redundant Columns, Derived Attributes
  9. Issues of De-Normalization: Storage, Performance, Maintenance, Ease-of-use
  10. Online Analytical Processing OLAP: DWH and OLAP, OLTP
  11. OLAP Implementations: MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP, DOLAP
  12. ROLAP: Relational Database, ROLAP cube, Issues
  13. Dimensional Modeling DM: ER modeling, The Paradox, ER vs. DM,
  14. Process of Dimensional Modeling: Four Step: Choose Business Process, Grain, Facts, Dimensions
  15. Issues of Dimensional Modeling: Additive vs Non-Additive facts, Classification of Aggregation Functions
  16. Extract Transform Load ETL: ETL Cycle, Processing, Data Extraction, Data Transformation
  17. Issues of ETL: Diversity in source systems and platforms
  18. Issues of ETL: legacy data, Web scrapping, data quality, ETL vs ELT
  19. ETL Detail: Data Cleansing: data scrubbing, Dirty Data, Lexical Errors, Irregularities, Integrity Constraint Violation, Duplication
  20. Data Duplication Elimination and BSN Method: Record linkage, Merge, purge, Entity reconciliation, List washing and data cleansing
  21. Introduction to Data Quality Management: Intrinsic, Realistic, Orr’s Laws of Data Quality, TQM
  22. DQM: Quantifying Data Quality: Free-of-error, Completeness, Consistency, Ratios
  23. Total DQM: TDQM in a DWH, Data Quality Management Process
  24. Need for Speed: Parallelism: Scalability, Terminology, Parallelization OLTP Vs DSS
  25. Need for Speed: Hardware Techniques: Data Parallelism Concept
  26. Conventional Indexing Techniques: Concept, Goals, Dense Index, Sparse Index
  27. Special Indexing Techniques: Inverted, Bit map, Cluster, Join indexes
  28. Join Techniques: Nested loop, Sort Merge, Hash based join
  29. Data mining (DM): Knowledge Discovery in Databases KDD
  31. Data Structures, types of Data Mining, Min-Max Distance, One-way, K-Means Clustering
  32. DWH Lifecycle: Data-Driven, Goal-Driven, User-Driven Methodologies
  33. DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach
  34. DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach
  35. DWH Life Cycle: Pitfalls, Mistakes, Tips
  36. Course Project
  37. Contents of Project Reports
  38. Case Study: Agri-Data Warehouse
  39. Web Warehousing: Drawbacks of traditional web sear ches, web search, Web traffic record: Log files
  40. Web Warehousing: Issues, Time-contiguous Log Entries, Transient Cookies, SSL, session ID Ping-pong, Persistent Cookies
  41. Data Transfer Service (DTS)
  42. Lab Data Set: Multi -Campus University
  43. Extracting Data Using Wizard
  44. Data Profiling