
Introduction to Data Quality Management: Intrinsic, Realistic, Orr’s Laws of Data Quality, TQM

<< Data Duplication Elimination and BSN Method: Record linkage, Merge, purge, Entity reconciliation, List washing and data cleansing
DQM: Quantifying Data Quality: Free-of-error, Completeness, Consistency, Ratios >>
Introduction to Data Quality Management (DQM)
Data is the "fuel" on which a Data Warehouse (DWH) runs. One of the main reasons for the
failure of DWH deployments is data quality or lack of it. Unfortunately the problems of data
quality are usually underestimated, leading to bad decisions, traumatic results and expensive
There can be a whole course on data quality. The goal of this lecture is to expose the reader to the
data quality issues, and to motivate them to understand more about quality management and
quality control. This will enable the reader to relate quality management to the DWH, because
usually quality control relates to manufacturing than Data Warehousing.
Consider the analogy of a car. You may have the best car, the bes t road conditions and the best
driver on the seat. But if the fuel is contaminated, or is not of the right octane, either the car will
not run, or will run, but not give the right performance.
What is Quality? Informally
Some things are better than others i.e. they are of higher quality. How much "better" is better?
Is the right item the best item to purchase? How about after the purchase?
What is quality of service? The bank example
The best way to look at data quality is to look at what quality means in the general marketplace
and then translate what quality means for data. As consumers, human beings consciously or
subconsciously judge the "quality" of things during their life -time. A conscious application of
quality measurement is when a person compares products in a store and chooses one of them as
the "right" product. "Right" here means selecting the product that best meets his/her overall
needs. Note that the product bought may not necessarily have the best features in every category.
After pur chase, people establish quality based on a product-price comparison i.e. whether that
product for its price met their expectations as per its intended use?
What is Quality? Formally
Quality is conformance to requirements"
P. Crosby, "Quality is Free" 1979
Degree of excellence"
Webster's Third New International Dictionary
Conformance to requirements does not imply simply conformation to written specifications.
Customers' requirements may be formal and written, or informal mental expectations of meeting
their purpose or satisfying their needs.
If a product meets formally defined "requirement specifications," yet fails to be a quality product
from the customers' pe rspective, this means the requirements were defective.
If an application is designed and built to meet the functional requirements signed off by the
business sponsors, and during formal testing the business sponsors reject the application as not
meeting their needs, what does that mean? Either the requirements specification or the analysis
and design process is defective.
What is Quality? Examples from Auto Industry
Quality means meeting customer's needs, not necessarily exceeding them.
Quality means improving things customers care about, because that makes their lives easier and
more comfortable.
Why example from auto-industry?
The luxury automobile producer Rolls Royce went bankrupt in the early 1980s. Analysis revealed
that, among other things , Rolls Royce was improving components that the luxury automobile
customers felt were irrelevant and polishing parts they did not care about. This drove the price
beyond what the luxury automobile customer felt was value for their money.
On the other ha nd, when Lexus decided to make its first major redesign of its highly rated L8 400
luxury automobile, company representatives asked for help from their existing customers. They
even visited the homes of a variety of L8 400 owners to observe home furnishings, what kind of
leather they had on their brief cases, and other minute details to get an idea of their customer's
subconscious expectations.
What is Data Quality?
What is Data?
All data is an abstraction of something real
Intrinsic Data Quality
Electronic reproduction of reality.
Realistic Data Quality
Degree of utility or value of data to business
Figure-21.1: What is Data Quality?
What is data?
Understand that all data is an abstraction or a representation of something real. Data is an
equivalent reproduction of something real. Figure 21.1 shows an employee data. Data in a
database or data warehouse has no actual value; it only has potential value. Data has a real value
only when someone uses it to do something useful; for example, to send the utility bill to
customer at the correct address for timely payment, or to successfully go with the change in a
product based on the knowledge of customer likes/dislikes.
What Is Data Quality?
There are two significant definitions of dat a quality. One is its intrinsic quality, and the other is its
realistic quality. Intrinsic data quality is the correctness or accuracy of data. Realistic data quality
is the value that correct data has in supporting the work of the business or enterprise. Data that
does not help or enable the enterprise to accomplish its mission has no quality, no matter how
accurate it is.
Intrinsic Data Quality
Intrinsic data quality, simply stated, is data accuracy. Intrinsic data quality is the degree to which
data accurately reflects the real-world object that the data represents. If all facts that an
organization needs to know about an entity are accurate, that data has intrinsic quality -it is an
electronic reproduction of reality. Intrinsic data quality means that data is correct.
Realistic Data Quality
Realistic data quality is the degree of utility and value the data has to support the enterprise
processes that enable accomplishing enterprise objectives. Fundamentally, realistic data quality is
the degree of customer satisfaction generated by the knowledge workers who use it to do their
jobs. Realistic data quality is the degree to which data enables knowledge workers to meet
enterprise objectives efficiently and effectively.
Data Quality & Organizations
Intelligent Learning Organization:
High -quality information is an open, shared resource with value-adding processes.
The dysfunctional learning organization: Low -quality data is a proprietary resource with cost-
adding processes.
The intelligent learning organ ization is one that maximizes both its experience and its information
resources in the learning process. The intelligent learning organization shares information openly
across the enterprise in a way that maximizes the throughput of the entire organization . There are
no procedural walls, and the data users capture data and retrieve makes the business to grow.
In the Information Age, the dysfunctional learning organization is at a distinct disadvantage. The
term dysfunctional means "impaired or abnormal functioning."
Orr's Laws of Data Quality
Law #1 - "Data that is not used cannot be correct!"
Law #2 - "Data quality is a function of its use, not its collection!"
Law #3 - "Data will be no better than its most stringent use!"
Law #4 - "Data quality problems increase with the age of the system!"
Law #5 ­ "The less likely something is to occur, the more traumatic it will be when it happens!"
We will only know about the quality of the data (good or bad) once we start using it. IF the data
has never been used, then it would be naïve and self deceiving to assume that it is of the right
quality. A realistic approach would be to assume that it is not of the right quality, IF it ha snot
been used.
As the data is continued to be used, its quality issues come up and as a consequence its quality
gets improved. A good analogy could be that of a machine, a well oiled machine which is being
used is likely to continue to work as compared to a large machine that has not been used for a
long time.
The third law kind of supports or goes with the second law i.e. the more stringent use of the data
is, the more likely that the quality issues that crop up will be identified and fixed. Consider the
analogy of a map. A street map given in an atlas is fine as long as using it you can find the major
shopping areas, however, you may be surprised that you may not be able to find your house using
that map, because the map was not meant to handle the stringent use of locating your house.
Law-4 can have two possible exp lanations. One is rather obvious i.e. the shelf life of storage
medium which is very low for diskettes, comparatively better for magnetic tapes and very high
for CDs. Depending on which medium was used to store the data will dictate the data quality. The
other possibility is the meta data or people who are aware of the data anomalies but leave the
organization over a period of time by retiring or changing jobs or die.
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Philosophy of involving all for systematic and continuous improvement.
It is customer oriented. Why?
TQM incorporates the concept of product quality, process control, quality assurance, and quality
Quality assurance is NOT Quality improvement
TQM approach is advocating the involvement of all employees in the continuous improvement
process, the ultimate goal being the customer satisfaction.
The TQM philosophy of management is customer-oriented. All members of a total quality
management (control) organization strive to systematically manage the improvement of the
organization through the ongoing participation of all employees in problem solving efforts across
functional and hierarchical boundaries.
Quality assurance is a system of activities that assures conformance of product to pre -established
Quality improvement is making all efforts to increase effectiveness and efficiency in meeting
accepted customer expectations.
Co$t of fixing data quality
n Defect minimization is economical.
Defect elimination is very very expensive
Figure-21.2: Co$t of fixing data quality
One can ask for the stars i.e. perfect data quality, only if there is no associated cost, in such a case
this may be a perfectly legitimate requirement. However, in real world, such a requirement is
NOT realistic. Why? If you give me an infinite amount of money, I will personally look at each
and every record and data element. But this is not realistic; you don't have enough money to pay
for that. Even if you had the money, it will take an inordinate amount of time to check each and
every record. By the time I am finished checking/fixing data, trends may have changed, and the
question that needed the data may no longer be interesting any more.
Note that as the data quality is pushed beyond a certain limit, law of diminishing returns sets in
i.e. increasing the input does not results in corresponding increase in output, actually the output
starts to go down in this the cost-quality ratio, as shown in Figure 21.2.
Co$t of Data Quality Defects
Controllable Costs
o Recurring costs for analyzing, correcting, and preventing data errors
Resultant Costs
o Internal and external failure costs of business opportunities missed.
Equipment & Training Costs
The costs are immense. Inaccurate data will lead to bad decisions, and bad decisions can never be
profitable. Unless the fingers of the CEO are on the pulse of the business, that business can not
prosper. The pulse of the business is access to reliable data, without which a business can not be
Direct costs of data quality to a data intensive organization include the following:
1. Controllable costs: If possible, compare two or more alternatives for improving data quality.
Estimate the controllable, equipment, and training costs for each alternative. Include an estimate
of labor hours devoted to prevent, appraise, and correct problems.
2. Resultant costs: Missing business opportunities. Mis -communicating within the business or
with end customers and other information stakeholders. Sometimes resultant costs and indirect
costs are more difficult to quantify. Assess these costs wherever possible to adequately measure
the impacts of poor data quality. For example, the inability to match payroll records to the official
employment records can cost millions in payroll overpayments to retirees, personnel on leave
without pay status, and "ghost" employees. Inability to correlate purchase orders to invoices may
be a major problem in unmatched disbursements. Resultant costs, such as payroll overpayments
and unmatched disbursements, may be significant enough to warrant extensive changes in
processes, systems, policy and procedure, and information system data designs.
3. Equipment and training costs: Costs for data quality tools, ancillary hardware and software,
and training required to prevent, appraise, and correct data quality problems.
Where data quality is critical?
Almost everywhere, some examples:
Marketing communications.
Customer matching.
Retail house-holding.
Combining MIS systems after acquisition.
One of the reasons for the lack of planning to address data quality issues is that operational
system people don't sufficiently consider the business impact of bad data. Basically their goal is
to increase the number of (say) claims processed per hour. T o put it more positively, they must
better appreciate the opportunities of DWH applications that are critically dependent on data
quality. Following is a sampler of some CRM -based applications.
Marketing Communications : If you want to understand who your customers are, and if you
want to communicate effectively with them on the phone, mail and via email, you must have an
extraordinarily clean customer list. You destroy your credibility by using absurd or misspelled
addresses or names or by sending multipl e letters to the same person. Even worse, if the address
is invalid in some way, the letter never reaches the intending recipient.
Customer Matching : You want to find the same customer when the customer buys a second or a
third product from you. Customer matching is a major issue in banking and healthcare, where
separate customer (or patient) encounters are often listed separately. The average bank has great
difficulty listing all of the separate accounts of a given individual, although the reverse proces s of
listing all the individuals in a specific account is pretty straightforward.
Retail House-holding: You want to find a group of people who comprise a family, each of
whom is your customer. When you correctly identify the household, you can communicate
coherently with its members. At that time you can identify the overall needs of the household and
suggest an effective consolidation or expansion of products. This process is called "cross-selling."
Cross-selling your own customer base is recognized as one of the most effective ways to increase
Combining Information Systems after an Acquisition: An increasingly common MIS problem
is merging customer lists and product lists from incompatible information systems after an
acquisition. Organizationally, it may be easy to imagine combining staffs and moving everything
to the corporate system after an acquisition, but what do you do with the data itself? Sometimes
the customer list is the most valuable asset of the acquired organization.
Characteristics or Dimensions of Data Quality
Data Quality
Qualitatively assessing lack of error, high accuracy
corresponding to small error.
The degree to which values are present in the attributes that
require them.
A measure of the degree to which a set of data satisfies a set
of constraints.
A measure of how current or up to date the data is.
The state of being only one of its kind or being without an
equal or parallel.
The extent to which data is in appropriate languages,
symbols, and units, and the definitions are clear.
The extent to which data is available, or easily and quickly
The extent to which data is unbiased, unprejudiced, and
95% accurate and 100% complete
100% accurate and 95% complete
Which is better?
Depends on data quality (i) tolerances,
the (ii) corresponding application and the (iii) cost of achieving that data quality vs. the (iv)
business value.
Table of Contents:
  1. Need of Data Warehousing
  2. Why a DWH, Warehousing
  3. The Basic Concept of Data Warehousing
  4. Classical SDLC and DWH SDLC, CLDS, Online Transaction Processing
  5. Types of Data Warehouses: Financial, Telecommunication, Insurance, Human Resource
  6. Normalization: Anomalies, 1NF, 2NF, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  7. De-Normalization: Balance between Normalization and De-Normalization
  8. DeNormalization Techniques: Splitting Tables, Horizontal splitting, Vertical Splitting, Pre-Joining Tables, Adding Redundant Columns, Derived Attributes
  9. Issues of De-Normalization: Storage, Performance, Maintenance, Ease-of-use
  10. Online Analytical Processing OLAP: DWH and OLAP, OLTP
  11. OLAP Implementations: MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP, DOLAP
  12. ROLAP: Relational Database, ROLAP cube, Issues
  13. Dimensional Modeling DM: ER modeling, The Paradox, ER vs. DM,
  14. Process of Dimensional Modeling: Four Step: Choose Business Process, Grain, Facts, Dimensions
  15. Issues of Dimensional Modeling: Additive vs Non-Additive facts, Classification of Aggregation Functions
  16. Extract Transform Load ETL: ETL Cycle, Processing, Data Extraction, Data Transformation
  17. Issues of ETL: Diversity in source systems and platforms
  18. Issues of ETL: legacy data, Web scrapping, data quality, ETL vs ELT
  19. ETL Detail: Data Cleansing: data scrubbing, Dirty Data, Lexical Errors, Irregularities, Integrity Constraint Violation, Duplication
  20. Data Duplication Elimination and BSN Method: Record linkage, Merge, purge, Entity reconciliation, List washing and data cleansing
  21. Introduction to Data Quality Management: Intrinsic, Realistic, Orr’s Laws of Data Quality, TQM
  22. DQM: Quantifying Data Quality: Free-of-error, Completeness, Consistency, Ratios
  23. Total DQM: TDQM in a DWH, Data Quality Management Process
  24. Need for Speed: Parallelism: Scalability, Terminology, Parallelization OLTP Vs DSS
  25. Need for Speed: Hardware Techniques: Data Parallelism Concept
  26. Conventional Indexing Techniques: Concept, Goals, Dense Index, Sparse Index
  27. Special Indexing Techniques: Inverted, Bit map, Cluster, Join indexes
  28. Join Techniques: Nested loop, Sort Merge, Hash based join
  29. Data mining (DM): Knowledge Discovery in Databases KDD
  31. Data Structures, types of Data Mining, Min-Max Distance, One-way, K-Means Clustering
  32. DWH Lifecycle: Data-Driven, Goal-Driven, User-Driven Methodologies
  33. DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach
  34. DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach
  35. DWH Life Cycle: Pitfalls, Mistakes, Tips
  36. Course Project
  37. Contents of Project Reports
  38. Case Study: Agri-Data Warehouse
  39. Web Warehousing: Drawbacks of traditional web sear ches, web search, Web traffic record: Log files
  40. Web Warehousing: Issues, Time-contiguous Log Entries, Transient Cookies, SSL, session ID Ping-pong, Persistent Cookies
  41. Data Transfer Service (DTS)
  42. Lab Data Set: Multi -Campus University
  43. Extracting Data Using Wizard
  44. Data Profiling