
Issues of ETL: Diversity in source systems and platforms

<< Extract Transform Load ETL: ETL Cycle, Processing, Data Extraction, Data Transformation
Issues of ETL: legacy data, Web scrapping, data quality, ETL vs ELT >>
Issues of ETL
Why ETL Issues?
Data from different source systems will be different, poorly documented and dirty. Lot of analysis
Easy to collate addresses and names? Not really. No address or name standards.
Use software for standardization. Very expensive, as any "standards" vary from country to
country, not large enough market.
It is very difficult to extract the data from different source systems, because by definition they are
heterogeneous, and as a consequence, there are multiple representations of the same data, have
inconsistent data formats, have very poor documentation and have dirty data etc. Therefore, you
have to figure different ways of solving this problem, requiring lot of analysis.
Consider the deceptively simple task of automating the collating of addresses and names from
different operational databases. You can't predict or legislate format or content, therefore, there
are no address standards, and there are no standard address and name cleaning software.
There is software for certain geographies, but the addresses and names in US will be completely
different from that in Austria or Brazil. Every country finds a way of writing the addresses
differently, that is always a big problem. Hence automation does not solve the problem, and also
has a high price tag in case of 1st generation ETL tools ($200K-$400K range).
Why ETL Issues?
Things would have been simpler in the presence of operational systems, but that is not always the
Manual data collection and entry. Nothing wrong with that, but potential to introduces lots of
Data is never perfect. The cost of perfection, extremely high vs. its value.
Most organizations have ERP systems (which are basically operational systems) from where they
load their DWH. However, this is not a rule, but used in an environment where transaction
processing systems are in place, and the data is generated in real time.
However, in the case of a country -wide census, there are no source systems, so data is being
collected directly and manually. People go form door to door and get forms filled, subsequently
the data in its most raw form is manually entered into the database. There is nothing wrong with
that, the problem being human involvement in data recording and storage is very expensive, time
consuming and prone to errors. There have to be control and processes to colle ct as clean a data
as possible.
People have a utopian view that they will collect perfect data. This is wrong. The cost of
collecting perfect data far exceeds its value . Therefore, the objective should be to get as clean
data as can be based on the given constraints.
"Some" Issues
Usually, if not always underestimated
Diversity in source systems and platforms
Inconsistent data representations
Complexity of transformations
Rigidity and unavailability of legacy systems
Volume of legacy data
Web scrapping
ETL is something which is usually always underestimated; consequently there are many many
issues. There can be an entire course on ETL. Since this course is not only about ETL, therefore,
we will limit our self to discussing only some of the issues. We will now discuss some of the
more important issues one -by-one.
Complexity of problem/work underestimated
Work seems to be deceptively simple.
People start manually building the DWH.
Programmers underestimate the task.
Impressions could be deceiving.
Traditional DBMS rules and concepts break down for very large heterogeneous
historical databases.
At first glance, when data is moved from the legacy environment to the data warehouse
environment, it appears there is nothing more going on than s imple extraction of data from one
place to the next. Because of the deceptive simplicity, many organizations start to build their data
warehouse manually. The programmer looks at the movement of data from the old operational
environment to the new data warehouse environment and declares "I can do that!" With pencil
and writing pad in hand the programmer anxiously jumps into the creation of code in the first
three minutes of the design and development of the data warehouse.
However, first impressions can be deceiving - in this case very deceiving. What at first appears
to be nothing more than the movement of data from one place to another quickly turns into a large
and complex task, actually a nightmare. The scope of the problem being far larger and far more
complex than the programmer had ever imagined.
Diversity in source systems and platforms
Main Frame
Mini Computer
Win NT
JD Edwards
Text file
Dozens of source systems across organizations
Numerous source systems within an organization
Need specialist for each
Table-17.1: Diversity in source systems and platforms
There are literally more than a dozen different source system technologies in use in the market
today. Example of the kind of source system technologies that you often see are shown in Table
17.1. The team doing ETL processing in any given organization probably has to understand at
least 6 of them. You will be surprised to find big banks and telecommunication companies that
have every single one of these technologies; in a single company. It is a nightmare to understand
them. The only viable solution is to have a technical expert that knows how to get data from
every single one of these formats. In short it's a nightmare.
Same data, different representation
Date value representations
March 14 1997
2450521.5 (Julian date format)
Gender value representations
- Male/Female - M/F
- 0/1
There are 127 different ways to spell AT&T; there are 1000 ways to spell duPont. How many
ways are there to represent date? What is the Julian date format? All of these questions and many
more are at the core of inconsistent data representation. Don't be surprised to find source system
with Julian date format or dates stored as text strings.
Consider the case of gender representation. You might think it is just male and female. W rong.
It's not just male and female, it also includes unknown, because for some people you don't have
their gender data. If this was not sufficient, there is another twist to the gender i.e. instead of M
and F, you come across PM and PF. What is this? This is probable male and probable female i.e.
based on the name the gender has been guessed. For example, if the name is Mussarat it is
probable female. It is not for sure, but we think it is. If it's Riffat, it is probable male.
So you get all these weird and strange representations in operational data, while in a DWH there
has to be only ONE and consistent representation. You just can't dump all the operational data
independent of which source system it came from that has a different data representation.
Remember in the data model you should have non -overlapping consistent domains for every
Multiple sources for same data element
Need to rank source systems on a per data element basis.
Take data element from source system with highest rank wh ere element exists.
"Guessing" gender from name
Something is better than nothing?
Must sometimes establish "group ranking" rules to maintain data integrity.
First, middle and family name from two systems of different rank. People using middle name as
first name.
This means you need to establish ranking in the source system on per element (attribute) basis.
Ranking is all about selecting the "right" source system. Rank establishment has to be based on
which source system is known to have the cleanest data for a particular attribute. Obviously you
take the data element from the source system with the highest rank where the element exists.
However, you have to be clever about how you use the rank.
For example, consider the case of the gender data coming from two different source systems A
and B. It may be the case that the highest quality data is from source system A, where the boxes
for the gender were checked by the customers themselves. But what if someone did not check the
gender box? Then you go on to the next cleanest source system i.e. B, where the gender was
guessed based on the name.
Obviously the quality of available data for source system B is not as good as that of source
system A, but since you do not have data for this particular indiv idual in source systems A, so it
is better to have something then nothing. This is arguable i.e. maybe it is better to have nothing
than to have dirty data. The point is if you have some level of confidence in the data you should
take it. Typically it is a good idea to remember from where you took the data, so you can use this
information from an analytic point of view e.g. where you get clean data etc.
Consider the case of name i.e. first name, middle name and family name and two source systems
i.e. C and D. Assume that source system C has higher quality data entry, and management and
processes and controls as compared to D. Also assume that source system C does not have the
middle name, while source system D has the complete name. Since C has a higher precedence, so
you take the first name and the family name from it. But you really would like to have the middle
name so you take it from source system D. This turns out to be a big problem, because people
sometimes use their middle name as their first name e.g. Imran Baqai instead of Shezad Imran
Complexity of required transformations
Simple one-to-one scalar transformations
- 0/1 ? M/F
One-to-many element transformations
- 4 x 20 address field ? House/Flat, Road/Street, Area/Sector, City.
Many-to-many element transformations
- House-holding (who live together) and individualization (who are same) and same lands.
There is a spectrum of simple all the way up to very complex transformations that you can
implement. And you probably end up with many in most DWH deployments. The
transformations are typically divided into three categories as follows:
Simple one -to-one scalar transformations.
One -to-many element transformations.
Complex many-to-many element transformations.
Simple scalar transformation is a one-t o-one mapping from one set of values to another set of
values using straightforward rules. For example, if 0/1 corresponds to male/female in one source
system, then the gender is stored as male/female in the DW.
A one-to-many transformation is more complex than scalar transformation. As a data element
form the source system results in several columns in the DW. Consider the 6× 30 address field (6
lines of 30 characters each), the requirement is to parse it into street address lines 1 and 2, city,
sate and zip code by applying a parsing algorithm.
The most complex is many-to-many element transformations. Good examples are house holding
and individualization. This is achieved by using candidate keys and fuzzy matching to determine
which individuals are the same individuals, and which individuals go in the same household and
so on. This is a very complex transformation and will be discussed in BSN lecture.
Rigidity and unavailability of legacy systems
Very difficult to add logic to or increase performance of legacy systems.
Utilization of expensive legacy systems is optimized.
Therefore, want to off-load transformation cycles to open systems environment.
This often requires new skill sets.
Need efficient and easy way to deal with incompatible mainframe data formats.
Legacy systems typically mean mainframe type systems that are very expensive to buy and
operate. We are talking about CPU cycles as well as storage, but mainly computing CPU cycles.
The mainframe machines are usually 110% utilized in most businesses. The reason being,
businesses want the "most bang for the buck", so they keep on putting more and more load on the
Consider an expensive ERP system, when is the system available for the processing of DWH
transformations? Probably never, as the system utilization has already been maxed up. So the big
question is where to do the transformations? Where do the CPU cycles come from? And when the
legacy data is in a mainframe environment, typically the cost of transformation is very high
because of scarcity and cost of legacy cycles. But you don't want the cost of constructing the
DWH to exceed the value of the DWH. So you need to think of ways to move the cycles to more
cost efficient environments.
Therefore, in case of legacy environment, generally you want to off -load the transformation
cycles to open systems environment. Open system i.e. Intel chipset, operating systems like Unix
and NT etc. as it results in a much more cost effective approach than doing things in a mainframe
type of environment. However, this may sometimes be problematic for some organizations
requiring certain new skill sets. For example the IT department of a bank may have only used a
mainframe for day-to-day operations, and moving on to open systems may be painful for them
due to the learning curve etc.
It is NOT simply moving the data to open systems; there are lots of issues due to legacy systems,
simple as well as complex. For example, in the mainframe environment you have EBCDIC
character representation and in open systems it is always ASCII, so you have to do the
conversion. In mainframe environment there is packed decimal encoding, zone decimal and weird
date formats that are not understandable in the open systems environment. So you have to have
utilities for doing the conversion and so on before the required transformation takes place.
Volume of legacy data
Talking about not weekly data, but data spread over years.
Historical data on tapes that are serial and very slow to mount etc.
Need lots of processing and I/O to effectively handle large data volumes.
Need efficient interconnect bandwidth to transfer large amounts of data from legacy
sources to DWH.
The volume of legacy data is typically very large. It is not just going back and getting tape for one
month of billing data, but getting billing data for as much as one could get hold of (say), three
years of billing data. Imagine the volume of work, lots of processing and I/Os especially when the
data is on tapes. This w ould involve tape mounts, and manual tape mounts is painstakingly slow.
It takes forever to mount hundreds and hundreds of tapes. The IT people will hate you after you
are through with tape mounts and data retrieval.
Assuming transformation takes place on the mainframe; the next issue is to move large volumes
of data from the mainframe into the DWH requiring network bandwidth. The data may have to be
moved across the LAN, and maybe even across the WAN which is more painful. Therefore, the
DWH architects need to pay a lot of attention to capacity planning issues of the DWH i.e. how to
size the DWH, how much is it going to cost to extract all the data, prepare the data, and move the
data from a network capacity planning perspective. Ensure that from a capacity planning point of
view all these aspects are considered.
Web scrapping
Lot of data in a web page, but is mixed with a lot of "junk".
§  Limited query interfaces
§  Fill in forms
"Free text" fields
§  E.g. addresses
Inconsistent output
§  i.e., html tags which mark interesting fields might be different on
different pages.
Rapid change without notice.
During the last decade the web has grown from a curiosity to a required information repository.
From news headlines and stories, financial data and reports, entertainment events, online
shopping and business to business commerce, the Web has it all. The promise of the web is that
all of this information will be easily maintained, monitored, queried, and browsed. Some of the
promise has already been realized but much remains to be done. Web browsers (such as Internet
Explorer and Netscape) have been very successful at displaying web -based information on a
computer monitor.
However, there remains a divide between content presented on web pages and the ability to
extract that content and make it actionable. What companies and individuals need is a method to
extract or mine only that data or content in which they are interested. Furthermore, they need to
be able to take that mined content, apply different kinds of data processing, and make it available
for use in different applications, and have it delivered to a database, email, spreadsheet, mobile
phone, or whatever delivery destination device is available.
Web scrapping is a process of applying screen scrapping techniques to the web. There are several
web scrapping products in the market and target business users who want to creatively use the
data, not write complex scripts. Some of the uses of scrapping are:
Building contact lists
Extracting product catalogs
Aggregating real -estate info
Automating search Ad listings
Clipping news articles etc.
Beware of data quality (or lack of it)
Data quality is always worse than expected.
Will have a couple of lectures on data quality and its management.
It is not a matter of few hundred rows.
Data recorded for running operations is not usually good enough for decision support.
Correct totals don't guarantee data quality.
Not knowing gender does not hurt POS.
Centurion customers popping up.
Personal word of warning, the data quality will be always be worse than you expect, you can
count on this. Everybody says that other people have dirty data (like everyone thinks they will
win the lottery and other people will have an accident), but my d ata is clean. I don't believe you;
your data is always dirty. You need to allocate time and resources to facilitate the data cleanup. In
the next series of lectures, we will talk about a methodology using TQM techniques and apply to
DWH data quality. There is a whole methodology on how to deliver data quality in a data
warehouse environment. This is just a warning, data quality is always worse than you think it is.
You have used data for transaction processing; it does not mean it is good for decision suppo rt.
Everybody always underestimate how dirty their data is. It is not a few hundred rows of dirty
data. Data is always dirtier than you think. I have not seen a single business environment that has
data that is as clean as it should be. Especially those things required for decision making. Most
people concentrate on data quality on numbers, making sure the amounts are right, make sure the
accounts are right those kinds of things because you need those to print statements to do business.
But for decision making I need different things. I need to know the gender of the customer to
understand my market place. I don't need to know the gender of the customer to process a
transaction. So basically nobody cares about it, and they put any garbage they want in there and
that becomes a problem later on. Absolutely do not assume the data is clean, assume the opposite,
assume the data is dirty and help prove it otherwise.
There are two fundamental approaches to data acquisition:
ETL: Extract, Transform, Load in which data transformation takes place on a separate
transformation server.
ELT: Extract, Load, Transform in which data transformation takes place on the data warehouse
Combination of both is also possible
You want to have a data flow driven architecture that you understand these points i.e. what data is
required and how does it flow in the system driven by the meta data. Once we have those data
flows then we can parallelize. You leverage pre -packaged tool for the transformation ste ps
whenever possible. But then again have to look at the practical realities of the market place.
That's why I say whenever possible. Whenever possible partially means whenever economically
In the architecture, ETL presents itself very suitable for data parallelism. Because I have got tons
of data and I want to apply operations consistently across all of that data. So data parallelism is
almost always used and you may use pipeline parallelism assuming I do not need too many
sources so on. The difficulty of doing this parallelization by hand is very high. Because if you
want to write a parallel program say a parallel C program, like parallel pro or something like that,
it is very difficult. Again it is not just writing a parallel program, but you a lso need to make sure it
works with check-points restarts and/or error conditions and all those things. I suspect that in your
environment, but this is true for NADRA and PTML, that use the database to do the
parallelization. So a different kind of approach, what if you are not willing to buy a tool that costs
US$ 200,000?
This is a different kind of approach called ELT which is Extract Load Transform. We extract, we
load into the database and then we transform in the parallel database. Then we get all the
parallelism for free, because you already have a parallel database. You don't have to buy a
separate tool in order to get the parallelization.
Table of Contents:
  1. Need of Data Warehousing
  2. Why a DWH, Warehousing
  3. The Basic Concept of Data Warehousing
  4. Classical SDLC and DWH SDLC, CLDS, Online Transaction Processing
  5. Types of Data Warehouses: Financial, Telecommunication, Insurance, Human Resource
  6. Normalization: Anomalies, 1NF, 2NF, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE
  7. De-Normalization: Balance between Normalization and De-Normalization
  8. DeNormalization Techniques: Splitting Tables, Horizontal splitting, Vertical Splitting, Pre-Joining Tables, Adding Redundant Columns, Derived Attributes
  9. Issues of De-Normalization: Storage, Performance, Maintenance, Ease-of-use
  10. Online Analytical Processing OLAP: DWH and OLAP, OLTP
  11. OLAP Implementations: MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP, DOLAP
  12. ROLAP: Relational Database, ROLAP cube, Issues
  13. Dimensional Modeling DM: ER modeling, The Paradox, ER vs. DM,
  14. Process of Dimensional Modeling: Four Step: Choose Business Process, Grain, Facts, Dimensions
  15. Issues of Dimensional Modeling: Additive vs Non-Additive facts, Classification of Aggregation Functions
  16. Extract Transform Load ETL: ETL Cycle, Processing, Data Extraction, Data Transformation
  17. Issues of ETL: Diversity in source systems and platforms
  18. Issues of ETL: legacy data, Web scrapping, data quality, ETL vs ELT
  19. ETL Detail: Data Cleansing: data scrubbing, Dirty Data, Lexical Errors, Irregularities, Integrity Constraint Violation, Duplication
  20. Data Duplication Elimination and BSN Method: Record linkage, Merge, purge, Entity reconciliation, List washing and data cleansing
  21. Introduction to Data Quality Management: Intrinsic, Realistic, Orr’s Laws of Data Quality, TQM
  22. DQM: Quantifying Data Quality: Free-of-error, Completeness, Consistency, Ratios
  23. Total DQM: TDQM in a DWH, Data Quality Management Process
  24. Need for Speed: Parallelism: Scalability, Terminology, Parallelization OLTP Vs DSS
  25. Need for Speed: Hardware Techniques: Data Parallelism Concept
  26. Conventional Indexing Techniques: Concept, Goals, Dense Index, Sparse Index
  27. Special Indexing Techniques: Inverted, Bit map, Cluster, Join indexes
  28. Join Techniques: Nested loop, Sort Merge, Hash based join
  29. Data mining (DM): Knowledge Discovery in Databases KDD
  31. Data Structures, types of Data Mining, Min-Max Distance, One-way, K-Means Clustering
  32. DWH Lifecycle: Data-Driven, Goal-Driven, User-Driven Methodologies
  33. DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach
  34. DWH Implementation: Goal Driven Approach
  35. DWH Life Cycle: Pitfalls, Mistakes, Tips
  36. Course Project
  37. Contents of Project Reports
  38. Case Study: Agri-Data Warehouse
  39. Web Warehousing: Drawbacks of traditional web sear ches, web search, Web traffic record: Log files
  40. Web Warehousing: Issues, Time-contiguous Log Entries, Transient Cookies, SSL, session ID Ping-pong, Persistent Cookies
  41. Data Transfer Service (DTS)
  42. Lab Data Set: Multi -Campus University
  43. Extracting Data Using Wizard
  44. Data Profiling