
QUALITY IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT:Value-Based Perspective, Customer-Driven Quality

Project Management ­MGMT627
What is Quality?
Quality from Different Perspective
Quality Dimensions
Competitive Advantage
Quality Evolution and Quality Stages in Japan
TQM (Total Quality Management) and Its Philosophy
Quality is by no menus a new concept in modern business. In October 1887, William Cooper
Procter, grandson of the founder of Procter and Gamble, told his employees, "The first job we
have is to him out quality merchandise that consumers will buy and keep on buying. If we
produce it efficiently and economically, we will earn a profit, in which you will share." Procter's
statement addresses three issues t h a t are critical to managers of manufacturing and service
organizations: p r o d u c t i v i t y , cost, and quality. Productivity (the measure of efficiency defined as
the amount of output achieved per unit of input), the cost of operations, and the quality of the
goods and services t h a t create customer sa t is fa c ti o n all contribute to profitability. Of these three
determinants of p r o f i t a b i li t y , t h e most s i g n i f i c a n t factor in d e t e r m i n i n g the long-run
success or f a i l u r e of any organization is q u a l i t y . High q u a l i t y goods and services can
provide an o r g a n i z a t i o n w i t h a c o m p e t i t i v e edge. High q u a l i t y reduces costs due to
returns, rework, and scrap. It increases p r o d u c t i v i t y , p r o f i t s , a n d o t h e r measures of
success. Most i m p o r t a n t l y , h ig h q u a l i t y generates s a t i s f i e d customers, who reward the
organ i z a t i o n w i t h c o n t i n u e d patronage and word-of-mouth advertising.
Quality can be a confusing concept, p a r t l y because people view q u a l i t y in relation to
d i f f e r i n g criteria based on their i n d i v i d u a l roles in the production-marketing value
chain. In addition, the meaning of q u a l i t y continues to evolve as the quality profession
grows and matures. Neither consultants nor business professionals agree on a universal
definition. A study t h a t asked managers of 86 f i r m s in the eastern United States to define
q u a l i t y produced several dozen different responses, including the following:
Eliminating waste
Speed of delivery
Compliance w i t h policies and procedures
Providing a good, usable product
Doing it right the first time
Delighting or pleasing customers
Total customer service and satisfaction
Thus, it is important to understand the various perspectives from which q u a l i t y is
viewed in order to f u l l y appreciate the role it plays in the many p a i l s of a business
The concept of quality is subjective and difficult to define. While certain aspects of quality can
be identified, ultimately, the "judgement of quality" rests with the customer.
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Figure 34.1
·  J u d g m e n t a l Perspective:
One common notion of q u a l i t y, used by consumers, is t h a t it is synonymous wit h
superiority or excellence. In 1931 Walter Shewhart f i r s t defined q u a l i t y as t h e goodness
of a product. This v i e w is referred to as the transcended (to rise above or extend notably
beyond ordinary lim its), d e f i n i t i o n of quality. In this sense, q u a l it y is "both absolute
and u n i v e r s a l l y recognizable, a mark of uncompromising standards and high
achievem e n t." As such, it cannot he defined precisely--you j u s t know it when you see
i t . It is o f t e n loosely related to a comparison of f e a t u r e s and characteristics of products
and promulgated by m a r k e t i n g e f f o r t s aimed at developing q u a l i t y as an image
v a r i a b l e in the minds of consumers. Common examples of products a t t r i b uted w i t h
t h i s image are Kolex watches and BMW and Lexus automobiles.
Product-Based Perspective:
Another definition of q u a l i t y is t h a t it is a f u n c t i o n of a specific, measurable variable and
t h a t differences in q u a l i t y reflect differences in q u a n t i t y of product a t t r i b u t e , such as
in the number of stitches per i n c h on a s h i r t or in the number of cy linders in an engine.
This assessment i m p l i e s t h a t higher levels or amounts of product characteristics are
equivalent to higher quality, As a result, quality is o f t en mistakenly assumed to be
related to price: t h e higher t h e price, the higher the quality. J u s t consider t h e case of a
F l o r i d a man who purchased a $262,000 Lamborghini o n l y to find a leaky roof, a b a t t e r y
t h a t q u i t w i t h o u t notice, a sunroof t h a t detached when the car hit a bump, and doors t h a t
jammed " However, a product refer to either a m a n u f a c t u r e d good or a service--need not
be expensive to be considered a q u a l i t y product by consumers. Also, as w i t h t he n o t io n of
excellence, the assessment of product a t t r i b u t e s may v a r y considerably among
User-Based Perspective:
A third definition of q u a l i t y is based on the presumption t h a t q u a l i t y is determined by
what a customer wants. I n d i v i d u a l s have d i f f e r e n t wants and needs and, hence, d i f ferent
quality standards, which leads to a user-based definition: q u a l i t y is defined a s f i t n e s s f o r
intended use, or how well t h e product performs its intended function. Both a Cadillac
sedan and a Jeep Cherokee arc f i t for use, for example, but they serve different needs and
d i f f e r e n t groups of customers. If you want a highway-touring vehicle w i t h lu xu r y
amenities, then a C a di ll a c may b e t t e r s a t i s f y your needs. If you want a vehicle for
camping, fishing, or skiing trips, a Jeep might be viewed as h a v i n g better quality.
Project Management ­MGMT627
Value-Based Perspective:
A fourth approach to d e f i n i n g q u a l i t y is based on value; t h a t is, the relationship of
usefulness or satisfaction to price. From this perspective, a q u a l i t y product is one that is
as useful as competing products and is sold at a lower price, or one that offers greater
usefulness or s a t i s f a c t i o n at a comparable p r i c e . Thus, one might purchase a generic
product, rather t h a n a brand name one, if it performs as well as the brand-name
product at a lower price. An example of t h i s perspective in practice is evident in a
comparison of t h e U.S. and Japanese a u t o m o b i l e markets. A Chrysler marketing
executive noted "one of t h e main reasons t h a t t h e l o a d i n g Japanese brands--Toyota
and Honda--don't offer t h e huge incentives of t h e big Three (General Motors, Ford,
and Chrysler) is t h a t they have a much better reput ation for long-term durability." In
essence, incentives and rebates are payments to customers lo compensate for lower
Manufacturing-Based Perspective:
A f i f t h view of q u a l i t y is manufacturing-based and d e f i n e s q u a l i t y as the desirable
outcome of engineering and m a n u f a c t u r i n g practice, or conformance to specifications.
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s are t a r g e t s and tolerances determined by designers of products and
services. Targets are t h e ideal values for w hi c h production is to strive; tolerances are
specified because designer's recognize t h a t it is impossible to meet targets a l l of the
t i m e in manufacturing. For example, a part dimension might be specified as "0.236 i
0.003 cm." These measurements would mean t h a t t h e t a r g e t , or ideal value, is 0.236
centimeters, and t h a t the allowable v a r i a t i o n is (MHB centimeters from the target (a
tolerance of 0.006 cm.). Thus, any dimension in t h e range 0.233 to 0.239 centimeters is
deemed acceptable and is said to conform lo s p e c i f i c a t i o n s . Likewise, in services,
"on-time a r r i v a l " for an a i r p l a n e might be specified as w i t h i n ' 15 minutes of th e
scheduled a r r i v a l time. The target is the scheduled time, and the tolerance is specified
to be 15 minutes.
Integrating Perspectives on Quality:
Although product q u a l i t y should be important to a ll i n d i v i d u a l s throughout the value
chain, how q u a l i t y is viewed may depend on one's p o s itio n in the v a l u e chain, that is,
whether one is t h e designer, manufacturer or s erv i ce provider, distributor, or
customer. The customer is the driving force for the production of goods and services,
and customers generally v i e w quality from either the transcendent or the product-
based perspective. The goods and services produced should meet customers' needs;
indeed, business organizations' existences depend upon meeting customer needs. It is
the rule of the marketing function to determine these needs. A product that meets
customer needs can rightly be described as a quality product. Hence, the user-based
definition of quality is meaningful to people who work in marketing.
The manufacturer must t r a n s l a t e customer requirements into detailed product and
process specifications. Making this translation is the role of research and devel-
opment, product design, and engineering. Product specifications might address such
attributes as size, form, finish, t as t e , dimensions, tolerances, materials, operational
characteristics, and s a f e t y featu res . Process specifications indicate the types of
equipment, tools, and facilities to be used in production. Product designers must
balance performance and cost to meet marketing objectives; thus, the value-based
definition of quality is most useful at this stage.
Customer-Driven Quality:
The American National Standards I n s t i t u t e ( A N SI ) and the American Society for
Quality (ASQ) standardized official definitions of q u a l i t y terminology in 1978. These
groups defined q u a l i t y as the t o t a l i t y of f e a t u r e s a n d characteristics of a product or
service t h a t bears on its a b i l i t y to sati sfy given needs. This d e f i n i ti o n draws heavily
Project Management ­MGMT627
on t h e product- and user-based approaches and is d r i v e n by t h e need to contribute
v a l u e to customers and t h u s to influence s a t i s f a c t i o n and preference. By the end of the
1980s, many companies had begun u s i n g a s i m p l e r , yet powerful, customer-driven
d e f i n i t i o n of q u a l i t y t h a t remains popular today:
" Q u a l i t y is meeting or exceeding customer expectations"
Following are the "principal quality dimensions":
·  Performance ­ a product's primary operating characteristics. For example: A car's
acceleration, braking distance, steering and handling.
·  Features ­ the "bells and whistles" of a product. A car may have power options, a tape or
CD (compact disk) player, antilock brakes, reclining seats.
·  Reliability ­ the probability of a product's surviving over a specified period of time under
stated "conditions of use". Examples of reliability factors could be a car's ability to start on
cold days and frequency of failures.
·  Conformance ­ the degree to which physical and performance characteristics of a product
match with the pre-established standards. For example, car's fit/finish, freedom from noises
can reflect this.
·  Durability ­ the amount of use one gets from a product before it physically deteriorates or
until replacement is preferable. If we take the example of a car its corrosion resistance and
long wear of upholstery fabric reflects this.
·  Serviceability ­ this refers to the speed, courtesy, competence of repair work. Auto owner
access to spare parts also comes under serviceability.
·  Aesthetics ­ refers to how a product looks, feels, sounds, tastes, or smells. Car's color,
instrument panel design and "feel of road" make it aesthetically pleasing.
·  Perceived quality ­ the "subjective assessment of quality" resulting from image. For
example: Advertising, or brand names. car, shaped by magazine reviews-manufacturers'
·  Affordability, Variety, simplicity etc. are also the principal quality dimensions.
When a firm sustains profits that exceed the average for its industry, the firm is said to possess a
competitive advantage over its rivals. The goal of much of business strategy is to achieve a
sustainable competitive advantage.
Michael Porter identified two basic types of competitive advantage:
·  Cost advantage
·  Differentiation advantage
A competitive advantage exists when the firm is able to deliver the same benefits as competitors
but at a lower cost (cost advantage), or deliver benefits that exceed those of competing products
(differentiation advantage). Thus, a competitive advantage enables the firm to create superior
value for its customers and superior profits for itself.
Cost and differentiation advantages are known as positional advantages since they describe the
firm's position in the industry as a leader in either cost or differentiation.
A resource-based view emphasizes that a firm utilizes its resources and capabilities to create a
competitive advantage that ultimately results in superior value creation.
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Figure 34.2: Quality Evolution and Quality Stages in Japan
Quality as a Management Framework:
In the 1970s a General Electric (GE) task force studied consumer perceptions of
the quality of various GE product lines. Lines with relatively poor reputations
for quality were found to deemphasize customer's viewpoint, regard quality as
synonymous with tolerance and conformance to specifications, tic quality
objectives to manufacturing flow, express q u ali ty objectives as the number of
defects per unit, and use formal quality control systems only in manufacturing. In
contrast, product lines that received customer praise were found to emphasize
s ati s fy i n g customer expectations, determine customer needs through market
research, use customer-based quality performance measures, and have formalized
quality control systems in place for all business functions, not just for
manufacturing. The task force concluded that quality must not be viewed solely
as a technical discipline, but rather as a management discipline. That is, quality
issues permeate all aspects of business enterprise: design, marketing,
manufacturing, human resource management, supplier relations, and financial
management, to name just a few.
As companies came to recognize the broad scope of quality, the concept of total
quality (TQ) emerged. A definition of total quality was endorsee! In 1992 by the
chairs and CUOs of nine major U.S. corporations in cooperation w ith deans of
business and engineering departments of major universities, and recognized
Total Quality (TQ) is a people-focused management system that aims at
continual increase in customer satisfaction at continually lower real cost. TQ
is a total system approach (not a separate area or program) and an integral
pan of high-level strategy; it works horizontally across functions and
departments, involves all employees, top to bottom, and extends backward and
forward to include the supply chain and the customer chain. TQ stresses
learning and adaptation to continual change as keys to organizational
Project Management ­MGMT627
The foundation of total quality is philosophical: the scientific method. TQ
includes systems, methods, and tools. The systems permit change, the
philosophy stays the same. TQ is anchored in values t h a t stress the
dignity of the individual and t h e power of community action.
Procter and Gamble uses a concise definition: Total quality is the unyielding
and continually improving effort by everyone in an organization to
understand, meet, and exceed the expectations of customers.
Actually, the concept of TQ has been around for some time. A. V. Feigenbaum
recognized the importance of a comprehensive approach to quality in the 1950s
and coined the term Total q u a l i t y control. Feigenbaum observed t ha t the
quality of products and services is directly influenced by what he terms the 9
Ms: markets, money, management, men and women, motivation, materials,
machines and mechanization, modern information methods, and mounting
product requirements. Although he developed his ideas from an engineering
perspective, his concepts apply more broadly to general management.
The Japanese adopted Feigenbaum's concept and renamed it companywide
quality control. Wayne S. Keiker listed five aspects of total quality control
practiced in Japan:
1. Quality emphasis extends through market analysis, design, and customer
service rather than only the production stages of making a product.
2. Quality emphasis is directed toward operations in every department from
executives to clerical personnel.
3. Quality is the responsibility of live individual and the work group, not
sonic other group, such as inspection.
4. The two types of q u ali t y characteristics as viewed by customers are those
that s at i sf y and those t h at motivate. Only the l a t t e r are strongly related to
repeat sales and a "quality" image.
5. The first customer for a part or piece of information is usually the next
department in the production process.
The term t o t a l q u a l i t y m a n a g e m e n t was developed by the Naval A i r Systems
Command to describe its Japanese-style approach to q u a l i t y improvement and
became popular with businesses in the United S t a t e s during the 1980s. As we
noted earlier, TQM has fallen out of favor, and many people simply use TQ.
34.6.2 Principles of Total Quality:
Whatever the language, t o t a l quality is based on three fundamental
1. A focus on customers and stakeholders.
2. Participation and teamwork by everyone in the organization.
3. A process focus supported by continuous improvement and learning.
Despite their obvious simplicity, these principles are quite different from
traditional management practices. Historically, companies did little to
understand external customer requirements, much less those of internal
customers. Managers and specialists controlled and directed production
systems; workers told what to do and how to do it, and rarely were asked for
their input. Teamwork was virtua lly nonexistent. As certain amount of waste
and error was tolerable and was controlled by postproduction inspection.
Improvements in quality generally resulted from technological breakthroughs instead
of a relentless mindset of continuous improvement. With total quality, an
organization actively seeks to identify customer needs and expectations, to build
quality into work processes by tapping the knowledge and experience of its
workforce/ and to continually improve every facet of the organization.
Project Management ­MGMT627
Customer and Stakeholder Focus the customer is the principal judge of quality. Per-
ceptions of value and sa ti sf a c t io n are influenced by many f a c t o r s throughout the cus-
tomer's overall purchase, ownership, and service experiences. To accomplish this
task, a company's e f f o r t s need to extend well beyond merely meeting specifications,
reducing defects and errors, or resolving complaints. They must include both
designing new products t h a t tru ly delight the customer and responding rapidly to
changing consumer and market demands. A company close to its customer knows
what the customer wants, how the customer uses its products, and anticipates needs
t h a t the customer may not even be able to express. It also continually develops new
ways of enhancing customer relationships. A firm also must recognize that internal
customers are as important in assuring quality as are external customers who purchase
the product. Employees who view themselves as both
suppliers  to  other employees understand how their work links to the final
product. After all, the responsibility of any supplier is to understand and meet
customer requirements in the most efficient and e f f e c t i v e way possible.
Customer focus ex te n d s beyond the consumer and internal customer relationships,
however. Employees and so ciety represent important stakeholders. An organi-
zation's success depends on the knowledge, skills, creativity, and motivation of its
employees and partners. Therefore, a TQ organization must demonstrate commit-
ment to employees, provide opportunities for development and growth, provide
recognition beyond normal compensation systems, share knowledge, and encourage
risk taking. Viewing so ciety as a stakeholder is an a t t r i b u t e of a world-class
organization. Bus-mess ethics, public health and safety, the environment, and
community and professional support are necessary a c t i v i t i e s th a t fall under social
Participation and Teamwork Joseph Juran credited Japanese managers' full use of the
knowledge and c r e a t i v i t y of the entire workforce as one of the reasons for Japan's
rapid quality achievements. When managers give employees the tools to make good
decisions and the freedom and encouragement to make contributions, they virtually
guarantee that b e t t e r quality products and production processes will result.
Employees who are allowed to participate--both individually and in teams--in
decisions that affect their jobs and customer can make substantial contributions to
quality. His attitude represents a profound shift in the typical philosophy of senior
management; the traditional view was that the workforce should be "managed"--or
to put it less formally, the workforce should leave their brains at the door. Good
intentions alone are not enough to encourage employee involvement. Management's
task includes formulating the systems and procedures and then putting them in place
to ensure that participation becomes a part of the culture.
Table of Contents:
  1. INTRODUCTION TO PROJECT MANAGEMENT:Broad Contents, Functions of Management
  2. CONCEPTS, DEFINITIONS AND NATURE OF PROJECTS:Why Projects are initiated?, Project Participants
  5. PROJECT LIFE CYCLES:Conceptual Phase, Implementation Phase, Engineering Project
  6. THE PROJECT MANAGER:Team Building Skills, Conflict Resolution Skills, Organizing
  7. THE PROJECT MANAGER (CONTD.):Project Champions, Project Authority Breakdown
  9. PROJECT FEASIBILITY (CONTD.):Scope of Feasibility Analysis, Project Impacts
  10. PROJECT FEASIBILITY (CONTD.):Operations and Production, Sales and Marketing
  11. PROJECT SELECTION:Modeling, The Operating Necessity, The Competitive Necessity
  12. PROJECT SELECTION (CONTD.):Payback Period, Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  13. PROJECT PROPOSAL:Preparation for Future Proposal, Proposal Effort
  14. PROJECT PROPOSAL (CONTD.):Background on the Opportunity, Costs, Resources Required
  15. PROJECT PLANNING:Planning of Execution, Operations, Installation and Use
  16. PROJECT PLANNING (CONTD.):Outside Clients, Quality Control Planning
  17. PROJECT PLANNING (CONTD.):Elements of a Project Plan, Potential Problems
  18. PROJECT PLANNING (CONTD.):Sorting Out Project, Project Mission, Categories of Planning
  19. PROJECT PLANNING (CONTD.):Identifying Strategic Project Variables, Competitive Resources
  20. PROJECT PLANNING (CONTD.):Responsibilities of Key Players, Line manager will define
  21. PROJECT PLANNING (CONTD.):The Statement of Work (Sow)
  22. WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE:Characteristics of Work Package
  24. SCHEDULES AND CHARTS:Master Production Scheduling, Program Plan
  25. TOTAL PROJECT PLANNING:Management Control, Project Fast-Tracking
  26. PROJECT SCOPE MANAGEMENT:Why is Scope Important?, Scope Management Plan
  27. PROJECT SCOPE MANAGEMENT:Project Scope Definition, Scope Change Control
  28. NETWORK SCHEDULING TECHNIQUES:Historical Evolution of Networks, Dummy Activities
  29. NETWORK SCHEDULING TECHNIQUES:Slack Time Calculation, Network Re-planning
  34. QUALITY IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT:Value-Based Perspective, Customer-Driven Quality
  35. QUALITY IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT (CONTD.):Total Quality Management
  38. QUALITY IMPROVEMENT TOOLS:Data Tables, Identify the problem, Random method
  39. PROJECT EFFECTIVENESS THROUGH ENHANCED PRODUCTIVITY:Messages of Productivity, Productivity Improvement
  40. COST MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL IN PROJECTS:Project benefits, Understanding Control
  42. PROJECT MANAGEMENT THROUGH LEADERSHIP:The Tasks of Leadership, The Job of a Leader
  44. PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT:Components of Risk, Categories of Risk, Risk Planning