
FOCUSING ON PEOPLE: THE KEY TO SUCCESS:People in the Process, Developing and Sustaining A World-class Workforce

LEADERSHIP:Characteristics of Successful Leader, Why Study Leadership? >>
Leadership & Team Management ­ MGMT 623
Lesson 02
It is a common saying in today's organizations that the success depends on people. The `people' of
course are the organizational team members and stake holders. Focusing on the right individuals and
stakeholders is important for the success of any organization.
Today our main focus will be on the people; an actor in organization, the key resources for the success
of any organization. Every organization has some objectives, goals, mission& vision. For achieving
these goals & mission, they use different inputs to get desire outputs. The people in different
department/position in the organization are the key actors to meet the organizational goals. Only these
people can make difference when you compare your organization with the other organization. In
today's environment, getting the latest technology is not a big deal. Even arranging finance is not a
problem, if you have a good idea/project. The biggest problem will be to attract/find and retain right
people. Any organization can make a difference provided they have right people and organization is
managing them well. But it is nor so simple. People and organizations are so complex and remember
that every person is different from one and other. So managers/leaders must understand the people, their
behavior & situation.
One should have target to engage good team to achieve the organizational goals. And keep in mind that
good team are only build with a good leadership. Leader is one who motivates the employee and aligns
them towards achieving the goals in a better way. Research tells us that success comes from putting
leadership, people, value, goals, relationship, culture and community first.
People in the Process
People are the most important asset of an organization. The basic task of a manager is to be people
oriented. Poor people management is an important contributor to any failure of organization.
It is need of today's organization to convert the organization from machine based and economically
driven paradigm to more people driven, community-based and values-driven. And it will be only done
through people working in the organization as a cohesive team.
Importance of HR and Managers
Some organizations treat the employees as cost. Basically these organizations are dying organization.
We know that employees are the asset and high performing organizations treat people as valuable
strategic assets. So managers/leaders must ensure that people are treated as strategic assets.
Human Capital
Organizations trade in product, knowledge, service, innovation, and relationships. All these things are
carried out by people. All organizations use different resources like land, machines, technology,
finance, people etc. But the important resources any organization can depend is the human Resource
and they is the typical human capital organization can be prod off.
Why a Human Capital Environment?
People are the capital of an organization and create difference with knowledge, creativity and
relationship. All this is done by the people. So what does it means? It means "people" must be
managed/treated as asset, invest on them and protect them, and not to treat tem as cost. Because human
are the unique form of capital.
What is Important?
The direction of the employees is also important and set the state of mind towards work. It is also the
responsibility of manager/leaders to set the focus of employee in work and engage them with some
Leadership & Team Management ­ MGMT 623
creative work and motivate them to achieve organization goals. Also create the sense of importance to
adopt change.
Developing and Sustaining A World-class Workforce
Increasingly Diverse Workforce
­  Diversity will allow us to compete and win locally and globally. Diversity in
workplace is very important and brings synergy in the organization. Team members
with different backgrounds, with different skill sets and different exposures are very
critical and have positive impact.
The Changing Nature of Work
­  Economy base has moved from manufacturing to services. Keeping in view the
changing landscape of the world business, organizations have started thinking and
shifting from manufacturing to services orientation.
­  Job flexibility for employees. With the changing work environment, flexibility in the
job is increasing. Organizations are more concerned about out put and delivery rather
than time spent by the workers and more flex scheduling is becoming common.
­  Growth of outsourcing is yet another trend. Organizations are going for outsourcing
most of the secondary tasks rather than doing themselves to improve effectiveness and
The New Employer-Employee Partnership
­  Employees can not expect long-term employment
­  Employers thus can not expect corresponding loyalty
­  Employers trying to build a new kind of relationship:
an employer-employee
About the course
The course is designed to develop the understanding & knowledge of "the Leadership and Team
Management" concepts and the skill sets necessary for performing the team leader functions in
today's dynamic and competitive organizations. The course will be divided into two main
components, the Leadership and Team dynamics. In the first part the main focus will be on Leader,
Followers and situation to understand the concept of leadership and in the second half of the course
we will try to understand the team dynamics.
Table of Contents:
  2. FOCUSING ON PEOPLE: THE KEY TO SUCCESS:People in the Process, Developing and Sustaining A World-class Workforce
  3. LEADERSHIP:Characteristics of Successful Leader, Why Study Leadership?
  4. LEADERSHIP (CONTD.):Characteristics of Leaders Who Fail, Why Leaders Fail?
  5. MANAGERS VS LEADERS:Characteristics, Effective Leadership, Respect for Diversity
  6. FOLLOWER-SHIP:Importance of Followers, Follower-ship Style
  7. LEADERSHIP PROCESS:Strategies for Cultivating Exemplary Followers, Important Traits of Leaders
  8. LEADERSHIP PROCESS (CONTD.):Qualities of Leaders, Self-Confidence, Integrity
  9. LEADERSHIP THEORIES/ APPROACHES:Personal Characteristics of Leaders, Managerial Grid
  10. CONTINGENCY THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP:The Fiedler Model, Situational Leadership Theory, Path-Goal Theory
  12. THE LEADER AS AN INDIVIDUAL:Personality, Situation, Heredity, Environment
  13. ATTITUDE-PERSONALITY:Job Satisfaction, Work Situation, Self - Monitoring
  14. BIG FIVE MODEL, MYERS BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR (MBTI):Sub-Categories Defined, Information Gathering
  15. SITUATIONAL FACTORS:Social and psychological climate, Culture of the organization
  16. BECOMING A LEADER! WHAT DOES IT MEAN & HOW DO YOU GET IT?:Mission Statement, Leading oneself
  17. BECOMING A LEADER:Elements of Leadership, CONCEPT OF POWER,
  18. UNDERSTANDING POWER:Sources of Power, Responses to the Use of Power, Managing Political Behavior
  19. LEADERSHIP POWER & INFLUENCE:Positional Power, Being an Effective Leader
  20. LEADERSHIP AND EMPOWERMENT:Power sharing and Empowerment, Share Information
  21. MOTIVATION:Guidelines for Delegating, Human Resource Approach
  22. MOTIVATION AT WORK, MOTIVATION AND LEADERSHIP:What Factors Diminish Motivation in the Workplace
  23. LEADERSHIP COMMUNICATION:Communication & the Four Management Functions
  24. REVIEW-1:Organizational Performance, That is the Role of Management?, Leaders Vs Managers
  25. GROUP & TEAM CONCEPT:Groups versus Teams, Deciding When to Use a Team
  26. TEAM DYNAMICS:Stages of Group Development, Problem-Solving Teams, Benefits of Teams
  27. BUILDING THE TEAM:Leadership success requires, Strategies for Team Building
  28. A TEAM-BASED ORGANIZATION:Basic Steps, Span of Control, Categories of Decisions
  29. DECISION MAKING:Categories of Decisions, The Decision-Making Process
  30. TEAM DECISION MAKING:Team Problem Solving Techniques, Concept of QC
  31. EFFECTIVE TEAM COMMUNICATION:Team/Group Communications
  32. CONFLICT IN TEAM:Sources of Conflict, Scarcity of Resources, Dysfunctional Outcomes
  33. TRAINING/LEARNING OF TEAM:Training Methods, Phases of Learning Cycles
  34. LEARNING ORGANIZATION:A Litmus Test, Work Relations
  35. REWARDING & RECOGNIZING TEAMWORK:Compensating Teams, Individual or Team Rewards?
  36. MANAGING/LEADING VIRTUAL TEAMS:Communications in Virtual Organizations, Virtual Leadership
  37. EFFECTIVE TEAM MEETINGS:Better Meetings, Meeting Roles, Meeting Room Facilities
  38. LEADING TEAM:Team Leadership Structures, Leadership Demands and Duties, Leadership Direction
  39. REVIEW-II:Types of Teams, Characteristics of High Performance Teams, Sources of Conflict
  40. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP:Strategic Management, Determining Strategic Direction, Developing Human Capital:
  41. LEADING CHANGE:Dynamics of Change, Change Models, Unfreeze
  42. CREATIVE LEADERSHIP:Awaken Your Senses, How Might These Definitions Be Integrated
  43. ETHICS IN LEADERSHIP:Character Traits Reflect Ethics, Manifests Honesty
  44. LOOKING AT THE FUTURE: WHAT COMES NEXT:Benefits of Teams, Ethical Leadership,
  45. TEAMWORK: LEARNING FROM NATURE:Social Behavior, Termites, Learning from Nature