
INTRODUCTION:Goal, Reasons for writing this document, How to read this document

TECHNOLOGICAL BACKGROUND:Components, Terminal, Protocols, SIP >>
[IPTelephony Cookbook] / Introduction
Introduction //>
> 1.1 Goal
The IP Telephony Cookbook is a reference document addressing technical issuesfor the setup of
IP Telephony solutions. Itsgoal is to provide the usercommunity with guidelinesand information
aboutthe IP Telephony world andeverything related to it.Since the Cookbook is intended to be
a technical document, the main targetaudience are the networkengineers and system
administrators at universities and nationalresearch and education networks (NREN); however,
university students and researchers mayfind it useful, both for enriching their technological
background as well as for findinginformation about advancedresearch topics and projects in the
> 1.2 Reasons for writing thisdocument
Members of the NREN community askedTERENA to start an investigationinto IP Telephony
in September 2001.The responsewas very positive andsuggestions were made to co-ordinate
thecreation of a cookbook withrecommendations for setting up IP Telephony solutions at
university- and national-level, withinformation about protocolsand the interoperability of
equipment as well as about integration withthe existing international hierarchiesfor IP
videoconferencing.For this reason, a number of people in the TERENAcommunity with
significantexpertise in the area of IP Telephony decided to undertakethis task and to compose
this document,The IP TelephonyCookbook.
> 1.3Contents
The IP Telephony Cookbook is divided intochapters, which guide thereader through increasing
levels of knowledge of the IP Telephonyworld.This first chapter containsintroductory
informationand gives details of thecontents of the Cookbook,useful tips on how to readthis
document and techno-economic considerations.Chapter 2 explains the technological
backgroundneeded in order to understandthe topics addressed in therest of theCookbook.This
chapterdescribes the basic IP Telephony components andgives an overview of the IP Telephony
protocols.Chapter 2 ends with additional considerations on call routingand perspectivesabout
thefuture. Chapter 3 gives a high-level overview of scenarios a usermay face when building an
IP Telephony environment. Details aregiven to explain what a particularscenario is about, what is
needed in order to deploy it andwhat needs it is serving.Thenext three chapters (Chapter 4,
Chapter 5 and Chapter 6) detail how to set up IP Telephony services;those chapters givethe
readerthe chance to learn how to set up basic services,advanced services (still telephony-centric)
andvalue-added services (withrespect to classic telephonyservice). Chapter 7 is aboutthe
[IPTelephony Cookbook] / Introduction
integration of global telephony, describingthe technological solutions availablefor the integration
of global IP Telephony and thesuccessful replacement of classictelephony. Chapter 7 reports on
today's situation, as well as migration andfuture trends.The lastchapter contains the
regulatory/legal considerations users have to be aware of when moving fromclassic telephony to
IP Telephony.The topics here relate to the regulation of IP Telephony in Europe and in other
countriesoutside the European Union. A large number of legal issuesfor classic telephonyare
detailed,from licensing to unbundling, andtheir mapping to the IP world. Finally, the IP
TelephonyCookbook contains twoannexes. Annex A lists anddescribes current and future IP
TelephonyProjects in Europe. Annex B gives the reader usefulinformation about IP Telephony
hardwareand software, reporting `handson' experience (i.e., howthe devices performed, how
goodtech-support was, what werethe workarounds for some of the problems faced,etc).
> 1.4 How to read thisdocument
Sincethe IP Telephony Cookbook is a technical reference document, it must include guidelines
forusers who do not want to read the whole document, so that they can findthe information
theyneed. In this section, we give the reader tips on how to read the document in order to
retrievethe information needed as fast as possible; for a detailed overview of thecontents of the
Cookbook,please refer to the previous section.To speed up the informationretrieval process,
eachreader should identify himself as belonging to one of the followingthree groups:
- readers who have no knowledge of IP Telephony;
- readers who have basic knowledge of IP Telephony;
- readers who have advanced knowledge of IP Telephony.
Readers belonging to the first group should, first of all, refer to Chapter 2 to acquire the
necessarybackground to understand therest of the cookbook.Readers who are interested in
setting up an IP Telephony service shouldread Chapter 3 to have a clear picture of thepossible
scenariosoffered by IP Telephony andtarget the one best-suited to the needs of their
environment.The second group of readers mayskip the previously-mentioned chapters, but
Chapter 3 may be of some interest to them; the main focus of thisgroup of users is more likely to
be in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 which give tips andhelp in setting up an operativeservice.The
thirdgroup of users is likely to be more interested in the `valueadded' services availablenowadays
with IP Telephony (Chapter 6) or in the integration problems of an IP Telephonyarchitecture
that is widely distributed across multiplesites and organisations(Chapter 7). All threegroups of
usersmay find useful information in Chapter 8 and Europeanproject information in Annex A.
Last but not least, the list of products and testingexperience reported in Annex B is a must for all
userswho do not want to risk making the wrong choices in a buying decision.
> 1.5Techno-economic aspect of movingfrom classic telephony to VoIP
Many institutions are facing investmentdecisions with respect to replacing or expandingtheir
existing telephony infrastructure, which currently consists mainly of largePBXs with proprietary
phonesand interfaces. As is theresuch a clear trend to replace old-style (TDM) PBXswith IP
Telephonyones, it is important thatthere is a guide on how to attach such an IP Telephony
solution to the existing network. IP connectivitycan be used as the basisfor establishing good
[IPTelephony Cookbook] / Introduction
communicationbetween scientists thatmight not use traditional, still relativelyexpensive,
long-distancecalls as extensively as they could use IP Telephony. Even where financial constraints
arenot the driving force,the potential for enhancing IP Telephony with additional servicesthat
support scientific co-operation makes IP Telephony an attractive solution.
IP Telephony can provide a number of benefits beyond replacing existing PBX/PSTN telephony:
Enhancedspeech quality
The PSTN (and most PBXs)are limited to 3.1 kHz,8-bit/sample audio. It is likelythat future
IP phones can provide CD quality and possibly even stereoaudio. Even where the additional
bandwidthrequired for this extremelevel of quality cannot be provided;modest codecs such as
G.722 (7 kHz speech bandwidth) can be used to provide better quality than conventional
Improved availability
Thereare many aspects of availability. Lowering thecost can make telephony more available to
low-budgetactivities. Redundancy canprovide as good as (or evenbetter) reliabilitythan
traditional telephony. Integrating telephony withlocation-based computing and group-
awarenesssystems can make thecommunication partners much more `available', or providethe
means to transfer communication to a point in time where it is more appropriate thanthe usual
interrupt-driventelephone call;
In a similar argument, IP Telephony can be made available in places where traditional phones
areoften not available in a university, e.g., labsettings (in particular, studentlabs). Also, many
universitiesstill consider the cost of phone installations high enough to force their employees to
sharephones in a common office, again,not necessary whenworkstation-based IP Telephony is
Improved mobility
It is very easy to move an IP phone to another room.There is no need to deal with ports on the
PBXand change dial numbers.Simply plugging it into an ethernetsocket in a new room
makes it available;
Improved media integration
IP phones can be enabled to addmedia to an ongoing call as required,e.g., viewing a picture or
drawing on a whiteboard. Using workstationsthemselves as IP phones can facilitate providing
thisfunction, whereas thestandards are not yetthere for coupling traditional phonesand
As IP Telephony evolves, it can be used to provide new services(like user-definedcall
processing) or to integrate existing concepts, e.g.,Presence, Location Awareness or Instant
Messaging.Because of the openstandards available forthese services, they neednot to be
limited to vendor-specific solutions. In otherwords, it can be much easier to deal with issues
such as CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) and so pave the way to a completely new way
of understanding telephony;
As mentioned before, the protocolsand standards used for IP Telephony are open andpublicly
available.Thisallows research institutions to work on their own services andsolutions.
[IPTelephony Cookbook] / Introduction
It is important to point outthat before introducing IP Telephony into the network of an
organisation;several issues unknown to the old telephone systemhave to be taken intoaccount.
A rough, non-exhaustive list may include addressing (special subnet/VLANfor phones), Quality
of Service (QoS), security, positioning of gateways, interfacing of firewalls and,last but not least,
maintenance of the system (backups,spares, etc., - somethingnot very common in thelegacy
Withregard to the economic aspects,the `packetisation' of voiceusing Voice over IP has given
rise to new international telecommunications carriers.Thesecarriers have distributed network
architecturesusing the Internet as a platform.VoIP networks have an architecture offering the
most efficient way to implement multilateral telecommunications agreements, thuseliminating
theneed for carriers to engage in hundreds of bilateral traffic agreements as are requiredbetween
traditional circuit-switched PSTN carriers. Moreover, since packet networks aresoftware driven,
theycan be configured more dynamically than traditional PSTN networks. For example,with a
globalvoice over packet network,new destinations areavailable to all users on the network,
withoutthe need for constant additional investment.
IP Telephony telecommunications companiesmay expand the availability of services to a wider
audience. IP Telephony technologies can be used to build voice networks more rapidly and at a
lowercost than legacy PSTNsystems. Easier deployment of Voice over IP networks can bringthe
benefits of telecommunications to more people in a muchshorter timeframe than would be
possiblewith conventional PSTN networks. At the same time, nothaving to buildextensive
infrastructureprovides the motivation formany companies to migrate to IP Telephony