
Security & Monitoring:Physical security, Threats to the network, Authentication

<< Networking Hardware:Wired wireless, Choosing wireless components, Building an access point from a PC
Solar Power:Solar energy, Photovoltaic system components, The battery >>
Security & Monitoring
In a traditional wired network, access control is very straightforward: If a
person has physical access to a computer or network hub, they can use (or
abuse) the network resources. While software mechanisms are an impor-
tant component of network security, limiting physical access to the network
devices is the ultimate access control mechanism. Simply put, if all termi-
nals and network components are only accessible to trusted individuals, the
network can likely be trusted.
The rules change significantly with wireless networks.  While the apparent
range of your access point may seem to be just a few hundred meters, a user
with a high gain antenna may be able to make use of the network from several
blocks away. Should an unauthorized user be detected, is impossible to sim-
ply "trace the cable" back to the user s location. Without transmitting a single
packet, a nefarious user can even log all network data to disk. This data can
later be used to launch a more sophisticated attack against the network.
Never assume that radio waves simply "stop" at the edge of your property line.
It is usually unreasonable to completely trust all users of the network, even on
wired networks. Disgruntled employees, uneducated network users, and sim-
ple mistakes on the part of honest users can cause significant harm to network
operations. As the network architect, your goal is to facilitate private commu-
nication between legitimate users of the network. While a certain amount of
access control and authentication is necessary in any network, you have failed
in your job if legitimate users find it difficult to use the network to communicate.
There s an old saying that the only way to completely secure a computer is to
unplug it, lock it in a safe, destroy the key, and bury the whole thing in con-
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
crete. While such a system might be completely "secure", it is useless for
communication.  When you make security decisions for your network, re-
member that above all else, the network exists so that its users can commu-
nicate with each other. Security considerations are important, but should not
get in the way of the network s users.
Physical security
When installing a network, you are building an infrastructure that people de-
pend on. Security measures exist to ensure that the network is reliable. For
many installations, outages often occur due to human tampering, whether
accidental or not. Networks have physical components, such as wires and
boxes, which are easily disturbed. In many installations, people will not un-
derstand the purpose of the installed equipment, or curiosity may lead them
to experiment. They may not realize the importance of a cable connected to
a port. Someone may unplug an Ethernet cable so that they can connect
their laptop for 5 minutes, or move a switch because it is in their way. A plug
might be removed from a power bar because someone needs that recepta-
cle. Assuring the physical security of an installation is paramount. Signs and
labels will only be useful to those who can read your language. Putting things
out of the way and limiting access is the best means to assure that accidents
and tinkering do not occur.
In less developed economies, proper fasteners, ties, or boxes will not be as
easy to find. You should be able to find electrical supplies that will work just
as well. Custom enclosures are also easy to manufacture and should be
considered essential to any installation. It is often economical to pay a mason
to make holes and install conduit. Where this would be an expensive option
in the developed world, this type of labour intensive activity can be affordable
in Southern countries. PVC can be embedded in cement walls for passing
cable from room to room. This avoids the need to smash new holes every
time a cable needs to be passed. Plastic bags can be stuffed into the conduit
around the cables for insulation.
Small equipment should be mounted on the wall and larger equipment
should be put in a closet or in a cabinet.
Switches, hubs or interior access points can be screwed directly onto a wall
with a wall plug. It is best to put this equipment as high as possible to reduce
the chance that someone will touch the device or its cables.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
At the very least, cables should be hidden and fastened. It is possible to find
plastic cable conduit that can be used in buildings. If you cannot find it, simple
cable attachments can be nailed into the wall to secure the cable. This will make
sure that the cable doesn't hang where it can be snagged, pinched or cut.
It is preferable to bury cables, rather than to leave them hanging across a
yard. Hanging wires might be used for drying clothes, or be snagged by a
ladder, etc. To avoid vermin and insects, use plastic electrical conduit. The
marginal expense will be well worth the trouble. The conduit should be buried
about 30 cm deep, or below the frost level in cold climates. It is worth the
extra investment of buying larger conduit than is presently required, so that
future cables can be run through the same tubing. Consider labeling buried
cable with a "call before you dig" sign to avoid future accidental outages.
It is best to have power bars locked in a cabinet. If that is not possible, mount
the power bar under a desk, or on the wall and use duct tape (or gaffer tape, a
strong adhesive tape) to secure the plug into the receptacle. On the UPS and
power bar, do not leave any empty receptacles. Tape them if necessary. Peo-
ple will have the tendency to use the easiest receptacle, so make these critical
ones difficult to use. If you do not, you might find a fan or light plugged into
your UPS; though it is nice to have light, it is nicer to keep your server running!
Protect your equipment from water and moisture. In all cases make sure that
your equipment, including your UPS is at least 30 cm from the ground, to
avoid damage from flooding. Also try to have a roof over your equipment, so
that water and moisture will not fall onto it. In moist climates, it is important
that the equipment has proper ventilation to assure that moisture can be ex-
hausted. Small closets need to have ventilation, or moisture and heat can
degrade or destroy your gear.
Equipment installed on a mast is often safe from thieves. Nevertheless, to de-
ter thieves and to keep your equipment safe from winds it is good to over-
engineer mounts. Painting equipment a dull white or grey color reflects the sun
and makes it look plain and uninteresting. Panel antennas are often preferred
because they are much more subtle and less interesting than dishes. Any in-
stallation on walls should be high enough to require a ladder to reach. Try
choosing well-lit but not prominent places to put equipment. Also avoid anten-
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
nae that resemble television antennae, as those are items that will attract in-
terest by thieves, where a wifi antenna will be useless to the average thief.
Threats to the network
One critical difference between Ethernet and wireless is that wireless networks
are built on a shared medium. They more closely resemble the old network
hubs than modern switches, in that every computer connected to the network
can "see" the traffic of every other user. To monitor all network traffic on an
access point, one can simply tune to the channel being used, put the network
card into monitor mode, and log every frame. This data might be directly valu-
able to an eavesdropper (including data such as email, voice data, or online
chat logs). It may also provide passwords and other sensitive data, making it
possible to compromise the network even further. As we ll see later in this
chapter, this problem can be mitigated by the use of encryption.
Another serious problem with wireless networks is that its users are relatively
anonymous. While it is true that every wireless device includes a unique
MAC address that is supplied by the manufacturer, these addresses can of-
ten be changed with software. Even when the MAC address is known, it can
be very difficult to judge where a wireless user is physically located. Multi-
path effects, high-gain antennas, and widely varying radio transmitter charac-
teristics can make it impossible to determine if a malicious wireless user is
sitting in the next room or is in an apartment building a mile away.
While unlicensed spectrum provides a huge cost savings to the user, it has
the unfortunate side effect that denial of service (DoS) attacks are trivially
simple. By simply turning on a high powered access point, cordless phone,
video transmitter, or other 2.4 GHz device, a malicious person could cause
significant problems on the network. Many network devices are vulnerable to
other forms of denial of service attacks as well, such as disassociation flood-
ing and ARP table overflows.
Here are several categories of individuals who may cause problems on a
wireless network:
· Unintentional users. As more wireless networks are installed in densely
populated areas, it is common for laptop users to accidentally associate to
the wrong network. Most wireless clients will simply choose any available
wireless network when their preferred network is unavailable.  The user
may then make use of this network as usual, completely unaware that they
may be transmitting sensitive data on someone else s network. Malicious
people may even take advantage of this by setting up access points in stra-
tegic locations, to try to attract unwitting users and capture their data.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
The first step in avoiding this problem is educating your users, and stress-
ing the importance of connecting only to known and trusted networks.
Many wireless clients can be configured to only connect to trusted net-
works, or to ask permission before joining a new network. As we will see
later in this chapter, users can safely connect to open public networks by
using strong encryption.
· War drivers.  The "war driving" phenomenon draws its name from the
popular 1983 hacker film, "War Games". War drivers are interested in find-
ing the physical location of wireless networks. They typically drive around
with a laptop, GPS, and omnidirectional antenna, logging the name and
location of any networks they find. These logs are then combined with logs
from other war drivers, and are turned into graphical maps depicting the
wireless "footprint" of a particular city.
The vast majority of war drivers likely pose no direct threat to networks, but
the data they collect might be of interest to a network cracker. For example,
it might be obvious that an unprotected access point detected by a war driver
is located inside a sensitive building, such as a government or corporate of-
fice. A malicious person could use this information to illegally access the
network there. Arguably, such an AP should never have been set up in the
first place, but war driving makes the problem all the more urgent. As we will
see later in this chapter, war drivers who use the popular program NetStum-
bler can be detected with programs such as Kismet. For more information
about war driving, see sites such as http://www.wifimaps.com/,
http://www.nodedb.com/, or http://www.netstumbler.com/ .
· Rogue access points. There are two general classes of rogue access
points: those incorrectly installed by legitimate users, and those installed
by malicious people who intend to collect data or do harm to the network.
In the simplest case, a legitimate network user may want better wireless
coverage in their office, or they might find security restrictions on the corpo-
rate wireless network too difficult to comply with. By installing an inexpen-
sive consumer access point without permission, the user opens the entire
network up to potential attacks from the inside. While it is possible to scan
for unauthorized access points on your wired network, setting a clear policy
that prohibits them is very important.
The second class of rogue access point can be very difficult to deal with. By
installing a high powered AP that uses the same ESSID as an existing net-
work, a malicious person can trick people into using their equipment, and log
or even manipulate all data that passes through it. Again, if your users are
trained to use strong encryption, this problem is significantly reduced.
· Eavesdroppers.  As mentioned earlier, eavesdropping is a very difficult
problem to deal with on wireless networks. By using a passive monitoring
tool (such as Kismet), an eavesdropper can log all network data from a
great distance away, without ever making their presence known. Poorly
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
encrypted data can simply be logged and cracked later, while unencrypted
data can be easily read in real time.
If you have difficulty convincing others of this problem, you might want to
demonstrate tools such as Etherpeg (http://www.etherpeg.org/) or Driftnet
(http://www.ex-parrot.com/~chris/driftnet/). These tools watch a wireless
network for graphical data, such as GIF and JPEG files. While other users
are browsing the Internet, these tools simply display all graphics found in a
graphical collage. I often use tools such as this as a demonstration when
lecturing on wireless security. While you can tell a user that their email is
vulnerable without encryption, nothing drives the message home like show-
ing them the pictures they are looking at in their web browser.
Again, while it cannot be completely prevented, proper application of strong
encryption will discourage eavesdropping.
This introduction is intended to give you an idea of the problems you are up
against when designing a wireless network. Later in this chapter, we will look
at tools and techniques that will help you to mitigate these problems.
Before being granted access to network resources, users should first be
authenticated. In an ideal world, every wireless user would have an identi-
fier that is unique, unchangeable, and cannot be impersonated by other us-
ers. This turns out to be a very difficult problem to solve in the real world.
The closest feature we have to a unique identifier is the MAC address. This
is the 48-bit number assigned by the manufacturer to every wireless and
Ethernet device. By employing mac filtering on our access points, we can
authenticate users based on their MAC address. With this feature, the ac-
cess point keeps an internal table of approved MAC addresses.  When a
wireless user tries to associate to the access point, the MAC address of the
client must be on the approved list, or the association will be denied. Alter-
nately, the AP may keep a table of known "bad" MAC addresses, and permit
all devices that are not on the list.
Unfortunately, this is not an ideal security mechanism. Maintaining MAC ta-
bles on every device can be cumbersome, requiring all client devices to have
their MAC addresses recorded and uploaded to the APs. Even worse, MAC
addresses can often be changed in software. By observing MAC addresses
in use on a wireless network, a determined attacker can spoof (impersonate)
an approved MAC address and successfully associate to the AP. While MAC
filtering will prevent unintentional users and even most curious individuals
from accessing the network, MAC filtering alone cannot prevent attacks from
determined attackers.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
MAC filters are useful for temporarily limiting access from misbehaving clients.
For example, if a laptop has a virus that sends large amounts of spam or other
traffic, its MAC address can be added to the filter table to stop the traffic imme-
diately. This will buy you time to track down the user and fix the problem.
Another popular authentication feature of wireless the so-called closed net-
work. In a typical network, APs will broadcast their ESSID many times per
second, allowing wireless clients (as well as tools such as NetStumbler) to
find the network and display its presence to the user. In a closed network,
the AP does not beacon the ESSID, and users must know the full name of
the network before the AP will allow association. This prevents casual users
from discovering the network and selecting it in their wireless client.
There are a number of drawbacks to this feature. Forcing users to type in
the full ESSID before connecting to the network is error prone and often
leads to support calls and complaints. Since the network isn t obviously pre-
sent in site survey tools like NetStumbler, this can prevent your networks
from showing up on war driving maps. But it also means that other network
builders cannot easily find your network either, and specifically won t know
that you are already using a given channel. A conscientious neighbor may
perform a site survey, see no nearby networks, and install their own network
on the same channel you are using. This will cause interference problems
for both you and your neighbor.
Finally, using closed networks ultimately adds little to your overall networks
security. By using passive monitoring tools (such as Kismet), a skilled user
can detect frames sent from your legitimate clients to the AP. These frames
necessarily contain the network name. A malicious user can then use this
name to associate to the access point, just like a normal user would.
Encryption is probably the best tool we have for authenticating wireless us-
ers. Through strong encryption, we can uniquely identify a user in a manner
that is very difficult to spoof, and use that identity to determine further net-
work access. Encryption also has the benefit of adding a layer of privacy by
preventing eavesdroppers from easily watching network traffic.
The most widely employed encryption method on wireless networks is WEP
encryption. WEP stands for wired equivalent privacy, and is supported by
virtually all 802.11a/b/g equipment. WEP uses a shared 40-bit key to encrypt
data between the access point and client. The key must be entered on the
APs as well as on each of the clients. With WEP enabled, wireless clients
cannot associate with the AP until they use the correct key. An eavesdropper
listening to a WEP-enabled network will still see traffic and MAC addresses,
but the data payload of each packet is encrypted. This provides a fairly good
authentication mechanism while also adding a bit of privacy to the network.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
WEP is definitely not the strongest encryption solution available.  For one
thing, the WEP key is shared between all users. If the key is compromised
(say, if one user tells a friend what the password is, or if an employee is let
go) then changing the password can be prohibitively difficult, since all APs
and client devices need to be changed. This also means that legitimate us-
ers of the network can still eavesdrop on each others traffic, since they all
know the shared key.
The key itself is often poorly chosen, making offline cracking attempts feasi-
ble. Even worse, the implementation of WEP itself is broken in many access
points, making it even easier to crack some networks. While manufacturers
have implemented a number of extensions to WEP (such as longer keys and
fast rotation schemes), these extensions are not part of the standard, and
generally will not interoperate between equipment from different manufactur-
ers. By upgrading to the most recent firmware for all of your wireless de-
vices, you can prevent some of the early attacks found in WEP.
WEP can still be a useful authentication tool. Assuming your users can be
trusted not to give away the password, you can be fairly sure that your wire-
less clients are legitimate. While WEP cracking is possible, it is beyond the
skill of most users. WEP is quite useful for securing long distance point-to-
point links, even on generally open networks. By using WEP on such a link,
you will discourage others from associating to the link, and they will likely use
other available APs instead. Think of WEP as a handy "keep out" sign for
your network.  Anyone who detects the network will see that a key is re-
quired, making it clear that they are not welcome to use it.
WEPs greatest strength is its interoperability.  In order to comply with the
802.11 standards, all wireless devices support basic WEP. While it isn t the
strongest method available, it is certainly the most commonly implemented
encryption feature. We will look at other more advanced encryption techniques
later in this chapter.
For more details about the state of WEP encryption, see these papers:
· http://www.isaac.cs.berkeley.edu/isaac/wep-faq.html
· http://www.cs.umd.edu/~waa/wireless.pdf
· http://www.crypto.com/papers/others/rc4_ksaproc.ps
Another data-link layer authentication protocol is Wi-Fi Protected Access, or
WPA. WPA was created specifically to deal with the known problems with
WEP mentioned earlier.
It provides a significantly stronger encryption
scheme, and can use a shared private key, unique keys assigned to each
user, or even SSL certificates to authenticate both the client and the access
point.  Authentication credentials are checked using the 802.1X protocol,
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
which can consult a third party database such as RADIUS. Through the use
of Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), keys can be rotated quickly
over time, further reducing the likelihood that a particular session can be
cracked.  Overall, WPA provides significantly better authentication and pri-
vacy than standard WEP.
WPA requires fairly recent access point hardware and up-to-date firmware on
all wireless clients, as well as a substantial amount of configuration. If you
are installing a network in a setting where you control the entire hardware
platform, WPA can be ideal. By authenticating both clients and APs, it solves
the rogue access point problem and provides many significant advantages
over WEP. But in most network settings where the vintage of hardware is
mixed and the knowledge of wireless users is limited, WPA can be a night-
mare to install. It is for this reason that most sites continue to use WEP, if
encryption is used at all.
Captive portals
One common authentication tool used on wireless networks is the captive
portal. A captive portal uses a standard web browser to give a wireless user
the opportunity to present login credentials. It can also be used to present
information (such as an Acceptable Use Policy) to the user before granting
further access.  By using a web browser instead of a custom program for
authentication, captive portals work with virtually all laptops and operating
systems. Captive portals are typically used on open networks with no other
authentication methods (such as WEP or MAC filters).
To begin, a wireless user opens their laptop and selects the network. Their
computer requests a DHCP lease, which is granted. They then use their web
browser to go to any site on the Internet.
Figure 6.1: The user requests a web page and is redirected.
Instead of receiving the requested page, the user is presented with a login
screen. This page can require the user to enter a user name and password,
simply click a "login" button, type in numbers from a pre-paid ticket, or enter
any other credentials that the network administrators require. The user then
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
enters their credentials, which are checked by the access point or another
server on the network. All other network access is blocked until these cre-
dentials are verified.
HTTP request waiting
User: joe
Password: secret
Figure 6.2: The user's credentials are verified before further network access is
granted. The authentication server can be the access point itself, another machine
on the local network, or a server anywhere on the Internet.
Once authenticated, the user is permitted to access network resources, and
is typically redirected to the site they originally requested.
Redirect to http://google.com/
Figure 6.3: After authenticating, the user is permitted to access the rest
of the network.
Captive portals provide no encryption for the wireless users, instead relying
on the MAC and IP address of the client as a unique identifier. Since this is
not necessarily very secure, many implementations will require the user to
re-authenticate periodically. This can often be automatically done by mini-
mizing a special pop-up browser window when the user first logs in.
Since they do not provide strong encryption, captive portals are not a very
good choice for networks that need to be locked down to only allow access
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
from trusted users. They are much more suited to cafes, hotels, and other
public access locations where casual network users are expected.
In public or semi-public network settings, encryption techniques such as
WEP and WPA are effectively useless. There is simply no way to distribute
public or shared keys to members of the general public without compromis-
ing the security of those keys. In these settings, a simple application such as
a captive portal provides a level of service somewhere between completely
open and completely closed.
Popular hotspot projects
· Chillispot (http://www.chillispot.info/).  Chillispot is a captive portal de-
signed to authenticate against an existing user credentials database, such
as RADUIS. Combined with the application phpMyPrePaid, pre-paid ticket
based authentication can be implemented very easily You can download
phpMyPrePaid from http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpmyprepaid/.
· WiFi Dog (http://www.wifidog.org/). WiFi Dog provides a very complete
captive portal authentication package in very little space (typically under
30kb). From a user s perspective, it requires no pop-up or javascript sup-
port, allowing it to work on a wider variety of wireless devices.
· m0n0wall (http://m0n0.ch/wall/). m0n0wall is a complete embedded oper-
ating system based on FreeBSD. It includes a captive portal with RADIUS
support, as well as a PHP web server.
· NoCatSplash (http://nocat.net/download/NoCatSplash/) provides a cus-
tomizable splash page to your users, requiring them to click a "login" button
before using the network. This is useful for identifying the operators of the
network and displaying rules for network access. It provides a very easy
solution in situations where you need to provide users of an open network
with information and an acceptable use policy.
Most users are blissfully unaware that their private email, chat conversations,
and even passwords are often sent "in the clear" over dozens of untrusted
networks before arriving at their ultimate destination on the Internet. How-
ever mistaken they may be, users still typically have some expectation of
privacy when using computer networks.
Privacy can be achieved, even on untrusted networks such as public access
points and the Internet. The only proven effective method for protecting pri-
vacy is the use of strong end-to-end encryption.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
Encryption techniques such as WEP and WPA attempt to address the privacy
issue at layer two, the data-link layer. This does protect against eavesdrop-
pers listening in on the wireless connection, but this protection ends at the
access point. If the wireless client uses insecure protocols (such as POP or
simple SMTP for receiving and sending email), then users beyond the AP
can still log the session and see the sensitive data. As mentioned earlier,
WEP also suffers from the fact that it uses a shared private key. This means
that legitimate wireless users can eavesdrop on each other, since they all
know the private key.
By using encryption to the remote end of the connection, users can neatly
sidestep the entire problem. These techniques work well even on untrusted
public networks, where eavesdroppers are listening and possibly even ma-
nipulating data coming from the access point.
To ensure data privacy, good end-to-end encryption should provide the fol-
lowing features:
· Verified authentication of the remote end. The user should be able to
know without a doubt that the remote end is who it claims to be. Without
authentication, a user could give sensitive data to anyone claiming to be
the legitimate service.
· Strong encryption methods. The encryption algorithm should stand up
to public scrutiny, and not be easily decrypted by a third party. There is no
security in obscurity, and strong encryption is even stronger when the algo-
rithm is widely known and subject to peer review. A good algorithm with a
suitably large and protected key can provide encryption that is unlikely to
be broken by any effort in our lifetimes using current technology.
· Public key cryptography. While not an absolute requirement for end-to-
end encryption, the use of public key cryptography instead of a shared key
can ensure that an individual's data remains private, even if the key of an-
other user of the service is compromised. It also solves certain problems
with distributing keys to users over untrusted networks.
· Data encapsulation. A good end-to-end encryption mechanism protects
as much data as possible. This can range from encrypting a single email
transaction to encapsulation of all IP traffic, including DNS lookups and
other supporting protocols. Some encryption tools simply provide a secure
channel that other applications can use. This allows users to run any pro-
gram they like and still have the protection of strong encryption, even if the
programs themselves don t support it.
Be aware that laws regarding the use of encryption vary widely from place to
place.  Some countries treat encryption as munitions, and may require a
permit, escrow of private keys, or even prohibit its use altogether. Before
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
implementing any solution that involves encryption, be sure to verify that use
of this technology is permitted in your local area.
In the following sections, we ll take a look at some specific tools that can pro-
vide good protection for your users data.
The most widely available end-to-end encryption technology is Secure
Sockets Layer, known simply as SSL. Built into virtually all web browsers,
SSL uses public key cryptography and a trusted public key infrastructure
(PKI) to secure data communications on the web. Whenever you visit a web
URL that starts with https, you are using SSL.
The SSL implementation built into web browsers includes a collection of cer-
tificates from trusted sources, called certificate authorities (CA).  These
certificates are cryptographic keys that are used to verify the authenticity of
websites. When you browse to a website that uses SSL, the browser and
the server first exchange certificates. The browser then verifies that the cer-
tificate provided by the server matches its DNS host name, that it has not
expired, and that it is signed by a trusted certificate authority. The server
optionally verifies the identity of the browser s certificate. If the certificates
are approved, the browser and server then negotiate a master session key
using the previously exchanged certificates to protect it.  That key is then
used to encrypt all communications until the browser disconnects. This kind
of data encapsulation is known as a tunnel.
The tunnel can terminate
Eavesdroppers can watch
anywhere on the Internet.
unencrypted wireless traffic.
Access point
Wireless traffic is protected
by an encrypted tunnel.
Figure 6.4: Eavesdroppers must break strong encryption to monitor traffic over an
encrypted tunnel. The conversation inside the tunnel is identical to any other unen-
crypted conversation.
The use of certificates with a PKI not only protects the communication from
eavesdroppers, but also prevents so-called man-in-the-middle (MITM) at-
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
tacks. In a man-in-the-middle attack, a malicious user intercepts all commu-
nication between the browser and the server. By presenting counterfeit cer-
tificates to both the browser and the server, the malicious user could carry on
two simultaneous encrypted sessions. Since the malicious user knows the
secret on both connections, it is trivial to observe and manipulate data pass-
ing between the server and the browser.
Figure 6.5: The man-in-the-middle effectively controls everything the user sees, and
can record and manipulate all traffic. Without a public key infrastructure to verify the
authenticity of keys, strong encryption alone cannot protect against this kind of attack.
Use of a good PKI prevents this kind of attack. In order to be successful, the
malicious user would have to present a certificate to the client that is signed
by a trusted certificate authority. Unless a CA has been compromised (very
unlikely) or the user is tricked into accepting the forged certificate, then such
an attack is not possible. This is why it is vitally important that users under-
stand that ignoring warnings about expired or improper certificates is very
dangerous, especially when using wireless networks. By clicking the "ignore"
button when prompted by their browser, users open themselves up to many
potential attacks.
SSL is not only used for web browsing. Insecure email protocols such as
IMAP, POP, and SMTP can be secured by wrapping them in an SSL tunnel.
Most modern email clients support IMAPS and POPS (secure IMAP and
POP) as well as SSL/TLS protected SMTP. If your email server does not
provide SSL support, you can still secure it with SSL using a package like
Stunnel (http://www.stunnel.org/). SSL can be used to effectively secure just
about any service that runs over TCP.
Most people think of SSH as a secure replacement for telnet, just as scp
and sftp are the secure counterparts of rcp and ftp. But SSH is much
more than encrypted remote shell. Like SSL, it uses strong public key cryp-
tography to verify the remote server and encrypt data. Instead of a PKI, it
uses a key fingerprint cache that is checked before a connection is permitted.
It can use passwords, public keys, or other methods for user authentication.
Many people do not know that SSH can also act as a general purpose en-
crypting tunnel, or even an encrypting web proxy. By first establishing an
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
SSH connection to a trusted location near (or even on) a remote server, in-
secure protocols can be protected from eavesdropping and attack.
While this technique may be a bit advanced for many users, network archi-
tects can use SSH to encrypt traffic across untrusted links, such as wireless
point-to-point links. Since the tools are freely available and run over stan-
dard TCP, any educated user can implement SSH connections for them-
selves, providing their own end-to-end encryption without administrator inter-
OpenSSH (http://openssh.org/) is probably the most popular implementation
on Unix-like platforms. Free implementations such as Putty
(http://www.putty.nl/) and WinSCP (http://winscp.net/) are available for
Windows. OpenSSH will also run on Windows under the Cygwin package
(http://www.cygwin.com/). These examples will assume that you are using
a recent version of OpenSSH.
SSH Server
All traffic sent from
SSH server is
All web traffic is
SSH listens for a TCP
encrypted by SSH
connection on localhost
port 3128
Web browser uses
localhost port 3128
for its proxy
Figure 6.6: The SSH tunnel protects web traffic up to the SSH server itself.
To establish an encrypted tunnel from a port on the local machine to a port
on the remote side, use the -L switch. For example, suppose you want to
forward web proxy traffic over an encrypted link to the squid server at
squid.example.net.  Forward port 3128 (the default proxy port) using this
ssh -fN -g -L3128:squid.example.net:3128 squid.example.net
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
The -fN switches instruct ssh to fork into the background after connecting.
The -g switch allows other users on your local segment to connect to the lo-
cal machine and use it for encryption over the untrusted link. OpenSSH will
use a public key for authentication if you have set one up, or it will prompt
you for your password on the remote side. You can then configure your web
browser to connect to localhost port 3128 as its web proxy service. All web
traffic will then be encrypted before transmission to the remote side.
SSH can also act as a dynamic SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 proxy. This allows you
to create an encrypting web proxy, without the need to set up squid. Note
that this is not a caching proxy; it simply encrypts all traffic.
ssh -fN -D 8080 remote.example.net
Configure your web browser to use SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 on local port 8080,
and away you go.
SSH can encrypt data on any TCP port, including ports used for email. It can
even compress the data along the way, which can decrease latency on low
capacity links.
ssh -fNCg -L110:localhost:110 -L25:localhost:25 mailhost.example.net
The -C switch turns on compression. You can add as many port forwarding
rules as you like by specifying the -L switch multiple times. Note that in order
to bind to a local port less than 1024, you must have root privileges on the
local machine.
These are just a few examples of the flexibility of SSH.  By implementing
public keys and using the ssh forwarding agent, you can automate the crea-
tion of encrypted tunnels throughout your wireless network, and protect your
communications with strong encryption and authentication.
OpenVPN is a free, open source VPN implementation built on SSL encryp-
tion. There are OpenVPN client implementations for a wide range of operat-
ing systems, including Linux, Windows 2000/XP and higher, OpenBSD,
FreeBSD, NetBSD, Mac OS X, and Solaris. Being a VPN, it encapsulates all
traffic (including DNS and all other protocols) in an encrypted tunnel, not just
a single TCP port. Most people find it considerably easier to understand and
configure than IPSEC.
OpenVPN also has some disadvantages, such as fairly high latency. Some
amount of latency is unavoidable since all encryption/decryption is done in
user space, but using relatively new computers on either end of the tunnel
can minimize this.  While it can use traditional shared keys, OpenVPN
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
really shines when used with SSL certificates and a certificate authority.
OpenVPN has many advantages that make it a good option for providing
end-to-end security.
Some of these reasons include:
· It is based on a proven, robust encryption protocol (SSL and RSA)
· It is relatively easy to configure
· It functions across many different platforms
· It is well documented
· It's free and open source.
OpenVPN needs to connect to a single TCP or UDP port on the remote side.
Once established, it can encapsulate all data down to the Networking layer,
or even down to the Data-Link layer, if your solution requires it. You can use it
to create robust VPN connections between individual machines, or simply
use it to connect network routers over untrusted wireless networks.
VPN technology is a complex field, and is a bit beyond the scope of this
section to go into more detail. It is important to understand how VPNs fit
into the structure of your network in order to provide the best possible pro-
tection without opening up your organization to unintentional problems.
There are many good online resources that deal with installing OpenVPN
on a server and client, we recommend this article from Linux Journal:
http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7949 as well as the official HOWTO:
Tor & Anonymizers
The Internet is basically an open network based on trust. When you connect
to a web server across the Internet, your traffic passes through many differ-
ent routers, owned by a great variety of institutions, corporations and indi-
viduals. In principle, any one of these routers has the ability to look closely at
your data, seeing the source and destination addresses, and quite often also
the actual content of the data. Even if your data is encrypted using a secure
protocol, it is possible for your Internet provider to monitor the amount of data
transferred, as well as the source and destination of that data. Often this is
enough to piece together a fairly complete picture of your activities on-line.
Privacy and anonymity are important, and closely linked to each other. There
are many valid reasons to consider protecting your privacy by anonymizing
your network traffic. Suppose you want to offer Internet connectivity to your
local community by setting up a number of access points for people to con-
nect to. Whether you charge them for their access or not, there is always the
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
risk that people use the network for something that is not legal in your coun-
try or region. You could plead with the legal system that this particular illegal
action was not performed by yourself, but could have been performed by
anyone connecting to your network. The problem is neatly sidestepped if it
were technically infeasible to determine where your traffic was actually
headed. And what about on-line censorship? Publishing web pages anony-
mously may also be necessary to avoid government censorship.
There are tools that allow you to anonymize your traffic in relatively easy
ways. The combination of Tor (http://www.torproject.org/) and Privoxy
(http://www.privoxy.org/) is a powerful way to run a local proxy server that
will pass your Internet traffic through a number of servers all across the net,
making it very difficult to follow the trail of information. Tor can be run on a
local PC, under Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, Linux and a variety of BSD's,
where it anonymizes traffic from the browser on that particular machine. Tor
and Privoxy can also be installed on a gateway server, or even a small em-
bedded access point (such as a Linksys WRT54G) where they provides ano-
nymity to all network users automatically.
Tor works by repeatedly bouncing your TCP connections across a number of
servers spread throughout the Internet, and by wrapping routing information
in a number of encrypted layers (hence the term onion routing), that get
peeled off as the packet moves across the network. This means that, at any
given point in the network, the source and destination addresses cannot be
linked together. This makes traffic analysis extremely difficult.
The need for the Privoxy privacy proxy in connection with Tor is due to the
fact that name server queries (DNS queries) in most cases are not passed
through the proxy server, and someone analyzing your traffic would easily be
able to see that you were trying to reach a specific site (say google.com) by
the fact that you sent a DNS query to translate google.com to the appropriate
IP address. Privoxy connects to Tor as a SOCKS4a proxy, which uses host-
names (not IP addresses) to get your packets to the intended destination.
In other words, using Privoxy with Tor is a simple and effective way to pre-
vent traffic analysis from linking your IP address with the services you use
online. Combined with secure, encrypted protocols (such as those we have
seen in this chapter), Tor and Privoxy provide a high level of anonymity on
the Internet.
Network Monitoring
Network monitoring is the use of logging and analysis tools to accurately de-
termine traffic flows, utilization, and other performance indicators on a net-
work. Good monitoring tools give you both hard numbers and graphical ag-
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
gregate representations of the state of the network. This helps you to visu-
alize precisely what is happening, so you know where adjustments may be
needed. These tools can help you answer critical questions, such as:
· What are the most popular services used on the network?
· Who are the heaviest network users?
· What other wireless channels are in use in my area?
· Are users installing wireless access points on my private wired network?
· At what time of the day is the network most utilized?
· What sites do your users frequent?
· Is the amount of inbound or outbound traffic close to our available network
· Are there indications of an unusual network situation that is consuming
bandwidth or causing other problems?
· Is our Internet Service Provider (ISP) providing the level of service that we
are paying for? This should be answered in terms of available bandwidth,
packet loss, latency, and overall availability.
And perhaps the most important question of all:
· Do the observed traffic patterns fit our expectations?
Let's look at how a typical system administrator can make good use of net-
work monitoring tools.
An effective network monitoring example
For the purposes of example, let's assume that we are in charge of a network
that has been running for three months. It consists of 50 computers and three
servers: email, web, and proxy servers. While initially things are going well,
users begin to complain of slow network speeds and an increase in spam
emails.  As time goes on, computer performance slows to a crawl (even
when not using the network), causing considerable frustration in your users.
With frequent complaints and very low computer usage, the Board is ques-
tioning the need for so much network hardware. The Board also wants evi-
dence that the bandwidth they are paying for is actually being used. As the
network administrator, you are on the receiving end of these complaints. How
can you diagnose the sudden drop in network and computer performance
and also justify the network hardware and bandwidth costs?
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
Monitoring the LAN (local traffic)
To get an idea of exactly what is causing the slow down, you should begin by
looking at traffic on the local LAN. There are several advantages to monitor-
ing local traffic:
· Troubleshooting is greatly simplified.
· Viruses can be detected and eliminated.
· Malicious users can be detected and dealt with.
· Network hardware and resources can be justified with real statistics.
Assume that all of the switches support the Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP). SNMP is an application-layer protocol designed to facili-
tate the exchange of management information between network devices. By
assigning an IP address to each switch, you are able to monitor all the inter-
faces on that switch, observing the entire network from a single point. This is
much easier than enabling SNMP on all computers in a network.
By using a free tool such as MRTG (see Page 190), you can monitor each
port on the switch and present data graphically, as an aggregate average
over time. The graphs are accessible from the web, so you are able to view
the graphs from any machine at anytime.
With MRTG monitoring in place, it becomes obvious that the internal LAN is
swamped with far more traffic than the Internet connection can support, even
when the lab is unoccupied. This is a pretty clear indication that some of the
computers are infested with a network virus. After installing good anti-virus
and anti-spyware software on all of the machines, the internal LAN traffic
settles down to expected levels.  The machines run much more quickly,
spam emails are reduced, and the users' morale quickly improves.
Monitoring the WAN (external traffic)
In addition to watching the traffic on the internal LAN, you need to demon-
strate that the bandwidth the organization is paying for is actually what they
are getting from their ISP. You can achieve this by monitoring external traf-
External traffic is generally classified as anything sent over a Wide Area
Network (WAN). Anything received from (or sent to) a network other than
your internal LAN also qualifies as external traffic. The advantages of moni-
toring external traffic include:
· Internet bandwidth costs are justified by showing actual usage, and
whether that usage agrees with your ISP's bandwidth charges.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
· Future capacity needs are estimated by watching usage trends and pre-
dicting likely growth patterns.
· Intruders from the Internet are detected and filtered before they can cause
Monitoring this traffic is easily done with the use of MRTG on an SNMP en-
abled device, such as a router. If your router does not support SNMP, then
you can add a switch between your router and your ISP connection, and
monitor the port traffic just as you would with an internal LAN.
Detecting Network Outages
With monitoring tools in place, you now have an accurate measurement of
how much bandwidth the organization is using. This measurement should
agree with your ISP's bandwidth charges.  It can also indicate the actual
throughput of your connection if you are using close to your available capac-
ity at peak times. A "flat top" graph is a fairly clear indication that you are
operating at full capacity. Figure 6.7 shows flat tops in peak outbound traffic
in the middle of every day except Sunday.
It is clear that your current Internet connection is overutilized at peak times,
causing network lag. After presenting this information to the Board, you can
make a plan for further optimizing your existing connection (by upgrading
your proxy server and using other techniques in this book) and estimate how
soon you will need to upgrade your connection to keep up with the demand.
This is also an excellent time to review your operational policy with the
Board, and discuss ways to bring actual usage in line with that policy.
Figure 6.7: A graph with a "flat top" is one indication of overutilization.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
Later in the week, you receive an emergency phone call in the evening.
Apparently, no one in the lab can browse the web or send email. You rush to
the lab and hastily reboot the proxy server, with no results. Browsing and
email are still broken. You then reboot the router, but there is still no success.
You continue eliminating the possible fault areas one by one until you realize
that the network switch is off - a loose power cable is to blame. After applying
power, the network comes to life again.
How can you troubleshoot such an outage without such time consuming trial
and error? Is it possible to be notified of outages as they occur, rather than
waiting for a user to complain? One way to do this is to use a program such
as Nagios that continually polls network devices and notifies you of outages.
Nagios will report on the availability of various machines and services, and
will alert you to machines that have gone down. In addition to displaying the
network status graphically on a web page, it will send notifications via SMS
or email, alerting you immediately when problems arise.
With good monitoring tools in place, you will be able to justify the cost of
equipment and bandwidth by effectively demonstrating how it is being used
by the organization. You are notified automatically when problems arise, and
you have historical statistics of how the network devices are performing. You
can check the current performance against this history to find unusual behav-
ior, and head off problems before they become critical. When problems do
come up, it is simple to determine the source and nature of the problem.
Your job is easier, the Board is satisfied, and your users are much happier.
Monitoring your network
Managing a network without monitoring is similar to driving a vehicle without
a speedometer or a fuel gauge, with your eyes closed. How do you know
how fast you are going? Is the car consuming fuel as efficiently as promised
by the dealers? If you do an engine overhaul several months later, is the car
any faster or more efficient than it was before?
Similarly, how can you pay for an electricity or water bill without seeing your
monthly usage from a meter? You must have an account of your network
bandwidth utilization in order to justify the cost of services and hardware pur-
chases, and to account for usage trends.
There are several benefits to implementing a good monitoring system for
your network:
1. Network budget and resources are justified. Good monitoring tools
can demonstrate without a doubt that the network infrastructure (band-
width, hardware, and software) is suitable and able to handle the re-
quirements of network users.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
2. Network intruders are detected and filtered. By watching your net-
work traffic, you can detect attackers and prevent access to critical inter-
nal servers and services.
3. Network viruses are easily detected. You can be alerted to the pres-
ence of network viruses, and take appropriate action before they con-
sume Internet bandwidth and destabilize your network
4. Troubleshooting of network problems is greatly simplified. Rather
than attempting "trial and error" to debug network problems, you can be
instantly notified of specific problems. Some kinds of problems can even
be repaired automatically.
5. Network performance can be highly optimized.  Without effective
monitoring, it is impossible to fine tune your devices and protocols to
achieve the best possible performance.
6. Capacity planning is much easier. With solid historical performance
records, you do not have to "guess" how much bandwidth you will need
as your network grows.
7. Proper network usage can be enforced. When bandwidth is a scarce
resource, the only way to be fair to all users is to ensure that the network
is being used for its intended purpose.
Fortunately, network monitoring does not need to be an expensive undertak-
ing. There are many freely available open source tools that will show you
exactly what is happening on your network in considerable detail. This sec-
tion will help you identify many invaluable tools and how best to use them.
The dedicated monitoring server
While monitoring services can be added to an existing network server, it is of-
ten desirable to dedicate one machine (or more, if necessary) to network moni-
toring. Some applications (such as ntop) require considerable resources to
run, particularly on a busy network. But most logging and monitoring programs
have modest RAM and storage requirements, typically with little CPU power
required. Since open source operating systems (such as Linux or BSD) make
very efficient use of hardware resources, this makes it possible to build a very
capable monitoring server from recycled PC parts. There is usually no need
to purchase a brand new server to relegate to monitoring duties.
The exception to this rule is in very large installations. If your network in-
cludes more than a few hundred nodes, or if you consume more than
50 Mbps of Internet bandwidth, you will likely need to split up monitoring du-
ties between a few dedicated machines.  This depends largely on exactly
what you want to monitor. If you are attempting to account for all services
accessed per MAC address, this will consume considerably more resources
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
than simply measuring network flows on a switch port. But for the majority of
installations, a single dedicated monitoring machine is usually enough.
While consolidating monitoring services to a single machine will streamline
administration and upgrades, it can also ensure better ongoing monitoring.
For example, if you install monitoring services on a web server, and that web
server develops problems, then your network may not be monitored until the
problem is resolved.
To a network administrator, the data collected about network performance is
nearly as important as the network itself. Your monitoring should be robust
and protected from service outages as well as possible.  Without network
statistics, you are effectively blind to problems with the network.
Where does the server fit in my network?
If you are only interested in collecting network flow statistics from a router,
you can do this from just about anywhere on the LAN. This provides simple
feedback about utilization, but cannot give you comprehensive details
about usage patterns. Figure 6.8 shows a typical MRTG graph generated
from the Internet router.  While the inbound and outbound utilization are
clear, there is no detail about which computers, users, or protocols are us-
ing bandwidth.
Figure 6.8: Polling the edge router can show you the overall network utilization, but
you cannot break the data down further into machines, services, and users.
For more detail, the dedicated monitoring server must have access to eve-
rything that needs to be watched. Typically, this means it must have ac-
cess to the entire network. To monitor a WAN connection, such as the
Internet link to your ISP, the monitoring server must be able to see the traf-
fic passing through the edge router. To monitor a LAN, the monitoring
server is typically connected to a monitor port on the switch. If multiple
switches are used in an installation, the monitoring server may need a con-
nection to all of them. That connection can either be a physical cable, or if
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
your network switches support it, a VLAN specifically configured for moni-
toring traffic.
Monitor port
Figure 6.9: Use the monitor port on your switch to observe traffic crossing all of the
network ports.
If monitor port functionality is not available on your switch, the monitoring
server may be installed between your internal LAN and the Internet. While
this will work, it introduces a single point of failure for the network, as the
network will fail if the monitoring server develops a problem. It is also a po-
tential performance bottleneck, if the server cannot keep up with the de-
mands of the network.
Figure 6.10: By inserting a network monitor between the LAN and your Internet con-
nection, you can observe all network traffic.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
A better solution is to use a simple network hub (not a switch) which con-
nects the monitoring machine to the internal LAN, external router, and the
monitoring machine. While this does still introduce an additional point of fail-
ure to the network (since the entire network will be unreachable if the hub
dies), hubs are generally considered to be much more reliable than routers.
They are also very easily replaced should they fail.
Figure 6.11: If your switch does not provide monitor port functionality, you can insert
a network hub between your Internet router and the LAN, and connect the monitoring
server to the hub.
Once your monitoring server is in place, you are ready to start collecting
What to monitor
It is possible to plot just about any network event and watch its value on a
graph over time. Since every network is slightly different, you will have to
decide what information is important in order to gauge the performance of
your network.
Here are some important indicators that many network administrators will
typically track.
Wireless statistics
· Received signal and noise from all backbone nodes
· Number of associated stations
· Detected adjacent networks and channels
· Excessive retransmissions
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
· Radio data rate, if using automatic rate scaling
Switch statistics
· Bandwidth usage per switch port
· Bandwidth usage broken down by protocol
· Bandwidth usage broken down by MAC address
· Broadcasts as a percentage of total packets
· Packet loss and error rate
Internet statistics
· Internet bandwidth use by host and protocol
· Proxy server cache hits
· Top 100 sites accessed
· DNS requests
· Number of inbound emails / spam emails / email bounces
· Outbound email queue size
· Availability of critical services (web servers, email servers, etc.).
· Ping times and packet loss rates to your ISP
· Status of backups
System health statistics
· Memory usage
· Swap file usage
· Process count / zombie processes
· System load
· Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) voltage and load
· Temperature, fan speed, and system voltages
· Disk SMART status
· RAID array status
You should use this list as a suggestion of where to begin. As your network
matures, you will likely find new key indicators of network performance, and
you should of course track those as well. There are many freely available
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
tools that will show you as much detail as you like about what is happening
on your network. You should consider monitoring the availability of any re-
source where unavailability would adversely affect your network users.
For example, your users may dial into modems on your site to gain remote
access to your network. If all the modems are used, or if any are faulty, then
users will be denied access and will probably complain. You can predict and
avoid such problems by monitoring the number of available modems, and
provisioning extra capacity before you run out.
Don't forget to monitor the monitoring machine itself, for example its CPU
usage and disk space, in order to receive advance warning if it becomes
overloaded or faulty. A monitoring machine that is low on resources can af-
fect your ability to monitor the network effectively.
Types of monitoring tools
We will now look at several different classes of monitoring tools. Network
detection tools listen for the beacons sent by wireless access points, and
display information such as the network name, received signal strength, and
channel. Spot check tools are designed for troubleshooting and normally run
interactively for short periods of time. A program such as ping may be con-
sidered an active spot check tool, since it generates traffic by polling a par-
ticular machine. Passive spot check tools include protocol analyzers, which
inspect every packet on the network and provide complete detail about any
network conversation (including source and destination addresses, protocol
information, and even application data). Trending tools perform unattended
monitoring over long periods, and typically plot the results on a graph. Real-
time monitoring tools perform similar monitoring, but notify administrators
immediately if they detect a problem. Throughput testing tools tell you the
actual bandwidth available between two points on a network. Intrusion de-
tection tools watch for undesirable or unexpected network traffic, and take
appropriate action (typically denying access and/or notifying a network ad-
ministrator).  Finally, benchmarking tools estimate the maximum perform-
ance of a service or network connection.
Network detection
The simplest wireless monitoring tools simply provide a list of available net-
works, along with basic information (such as signal strength and channel).
They let you quickly detect nearby networks and determine if they are in
range or are causing interference.
· The built-in client. All modern operating systems provide built-in support
for wireless networking. This typically includes the ability to scan for avail-
able networks, allowing the user to choose a network from a list. While
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
virtually all wireless devices are guaranteed to have a simple scanning util-
ity, functionality can vary widely between implementations. These tools are
typically only useful for configuring a computer in a home or office setting.
They tend to provide little information apart from network names and the
available signal to the access point currently in use.
· Netstumbler (http://www.netstumbler.com/). This is the most popular tool
for detecting wireless networks using Microsoft Windows. It supports a
variety of wireless cards, and is very easy to use. It will detect open and
encrypted networks, but cannot detect "closed" wireless networks. It also
features a signal/noise meter that plots radio receiver data as a graph over
time. It also integrates with a variety of GPS devices, for logging precise
location and signal strength information. This makes Netstumbler a handy
tool to have for an informal site survey.
· Ministumbler (http://www.netstumbler.com/).
From the makers of
Netstumbler, Ministumbler provides much of the same functionality as the
Windows version, but works on the Pocket PC platform. Ministumbler is
handy to run on a handheld PDA with a wireless card for detecting access
points in the field.
· Macstumbler (http://www.macstumbler.com/). While not directly related
to the Netstumbler, Macstumbler provides much of the same functionality
but for the Mac OS X platform. It works with all Apple Airport cards.
· Wellenreiter (http://www.wellenreiter.net/). Wellenreiter is a nice graphi-
cal wireless network detector for Linux. It requires Perl and GTK, and sup-
ports Prism2, Lucent, and Cisco wireless cards.
Spot check tools
What do you do when the network breaks? If you can t access a web page
or email server, and clicking the reload button doesn t fix the problem, then
you ll need to be able to isolate the exact location of the problem. These
tools will help you to determine just where a connection problem exists.
This section is simply an introduction to commonly used troubleshooting
tools. For more discussion of common network problems and how to diag-
nose them, see Chapter 9, Troubleshooting.
Just about every operating system (including Windows, Mac OS X, and of
course Linux and BSD) includes a version of the ping utility. It uses ICMP
packets to attempt to contact a specified host, and tells you how long it takes
to get a response.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
Knowing what to ping is just as important as knowing how to ping. If you find
that you cannot connect to a particular service in your web browser (say,
http://yahoo.com/), you could try to ping it:
$ ping yahoo.com
PING yahoo.com ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=57 time=29.375 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=35.467 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=34.158 ms
--- yahoo.com ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 29.375/33.000/35.467/2.618 ms
Hit control-C when you are finished collecting data. If packets take a long
time to come back, there may be network congestion. If return ping packets
have an unusually low Time To Live (TTL), you may have routing problems
between your machine and the remote end. But what if the ping doesn t re-
turn any data at all? If you are pinging a name instead of an IP address, you
may be running into DNS problems.
Try pinging an IP address on the Internet. If you can t reach it, it s a good
idea to see if you can ping your default router:
$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=126 time=12.991 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=126 time=14.869 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=126 time=13.897 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 12.991/13.919/14.869/0.767 ms
If you can t ping your default router, then chances are you won t be able to
get to the Internet either. If you can t even ping other IP addresses on your
local LAN, then it s time to check your connection. If you re using Ethernet,
is it plugged in? If you re using wireless, are you connected to the proper
wireless network, and is it in range?
Network debugging with ping is a bit of an art, but it is useful to learn.
Since you will likely find ping on just about any machine you will work on,
it s a good idea to learn how to use it well.
traceroute and mtr
http://www.bitwizard.nl/mtr/. As with ping, traceroute is found on most oper-
ating systems (it s called tracert in some versions of Microsoft Windows). By
running traceroute, you can find the location of problems between your com-
puter and any point on the Internet:
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
$ traceroute -n google.com
traceroute to google.com (, 64 hops max, 40 byte packets
1  4.322 ms  1.763 ms  1.731 ms
2  36.187 ms  14.648 ms  13.561 ms
3  14.197 ms  13.256 ms  13.267 ms
4  32.478 ms  29.545 ms  27.494 ms
5  40.788 ms  28.160 ms  28.115 ms
6  28.601 ms  29.913 ms  28.811 ms
7  2328.809 ms  2528.944 ms  2428.719 ms
8  ***
The -n switch tells traceroute not to bother resolving names in DNS, and
makes the trace run more quickly. You can see that at hop seven, the round
trip time shoots up to more than two seconds, while packets seem to be dis-
carded at hop eight. This might indicate a problem at that point in the net-
work. If this part of the network is in your control, it might be worth starting
your troubleshooting effort there.
My TraceRoute (mtr) is a handy program that combines ping and traceroute
into a single tool. By running mtr, you can get an ongoing average of latency
and packet loss to a single host, instead of the momentary snapshot that
ping and traceroute provide.
My traceroute  [v0.69]
tesla.rob.swn (
(tos=0x0 psize=64 bitpatSun Jan  8 20:01:26 2006
Keys:  Help
Display mode
Restart statistics
Order of fields
Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
1. gremlin.rob.swn
2. er1.sea1.speakeasy.net
15.5  14.0  12.7  15.5
3. 220.ge-0-1-0.cr2.sea1.speakeasy.  0.0%
11.0  11.7  10.7  14.0
4. fe-0-3-0.cr2.sfo1.speakeasy.net
36.0  34.7  28.7  38.1
5. bas1-m.pao.yahoo.com
27.9  29.6  27.9  33.0
6. so-1-1-0.pat1.dce.yahoo.com
89.7  91.0  89.7  93.0
7. ae1.p400.msr1.dcn.yahoo.com
91.2  93.1  90.8  99.2
8. ge5-2.bas1-m.dcn.yahoo.com
89.3  91.0  89.3  93.4
9. w2.rc.vip.dcn.yahoo.com
91.2  93.1  90.8  99.2
The data will be continuously updated and averaged over time. As with ping,
you should hit control-C when you are finished looking at the data. Note that
you must have root privileges to run mtr.
While these tools will not revel precisely what is wrong with the network, they
can give you enough information to know where to continue troubleshooting.
Protocol analyzers
Network protocol analyzers provide a great deal of detail about information flow-
ing through a network, by allowing you to inspect individual packets. For wired
networks, you can inspect packets at the data-link layer or above. For wireless
networks, you can inspect information all the way down to individual 802.11
frames. Here are several popular (and free) network protocol analyzers:
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
http://www.kismetwireless.net/. Kismet is a powerful wireless protocol ana-
lyzer for many platforms including Linux, Mac OS X, and even the embedded
OpenWRT Linux distribution. It works with any wireless card that supports
passive monitor mode. In addition to basic network detection, Kismet will
passively log all 802.11 frames to disk or to the network in standard PCAP
format, for later analysis with tools like Ethereal. Kismet also features associ-
ated client information, AP hardware fingerprinting, Netstumbler detection,
and GPS integration.
Since it is a passive network monitor, it can even detect "closed" wireless
networks by analyzing traffic sent by wireless clients. You can run Kismet on
several machines at once, and have them all report over the network back to
a central user interface. This allows for wireless monitoring over a large area,
such as a university or corporate campus.
Figure 6.12: Kismet running on a Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
Since Kismet uses the radio card's passive monitor mode, it does all of this
without transmitting any data. Kismet is an invaluable tool for diagnosing
wireless network problems.
http://kismac.macpirate.ch/. Exclusively for the Mac OS X platform, KisMAC
does much of what Kismet can do, but with a slick Mac OS X graphical inter-
face. It is a passive scanner that will log data to disk in PCAP format com-
patible with Wireshark.  It supports passive scanning with AirportExtreme
cards as well as a variety of USB wireless adapters.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
http://www.tcpdump.org/. tcpdump is a command-line tool for monitoring
network traffic. It does not have all the bells and whistles of wireshark but it
does use fewer resources. Tcpdump can capture and display all network pro-
tocol information down to the link layer. It can show all of the packet headers
and data received, or just the packets that match particular criteria. Packets
captured with tcpdump can be loaded into wireshark for visual analysis and
further diagnostics. This is very useful if you wish to monitor an interface on a
remote system and bring the file back to your local machine for analysis. The
tcpdump tool is available as a standard tool in Unix derivatives (Linux, BSD,
and Mac OS X). There is also a Windows port called WinDump available at
http://www.wireshark.org/. Formerly known as Ethereal, Wireshark is a free
network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows. It is billed as "The World's
Most Popular Network Protocol Analyzer."
Figure 6.13: Wireshark (formerly Ethereal) is a powerful network protocol analyzer that
can show you as much detail as you like about any packet.
Wireshark allows you to examine data from a live network or from a capture
file on disk, and interactively browse and sort the captured data. Both
summary and detailed information is available for each packet, including
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
the full header and data portions. Wireshark has several powerful features,
including a rich display filter language and the ability to view the recon-
structed stream of a TCP session.
It can be daunting to use for first time users or those that are not familiar with
the OSI layers. It is typically used to isolate and analyze specific traffic to or
from an IP address, but it can be also used as a general purpose fault finding
tool. For example, a machine infected with a network worm or virus can be
identified by looking for the machine that is send out the same sort of TCPIP
packets to large groups of IP addresses.
Trending tools
Trending tools are used to see how your network is used over a long period
of time. They work by periodically monitoring your network activity, and dis-
playing a summary in a human-readable form (such as a graph). Trending
tools collect data as well as analyze and report on it.
Below are some examples of trending tools. Some of them need to be used
in conjunction with each other, as they are not stand-alone programs.
http://oss.oetiker.ch/mrtg/. The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG)
monitors the traffic load on network links using SNMP. MRTG generates
graphs that provide a visual representation of inbound and outbound traffic.
These are typically displayed on a web page.
MRTG can be a little confusing to set up, especially if you are not familiar
with SNMP. But once it is installed, MRTG requires virtually no maintenance,
unless you change something on the system that is being monitored (such as
its IP address).
Figure 6.14: MRTG is probably the most widely installed network flow grapher.
http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/. RRD is short for Round Robin Database. RRD
is a database that stores information in a very compact way that does not
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
expand over time. RRDtool refers to a suite of tools that allow you to create
and modify RRD databases, as well as generate useful graphs to present the
data.  It is used to keep track of time-series data (such as network band-
width, machine room temperature, or server load average) and can display
that data as an average over time.
Note that RRDtool itself does not contact network devices to retrieve data. It is
merely a database manipulation tool. You can use a simple wrapper script
(typically in shell or Perl) to do that work for you. RRDtool is also used by
many full featured front-ends that present you with a friendly web interface for
configuration and display. RRD graphs give you more control over display op-
tions and the number of items available on a graph as compared to MRTG.
Figure 6.15: RRDtool gives you a lot of flexibility in how your collected network data
may be displayed.
RRDtool is included in virtually all modern Linux distributions, and can be
downloaded from http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/.
http://www.ntop.org/. For historical traffic analysis and usage, you will cer-
tainly want to investigate ntop. This program builds a detailed real-time re-
port on observed network traffic, displayed in your web browser. It integrates
with rrdtool, and makes graphs and charts visually depicting how the network
is being used. On very busy networks, ntop can use a lot of CPU and disk
space, but it gives you extensive insight into how your network is being used.
It runs on Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Some of its more useful features include:
· Traffic display can be sorted by various criteria (source, destination, proto-
col, MAC address, etc.).
· Traffic statistics grouped by protocol and port number
· An IP traffic matrix which shows connections between machines
· Network flows for routers or switches that support the NetFlow protocol
· Host operating system identification
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
· P2P traffic identification
· Numerous graphical charts
· Perl, PHP, and Python API
Ntop is available from http://www.ntop.org/ and is available for most operat-
ing systems. It is often included in many of the popular Linux distributions,
including RedHat, Debian, and Ubuntu. While it can be left running to collect
historical data, ntop can be fairly CPU intensive, depending on the amount of
traffic observed. If you are going to run it for long periods you should monitor
the CPU utilization of the monitoring machine.
Figure 6.16: ntop displays a wealth of information about how your network is
utilized by various clients and servers.
The main disadvantage of ntop is that it does not provide instantaneous in-
formation, only long-term totals and averages. This can make it difficult to
use to diagnose a problem that starts suddenly.
http://www.cacti.net/. Cacti is a front-end for RRDtool. It stores all of the
necessary information to create graphs in a MySQL database. The front-end
is written in PHP. Cacti does the work of maintaining graphs, data sources,
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
and handles the actual data gathering. There is support for SNMP devices,
and custom scripts can easily be written to poll virtually any conceivable net-
work event.
Figure 6.17: Cacti can manage the polling of your network devices, and can build
very complex and informative visualizations of network behavior.
Cacti can be somewhat confusing to configure, but once you work through
the documentation and examples, it can yield very impressive graphs. There
are hundreds of templates for various systems available on the cacti website,
and the code is under rapid development.
NetFlow is a protocol for collecting IP traffic information invented by Cisco.
From the Cisco website:
Cisco IOS NetFlow efficiently provides a key set of services for IP appli-
cations, including network traffic accounting, usage-based network bill-
ing, network planning, security, Denial of Service monitoring capabilities,
and network monitoring. NetFlow provides valuable information about
network users and applications, peak usage times, and traffic routing.
Cisco routers can generate NetFlow information which is available from the
router in the form of UDP packets.  NetFlow is also less CPU-intensive on
Cisco routers than using SNMP. It also provides more granular information
than SNMP, letting you get a more detailed picture of port and protocol usage.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
This information is collected by a NetFlow collector that stores and presents
the data as an aggregate over time. By analyzing flow data, one can build a
picture of traffic flow and traffic volume in a network or on a connection.
There are several commercial and free NetFlow collectors available. Ntop is
one free tool that can act as a NetFlow collector and probe. Another is Flowc
(see below).
It can also be desirable to use Netflow as a spot check tool, by just looking at
a quick snapshot of data during a network crisis. Think of NetFlow as an al-
ternative to SNMP for Cisco devices. For more information about NetFlow,
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netflow .
http://netacad.kiev.ua/flowc/. Flowc is an open source NetFlow collector
(see NetFlow above). It is lightweight and easy to configure. Flowc uses a
MySQL database to store aggregated traffic information. Therefore, it is pos-
sible to generate your own reports from the data using SQL, or use the in-
cluded report generators. The built-in report generators produce reports in
HTML, plain text or a graphical format.
Figure 6.18: A typical flow chart generated by Flowc.
The large gap in data probably indicates a network outage. Trending tools
typically will not notify you of outages, but merely log the occurrence. To be
notified when network problems occur, use a realtime monitoring tool such as
Nagios (see Page 200).
http://oss.oetiker.ch/smokeping/. SmokePing is a deluxe latency measure-
ment tool written in Perl. It can measure, store and display latency, latency
distribution and packet loss all on a single graph. SmokePing uses RRDtool
for data storage, and can draw very informative graphs that present up to the
minute information on the state of your network connection.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
It is very useful to run SmokePing on a host with good connectivity to your en-
tire network. Over time, trends are revealed that can point to all sorts of net-
work problems. Combined with MRTG (see Page 190) or Cacti (see Page
192), you can observe the effect that network congestion has on packet loss
and latency. SmokePing can optionally send alerts when certain conditions
are met, such as when excessive packet loss is seen on a link for an extended
period of time. An example of SmokePing in action is shown in Figure 6.19.
Figure 6.19: SmokePing can simultaneously display packet loss and latency spreads
in a single graph.
http://etherape.sourceforge.net/. EtherApe displays a graphical representa-
tion of network traffic. Hosts and links change size depending on the amount
of traffic sent and received.  The colors change to represent the protocol
most used. As with wireshark and tcpdump, data can be captured "off the
wire" from a live network connection or read from a tcpdump capture file.
EtherApe doesn't show quite as much detail as ntop, but its resource re-
quirements are much lighter.
http://iptraf.seul.org/. IPTraf is a lightweight but powerful LAN monitor. It
has an ncurses interface and runs in a command shell. IPTraf takes a mo-
ment to measure observed traffic, and then displays various network statis-
tics including TCP and UDP connections, ICMP and OSPF information, traf-
fic flows, IP checksum errors, and more. It is a simple to use program that
uses minimal system resources.
While it does not keep historical data, it is very useful for displaying an in-
stantaneous usage report.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
Figure 6.20: iptraf's statistical breakdown of traffic by port.
http://qosient.com/argus/. Argus stands for Audit Record Generation and
Utilization System. Argus is also the name of the mythological Greek god
who had hundreds of eyes.
From the Argus website:
Argus generates flow statistics such as connectivity, capacity, demand,
loss, delay, and jitter on a per transaction basis. Argus can be used to
analyze and report on the contents of packet capture files or it can run as
a continuous monitor, examining data from a live interface; generating an
audit log of all the network activity seen in the packet stream. Argus can
be deployed to monitor individual end-systems, or an entire enterprises
network activity. As a continuous monitor, Argus provides both push and
pull data handling models, to allow flexible strategies for collecting net-
work audit data. Argus data clients support a range of operations, such
as sorting, aggregation, archival and reporting.
Argus consists of two parts: a master collector that reads packets from a
network device, and a client that connects to the master and displays the
usage statistics. Argus runs on BSD, Linux, and most other UNIX systems.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
http://freshmeat.net/projects/netramet/. NeTraMet is another popular flow
analysis tool. Like Argus, NeTraMet consists of two parts: a collector that
gathers statistics via SNMP, and a manager that specifies which flows should
be watched. Flows are specified using a simple programming language that
define the addresses used on either end, and can include Ethernet, IP, proto-
col information, or other identifiers. NeTraMet runs on DOS and most UNIX
systems, including Linux and BSD.
Throughput testing
How fast can the network go? What is the actual usable capacity of a par-
ticular network link? You can get a very good estimate of your throughput
capacity by flooding the link with traffic and measuring how long it takes to
transfer the data.
Figure 6.21: Tools such as this one from SpeedTest.net are pretty, but don't always
give you an accurate picture of network performance.
While there are web pages available that will perform a "speed test" in your
browser (such as http://www.dslreports.com/stest or http://speedtest.net/),
these tests are increasingly inaccurate as you get further from the testing source.
Even worse, they do not allow you to test the speed of a given link, but only the
speed of your link to a particular site on the Internet. Here are a few tools that
will allow you to perform throughput testing on your own networks.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
http://ftp.arl.mil/ftp/pub/ttcp/.  Now a standard part of most Unix-like sys-
tems, ttcp is a simple network performance testing tool. One instance is run
on either side of the link you want to test.  The first node runs in receive
mode, and the other transmits:
node_a$ ttcp -r -s
ttcp -t -s node_a
buflen=8192, nbuf=2048, align=16384/0, port=5001  tcp -> node_a
16777216 bytes in 249.14 real seconds = 65.76 KB/sec +++
2048 I/O calls, msec/call = 124.57, calls/sec = 8.22
0.0user 0.2sys 4:09real 0% 0i+0d 0maxrss 0+0pf 7533+0csw
After collecting data in one direction, you should reverse the transmit and receive
partners to test the link in the other direction. It can test UDP as well as TCP
streams, and can alter various TCP parameters and buffer lengths to give the
network a good workout. It can even use a user-supplied data stream instead of
sending random data. Remember that the speed readout is in kilobytes, not
kilobits. Multiply the result by 8 to find the speed in kilobits per second.
The only real disadvantage to ttcp is that it hasn t been developed in years. For-
tunately, the code has been released in the public domain and is freely available.
Like ping and traceroute, ttcp is found as a standard tool on many systems.
http://dast.nlanr.net/Projects/Iperf/. Much like ttcp, iperf is a commandline
tool for estimating the throughput of a network connection. It supports many
of the same features as ttcp, but uses a "client" and "server" model instead of
a "receive" and "transmit" pair. To run iperf, launch a server on one side and
a client on the other:
node_a$ iperf -s
node_b$ iperf -c node_a
Client connecting to node_a, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 16.0 KByte (default)
[  5] local port 1212 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval
[  5]  0.0-11.3 sec
768 KBytes
558 Kbits/sec
The server side will continue to listen and accept client connections on port
5001 until you hit control-C to kill it. This can make it handy when running
multiple test runs from a variety of locations.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
The biggest difference between ttcp and iperf is that iperf is under active de-
velopment, and has many new features (including IPv6 support). This makes
it a good choice as a performance tool when building new networks.
http://fgouget.free.fr/bing/index-en.shtml.  Rather than flood a connection
with data and see how long the transfer takes to complete, Bing attempts to
estimate the available throughput of a point-to-point connection by analyzing
round trip times for various sized ICMP packets. While it is not always as
accurate as a flood test, it can provide a good estimate without transmitting a
large number of bytes.
Since bing works using standard ICMP echo requests, so it can estimate
available bandwidth without the need to run a special client on the other end,
and can even attempt to estimate the throughput of links outside your net-
work. Since it uses relatively little bandwidth, bing can give you a rough idea
of network performance without running up the charges that a flood test
would certainly incur.
Realtime tools
It is desirable to find out when people are trying to break into your network, or
when some part of the network has failed. Because no system administrator can
be monitoring a network all the time, there are programs that constantly monitor
the status of the network and can send alerts when notable events occur. The
following are some open source tools that can help perform this task.
Snort (http://www.snort.org/) is a packet sniffer and logger which can be
used as a lightweight network intrusion detection system. It features rule-
based logging and can perform protocol analysis, content searching, and
packet matching. It can be used to detect a variety of attacks and probes,
such as stealth port scans, CGI attacks, SMB probes, OS fingerprinting at-
tempts, and many other kinds of anomalous traffic patterns. Snort has a real-
time alert capability that can notify administrators about problems as they
occur with a variety of methods.
Installing and running Snort is not trivial, and depending on the amount of
network traffic, will likely require a dedicated monitoring machine with con-
siderable resources. Fortunately, Snort is very well documented and has a
strong user community. By implementing a comprehensive Snort rule set,
you can identify unexpected behavior that would otherwise mysteriously eat
up your Internet bandwidth.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
See http://snort.org/docs/ for an extensive list of installation and configura-
tion resources.
Apache: mod_security
ModSecurity (http://www.modsecurity.org/) is an open source intrusion de-
tection and prevention engine for web applications. This kind of security tool
is also known as a web application firewall. ModSecurity increases web
application security by protecting web applications from known and unknown
attacks. It can be used on its own, or as a module in the Apache web server
There are several sources for updated mod_security rules that help protect
against the latest security exploits. One excellent resource is GotRoot, which
maintains a huge and frequently updated repository of rules:
Web application security is important in defending against attacks on your
web server, which could result in the theft of valuable or personal data, or in
the server being used to launch attacks or send spam to other Internet users.
As well as being damaging to the Internet as a whole, such intrusions can
seriously reduce your available bandwidth.
Nagios (http://nagios.org/) is a program that monitors hosts and services on
your network, notifying you immediately when problems arise. It can send
notifications via email, SMS, or by running a script, and will send notifications
to the relevant person or group depending on the nature of the problem.
Nagios runs on Linux or BSD, and provides a web interface to show up-to-
the-minute system status.
Nagios is extensible, and can monitor the status of virtually any network
event. It performs checks by running small scripts at regular intervals, and
checks the results against an expected response. This can yield much more
sophisticated checks than a simple network probe. For example, ping (page
185) may tell you that a machine is up, and nmap may report that a TCP port
responds to requests, but Nagios can actually retrieve a web page or make a
database request, and verify that the response is not an error.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
Figure 6.22: Nagios keeps you informed the moment a network fault or
service outage occurs.
Nagios can even notify you when bandwidth usage, packet loss, machine
room temperature, or other network health indicator crosses a particular
threshold. This can give you advance warning of network problems, often al-
lowing you to respond to the problem before users have a chance to complain.
Zabbix (http://www.zabbix.org/) is an open source realtime monitoring tool
that is something of a hybrid between Cacti and Nagios. It uses a SQL data-
base for data storage, has its own graph rendering package, and performs all
of the functions you would expect from a modern realtime monitor (such as
SNMP polling and instant notification of error conditions). Zabbix is released
under the GNU General Public License.
Other useful tools
There are thousands of free network monitoring tools that fill very specialized
needs. Here are a few of our favorites that don't quite fit into the above categories.
Driftnet and Etherpeg.
These tools decode graphical data (such as GIF and JPEG files) and display
them as a collage. As mentioned earlier, tools such as these are of limited use in
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
troubleshooting problems, but are very valuable for demonstrating the insecurity
of unencrypted protocols. Etherpeg is available from http://www.etherpeg.org/,
and Driftnet can be downloaded at http://www.ex-parrot.com/~chris/driftnet/.
Figure 6.23: A web collage generated by Etherpeg.
Ngrep provides most of GNU grep's pattern matching features, but applies
them to network traffic. It currently recognizes IPv4 and IPv6, TCP, UDP,
ICMP, IGMP, PPP, SLIP, FDDI, Token Ring, and much more. As it makes
extensive use of regular expression matches, it is a tool suited to advanced
users or those that have a good knowledge of regular expressions.
But you don't necessarily need to be a regex expert to be able to make basic
use of ngrep. For example, to view all packets that contain the string GET
(presumably HTTP requests), try this:
# ngrep -q GET
Pattern matches can be constrained further to match particular protocols,
ports, or other criteria using BPF filters. This is the filter language used by
common packet sniffing tools, such as tcpdump and snoop. To view GET or
POST strings sent to destination port 80, use this command line:
# ngrep -q 'GET|POST' port 80
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
By using ngrep creatively, you can detect anything from virus activity to spam
email. You can download ngrep at http://ngrep.sourceforge.net/.
What is normal?
If you are looking for a definitive answer as to what your traffic patterns
should look like, you are going to be disappointed. There is no absolute right
answer to this question, but given some work you can determine what is
normal for your network. While every environment is different, some of the
factors that can influence the appearance of your traffic patterns are:
· The capacity of your Internet connection
· The number of users that have access to the network
· The social policy (byte charging, quotas, honor system, etc.).
· The number, types, and level of services offered
· The health of the network (presence of viruses, excessive broadcasts,
routing loops, open email relays, denial of service attacks, etc.).
· The competence of your computer users
· The location and configuration of control structures (firewalls, proxy servers,
caches, and so on)
This is not a definitive list, but should give you an idea of how a wide range of
factors can affect your bandwidth patterns. With this in mind, let's look at the
topic of baselines.
Establishing a baseline
Since every environment is different, you need to determine for yourself
what your traffic patterns look like under normal situations. This is useful
because it allows you to identify changes over time, either sudden or grad-
ual. These changes may in turn indicate a problem, or a potential future
problem, with your network.
For example, suppose that your network grinds to a halt, and you are not
sure of the cause.  Fortunately, you have decided to keep a graph of
broadcasts as a percentage of the overall network traffic. If this graph
shows a sudden increase in the amount of broadcast traffic, it may mean
that your network has been infected with a virus. Without an idea of what is
"normal" for your network (a baseline), you would not be able to see that
the number of broadcasts had increased, only that it was relatively high,
which may not indicate a problem.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
Baseline graphs and figures are also useful when analyzing the effects of
changes made to the network. It is often very useful to experiment with such
changes by trying different possible values. Knowing what the baseline looks
like will show you whether your changes have improved matters, or made
them worse.
Figure 6.24: By collecting data over a long period of time, you can predict the growth
of your network and make changes before problems develop.
In Figure 6.24, we can see the effect the implementation of delay pools has
made on Internet utilization around the period of May. If we did not keep a
graph of the line utilization, we would never know what the effect of the
change over the long term was. When watching a total traffic graph after
making changes, don't assume that just because the graph does not change
radically that your efforts were wasted. You might have removed frivolous
usage from your line only to have it replaced by genuine legitimate traffic.
You could then combine this baseline with others, say the top 100 sites ac-
cessed or the average utilization by your top twenty users, to determine if
habits have simply changed. As we will see later, MRTG, RRDtool, and Cacti
are excellent tools you can use to keep a baseline.
Figure 6.25: The traffic trend at Aidworld logged over a single day.
Figure 6.25 shows traffic on an Aidworld firewall over a period of 24 hours.
There is nothing apparently wrong with this graph, but users were complain-
ing about slow Internet access.
Figure 6.26 shows that the upload bandwidth use (dark area) was higher
during working hours on the last day than on previous days. A period of
heavy upload usage started every morning at 03:00, and was normally fin-
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
ished by 09:00, but on the last day it was still running at 16:30. Further in-
vestigation revealed a problem with the backup software, which ran at
03:00 every day.
Figure 6.26: The same network logged over an entire week reveals a problem with
backups, which caused unexpected congestion for network users.
Figure 6.27 shows measurements of latency on the same connection as
measured by a program called SmokePing. The position of the dots shows
the average latency, while the gray smoke indicates the distribution of latency
(jitter). The color of the dots indicates the number of lost packets. This graph
over a period of four hours does not help to identify whether there are any
problems on the network.
Figure 6.27: Four hours of jitter and packet loss.
The next graph (Figure 6.28) shows the same data over a period of 16
hours. This indicates that the values in the graph above are close to the nor-
mal level (baseline), but that there were significant increases in latency at
several times during the early morning, up to 30 times the baseline value.
This indicates that additional monitoring should be performed during these
early morning periods to establish the cause of the high latency, which is
probably heavy traffic of some kind.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
Figure 6.28: A higher spread of jitter is revealed in the 16 hour log.
Figure 6.29 shows that Tuesday was significantly worse than Sunday or
Monday for latency, especially during the early morning period. This might
indicate that something has changed on the network.
Figure 6.29: Zooming out to the week long view reveals a definite repetition of in-
creased latency and packet loss in the early morning hours.
How do I interpret the traffic graph?
In a basic network flow graph (such as that generated by the network monitor
MRTG), the green area indicates inbound traffic, while the blue line indi-
cates outbound traffic. Inbound traffic is traffic that originates from another
network (typically the Internet) and is addressed to a computer inside your
network.  Outbound traffic is traffic that originates from your network, and is
addressed to a computer somewhere on the Internet. Depending on what
sort of network environment you have, the graph will help you understand
how your network is actually being used. For example, monitoring of servers
usually reveals larger amounts of outbound traffic as the servers respond to
requests (such as sending mail or serving web pages), while monitoring cli-
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
ent machines might reveal higher amounts of inbound traffic to the machines
as they receive data from the servers.
Figure 6.30: The classic network flow graph. The dark area represents inbound traf-
fic, while the line represents outbound traffic. The repeating arcs of outbound traffic
show when the nightly backups have run.
Traffic patterns will vary with what you are monitoring. A router will normally
show more incoming traffic than outgoing traffic as users download data from
the Internet. An excess of outbound bandwidth that is not transmitted by your
network servers may indicate a peer-to-peer client, unauthorized server, or
even a virus on one or more of your clients. There are no set metrics that
indicate what outgoing traffic to incoming traffic should look like. It is up to
you to establish a baseline to understand what normal network traffic pat-
terns look like on your network.
Detecting network overload
Figure 6.31 shows traffic on an overloaded Internet connection.
Figure 6.31: Flat-topped graphs indicate that a line is using the maximum available
bandwidth, and is overutilized during these times.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
The most apparent sign of overloading is the flat tops on outbound traffic
during the middle of every day. Flat tops may indicate overloading, even if
they are well below the maximum theoretical capacity of the link. In this case
it may indicate that you are not getting as much bandwidth from your service
provider as you expect.
Measuring 95th percentile
The 95th percentile is a widely used mathematical calculation to evaluate
regular and sustained utilization of a network pipe. Its value shows the high-
est consumption of traffic for a given period. Calculating the 95th percentile
means that 95% of the time the usage is below a certain amount, and 5% of
the time usage is above that amount. The 95th percentile is a good value to
use to show the bandwidth that is actually used at least 95% of the time.
Figure 6.32: The horizontal line shows the 95th percentile amount.
MRTG and Cacti will calculate the 95th Percentile for you. This is a sample
graph of a 960 kbps connection. The 95th percentile came to 945 kbps after
discarding the highest 5% of traffic.
Monitoring RAM and CPU usage
By definition, servers provide critical services that should always be available.
Servers receive and respond to client machine requests, providing access to
services that are the whole point of having a network in the first place. There-
fore, servers must have sufficient hardware capabilities to accommodate the
work load. This means they must have adequate RAM, storage, and process-
ing power to accommodate the number of client requests.  Otherwise, the
server will take longer to respond, or in the worst case, may be incapable of
responding at all. Since hardware resources are finite, it is important to keep
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
track of how system resources are being used. If a core server (such as a
proxy server or email server) is overwhelmed by requests, access times be-
come slow. This is often perceived by users as a network problem.
There are several programs that can be used to monitor resources on a
server. The simplest method on a Windows machine is to access the Task
Manager using the Ctrl Alt + Del keys, and then click on the Performance
tab. On a Linux or BSD box, you can type top in a terminal window. To keep
historical logs of such performance, MRTG or RRDtool (on Page 190) can
also be used.
Figure 6.33: RRDtool can show arbitrary data, such as memory and CPU usage,
expressed as an average over time.
Mail servers require adequate space, as some people may prefer to leave their
email messages on the server for long periods of time. The messages can ac-
cumulate and fill the hard disk, especially if quotas are not in use. If the disk or
partition used for mail storage fills up, the mail server cannot receive mail. If
that disk is also used by the system, all kinds of system problems may occur
as the operating system runs out of swap space and temporary storage.
File servers need to be monitored, even if they have large disks. Users will
find a way to fill any size disk more quickly than you might think. Disk us-
age can be enforced through the use of quotas, or by simply monitoring
usage and telling people when they are using too much. Nagios (see Page
200) can notify you when disk usage, CPU utilization, or other system re-
sources cross a critical threshold.
Chapter 6: Security & Monitoring
If a machine becomes unresponsive or slow, and measurements show that a
system resource is being heavily used, this may be an indication that an up-
grade is required. If processor usage constantly exceeds 60% of the total, it
may be time to upgrade the processor. Slow speeds could also be as a result
of insufficient RAM. Be sure to check the overall usage of CPU, RAM, and
disk space before deciding to upgrade a particular component.
A simple way to check whether a machine has insufficient RAM is to look at the
hard disk light. When the light is on constantly, it usually means that the ma-
chine is constantly swapping large amounts of data to and from the disk. This
is known as thrashing, and is extremely bad for performance. It can usually be
fixed by investigating which process is using the most RAM, and killing or re-
configuring that process. Failing that, the system needs more RAM.
You should always determine whether it is more cost effective to upgrade an
individual component or purchase a whole new machine. Some computers
are difficult or impossible to upgrade, and it often costs more to replace indi-
vidual components than to replace the entire system. Since the availability of
parts and systems varies widely around the world, be sure to weigh the cost
of parts vs. whole systems, including shipping and taxes, when determining
the cost of upgrading.