
JAVA: JSP Custom Tags

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Web Design & Development ­ CS506
Lesson 38
JSP Custom Tags
To begin with, let's review our last code example of lecture 36 i.e. Displaying course outline. We
incorporated JavaBeans to minimize the database logic from the JSP. But still, we have to write some lines
of java code inside java.jsp & web.jsp. As discussed earlier, JSPs are built for presentation purpose only, so
all the other code that involves business and database logic must be shifted else where like we used
JavaBeans for such purpose.
There is also another problem attached to it. Generally web page designers which have enough knowledge
to work with HTML and some scripting language, faced lot of difficulties in writing some simple lines of
java code. To overcome these issues, java provides us the mechanism of custom tags.
To give you an inspiration, first have a glance over the code snippet we used in JSP of the course outline
example of last lecture. Of course, not all code is given here; it's just for your reference to give you a hint.
CourseDAO courseDAO = new CourseDAO();
// iterating over ArrayList
for (........................ ) {
// displaying courseoutline
Can we replace all the above code with one single line? Yes, by using custom tag we can write like this:
<mytag:coursetag pageName="java" />
By only specifying the course/page name, this tag will display the course outline in tabular format. Now,
you must have realized how significant changes custom tags can bring on.
What is a Custom Tag?
In simplistic terms, "a user defined component that is used to perform certain action". This action
could be as simple as displaying "hello world" or it can be as complex as displaying course outline
of selected course after reading it form database.
It provides mechanism for encapsulating complex functionality for use in JSPs. Thus facilitates the
non-java coders.
We already seen & used many built in tags like:
-< jsp:useBean ...... />
-< jsp:include ...... />
-< jsp:forward ...... /> etc.
Why Build Custom Tag?
We introduced action <jsp:useBean> and JavaBeans to incorporate complex, encapsulated
functionality in a JSP.
However, JavaBeans cannot manipulate JSP content and Web page designers must have some
knowledge to use JavaBeans in a page
With Custom tags, it is possible for web page designers to use complex functionality without
knowing any java
Advantages of using Custom Tags
Provides cleaner separation of processing logic and presentation, than JavaBeans.
Have access to all JSP implicit objects like out, request etc.
Can be customized by specifying attributes.
Types of Tags
Three types of can be constructed. These are:
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Simple Tag
Tag with Attribute
Tag with Body
1. Simple Tag
A simple tag has the following characteristics:
-Start and End of tag -No body is specified within tag -No attributes -For example
2. Tag with Attributes
A tag with attributes has the following characteristics:
-Start and End of tag
-Attributes within tag
-No body enclosed
-For example
< mytag:hello attribute = "value" />
3. Tag with Body
A tag with body has the following characteristics:
-Start and End of tag
-May be attributes
-Body enclosed within tag
-For example
< mytag:hello optional_attributes ............ >
some body
</ mytag:hello >
Building Custom Tags
So far, we have used many built-in tags. Now the time has come to build your own one. Custom tags can be
built either by using JSP 1.2 specification or JSP 2.0 (latest) specification.
To develop custom tags using JSP 1.2 involves lot of cumbersome (too difficult for James Gossling
also). However, JSP 2.0 brings lots of goodies like
Simple tag extensions to build custom tags
Integrated Expression Language (will be discussed in coming lecture)
Also provides an alternate mechanism for building custom tags using tag files (.tag)
Improved XML syntax etc.
Steps for Building Custom Tags
The following steps are used in order to develop your own custom tag. These are:
1  Develop the Tag Handler class
2  Write Tag library Descriptor (.tld) file
3  Deployment
1. Develop the Tag Handler class
Tag Handler is also a java class that is implicitly called when the associated tag is encountered in
the JSP.
Must implement SimpleTaginterface
Usually extend from SimpleTagSupport class that has already implemented SimpleTag interface.
For example,
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public class MyTagHandler extends SimpelTagSupport {
doTag() method
·  By default does nothing
·  Need to implement / override to code/write functionality of tag
·  Invoked when the end element of the tag encountered.
JSP implicit objects (e.g. out etc) are available to tag handler class through pageContextobject.
pageContextobject can be obtained using getJspContext() method.
For example to get the reference of implicit outobject, we write.
PageContext pc = (PageContext) getJspContext();
JspWriter out = pc.getOut();
2. Write Tag Library Discriptor (.tld) file
·  It is a XML based document.
·  Specifies information required by the JSP container such as:
-Tag library version
-JSP version
-Tag name
-Tag Handler class name
-Attribute names etc.
If you are using any IDE (like netBeans® 4.1, in order to build custom tags, the IDE will
write .tldfile for you.
3. Deployment
·  Place Tag Handler class in myapp/WEB-INF/classes folder of web application.
·  Place .tld file in myapp/WEB-INF/tldsfolder of web application.
Note: Any good IDE will also perform this step on your behalf Use taglib directive in JSP to refer
to the tag library. For example
<%@ taglib uri="TLD file name" prefix="mytag" %>
The next step is to call the tag by its name as defined in TLD. For example, if tag name is hello then we
< mytag:hello /> where mytag is the name of prefix specified in taglibdirective.
What actually happened behind the scenes? Container calls the doTag() method of appropriate tag handler
class. After that, Tag Handler will write the appropriate response back to the page.
Example Code: Building simple tag that displays "Hello World"
Enough we have talked about what are custom tags, their types. Now, it is a time to build a custom tag that
displays "Hello World".
·  Extend Tag Handler class from SimpleTagSupport class and override doTag() method
·  Build TLD file
·  Deploy
Note: As mentioned earlier, if you are using any IDE (like netBeans® 4.1), the last two steps will be
performed by the IDE.
Web Design & Development ­ CS506
package vu;
// importing required packages
import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;
// overriding doTag() method
public void doTag() throws JspException {
// obtaining the reference of out implicit object
PageContext pageContext = (PageContext)getJspContext();JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
try {
out.println(" Hello World ");
} catch (java.io.IOException ex) {throw new
} // end doTag() method
} end WelcomeTagHandler class
If using IDE, this file will be written automatically. In this file you specify the tag name along with Tag
Handler class.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<taglib version="2.0"
ema-instance"xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee web-
<!--the value of uri will be used in JSP to refer to this tld -->
<!-- Specifying the tag name and tag class. Also mentioning thatthis tag has no body
using taglib directive, specifying the tld file name as well asprefix. Note that you you use any value for
the prefix attribtute --%>
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/customtags.tld" prefix="mytag" %>
<html> <body>
<h2>A Simple Tag Example</h2>
<h3> <%-- calling welcome tag with the help of prefix --%><mytag:welcome />
Building tags with attributes
If you want to build a tag that can also take attributes, for example
<mytag:hello attribute="value" />
To handle attributes, you need to add
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Instance variables and
Corresponding setter methods
Behind the scenes, container will call these setter methods implicitly and pass the value of the custom tag
attribute as an argument.
In this example, we will modify our course outline example to incorporate tags. Based on attribute value,
the tag will display the respective course outline in tabular format.
·  Extend Tag Handler class from SimpleTagSupport class
-Add instance variable of type String
-Write setter method for this attribute
-Override doTag() method
Build TLD file
This is the same file used in the last example
package vubean;
import java.io.*;
public class CourseOutlineBean implements Serializable{
private int sessionNo;
private String topic;
private String assignment;
// no argument constructor
public CourseOutlineBean() {
sessionNo = 0;
topic = "";
assignment = "";
// setters
public void setSessionNo(int s){
sessionNo = s;
public void setTopic(String t){
topic = t;
public void setAssignment(String a){
assignment = a;
// getterspublic int getSessionNo( ){return sessionNo;}
public String getTopic( ){return topic;}
public String getAssignment( ){return assignment;}
} // end class
No changes are made to this file too.
package vu;
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import java.io.*;import java.sql.*;import
public class CourseDAO implements Serializable{
private Connection con;
public CourseDAO() {
//********** establishConnection method ********************// method used to make connection
with databaseprivate void establishConnection(){
try{// establishing conectionClass.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
String conUrl = "jdbc:odbc:CourseDSN";con =
}catch(Exception ex){
ArrayList courseList = new ArrayList();
String sql = " SELECT sessionNo, topic, assignment " +" FROM Course, SessionDetail" +"
WHERE courseName = ? " + " AND Course.courseId =
SessionDetail.courseID ";
PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);pStmt.setString(1, cName);
ResultSet rs = pStmt.executeQuery();
int sNo;
String topic;
String assignment;
while ( rs.next() ) {
sNo = rs.getInt("sessionNo");topic =
rs.getString("topic");assignment = rs.getString("assignment");
if (assignment == null){assignment =
// creating a CourseOutlineBean objectCourseOutlineBean cBean = new
// adding a bean to arraylist
}catch(Exception ex){
} finally {
// to close connection
// returning ArrayList object
return courseList;
} // end retrieveCourseOutline
Web Design & Development ­ CS506
if(con != null){
}catch(Exception ex){
} // end releaseResources
}// end CourseDAO
The tag handler class uses JavaBeans (CourseOutlineBean.java & CourseDAO.java), and includes the logic
of displaying course outline in tabular format.
package vutag;
// importing package that contains the JavaBeansimport vubean.*;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.*;import
javax.servlet.jsp.*;import java.util.*;
public class MyTagHandler extends SimpleTagSupport {
* Declaration of pageName property.
private String pageName;
public void doTag() throws JspException {
CourseDAO courseDAO = new CourseDAO();
ArrayList courseList = courseDAO.retrieveCourseList(pageName);
// to display course outline in tabular form, this method is// used ­ define below
* Setter for the pageName attribute.
public void setPageName(java.lang.String value) {this.pageName = value;
* display method used to print courseoutline in tabular form
*/private void display(ArrayList courseList)throws JspException{
PageContext pc = (PageContext)getJspContext();
JspWriter out = pc.getOut();
// displaying table headers
out.print("<TABLE BORDER=1 >");
out.print("<TH> Session No </TH>");
out.print("<TH> Topic </TH>");
out.print("<TH> Assignment </TH>");
// loop to iterate over courseList
for (int i=0; i<courseList.size(); i++){
CourseOutlineBean courseBean = (CourseOutlineBean)courseList.get(i);
Web Design & Development ­ CS506
// displaying one row
out.print("<TD>" + courseBean.getSessionNo() + "</TD>");
out.print("<TD>" + courseBean.getTopic() + "</TD>");
out.print("<TD>" + courseBean.getAssignment() + "</TD>");
}catch(java.io.IOException ex){throw new
} // end clas MyTagHandler.java
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<taglib version="2.0"
ema-instance"xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee web-
<!--the value of uri will be used in JSP to refer to this tld -->
<!-- Specifying the tag name and tag class. Also mentioning thatthis tag has no body
Specifying the attribute name and its type
This page is used to display the course options to the user in the radio button form.
<h2>Select the page you want to visit</h2>
<form name="myForm" action="controller.jsp" >
<h3> <input type="radio" name = "page" value="web"/>Web Design & Develoment
<h3> <input type="radio" name = "page" value="java"/>Java
Web Design & Development ­ CS506
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Based upon the selection made by the user, this page will redirect the user to respective pages. Those are
web.jspand java.jsp
<!-- scriptlet -->
String pageName = request.getParameter("page");
if (pageName.equals("web")) {
} else if (pageName.equals("java") ) {
<%-- using taglib directive, specifying the tld file and prefix --%>
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/mytaglibrary.tld" prefix="mytag"%>
<center> <h2> Welcome to Java Learning Center </h2><h3> Course Outline</h3>
<%--calling coursetag and specifying java as attribute value
<mytag:coursetag pageName="java" />
<%-- using taglib directive, specifying the tld file and prefix --%>
<%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/mytaglibrary.tld" prefix="mytag"%>
<h2> Welcome to Java Learning Center </h2><h3> Course Outline</h3>
<%--calling coursetag and specifying java as attribute value
<mytag:coursetag pageName="java" />
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