
Java Graphics

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Web Design & Development ­ CS506
Lesson 18
Java Graphics
Window is like a painter's canvas. All window paints on the same surface. More importantly, windows
don't remember what is under them. There is a need to repaint when portions are newly exposed.
Java components are also able to paint themselves. Most of time, painting is done automatically. However
sometimes you need to do drawing by yourself. Anything else is programmer responsibility
How painting works?
Let's take windows example. Consider the following diagram in which the blue area is representing the
desktop. The one frame (myApp) is opened in front of desktop with some custom painting as shown below.
myApp consist of a JPanel. The JPanel contains a JButton. Two rectangles, a circle & a lines are also
drawn on the JPanel.
After opening notepad and windows explorer window, diagram will look like this:
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Lets shuts off the windows explorer, the repaint event is sent to desktop first and then to myApp. The figure
shown below describes the situation after desktop repaint event get executed. Here you can clearly see that
only desktop repaints itself and window explorer remaining part is still opened in front of myApp.
The following figure shows the situation when myApp's JPanel calls its repaint method. Notice that some
portion of window explorer is still remains in front of JButton because yet not repaint event is sent to it.
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Next, JPanel forwards repaint event to JButton that causes the button to be displayed in its original form.
This is all done automatically and we cannot feel this process cause of stunning speed of modern computers
that performs all these steps in flash of eye.
Painting a Swing Component
Three methods are at the heart of painting a swing component like JPanel etc. For instance, paint() gets
called when it's time to render -- then Swing further factors the paint() call into three separate methods,
which are invoked in the following order:
-- protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
-- protected void paintBorder(Graphics g)
-- protected void paintChildren(Graphics g)
Lets look at these methods in order in which they get executed
paintComponet( )
-- it is a main method for painting
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-- By default, it first paints the background
-- After that, it performs custom painting (drawing circle, rectangles etc.)
paintBorder( )
-- Tells the components border (if any) to paint.
-- It is suggested that you do not override or invoke this method
paintChildern( )
-- Tells any components contained by this component to paint themselves
-- It is suggested that you do not override or invoke this method too.
Example: Understanding methods calls
Consider the following figure
The figure above illustrates the order in which each component that inherits from
JComponent paint itself. Figure 1 to 2 --painting the background and performing custom painting is
performed by the paintComponent method
In Figure 3 ­ paintBorder is get called And finally in figure 4 ­ paintChildern is called that causes the
JButton to render itself. Note: The important thing to note here is for JButton (since it is a JComponent), all
methods are also called in the same order.
Your Painting Strategy
You must follow the three steps in order to perform painting.
Subclass JPanel
class MyPanel extends JPanel
Doing so MyPanel also becomes a JPanle due to inheritance
Override the paintComponent(Graphics g) method
Inside method using graphics object, do whatever drawing you want to do
Install that JPanel inside a JFrame
When frame becomes visible through the paintChildren() method your panel become visible
To become visible your panel will call paintComponent() method which will do your custom
Example Code 18.1:
Suppose, we want to draw one circle & rectangle and a string "Hello World".
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The first step is building a class that inherits from JPanel. The following class MyPanel is fulfilling this
requirement. paintComponent( ) method is also override in this class. The sample code is given below
// importing required packagesimport javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;
// extending class from JPanelpublic class MyPanel extends JPanel {
// overriding paintComponent method
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
// erasing behaviour ­ this will clear all the// previous painting super.paintComponent(g);
// Down casting Graphics object to Graphics2DGraphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
// drawing rectanle
// changing the color to blue
// drawing filled oval with color i.e. blueg2.fillOval(50,50,20,20);
// drawing stringg2.drawString("Hello World", 120, 50);
}// end paintComponent
} // end MyPanel class
The Test class that contains the main method as well uses MyPainel (previously built) class is given below
// importing required packages
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Test {
JFrame f;
// declaring Reference of MyPanel class
MyPanel p;
// parameter less constructor
public Test(){
f = new JFrame();
Container c = f.getContentPane();
c.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// instantiating reference
p = new MyPanel();
// adding MyPanel into container
} // end constructor
// main method
public static void main(String args[ ]){
Test t = new Test();
Note: Here we have used only some methods (drawRect( ) & fillOval( ) etc. ) of Graphics class. For a
complete list, see the Java API documentation