
JAVA: Graphical User Interfaces

<< JAVA: Modification of Address Book Code
JAVA: Event Handling >>
Web Design & Development ­ CS506
Lesson 10
Graphical User Interfaces
A graphical user interface is a visual interface to a program. GUIs are built from GUI components
(buttons, menus, labels etc). A GUI component is an object with which the user interacts via the mouse
or keyboard.
Together, the appearance and how user interacts with the program are known as the program look
and feel.
Support for GUI in Java
The classes that are used to create GUI components are part of the "java.awt" or
"javax.swing" package. Both these packages provide rich set of user interface components.
GUI classes vs. Non-GUI Support Classes
The classes present in the awt and swing packages can be classified into two broad categories.
GUI classes & Non-GUI Support classes.
The GUI classes as the name indicates are visible and user can interact with them. Examples of
these are JButton, JFrame & JRadioButton etc
The Non-GUI support classes provide services and perform necessary functions for GUI classes. They
do not produce any visual output. Examples of these classes are Layout managers (discussed latter)
& Event handling (see handout on it) classes etc.
java.awt package
AWT stands for "Abstract Windowing Toolkit "contains original GUI components that came with the
first release of JDK.  These components are tied directly to the local platform's (Windows, Linux,
MAC etc) graphical user interface capabilities. Thus results in a java program executing on different java
platforms (windows, Linux, Solaris etc) has a different appearance and sometimes even different user
interaction on each platform.
AWT components are often called Heavy Weight Components (HWC) as they rely on the local
platform's windowing system to determine their functionality and their look and feel. Every time you
create an AWT component it creates a corresponding process on the operating system. As compared to
this SWING components are managed through threads and are known as Light Weight Components.
This package also provides the classes for robust event handling (see handout on it) and layout
javax.swing package
These are the newest GUI components. Swing components are written, manipulated and displayed
completely in java, therefore also called pure java components. The swing components allow the
programmer to specify a uniform look and feel across all platforms.
Swing components are often referred to as Light Weight Components as they are completely
written in java. Several swing components are still HWC. e.g. JFrame etc.
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GUI Creation Steps
1. import required packages
import java.awt.* and/or javax.swing.* package.
2. Setup the top level containers
A container is a collection of related components, which allows other components
to be nested inside it. In application with JFrame, we attatch components to the content
pane ­ a container.
Two important methods the container class has add and setLayout.
The add method is used for adding components to the content pane while setLayout
method is used to specify the layout manager.
Container are classified into two broad categories that are Top Level containers
and General Purpose Containers
Top level containers can contain (add) other containers as well as basic components
(buttons, labels etc) while general purpose containers are typically used to collect
basic components and are added to top level containers.
General purpose containers cannot exist alone they must be added to top level containers
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Examples of top level container are JFrame, Dialog and Applet etc. Our application
uses one of these.
Examples of general purpose container are JPanel, Toolbar and ScrollPane etc.
So, take a top level container and create its instance. Consider the following code of line if
JFrame is selected as a top level container
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
3. Get the component area of the top level container
Review the hierarchy given above, and observe that JFrame is a frame is a
window. So, it can be interpreted as JFrame is a window.
Every window has two areas. System Area & Component Area
The programmer cannot add/remove components to the System Area.
The Component Area often known as Client area is a workable place for the programmer.
Components can be added/removed in this area.
So, to add components, as you guessed right component area of the JFrame is required. It
can be accomplished by the following code of line
Conntainer con = frame.getContentPane();
frame is an instance of JFrame and by calling getContentPane() method on it, it returns the
component area. This component area is of type container and that is why it is stored in a
variable of a Container class. As already discussed, container allows other components to be
added / removed.
4. Apply layout to component area
The layout (size & position etc. How they appear) of components in a container is
usually governed by Layout Managers.
The layout manager is responsible for deciding the layout policy and size of its
components added to the container.
Layout managers are represented in java as classes. (Layout Managers are going to be
discussed in detail later in this handout)
To set the layout, as already discussed use setLayout method and pass object of layout
manager as an argument.
con.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) );
We passed an object of FlowLayout to the setLayout method here.
We can also use the following lines of code instead of above. FlowLayout layout
= new FlowLayout(); con.setLayout(layout);
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Create and Add components
Create required components by calling their constructor.
JButton button = new JButton ( );
After creating all components your are interested in, the next task is to add these
components into the component area of your JFrame (i.e ContentPane, the reference to
which is in variable con of type Container)
Use add method of the Container to accomplish this and pass it the component to be added.
6. Set size of frame and make it visible
A frame must be made visible via a call to setVisible(true) and its size defined via a call
setSize(rows in pixel, columns in pixel) to be displayed on the screen.
frame.setSize(200, 300) ;
frame.setVisible(true) ;
Note: By default, all JFrame's are invisible. To make visible frame visible we have passed
true to the
setVisible method.
frame.setVisible(false) ;
Making a Simple GUI
The above figured GUI contains one text field and a button. Let's code it by following the six GUI
creation steps we discussed.
Code for Simple GUI
// File GUITest.java
//Step 1: import packages import
import javax.swing.*;
public class GUITest {
JFrame myFrame ;
JTextField tf;
JButton b;
//method used for setting layout of GUI
public void initGUI ( ) {
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//Step 2: setup the top level container
myFrame = new JFrame();
//Step 3: Get the component area of top-level container
Container c = myFrame.getContentPane();
//Step 4: Apply layouts
c.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) );
//Step 5: create & add components
JTextField tf = new JTextField(10);
JButton b1 = new JButton("My Button");
//Step 6: set size of frame and make it visible
} //end initGUI method
public GUITest () { // default constructor
initGUI ();
public static void main (String args[ ]) {
GUITest gui = new GUITest();
} // end of class
Important Points to Consider
main method (from where program execution starts) is written in the same class. The main method
can be in a separate class instead of writing in the same class its your choice.
Inside main, an object of GUI test class is created that results in calling of constructor of the class
and from the constructor, initGUI method is called that is responsible for setting up the GUI.
The following line of code is used to exit the program when you close the window
If you delete this line and run your program, the desired GUI would be displayed. However if
you close the window by using (X) button on top left corner of your window, you'll notice that
the control doesn't return back to command prompt. The reason for this is that the java process is
still running. How ever if you put this line in your code, when you exit your prompt will return.
Sun java tutorial: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java
Thinking in java by Bruce Eckle
Web Design & Development ­ CS506
Beginning Java2 by Ivor Hortan
GUI creation steps are taken from the book Java A Lab Course by Umair Javed
Graphical User Interfaces - 2
Layout Managers
Layout Managers are used to form the appearance of your GUI. They are concerned with the
arrangement of components of GUI. A general question is "why we can not place components at our
desired location (may be using the x,y coordinate position?"
The answer is that you can create your GUI without using Layout Managers and you can also do VB
style positioning of components at some x,y co-ordinate in Java, but that is generally not advisable if
you desire to run the same program on different platforms
The appearance of the GUI also depends on the underlying platform and to keep that same the
responsibility of arranging layout is given to the LayoutManagers so they can provide the same look
and feel across different platforms
Commonly used layout managers are
Flow Layout
Grid Layout
Border Layout
Box Layout
Card Layout
GridBag Layout and so on
Let us discuss the top three in detail one by one with code examples. These top three will meet most of
your basic needs
1. Flow Layout
Position components on line by line basis. Each time a line is filled, a new line is started.
The size of the line depends upon the size of your frame. If you stretch your frame while your
program is running, your GUI will be disturbed.
Example Code
// File FlowLayoutTest.java
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class FlowLayoutTest {
JFrame myFrame ;
JButton b1, b2, b3, b4, b5;
//method used for setting layout of GUI
public void initGUI ( ) {
myFrame = new JFrame("Flow Layout");
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Container c = myFrame.getContentPane();
c.setLayout( new FlowLayout( ) );
b1 =
new JButton("Next Slide");
b2 =
new JButton("Previous Slide");
b3 =
new JButton("Back to Start");
b4 =
new JButton("Last Slide");
b5 =
new JButton("Exit");
} //end initGUI method
public FlowLayoutTest () { // default constructor
initGUI ();
public static void main (String args[ ]) {
FlowLayoutTest flTest = new FlowLayoutTest();
} // end of class
2. Grid Layout
Splits the panel/window into a grid (cells) with given
number of rows and columns.
Forces the size of each component to occupy the whole
cell. Size of each component is same
Components are added row wise. When all the columns of
the first row are get filled the components are then
added to the next row.
Only one component can be added into each cell.
Example Code
// File GridLayoutTest.java
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
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public class GridLayoutTest {
JFrame myFrame ;
JButton b1, b2, b3, b4, b5;
//method used for setting layout of GUI
public void initGUI ( ) {
myFrame = new JFrame("Grid Layout");
Container c = myFrame.getContentPane();
// rows , cols
c.setLayout( new GridLayout( 3 , 2 ) );
b1 =
new JButton("Next Slide");
b2 =
new JButton("Previous Slide");
b3 =
new JButton("Back to Start");
b4 =
new JButton("Last Slide");
b5 =
new JButton("Exit");
} //end initGUI method
public GridLayoutTest () { // default constructor
initGUI ();
public static void main (String args[ ]) {
GridLayoutTest glTest = new GridLayoutTest();
} // end of class
The grid layout also allows the spacing between cells. To achieve
spacing between cells, modify the above program.
Pass additional parameters to the constructor of GridLayout, spaces between rows &
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spaces between columns as shown below
c.setLayout( new GridLayout( 3 , 2 , 10 , 20) );
The output is look similar to one given below.
3. Border Layout
Divides the area into five regions. North, South, East, West and Center
Components are added to the specified region
If any region not filled, the filled regions will occupy the space but the center region will
still appear as background if it
contains no component.
Only one component can be added
into each region.
Example Code
// File BorderLayoutTest.java
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class BorderLayoutTest {
JFrame myFrame ;
JButton b1, b2, b3, b4, b5;
//method used for setting layout of GUI
public void initGUI ( ) {
myFrame = new JFrame("Border Layout");
Container c = myFrame.getContentPane();
c.setLayout( new BorderLayout( );
b1 = new JButton("Next Slide");
b2 = new JButton("Previous Slide");
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b3 = new JButton("Back to Start");
b4 = new JButton("Last Slide");
b5 = new JButton("Exit");
c.add( b1 , BorderLayout.NORTH );
c.add( b2 , BorderLayout.SOUTH );
c.add( b3 , BorderLayout.EAST );
c.add( b4 , BorderLayout.WEST );
c.add( b5 , BorderLayout.CENTER);
} //end initGUI method
public BorderLayoutTest () { // default constructor
initGUI ();
public static void main (String args[ ]) {
BorderLayoutTest glTest = new BorderLayoutTest();
} // end of class
Points to Remember
Revisit the code of adding components, we specify the region in which we want to add
component or otherwise they will not be visible.
Consider the following segment of code:
BorderLayout.NORTH,  as  you  guessed
correctly NORTH is a constant  (final) defined in BorderLayout class public access
modifier. Similarly the other ones are defined. Now you understand,
why so much emphasis has been made on following the naming conventions.
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Making Complex GUIs
From the discussion above it seems that the basic Layout Managers may not help us in constructing
complex GUIs, but generally a combination of these basic layouts can do the job. So lets try to create the
calculator GUI given below
This GUI has 16 different buttons each of same size and text field on the top and a label
`my calculator' on the bottom.
So, how we can make this GUI? If Border Layout is selected, it has five regions (each region can
have at most one component) but here we have more than five components to add. Lets try Grid
Layout, but all the components in a Grid have same size and the text field at the top and label at the
bottom has different size. Flow Layout cannot be selected because if we stretch our GUI it will destroy
its shape.
Can we make this GUI? Yes, we can. Making of such GUI is a bit tricky business but
General Purpose Containers are there to provide the solution.
It is general purpose container (can't exist alone, it has to be in some toplevel container) in
which we can put in different components (JButton , JTextField etc even other JPanels)
JPanel has its own layout that can be set while creating JPanel instance
JPanel myPanel = new JPanel ( new FlowLayout( ) );
Add components by using add method like shown below.
myPanel.add (button );
Must be added to a top level container (like JFrame etc) in order to be visible as they (general
purpose containers) can't exist alone.
To make the calculator GUI shown above, take JFrame (top level container) and set its layout to
border. Than take JPanel (general purpose container) and set its layout to Grid with 4 rows and 4
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Add buttons to JPanel as they all have equal size and JPanel layout has been set to GridLayout.
Afterthat, add text field to the north region, label to the south region and panel to the center region
of the JFrame's container. The east and west regions are left blank and the center region will be
stretched to cover up these. So, that's how we can build our calculator GUI.
Code for Calculator GUI
// File CalculatorGUI.java
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class CalculatorGUI {
JFrame fCalc;
JButton b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b0;
JButton bPlus, bMinus, bMul, bPoint, bEqual, bClear;
JPanel pButtons;
JTextField tfAnswer;
JLabel lMyCalc;
//method used for setting layout of GUI
public void initGUI ( ) {
fCalc = new JFrame();
new JButton("0");
new JButton("1");
new JButton("2");
new JButton("3");
new JButton("4");
new JButton("5");
new JButton("6");
b7 = new JButton("7");
b8 = new JButton("8");
b9 = new JButton("9");
bPlus = new JButton("+");
bMinus = new JButton("-");
bMul = new JButton("*");
bPoint = new JButton(".");
bEqual = new JButton("=");
bClear = new JButton("C");
tfAnswer = new JTextField();
lMyCalc = new JLabel("My Clacualator");
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//creating panel object and setting its layout pButtons = new JPanel
(new GridLayout(4,4));
//adding components (buttons) to panel
// getting componenet area of JFrame
Container con = fCalc.getContentPane();
con.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//adding components to container
con.add(tfAnswer, BorderLayout.NORTH);
con.add(lMyCalc, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
con.add(pButtons, BorderLayout.CENTER);
fCalc.setSize(300, 300);
} //end initGUI method
public CalculatorGUI () { // default constructor
initGUI ();
public static void main (String args[ ]) {
CalculatorGUI calGUI = new CalculatorGUI ();
} // end of class
Web Design & Development ­ CS506
Sun java tutorial: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/java
Thinking in java by Bruce Eckle
Beginning Java2 by Ivor Hortan
Java A Lab Course by Umair Javed