
Expert Systems

<< Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Handling uncertainty with fuzzy systems >>
Artificial Intelligence (CS607)
Unit preference: prefer using a clause with one literal. Produces shorter
Set of support: Try to involve the thing you are trying to prove. Chose a
resolution involving the negated goal. These are relevant clauses. We
move `towards solution'
Lecture No. 18-28
5 Expert Systems
Expert Systems (ES) are a popular and useful application area in AI. Having
studied KRR, it is instructive to study ES to see a practical manifestation of the
principles learnt there.
5.1 What is an Expert?
Before we attempt to define an expert system, we have look at what we take the
term `expert' to mean when we refer to human experts. Some traits that
characterize experts are:
They possess specialized knowledge in a certain area
They possess experience in the given area
They can provide, upon elicitation, an explanation of their decisions
The have a skill set that enables them to translate the specialized
knowledge gained through experience into solutions.
Try to think of the various traits you associate with experts you might know, e.g.
skin specialist, heart specialist, car mechanic, architect, software designer. You
will see that the underlying common factors are similar to those outlined above.
5.2 What is an expert system?
According to Durkin, an expert system is "A computer program designed to model
the problem solving ability of a human expert". With the above discussion of
experts in mind, the aspects of human experts that expert systems model are the
5.3 History and Evolution
Before we begin to study development of expert systems, let us get some
historical perspective about the earliest practical AI systems. After the so-called
dark ages in AI, expert systems were at the forefront of rebirth of AI. There was a
realization in the late 60's that the general framework of problem solving was not
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enough to solve all kinds of problem. This was augmented by the realization that
specialized knowledge is a very important component of practical systems.
People observed that systems that were designed for well-focused problems and
domains out performed more `general' systems. These observations provided the
motivation for expert systems. Expert systems are important historically as the
earliest AI systems and the most used systems practically. To highlight the utility
of expert systems, we will look at some famous expert systems, which served to
define the paradigms for the current expert systems.
5.3.1 Dendral (1960's)
Dendral was one of the pioneering expert systems. It was developed at Stanford
for NASA to perform chemical analysis of Martian soil for space missions. Given
mass spectral data, the problem was to determine molecular structure. In the
laboratory, the `generate and test' method was used; possible hypothesis about
molecular structures were generated and tested by matching to actual data.
There was an early realization that experts use certain heuristics to rule out
certain options when looking at possible structures. It seemed like a good idea to
encode that knowledge in a software system. The result was the program
Dendral, which gained a lot of acclaim and most importantly provided the
important distinction that Durkin describes as: `Intelligent behavior is dependent,
not so much on the methods of reasoning, but on the knowledge one has to
reason with'.
5.3.2 MYCIN (mid 70s)
MYCIN was developed at Stanford to aid physicians in diagnosing and treating
patients with a particular blood disease. The motivation for building MYCIN was
that there were few experts of that disease, they also had availability constraints.
Immediate expertise was often needed because they were dealing with a life-
threatening condition. MYCIN was tested in 1982. Its diagnosis on ten selected
cases was obtained, along with the diagnosis of a panel of human experts.
MYCIN compositely scored higher than human experts!
MYCIN was an important system in the history of AI because it demonstrated that
expert systems could be used for solving practical problems. It was pioneering
work on the structure of ES (separate knowledge and control), as opposed to
Dendral, MYCIN used the same structure that is now formalized for expert
5.3.3 R1/XCON (late 70's)
R1/XCON is also amongst the most cited expert systems. It was developed by
DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation), as a computer configuration assistant. It
was one of the most successful expert systems in routine use, bringing an
estimated saving of $25million per year to DEC. It is a classical example of how
an ES can increase productivity of organization, by assisting existing experts.
5.4 Comparison of a human expert and an expert system
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The following table compares human experts to expert systems. While looking at
these, consider some examples, e.g. doctor, weather expert.
Human Expert
Expert System
Geographic location
Locally available
Safety considerations
Can be replaced
on Non-perishable
Learning Ability
5.5 Roles of an expert system
An expert system may take two main roles, relative to the human expert. It may
replace the expert or assist the expert
Replacement of expert
This proposition raises many eyebrows. It is not very practical in some situations,
but feasible in others. Consider drastic situations where safety or location is an
issue, e.g. a mission to Mars. In such cases replacement of an expert may be the
only feasible option. Also, in cases where an expert cannot be available at a
particular geographical location e.g. volcanic areas, it is expedient to use an
expert system as a substitute.
An example of this role is a France based oil exploration company that maintains
a number of oil wells. They had a problem that the drills would occasionally
become stuck. This typically occurs when the drill hits something that prevents it
from turning. Often delays due to this problem cause huge losses until an expert
can arrive at the scene to investigate. The company decided to deploy an expert
system so solve the problem. A system called `Drilling Advisor' (Elf-Aquitane
1983) was developed, which saved the company from huge losses that would be
incurred otherwise.
Assisting expert
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Assisting an expert is the most commonly found role of an ES. The goal is to aid
an expert in a routine tasks to increase productivity, or to aid in managing a
complex situation by using an expert system that may itself draw on experience
of other (possibly more than one) individuals. Such an expert system helps an
expert overcome shortcomings such as recalling relevant information.
XCON is an example of how an ES can assist an expert.
5.6 How are expert systems used?
Expert systems may be used in a host of application areas including diagnosis,
interpretation, prescription, design, planning, control, instruction, prediction and
Control applications
In control applications, ES are used to adaptively govern/regulate the behavior of
a system, e.g. controlling a manufacturing process, or medical treatment. The ES
obtains data about current system state, reasons, predicts future system states
and recommends (or executes) adjustments accordingly. An example of such a
system is VM (Fagan 1978). This ES is used to monitor patient status in the
intensive care unit. It analyses heart rate, blood pressure and breathing
measurements to adjust the ventilator being used by the patient.
ES are used for design applications to configure objects under given design
constraints, e.g. XCON. Such ES often use non-monotonic reasoning, because of
implications of steps on previous steps. Another example of a design ES is
PEACE (Dincbas 1980), which is a CAD tool to assist in design of electronic
Diagnosis and Prescription
An ES can serve to identify system malfunction points. To do this it must have
knowledge of possible faults as well as diagnosis methodology extracted from
technical experts, e.g. diagnosis based on patient's symptoms, diagnosing
malfunctioning electronic structures. Most diagnosis ES have a prescription
subsystem. Such systems are usually interactive, building on user information to
narrow down diagnosis.
Instruction and Simulation
ES may be used to guide the instruction of a student in some topic. Tutoring
applications include GUIDON (Clancey 1979), which instructs students in
diagnosis of bacterial infections. Its strategy is to present user with cases (of
which it has solution). It then analyzes the student's response. It compares the
students approach to its own and directs student based on differences.
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ES can be used to model processes or systems for operational study, or for use
along with tutoring applications
According to Durkin, interpretation is `Producing an understanding of situation
from given information'. An example of a system that provides interpretation is
FXAA (1988). This ES provides financial assistance for a commercial bank. It
looks at a large number of transactions and identifies irregularities in transaction
trends. It also enables automated audit.
Planning and prediction
ES may be used for planning applications, e.g. recommending steps for a robot
to carry out certain steps, cash management planning. SMARTPlan is such a
system, a strategic market planning expert (Beeral, 1993). It suggests
appropriate marketing strategy required to achieve economic success. Similarly,
prediction systems infer likely consequences from a given situation.
Appropriate domains for expert systems
When analyzing a particular domain to see if an expert system may be useful, the
system analyst should ask the following questions:
Can the problem be effectively solved by conventional programming? If
not, an ES may be the choice, because ES are especially suited to ill-
structured problems.
Is the domain well-bounded? e.g. a headache diagnosis system may
eventually have to contain domain knowledge of many areas of medicine
because it is not easy to limit diagnosis to one area. In such cases where
the domain is too wide, building an ES may be not be a feasible
What are the practical issues involved? Is some human expert willing to
cooperate? Is the expert's knowledge especially uncertain and heuristic? If
so, ES may be useful.
5.7 Expert system structure
Having discussed the scenarios and applications in which expert systems may be
useful, let us delve into the structure of expert systems. To facilitate this, we use
the analogy of an expert (say a doctor) solving a problem. The expert has the
Focused area of expertise
Specialized Knowledge (Long-term Memory, LTM)
Case facts (Short-term Memory, STM)
Reasons with these to form new knowledge
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Solves the given problem
Now, we are ready to define the corresponding concepts in an Expert System.
Human Expert
Expert System
Focused Area of Expertise
Domain Knowledge (stored in
Specialized Knowledge (stored in
Knowledge Base)
Case Facts (stored in STM)
Case/Inferred Facts (stored in
Working Memory)
Inference Engine
We can view the structure of the ES and its components as shown in the figure
Expert System
Working Memory
Analogy: STM
-Initial Case facts
-Inferred facts
Knowledge Base
Analogy: LTM
- Domain knowledge
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Figure 13: Expert System Structure
5.7.1 Knowledge Base
The knowledge base is the part of an expert system that contains the domain
knowledge, i.e.
Problem facts, rules
As we have emphasised several times, the power of an ES lies to a large extent
in its richness of knowledge. Therefore, one of the prime roles of the expert
system designer is to act as a knowledge engineer. As a knowledge engineer,
the designer must overcome the knowledge acquisition bottleneck and find an
effective way to get information from the expert and encode it in the knowledge
base, using one of the knowledge representation techniques we discussed in
As discussed in the KRR section, one way of encoding that knowledge is in the
form of IF-THEN rules. We saw that such representation is especially conducive
to reasoning.
5.7.2 Working memory
The working memory is the `part of the expert system that contains the problem
facts that are discovered during the session' according to Durkin. One session in
the working memory corresponds to one consultation. During a consultation:
User presents some facts about the situation.
These are stored in the working memory.
Using these and the knowledge stored in the knowledge base, new
information is inferred and also added to the working memory.
5.7.3 Inference Engine
The inference engine can be viewed as the processor in an expert system that
matches the facts contained in the working memory with the domain knowledge
contained in the knowledge base, to draw conclusions about the problem. It
works with the knowledge base and the working memory, and draws on both to
add new facts to the working memory.
If the knowledge of an ES is represented in the form of IF-THEN rules, the
Inference Engine has the following strategy: Match given facts in working
memory to the premises of the rules in the knowledge base, if match found, `fire'
the conclusion of the rule, i.e. add the conclusion to the working memory. Do this
repeatedly, while new facts can be added, until you come up with the desired
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We will illustrate the above features using examples in the following sections
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5.7.4 Expert System Example: Family
Knowledge Base
Working Memory
Rule 1:
father (M.Tariq, Ali)
IF father (X, Y)
father (M.Tariq, Ahmed)
AND father (X, Z)
THEN brother (Y, Z)
brother (Ali, Ahmed)
Rule 2:
payTuition (M.Tariq, Ali)
IF father (X, Y)
payTuition (M.Tariq,Ahmed)
THEN payTuition (X, Y)
like (Ali, Ahmed)
Rule 3:
IF brother (X, Y)
THEN like (X, Y)
Let's look at the example above to see how the knowledge base and working
memory are used by the inference engine to add new facts to the working
memory. The knowledge base column on the left contains the three rules of the
system. The working memory starts out with two initial case facts:
father (M.Tariq, Ali)
father (M.Tariq, Ahmed)
The inference engine matches each rule in turn with the rules in the working
memory to see if the premises are all matched. Once all premises are matched,
the rule is fired and the conclusion is added to the working memory, e.g. the
premises of rule 1 match the initial facts, therefore it fires and the fact brother(Ali,
Ahmed is fired). This matching of rule premises and facts continues until no new
facts can be added to the system. The matching and firing is indicated by arrows
in the above table.
5.7.5 Expert system example: raining
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Working Memory
Knowledge Base
Rule 1:
person (Ali)
IF person(X)
person (Ahmed)
AND person(Y)
cloudy ()
AND likes (X, Y)
likes(Ali, Ahmed)
AND sameSchool(X,Y)
sameSchool(Ali, Ahmed)
friends(X, Y)
Rule 2:
IF friends (X, Y)
friends(Ali, Ahmed)
AND weekend()
Rule 3:
IF goToMovies(X)
AND cloudy()
5.7.6 Explanation facility
The explanation facility is a module of an expert system that allows transparency
of operation, by providing an explanation of how it reached the conclusion. In the
family example above, how does the expert system draw the conclusion that Ali
likes Ahmed?
The answer to this is the sequence of reasoning steps as shown with the arrows
in the table below.
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Working Memory
Knowledge Base
father (M.Tariq, Ali)
Rule 1:
father (M.Tariq, Ahmed)
IF father (X, Y)
AND father (X, Z)
brother (Ali, Ahmed)
THEN brother (Y, Z)
payTuition (M.Tariq, Ali)
Rule 2:
payTuition (M.Tariq,Ahmed)
IF father (X, Y)
THEN payTuition (X, Y)
like (Ali, Ahmed)
Rule 3:
IF brother (X, Y)
THEN like (X, Y)
The arrows above provide the explanation for how the fact like(Ali, Ahmed) was
added to the working memory.
5.8 Characteristics of expert systems
Having looked at the basic operation of expert systems, we can begin to outline
desirable properties or characteristics we would like our expert systems to
ES have an explanation facility. This is the module of an expert system that
allows transparency of operation, by providing an explanation of how the
inference engine reached the conclusion. We want ES to have this facility so that
users can have knowledge of how it reaches its conclusion.
An expert system is different from conventional programs in the sense that
program control and knowledge are separate. We can change one while affecting
the other minimally. This separation is manifest in ES structure; knowledge base,
working memory and inference engine. Separation of these components allows
changes to the knowledge to be independent of changes in control and vice
"There is a clear separation of general knowledge about the problem (the rules
forming the knowledge base) from information about the current problem (the
input data) and methods for applying the general knowledge to a problem (the
rule interpreter).The program itself is only an interpreter (or general reasoning
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mechanism) and ideally the system can be changed simply by adding or
subtracting rules in the knowledge base" (Duda)
Besides these properties, an expert system also possesses expert knowledge in
that it embodies expertise of human expert. If focuses expertise because the
larger the domain, the more complex the expert system becomes, e.g. a car
diagnosis expert is more easily handled if we make separate ES components for
engine problems, electricity problems, etc. instead of just designing one
component for all problems.
We have also seen that an ES reasons heuristically, by encoding an expert's
rules-of-thumb. Lastly, an expert system, like a human expert makes mistakes,
but that is tolerable if we can get the expert system to perform at least as well as
the human expert it is trying to emulate.
5.9 Programming vs. knowledge engineering
Conventional programming is a sequential, three step process: Design, Code,
Debug. Knowledge engineering, which is the process of building an expert
system, also involves assessment, knowledge acquisition, design, testing,
documentation and maintenance. However, there are some key differences
between the two programming paradigms.
Conventional programming focuses on solution, while ES programming focuses
on problem. An ES is designed on the philosophy that if we have the right
knowledge base, the solution will be derived from that data using a generic
reasoning mechanism.
Unlike traditional programs, you don't just program an ES and consider it `built'. It
grows as you add new knowledge. Once framework is made, addition of
knowledge dictates growth of ES.
5.10 People involved in an expert system project
The main people involved in an ES development project are the domain expert,
the knowledge engineer and the end user.
Domain Expert
A domain expert is `A person who posses the skill and knowledge to solve a
specific problem in a manner superior to others' (Durkin). For our purposes, an
expert should have expert knowledge in the given domain, good communication
skills, availability and readiness to co-operate.
Knowledge Engineer
A knowledge engineer is `a person who designs, builds and tests an Expert
System' (Durkin). A knowledge engineer plays a key role in identifying, acquiring
and encoding knowledge.
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The end users are the people who will use the expert system. Correctness,
usability and clarity are important ES features for an end user.
5.11 Inference mechanisms
In the examples we have looked at so far, we have looked informally at how the
inference engine adds new facts to the working memory. We can see that many
different sequences for matching are possible and that we can have multiple
strategies for inferring new information, depending upon our goal. If we want to
look for a specific fact, it makes no sense to add all possible facts to the working
memory. In other cases, we might actually need to know all possible facts about
the situation. Guided by this intuition, we have two formal inference mechanisms;
forward and backward chaining.
Forward Chaining
Let's look at how a doctor goes about diagnosing a patient. He asks the patient
for symptoms and then infers diagnosis from symptoms. Forward chaining is
based on the same idea. It is an "inference strategy that begins with a set of
known facts, derives new facts using rules whose premises match the known
facts, and continues this process until a goal sate is reached or until no further
rules have premises that match the known or derived facts" (Durkin). As you will
come to appreciate shortly, it is a data-driven approach.
1. Add facts to working memory (WM)
2. Take each rule in turn and check to see if any of its premises match the
facts in the WM
3. When matches found for all premises of a rule, place the conclusion of the
rule in WM.
4. Repeat this process until no more facts can be added. Each repetition of
the process is called a pass.
We will demonstrate forward chaining using an example.
Doctor example (forward chaining)
Rule 1
The patient has deep cough
We suspect an infection
The patient has Pneumonia
Rule 2
The patient's temperature is above 100
Patient has fever
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Rule 3
The patient has been sick for over a fortnight
The patient has a fever
We suspect an infection
Case facts
Patients temperature= 103
Patient has been sick for over a month
Patient has violent coughing fits
First Pass
Rule, premise
Working Memory
1, 1
Temp= 103
Deep cough
Sick for a month
Coughing fits
1, 2
Temp= 103
Suspect infection
Sick for a month
Coughing fits
2, 1
True, fire rule
Temp= 103
Sick for a month
Coughing fits
Patient has fever
Second Pass
Rule, premise
Working Memory
1, 1
Temp= 103
Sick for a month
Deep cough
Coughing fits
Patient has fever
1, 2
Temp= 103
Suspect infection
Sick for a month
Coughing fits
Patient has fever
3, 1
Temp= 103
Sick for over fortnight
Sick for a month
Coughing fits
Patient has fever
3, 2
True, fire
Temp= 103
Patient has fever
Sick for a month
Coughing fits
Patient has fever
Third Pass
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Rule, premise
Working Memory
1, 1
Temp= 103
Sick for a month
Deep cough
Coughing fits
Patient has fever
1, 2
True, fire
Temp= 103
Suspect infection
Sick for a month
Coughing fits
Patient has fever
Now, no more facts can be added to the WM. Diagnosis: Patient has Pneumonia.
Issues in forward chaining
Undirected search
There is an important observation to be made about forward chaining. The
forward chaining inference engine infers all possible facts from the given facts. It
has no way of distinguishing between important and unimportant facts. Therefore,
equal time spent on trivial evidence as well as crucial facts. This is draw back of
this approach and we will see in the coming section how to overcome this.
Conflict resolution
Another important issue is conflict resolution. This is the question of what to do
when the premises of two rules match the given facts. Which should be fired
first? If we fire both, they may add conflicting facts, e.g.
IF you are bored
AND you have no cash
THEN go to a friend's place
IF you are bored
AND you have a credit card
THEN go watch a movie
If both rules are fired, you will add conflicting recommendations to the working
Conflict resolution strategies
To overcome the conflict problem stated above, we may choose to use on of the
following conflict resolution strategies:
Fire first rule in sequence (rule ordering in list). Using this strategy all the
rules in the list are ordered (the ordering imposes prioritization). When
more than one rule matches, we simply fire the first in the sequence
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Assign rule priorities (rule ordering by importance). Using this approach we
assign explicit priorities to rules to allow conflict resolution.
More specific rules (more premises) are preferred over general rules. This
strategy is based on the observation that a rule with more premises, in a
sense, more evidence or votes from its premises, therefore it should be
fired in preference to a rule that has less premises.
Prefer rules whose premises were added more recently to WM (time-
stamping). This allows prioritizing recently added facts over older facts.
Parallel Strategy (view-points). Using this strategy, we do not actually
resolve the conflict by selecting one rule to fire. Instead, we branch out our
execution into a tree, with each branch operation in parallel on multiple
threads of reasoning. This allows us to maintain multiple view-points on
the argument concurrently
Backward chaining
Backward chaining is an inference strategy that works backward from a
hypothesis to a proof. You begin with a hypothesis about what the situation might
be. Then you prove it using given facts, e.g. a doctor may suspect some disease
and proceed by inspection of symptoms. In backward chaining terminology, the
hypothesis to prove is called the goal.
1. Start with the goal.
2. Goal may be in WM initially, so check and you are done if found!
3. If not, then search for goal in the THEN part of the rules (match
conclusions, rather than premises). This type of rule is called goal rule.
4. Check to see if the goal rule's premises are listed in the working memory.
5. Premises not listed become sub-goals to prove.
6. Process continues in a recursive fashion until a premise is found that is
not supported by a rule, i.e. a premise is called a primitive, if it cannot be
concluded by any rule
7. When a primitive is found, ask user for information about it. Back track and
use this information to prove sub-goals and subsequently the goal.
As you look at the example for backward chaining below, notice how the
approach of backward chaining is like depth first search.
Backward chaining example
Consider the same example of doctor and patient that we looked at previously
Artificial Intelligence (CS607)
Rule 1
The patient has deep cough
We suspect an infection
The patient has Pneumonia
Rule 2
The patient's temperature is above 100
Patient has fever
Rule 3
The patient has been sick for over a fortnight
The patient has fever
We suspect an infection
Patient has Pneumonia
Working Memory
Goal: Patient has pneumonia. Not in working
Find rules with goal in conclusion:
Rule 1
See if rule 1, premise 1 is known, "the patient
has a deep cough
Find rules with this statement in conclusion. Deep cough
No rule found. "The patient has a deep
cough"  is  a  primitive.  Prompt  patient.
Response: Yes.
See if rule 1, premise 2 is known, "We Deep cough
suspect an infection"
This is in conclusion of rule 3. See if rule 3, Deep cough
premise 1 is known, "The patient has been
sick for over a fortnight"
This is a primitive. Prompt patient. Response: Deep cough
Sick over a month
See if rule 3, premise 2 is known, "The Deep cough
patient has a fever"
Sick over a month
This is conclusion of rule 2. See if rule 2, Deep cough
premise  1  is  known,  "Then  patients Sick over a month
temperature is above 100"
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This is a primitive. Prompt patient. Response: Deep cough
Yes. Fire Rule
Sick over a month
Rule 3 fires
Deep cough
Sick over a month
Rule 1 fires
Deep cough
Sick over a month
Forward vs. backward chaining
The exploration of knowledge has different mechanisms in forward and backward
chaining. Backward chaining is more focused and tries to avoid exploring
unnecessary paths of reasoning. Forward chaining, on the other hand is like an
exhaustive search.
In the figures below, each node represents a statement. Forward chaining starts
with several facts in the working memory. It uses rules to generate more facts. In
the end, several facts have been added, amongst which one or more may be
relevant. Backward chaining however, starts with the goal state and tries to reach
down to all primitive nodes (marked by `?'), where information is sought from the
Figure: Forward chaining
Figure: Backward Chaining
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5.12 Design of expert systems
We will now look at software engineering methodology for developing practical
ES. The general stages of the expert system development lifecycle or ESDLC are
Feasibility study
Rapid prototyping
Alpha system (in-house verification)
Beta system (tested by users)
Maintenance and evolution
Linear model
The Linear model (Bochsler 88) of software development has been successfully
used in developing expert systems. A linear sequence of steps is applied
repeatedly in an iterative fashion to develop the ES. The main phases of the
linear sequence are
Knowledge acquisition and analysis
Knowledge design
Knowledge verification
System evaluation
Encoding of knowledge
Using a development
Product evaluation by
Formal in-house testing
Figure: Linear Model for ES development
Planning phase
This phase involves the following steps
Feasibility assessment
Resource allocation
Task phasing and scheduling
Requirements analysis
Knowledge acquisition
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This is the most important stage in the development of ES. During this stage the
knowledge engineer works with the domain expert to acquire, organize and
analyze the domain knowledge for the ES. `Knowledge acquisition is the
bottleneck in the construction of expert systems' (Hayes-Roth et al.). The main
steps in this phase are
Knowledge acquisition from expert
Define knowledge acquisition strategy (consider various options)
Identify concrete knowledge elements
Group and classify knowledge. Develop hierarchical representation where
Identify knowledge source, i.e. expert in the domain
o Identify potential sources (human expert, expert handbooks/
manuals), e.g. car mechanic expert system's knowledge engineer
may chose a mix of interviewing an expert mechanic and using a
mechanics trouble-shooting manual.
Tip: Limit the number of knowledge sources (experts) for simple
domains to avoid scheduling and view conflicts. However, a single
expert approach may only be applicable to restricted small
o Rank by importance
o Rank by availability
o Select expert/panel of experts
o If more than one expert has to be consulted, consider a blackboard
system, where more than one knowledge source (kept partitioned),
interact through an interface called a Blackboard
Knowledge acquisition techniques
Knowledge elicitation by interview
Brainstorming session with one or more experts. Try to introduce some
structure to this session by defining the problem at hand, prompting for
ideas and looking for converging lines of thought.
Electronic brainstorming
On-site observation
Documented organizational expertise, e.g. troubleshooting manuals
Knowledge elicitation
Getting knowledge from the expert is called knowledge elicitation vs. the broader
term knowledge acquisition. Elicitation methods may be broadly divided into:
Direct Methods
o Interviews
Very good at initial stages
Reach a balance between structured (multiple choice, rating
scale) and un-structured interviewing.
Record interviews (transcribe or tape)
Mix of open and close ended questions
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o Informal discussions (gently control digression, but do not offend
expert by frequent interruption)
Indirect methods
o Questionnaire
Problems that may be faced and have to be overcome during elicitation include
Expert may not be able to effectively articulate his/her knowledge.
Expert may not provide relevant information.
Expert may provide incomplete knowledge
Expert may provide inconsistent or incorrect knowledge
Knowledge analysis
The goal of knowledge analysis is to analyze and structure the knowledge gained
during the knowledge acquisition phase. The key steps to be followed during this
stage are
Identify specific knowledge elements, at the level of concepts, entities, etc.
From the notes taken during the interview sessions, extract specific
o Identify strategies (as a list of points)
o Translate strategies to rules
o Identify heuristics
o Identify concepts
o Represent concepts and their relationships using some visual
mechanism like cognitive maps
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Figure: Cognitive Map example
The example cognitive map for the domain of medicine shows entities and their
relationships. Concepts and sub-concepts are identified and grouped together to
understand the structure of the knowledge better. Cognitive maps are usually
used to represent static entities.
Inference networks
Inference networks encode the knowledge of rules and strategies.
Diagnosis is
Blood test shows
low hemoglobin
indicate anemia
Feeling Listless
Inner surface of
Consistent Low
eyes lids pale
Blood Pressure
Figure: Inference Network Example
Flow charts also capture knowledge of strategies. They may be used to represent
a sequence of steps that depict the order of application of rule sets. Try making a
flow chart that depicts the following strategy. The doctor begins by asking
symptoms. If they are not indicative of some disease the doctor will not ask for
specific tests. If it is symptomatic of two or three potential diseases, the doctor
decides which disease to check for first and rules out potential diagnoses in some
Artificial Intelligence (CS607)
Knowledge design
After knowledge analysis is done, we enter the knowledge design phase. At the
end of this phase, we have
Knowledge definition
Detailed design
Decision of how to represent knowledge
o Rules and Logic
o Frames
Decision of a development tool. Consider whether it supports your planned
Internal fact structure
Mock interface
This phase occupies the least time in the ESDLC. It involves coding, preparing
test cases, commenting code, developing user's manual and installation guide. At
the end of this phase the system is ready to be tested.
We will now look at a tool for expert system development. CLIPS stands for C
Language Integrated Production System. CLIPS is an expert system tool which
provides a complete environment for the construction of rule and object based
expert  systems.Download  CLIPS  for  windows  (CLIPSWin.zip)  from:
http://www.ghg.net/clips/download/executables/pc/. Also download the complete
The guides that you download will provide comprehensive guidance on
programming using CLIP. Here are some of the basics to get you started
Entering and Exiting CLIPS
When you start executable, you will see prompt
Commands can be entered here
To leave CLIPS, enter
All commands use ( ) as delimiters, i.e. all commands are enclosed in brackets.
A simple command example for adding numbers
CLIPS> (+ 3 4)
Artificial Intelligence (CS607)
Fields are the main types of fields/tokens that can be used with clips. They can
Numeric fields: consist of sign, value and exponent
o Float .e.g. 3.5e-10
o Integer e.g. -1 , 3
Symbol: ASCII characters, ends with delimiter. e.g. family
String: Begins and ends with double quotation marks, "Ali is Ahmed's
Remember that CLIPS is case sensitive
The Deftemplate construct
Before facts can be added, we have to define the format for our relations.Each
relation consists of: relation name, zero or more slots (arguments of the relation)
The Deftemplate construct defines a relation's structure
(deftemplate <relation-name> [<optional comment>] <slot-definition>
CLIPS> ( deftemplate father "Relation father"
(slot fathersName)
(slot sonsName) )
Adding facts
Facts are added in the predicate format. The deftemplate construct is used to
inform CLIPS of the structure of facts. The set of all known facts is called the fact
list. To add facts to the fact list, use the assert command, e.g.
Facts to add:
father(ahmed, belal)
brother(ahmed, chand)
CLIPS> (assert ( man ( name "Ahmed" ) ) )
CLIPS>(assert ( father ( fathersName "Ahmed") (sonsName "Belal") ) )
Viewing fact list
After adding facts, you can see the fact list using command: (facts). You will see
that a fact index is assigned to each fact, starting with 0. For long fact lists, use
the format
(facts [<start> [<end>]])
For example:
(facts 1 10) lists fact numbers 1 through 10
Removing facts
The retract command is used to remove or retract facts. For example:
(retract 1) removes fact 1
Artificial Intelligence (CS607)
(retract 1 3) removes fact 1 and 3
Modifying and duplicating facts
We add a fact:
CLIPS>(assert ( father ( fathersName "Ahmed") (sonsName "Belal") ) )
To modify the fathers name slot, enter the following:
CLIPS> (modify 2 ( fathersName "Ali Ahmed"))
Notice that a new index is assigned to the modified fact
To duplicate a fact, enter:
CLIPS> (duplicate 2 (name "name") )
The WATCH command
The WATCH command is used for debugging programs. It is used to view the
assertion and modification of facts. The command is
CLIPS> (watch facts)
After entering this command, for subsequent commands, the whole sequence of
events will be shown. To turn off this option, use:
(unwatch facts)
The DEFFACTS construct
These are a set of facts that are automatically asserted when the (reset)
command is used, to set the working memory to its initial state. For example:
CLIPS> (deffacts myFacts "My known facts
( man ( name "Ahmed" ) )
(sonsName "Belal") ) )
The Components of a rule
The Defrule construct is used to add rules. Before using a rule the component
facts need to be defined. For example, if we have the rule
IF Ali is Ahmed's father
THEN Ahmed is Ali's son
We enter this into CLIPS using the following construct:
;Rule header
(defrule isSon "An example rule"
Artificial Intelligence (CS607)
; Patterns
(father (fathersName "ali") (sonsName "ahmed")
(assert (son (sonsName "ahmed") (fathersName "ali")))
CLIPS attempts to match the pattern of the rules against the facts in the fact list.
If all patterns of a rule match, the rule is activated, i.e. placed on the agenda.
Agenda driven control and execution
The agenda is the list of activated rules. We use the run command to run the
agenda. Running the agenda causes the rules in the agenda to be fired.
Displaying the agenda
To display the set of rules on the agenda, enter the command
Watching activations and rules
You can watch activations in the agenda by entering
(watch activations)
You can watch rules firing using
(watch rules)
All subsequent activations and firings will be shown until you turn the watch off
using the unwatch command.
Clearing all constructs
(clear) clears the working memory
The PRINTOUT command
Instead of asserting facts in a rule, you can print out messages using
(printout t "Ali is Ahmed's son" crlf)
The SET-BREAK command
This is a debugging command that allows execution of an agenda to halt at a
specified rule (breakpoint)
(set-break isSon)
Once execution stops, run is used to resume it again.
Artificial Intelligence (CS607)
(remove-break isSon) is used to remove the specified breakpoint.
Use (show-breaks) to view all breakpoints.
Loading and saving constructs
Commands cannot be loaded from a file; they have to be entered at the
command prompt. However constructs like deftemplate, deffacts and defrules
can be loaded from a file that has been saved using .clp extension. The
command to load the file is:
(load "filename.clp")
You can write out constructs in file editor, save and load. Also (save
"filename.clp") saves all constructs currently loaded in CLIPS to the specified file.
Pattern matching
Variables in CLIPS are preceded by ?, e.g.
Variables are used on left hand side of a rule. They are bound to different values
and once bound may be referenced on the right hand side of a rule. Multi-field
wildcard variables may be bound to one or more field of a pattern. They are
preceded by $? e.g. $?name will match to entire name(last, middle and first)
Below are some examples to help you see the above concept in practice:
Example 1
;This is a comment, anything after a semicolon is a comment
;Define initial facts
(deffacts startup (animal dog) (animal cat) (animal duck) (animal turtle)(animal horse) (warm-
blooded dog) (warm-blooded cat) (warm-blooded duck) (lays-eggs duck) (lays-eggs turtle) (child-
of dog puppy) (child-of cat kitten) (child-of turtle hatchling))
;Define a rule that prints animal names
(defrule animal (animal ?x) => (printout t "animal found: " ?x crlf))
;Define a rule that identifies mammals
(defrule mammal
(animal ?name)
(warm-blooded ?name)
(not (lays-eggs ?name))
(assert (mammal ?name))
(printout t ?name " is a mammal" crlf))
;Define a rule that adds mammals
(defrule mammal2
(mammal ?name)
(child-of ?name ?young)
(assert (mammal ?young))
(printout t ?young " is a mammal" crlf))
Artificial Intelligence (CS607)
;Define a rule that removes mammals from fact list
;(defrule remove-mammals
; ?fact <- (mammal ?)
; =>
; (printout t "retracting " ?fact crlf)
; (retract ?fact))
;Define rule that adds child's name after asking user
(defrule what-is-child
(animal ?name)
(not (child-of ?name ?))
(printout t "What do you call the child of a " ?name "?")
(assert (child-of ?name (read))))
Example 2
;OR example
;note: CLIPS operators use prefix notation
(deffacts startup (weather raining))
(defrule take-umbrella
(or (weather raining)
(weather snowing))
(assert (umbrella required)))
These two are very basic examples. You will find many examples in the CLIPS
documentation that you download. Try out these examples.
Below is the code for the case study we discussed in the lectures, for the
automobile diagnosis problem discussion that is given in Durkin's book. This is an
implementation of the solution. (The solution is presented by Durkin as rules in
your book).
;Helper functions for asking user questions
(deffunction ask-question (?question $?allowed-values)
(printout t ?question)
(bind ?answer (readline))
(while (and (not (member ?answer ?allowed-values)) (not(eq ?answer "q"))) do
(printout t ?question)
(bind ?answer (readline)))
(if (eq ?answer "q")
then (clear))
(deffunction yes-or-no-p (?question)
(bind ?response (ask-question ?question "yes" "no" "y" "n"))
(if (or (eq ?response "yes") (eq ?response "y"))
then TRUE
else FALSE))
;startup rule
Artificial Intelligence (CS607)
(deffacts startup (task begin))
(defrule startDiagnosis
?fact <- (task begin)
(retract ?fact)
(assert (task test_cranking_system))
(printout t "Auto Diagnostic Expert System" crlf)
;Test Display Rules
(defrule testTheCrankingSystem
?fact <- (task test_cranking_system)
(printout t "Cranking System Test" crlf)
(printout t "--------------------" crlf)
(printout t "I want to first check out the major components of the cranking system. This
includes such items as the battery, cables, ignition switch and starter. Usually, when a car does
not start the problem can be found with one of  these components" crlf)
(printout t "Steps: Please turn on the ignition switch to energize the starting motor" crlf)
(bind ?response
(ask-question "How does your engine turn: (slowly or not at all/normal)? "
"slowly or not at all" "normal") )
(assert(engine_turns ?response))
(defrule testTheBatteryConnection
?fact <- (task test_battery_connection)
(printout t "Battery Connection Test" crlf)
(printout t "-----------------------" crlf)
(printout t "I next want to see if the battery connections are good. Often, a bad connection
will appear like a bad battery" crlf)
(printout t "Steps: Insert a screwdriver between the battery post and the cable clamp.
Then turn the headlights on high beam and observe the lights as the screwdriver is twisted." crlf)
(bind ?response
(ask-question "What happens to the lights: (brighten/don't brighten/not on)? "
"brighten" "don't brighten" "not on") )
(assert(screwdriver_test_shows_that_lights ?response))
(defrule testTheBattery
?fact <- (task test_battery)
(printout t "Battery Test" crlf)
(printout t "------------" crlf)
(printout t "The state of the battery can be checked with a hydrometer. This is a good test
to determine the amount of charge in the battery and is better than a simple voltage
measurement" crlf)
(printout t "Steps: Please test each battery cell with the hydrometer and note each cell's
specific gravity reading." crlf)
(bind ?response
(ask-question "Do all cells have a reading above 1.2: (yes/no)? "
"yes" "no" "y" "n") )
(assert(battery_hydrometer_reading_good ?response))
(defrule testTheStartingSystem
Artificial Intelligence (CS607)
?fact <- (task test_starting_system)
(printout t "Starting System Test" crlf)
(printout t "--------------------" crlf)
(printout t "Since the battery looks good, I want to next test the starter and solenoid" crlf)
(printout t "Steps: Please connect a jumper from the battery post of the solenoid to the
starter post of hte solenoid. Then turn the ignition key." crlf)
(bind ?response
(ask-question "What happens after you make this connection and turn the key:
(engine turns normally/starter buzzes/engine turns slowly/nothing)? "
"engine turns normally" "starter buzzes" "engine turns slowly" "nothing" ))
(assert(starter ?response))
(defrule testTheStarterOnBench
?fact <- (task test_starter_on_bench)
(bind ?response
(ask-question "Check your starter on bench: (meets specifications/doesn't meet
specifications)? "
"meets specifications" "doesn't meet specifications") )
(assert(starter_on_bench ?response))
(defrule testTheIgnitionOverrideSwitch
?fact <- (task test_ignition_override_switches)
(bind ?response