
A: Passing & Returning Objects:Aliasing, Making local copies, Cloning objects

<< Distributed Computing:Network programming, Servlets, CORBA, Enterprise JavaBeans
B: The Java Native Interface (JNI):Calling a native method, the JNIEnv argument >>
new NameComponent("ExactTime", "");
NameComponent[] path = { nc };
ncRef.rebind(path, timeServerObjRef);
// Wait for client requests:
java.lang.Object sync =
new java.lang.Object();
} ///:~
As you can see, implementing the server object is simple; it's a regular
Java class that inherits from the skeleton code generated by the IDL
compiler. Things get a bit more complicated when it comes to interacting
with the ORB and other CORBA services.
Some CORBA services
This is a short description of what the JavaIDL-related code is doing
(primarily ignoring the part of the CORBA code that is vendor
dependent). The first line in main( ) starts up the ORB, and of course,
this is because our server object will need to interact with it. Right after
the ORB initialization, a server object is created. Actually, the right term
would be a transient servant object: an object that receives requests from
clients, and whose lifetime is the same as the process that creates it. Once
the transient servant object is created, it is registered with the ORB, which
means that the ORB knows of its existence and can now forward requests
to it.
Up to this point, all we have is timeServerObjRef, an object reference
that is known only inside the current server process. The next step will be
to assign a stringified name to this servant object; clients will use that
name to locate the servant object. We accomplish this operation using the
Naming Service. First, we need an object reference to the Naming Service;
the call to resolve_initial_references( ) takes the stringified object
reference of the Naming Service that is "NameService," in JavaIDL, and
returns an object reference. This is cast to a specific NamingContext
reference using the narrow( ) method. We can use now the naming
Thinking in Java
To bind the servant object with a stringified object reference, we first
create a NameComponent object, initialized with "ExactTime," the
name string we want to bind to the servant object. Then, using the
rebind( ) method, the stringified reference is bound to the object
reference. We use rebind( ) to assign a reference, even if it already exists,
whereas bind( ) raises an exception if the reference already exists. A
name is made up in CORBA by a sequence of NameContexts--that's why
we use an array to bind the name to the object reference.
The servant object is finally ready for use by clients. At this point, the
server process enters a wait state. Again, this is because it is a transient
servant, so its lifetime is confined to the server process. JavaIDL does not
currently support persistent objects--objects that survive the execution of
the process that creates them.
Now that we have an idea of what the server code is doing, let's look at the
client code:
//: c15:corba:RemoteTimeClient.java
import remotetime.*;
import org.omg.CosNaming.*;
import org.omg.CORBA.*;
public class RemoteTimeClient {
// Throw exceptions to console:
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception {
// ORB creation and initialization:
ORB orb = ORB.init(args, null);
// Get the root naming context:
org.omg.CORBA.Object objRef =
NamingContext ncRef =
// Get (resolve) the stringified object
// reference for the time server:
NameComponent nc =
new NameComponent("ExactTime", "");
NameComponent[] path = { nc };
ExactTime timeObjRef =
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
// Make requests to the server object:
String exactTime = timeObjRef.getTime();
} ///:~
The first few lines do the same as they do in the server process: the ORB is
initialized and a reference to the naming service server is resolved. Next,
we need an object reference for the servant object, so we pass the
stringified object reference to the resolve( ) method, and we cast the
result into an ExactTime interface reference using the narrow( )
method. Finally, we call getTime( ).
Activating the name service process
Finally we have a server and a client application ready to interoperate.
You've seen that both need the naming service to bind and resolve
stringified object references. You must start the naming service process
before running either the server or the client. In JavaIDL, the naming
service is a Java application that comes with the product package, but it
can be different with other products. The JavaIDL naming service runs
inside an instance of the JVM and listens by default to network port 900.
Activating the server and the client
Now you are ready to start your server and client application (in this
order, since our server is transient). If everything is set up correctly, what
you'll get is a single output line on the client console window, giving you
the current time. Of course, this might be not very exciting by itself, but
you should take one thing into account: even if they are on the same
physical machine, the client and the server application are running inside
different virtual machines and they can communicate via an underlying
integration layer, the ORB and the Naming Service.
This is a simple example, designed to work without a network, but an
ORB is usually configured for location transparency. When the server and
the client are on different machines, the ORB can resolve remote
stringified references using a component known as the Implementation
Thinking in Java
Repository. Although the Implementation Repository is part of CORBA,
there is almost no specification, so it differs from vendor to vendor.
As you can see, there is much more to CORBA than what has been covered
here, but you should get the basic idea. If you want more information
about CORBA, the place to start is the OMG Web site, at www.omg.org.
There you'll find documentation, white papers, proceedings, and
references to other CORBA sources and products.
Java Applets and CORBA
Java applets can act as CORBA clients. This way, an applet can access
remote information and services exposed as CORBA objects. But an
applet can connect only with the server from which it was downloaded, so
all the CORBA objects the applet interacts with must be on that server.
This is the opposite of what CORBA tries to do: give you complete location
This is an issue of network security. If you're on an intranet, one solution
is to loosen the security restrictions on the browser. Or, set up a firewall
policy for connecting with external servers.
Some Java ORB products offer proprietary solutions to this problem. For
example, some implement what is called HTTP Tunneling, while others
have their special firewall features.
This is too complex a topic to be covered in an appendix, but it is
definitely something you should be aware of.
You saw that one of the main CORBA features is RPC support, which
allows your local objects to call methods in remote objects. Of course,
there already is a native Java feature that does exactly the same thing:
RMI (see Chapter 15). While RMI makes RPC possible between Java
objects, CORBA makes RPC possible between objects implemented in any
language. It's a big difference.
However, RMI can be used to call services on remote, non-Java code. All
you need is some kind of wrapper Java object around the non-Java code
on the server side. The wrapper object connects externally to Java clients
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
via RMI, and internally connects to the non-Java code using one of the
techniques shown above, such as JNI or J/Direct.
This approach requires you to write a kind of integration layer, which is
exactly what CORBA does for you, but then you don't need a third-party
Enterprise JavaBeans
Suppose6 you need to develop a multi-tiered application to view and
update records in a database through a Web interface. You can write a
database application using JDBC, a Web interface using JSP/servlets, and
a distributed system using CORBA/RMI. But what extra considerations
must you make when developing a distributed object system rather than
just knowing API's? Here are the issues:
Performance: The distributed objects you create must perform well, as
they could potentially service many clients at a time. You'll need to use
optimization techniques such as caching as well as pooling resources like
database connections. You'll also have to manage the lifecycle of your
distributed objects.
Scalability: The distributed objects must also be scalable. Scalability in
a distributed application means that the number of instances of your
distributed objects can be increased and moved onto additional machines
without modifying any code.
Security: A distributed object must often manage the authorization of
the clients that access it. Ideally, you can add new users and roles to it
without recompilation.
Distributed Transactions: A distributed object should be able to
reference distributed transactions transparently. For example, if you are
working with two separated databases, you should be able to update them
simultaneously within the same transaction and roll them both back if a
certain criteria is not met.
6 This section was contributed by Robert Castaneda, with help from Dave Bartlett.
Thinking in Java
Reusability: The ideal distributed object can be effortlessly moved onto
another vendors' application server. It would be nice if you could resell a
distributed object component without making special modifications, or
buy someone else's component and use it without having to recompile or
rewrite it.
Availability: If one of the machines in the system goes down, clients
should automatically fail-over to backup copies of the objects running on
other machines.
These considerations, in addition the business problem that you set out to
solve, can make for a daunting development project. However, all the
issues except for your business problem are redundant--solutions must be
reinvented for every distributed business application.
Sun, along with other leading distributed object vendors, realized that
sooner or later every development team would be reinventing these
particular solutions, so they created the Enterprise JavaBeans
specification (EJB). EJB describes a server-side component model that
tackles all of the considerations mentioned above using a standard
approach that allows developers to create business components called
EJBs that are isolated from low-level "plumbing" code and that focus
solely on providing business logic. Because EJB's are defined in a
standard way, they can vendor independent.
JavaBeans vs. EJBs
Because of the similarity in names, there is much confusion about the
relationship between the JavaBeans component model and the Enterprise
JavaBeans specification. While both the JavaBeans and Enterprise
JavaBeans specifications share the same objectives in promoting reuse
and portability of Java code between development and deployment tools
with the use of standard design patterns, the motives behind each
specification are geared to solve different problems.
The standards defined in the JavaBeans component model are designed
for creating reusable components that are typically used in IDE
development tools and are commonly, although not exclusively, visual
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification defines a component model for
developing server side java code. Because EJBs can potentially run on
many different server-side platforms--including mainframes that do not
have visual displays--An EJB cannot make use of graphical libraries such
as AWT or Swing.
The EJB specification
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification describes a server-side
component model. It defines six roles that are used to perform the tasks
in development and deployment as well as defining the components of the
system. These roles are used in the development, deployment and
running of a distributed system. Vendors, administrators and developers
play the various roles, to allow the partitioning of technical and domain
knowledge. The vendor provides a technically sound framework and the
developers create domain-specific components; for example, an
"accounting" component. The same party can perform one or many roles.
The roles defined in the EJB specification are summarized in the
following table:
Enterprise Bean
The developer responsible for creating reusable
EJB components. These components are
packaged into a special jar file (ejb-jar file).
Creates and assembles applications from a
collection of ejb-jar files. This includes writing
applications that utilize the collection of EJBs
(e.g., servlets, JSP, Swing etc. etc.).
Takes the collection of ejb-jar files from the
Assembler and/or Bean Provider and deploys
them into a run-time environment: one or more
EJB Containers.
Provides a run-time environment and tools that
are used to deploy, administer, and run EJB
Manages the different components and services
so that they are configured and they interact
correctly, as well as ensuring that the system is
up and running.
Thinking in Java
EJB components
EJB components are elements of reusable business logic that adhere to
strict standards and design patterns as defined in the EJB specification.
This allows the components to be portable. It also allows other services--
such as security, caching and distributed transactions--to be performed
on behalf of the components. An Enterprise Bean Provider is responsible
for developing EJB components.
EJB Container & Server
The EJB Container is a run-time environment that contains and runs EJB
components and provides a set of standard services to those components.
The EJB Container's responsibilities are tightly defined by the
specification to allow for vendor neutrality. The EJB container provides
the low-level "plumbing" of EJB, including distributed transactions,
security, lifecycle management of beans, caching, threading and session
management. The EJB Container Provider is responsible for providing an
EJB Container.
An EJB Server is defined as an Application Server that contains and runs
one or more EJB Containers. The EJB Server Provider is responsible for
providing an EJB Server. You can generally assume that the EJB
Container and EJB Server are the same.
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is used in Enterprise
JavaBeans as the naming service for EJB Components on the network and
other container services such as transactions. JNDI maps very closely to
other naming and directory standards such as CORBA CosNaming and
can actually be implemeted as a wrapper on top of it.
Java Transaction API/Java Transaction
Service (JTA/JTS)
JTA/JTS is used in Enterprise JavaBeans as the transactional API. An
Enterprise Bean Provider can use the JTS to create transaction code,
although the EJB Container commonly implements transactions in EJB
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
on the EJB components' behalf. The deployer can define the transactional
attributes of an EJB component at deployment time. The EJB Container is
responsible for handling the transaction whether it is local or distributed.
The JTS specification is the Java mapping to the CORBA OTS (Object
Transaction Service)
The EJB specification defines interoperability with CORBA through
compatibility with CORBA protocols. This is achieved by mapping EJB
services such as JTS and JNDI to corresponding CORBA services and the
implementation of RMI on top of the CORBA protocol IIOP.
Use of CORBA and RMI/IIOP in Enterprise JavaBeans is implemented in
the EJB Container and is the responsibility of the EJB Container provider.
Use of CORBA and RMI/IIOP in the EJB Container is hidden from the
EJB Component itself. This means that the Enterprise Bean Provider can
write their EJB Component and deploy it into any EJB Container without
any regard of which communication protocol is being used.
The pieces of an EJB component
An EJB consists of a number of pieces, including the Bean itself, the
implementation of some interfaces, and an information file. Everything is
packaged together into a special jar file.
Enterprise Bean
The Enterprise Bean is a Java class that the Enterprise Bean Provider
develops. It implements an Enterprise Bean interface and provides the
implementation of the business methods that the component is to
perform. The class does not implement any authorization, authentication,
multithreading, or transactional code.
Home interface
Every Enterprise Bean that is created must have an associated Home
interface. The Home interface is used as a factory for your EJB. Clients
use the Home interface to find an instance of your EJB or create a new
instance of your EJB.
Thinking in Java
Remote interface
The Remote interface is a Java Interface that reflects the methods of your
Enterprise Bean that you wish to expose to the outside world. The Remote
interface plays a similar role to a CORBA IDL interface.
Deployment descriptor
The deployment descriptor is an XML file that contains information about
your EJB. Using XML allows the deployer to easily change attributes
about your EJB. The configurable attributes defined in the deployment
descriptor include:
The Home and Remote interface names that are required by your
The name to publish into JNDI for your EJBs Home interface
Transactional attributes for each method of your EJB
Access Control Lists for authentication
EJB-Jar file
The EJB-Jar file is a normal java jar file that contains your EJB, Home
and Remote interfaces, as well as the deployment descriptor.
EJB operation
Once you have an EJB-Jar file containing the Bean, the Home and
Remote interfaces, and the deployment descriptor, you can fit all of the
pieces together and in the process understand why the Home and Remote
interfaces are needed and how the EJB Container uses them.
The EJB Container implements the Home and Remote interfaces that are
in the EJB-Jar file. As mentioned earlier, the Home interface provides
methods to create and find your EJB. This means that the EJB Container
is responsible for the lifecycle management of your EJB. This level of
indirection allows for optimizations to occur. For example, 5 clients might
simultaneously request the creation of an EJB through a Home Interface,
and the EJB Container would respond by creating only one EJB and
sharing it between all 5 clients. This is achieved through the Remote
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
Interface, which is also implemented by the EJB Container. The
implemented Remote object plays the role of a proxy object to the EJB.
All calls to the EJB are `proxied' through the EJB Container via the Home
and Remote interfaces. This indirection is the reason why the EJB
container can control security and transactional behavior.
Types of EJBs
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification defines different types of EJBs
that have different characteristics and behaviors. Two categories of EJBs
have been defined in the specification: Session Beans and Entity Beans,
and each categoriy has variations.
Session Beans
Session Beans are used to represent Use-Cases or Workflow on behalf of a
client. They represent operations on persistent data, but not the persistent
data itself. There are two types of Session Beans, Stateless and Stateful.
All Session Beans must implement the javax.ejb.SessionBean
interface. The EJB Container governs the life of a Session Bean.
Stateless Session Beans are the simplest type of EJB component to
implement. They do not maintain any conversational state with clients
between method invocations so they are easily reusable on the server side
and because they can be cached, they scale well on demand. When using
Stateless Session Beans, all state must be stored outside of the EJB.
Stateful Session Beans maintain state between invocations. They have
a one-to-one logical mapping to a client and can maintain state within
themselves. The EJB Container is responsible for pooling and caching of
Stateful Session Beans, which is achieved through Passivation and
Activation. If the EJB Container crashes, data for all Stateful Session
Beans could be lost. Some high-end EJB Containers provide recovery for
Stateful Session Beans.
Entity Beans
Entity Beans are components that represent persistent data and behavior
of this data. Entity Beans can be shared among multiple clients, the same
way that data in a database can be shared. The EJB Container is
Thinking in Java
responsible for caching Entity Beans and for maintaining the integrity of
the Entity Beans. The life of an Entity Bean outlives the EJB Container, so
if an EJB Container crashes, the Entity Bean is still expected to be
available when the EJB Container again becomes available.
There are two types of Entity Beans: those with Container Managed
persistence and those with Bean-Managed persistence.
Container Managed Persistence (CMP). A CMP Entity Bean has its
persistence implemented on its behalf by the EJB Container. Through
attributes specified in the deployment descriptor, the EJB Container will
map the Entity Bean's attributes to some persistent store (usually--but
not always--a database). CMP reduces the development time for the EJB,
as well as dramatically reducing the amount of code required.
Bean Managed Persistence (BMP). A BMP Entity Bean has its
persistence implemented by the Enterprise Bean Provider. The Enterprise
Bean Provider is responsible for implementing the logic required to create
a new EJB, update some attributes of the EJBS, delete an EJB and find an
EJB from persistent store. This usually involves writing JDBC code to
interact with a database or other persistent store. With BMP, the
developer is in full control of how the Entity Bean persistence is managed.
BMP also gives flexibility where a CMP implementation may not be
available. For example, if you wanted to create an EJB that wrapped some
code on an existing mainframe system, you could write your persistence
using CORBA.
Developing an EJB
As an example, the "Perfect Time" example from the previous RMI section
will be implemented as an EJB component. The example will be a simple
Stateless Session Bean.
As mentioned earlier, EJB components consist of at least one class (the
EJB) and two interfaces: the Remote and Home interfaces. When you
create a Remote interface for an EJB , you must follow these guidelines:
The remote interface must be public.
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
The remote interface must extend the interface
Each method in the remote interface must declare
java.rmi.RemoteException in its throws clause in addition to
any application-specific exceptions.
Any object passed as an argument or return value (either directly or
embedded within a local object) must be a valid RMI-IIOP data
type (this includes other EJB objects).
Here is the simple remote interface for the PerfectTime EJB:
//: c15:ejb:PerfectTime.java
//# You must install the J2EE Java Enterprise
//# Edition from java.sun.com and add j2ee.jar
//# to your CLASSPATH in order to compile
//# this file. See details at java.sun.com.
// Remote Interface of PerfectTimeBean
import java.rmi.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
public interface PerfectTime extends EJBObject {
public long getPerfectTime()
throws RemoteException;
} ///:~
The Home interface is the factory where the component will be created. It
can define create methods, to create instances of EJBs, or finder methods,
which locate existing EJBs and are used for Entity Beans only. When you
create a Home interface for an EJB , you must follow these guidelines:
The Home interface must be public.
The Home interface must extend the interface
Each create method in the Home interface must declare
java.rmi.RemoteException in its throws clause as well as a
The return value of a create method must be a Remote Interface.
Thinking in Java
The return value of a finder method (Entity Beans only) must be a
Remote Interface or java.util.Enumeration or
Any object passed as an argument (either directly or embedded
within a local object) must be a valid RMI-IIOP data type (this
includes other EJB objects)
The standard naming convention for Home interfaces is to take the
Remote interface name and append "Home" to the end. Here is the Home
interface for the PerfectTime EJB:
//: c15:ejb:PerfectTimeHome.java
// Home Interface of PerfectTimeBean.
import java.rmi.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
public interface PerfectTimeHome extends EJBHome {
public PerfectTime create()
throws CreateException, RemoteException;
} ///:~
You can now implement the business logic. When you create your EJB
implementation class, you must follow these guidelines, (note that you
should consult the EJB specification for a complete list of guidelines when
developing Enterprise JavaBeans):
The class must be public.
The class must implement an EJB interface (either
javax.ejb.SessionBean or javax.ejb.EntityBean).
The class should define methods that map directly to the methods
in the Remote interface. Note that the class does not implement the
Remote interface; it mirrors the methods in the Remote interface
but does not throw java.rmi.RemoteException.
Define one or more ejbCreate( ) methods to initialize your EJB.
The return value and arguments of all methods must be valid RMI-
IIOP data types.
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
//: c15:ejb:PerfectTimeBean.java
// Simple Stateless Session Bean
// that returns current system time.
import java.rmi.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
public class PerfectTimeBean
implements SessionBean {
private SessionContext sessionContext;
//return current time
public long getPerfectTime() {
return System.currentTimeMillis();
// EJB methods
public void ejbCreate()
throws CreateException {}
public void ejbRemove() {}
public void ejbActivate() {}
public void ejbPassivate() {}
public void
setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) {
sessionContext = ctx;
Because this is a simple example, the EJB methods (ejbCreate( ),
ejbRemove( ), ejbActivate( ), ejbPassivate( ) ) are all empty. These
methods are invoked by the EJB Container and are used to control the
state of the component. The setSessionContext( ) method passes a
javax.ejb.SessionContext object which contains information about the
component's context, such as the current transaction and security
After we have created the Enterprise JavaBean, we then need to create a
deployment descriptor. The deployment descriptor is an XML file that
describes the EJB component. The deployment descriptor should be
stored in a file called ejb-jar.xml.
//:! c15:ejb:ejb-jar.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Cp1252"?>
Thinking in Java
<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems,
Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN'
<description>Example for Chapter 15</description>
You can see the Component, the Remote interface and the Home interface
defined inside the <session> tag of this deployment descriptor.
Deployment descriptors may be automatically generated using EJB
development tools.
Along with the standard ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor, the EJB
specification states that any vendor specific tags should be stored in a
separate file. This is to achieve high portability between components and
different brands of EJB containers.
The files must be archived inside a standard Java Archive (JAR) file. The
deployment descriptors should be placed inside the /META-INF sub-
directory of the Jar file.
Once the EJB component is defined in the deployment descriptor, the
deployer should then deploy the EJB component into the EJB Container.
At the time of this writing, the deployment process was quite "GUI
intensive" and specific to each individual EJB Container, so this overview
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
does not document that process. Every EJB Container, however will have
a documented process for deploying an EJB.
Because an EJB component is a distributed object, the deployment
process should also create some client stubs for calling the EJB
component. These classes should be placed on the classpath of the client
application. Because EJB components can be implemented on top of
RMI-IIOP (CORBA) or RMI-JRMP, the stubs generated could vary
between EJB Containers; nevertheless they are generated classes.
When a client program wishes to invoke an EJB, it must look up the EJB
component inside JNDI and obtain a reference to the home interface of
the EJB component. The Home interface is used to create an instance of
the EJB.
In this example the client program is a simple Java program, but you
should remember that it could just as easily be a servlet, a JSP or even a
CORBA or RMI distributed object.
//: c15:ejb:PerfectTimeClient.java
// Client program for PerfectTimeBean
public class PerfectTimeClient {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception {
// Get a JNDI context using
// the JNDI Naming service:
javax.naming.Context context =
new javax.naming.InitialContext();
// Look up the home interface in the
// JNDI Naming service:
Object ref = context.lookup("perfectTime");
// Cast the remote object to the home interface:
PerfectTimeHome home = (PerfectTimeHome)
ref, PerfectTimeHome.class);
// Create a remote object from the home interface:
PerfectTime pt = home.create();
// Invoke  getPerfectTime()
"Perfect Time EJB invoked, time is: " +
Thinking in Java
pt.getPerfectTime() );
} ///:~
The sequence of the example is explained in the comments. Note the use
of the narrow( ) method to perform a kind of casting of the object before
a Java cast is performed. This is very similar to what happens in CORBA.
Also note that the Home object becomes a factory for PerfectTime
EJB summary
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification is a dramatic step forward in the
standardization and simplification of distributed object computing. It is a
major piece of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform and is
receiving much support from the distributed object community. Many
tools are currently available or will be available in the near future to help
accelerate the development of EJB components.
This overview was only a brief tour of EJBs. For more information about
the EJB specification you should see the official Enterprise JavaBeans
home page at java.sun.com/products/ejb/, where you can download the
latest specification and the J2EE reference implementation. These can be
used to develop and deploy your own EJB components.
Jini: distributed services
This section7 gives an overview of Sun Microsystems's Jini technology. It
describes some Jini nuts and bolts and shows how Jini's architecture
helps to raise the level of abstraction in distributed systems programming,
effectively turning network programming into object-oriented
Jini in context
Traditionally, operating systems have been designed with the assumption
that a computer will have a processor, some memory, and a disk. When
7 This section was contributed by Bill Venners (www.artima.com).
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
you boot a computer, the first thing it does is look for a disk. If it doesn't
find a disk, it can't function as a computer. Increasingly, however,
computers are appearing in a different guise: as embedded devices that
have a processor, some memory, and a network connection--but no disk.
The first thing a cell phone does when you boot it up, for example, is look
for the telephone network. If it doesn't find the network, it can't function
as a cell phone. This trend in the hardware environment, from disk-
centric to network-centric, will affect how we organize the software--and
that's where Jini comes in.
Jini is an attempt to rethink computer architecture, given the rising
importance of the network and the proliferation of processors in devices
that have no disk drive. These devices, which will come from many
different vendors, will need to interact over a network. The network itself
will be very dynamic--devices and services will be added and removed
regularly. Jini provides mechanisms to enable smooth adding, removal,
and finding of devices and services on the network. In addition, Jini
provides a programming model that makes it easier for programmers to
get their devices talking to each other.
Building on top of Java, object serialization, and RMI (which together
enable objects to move around the network from virtual machine to
virtual machine) Jini attempts to extend the benefits of object-oriented
programming to the network. Instead of requiring device vendors to agree
on the network protocols through which their devices can interact, Jini
enables the devices to talk to each other through interfaces to objects.
What is Jini?
Jini is a set of APIs and network protocols that can help you build and
deploy distributed systems that are organized as federations of services. A
service can be anything that sits on the network and is ready to perform a
useful function. Hardware devices, software, communications channels--
even human users themselves--can be services. A Jini-enabled disk drive,
for example, could offer a "storage" service. A Jini-enabled printer could
offer a "printing" service. A federation of services, then, is a set of services,
currently available on the network, that a client (meaning a program,
service, or user) can bring together to help it accomplish some goal.
Thinking in Java
To perform a task, a client enlists the help of services. For example, a
client program might upload pictures from the image storage service in a
digital camera, download the pictures to a persistent storage service
offered by a disk drive, and send a page of thumbnail-sized versions of the
images to the printing service of a color printer. In this example, the client
program builds a distributed system consisting of itself, the image storage
service, the persistent storage service, and the color-printing service. The
client and services of this distributed system work together to perform the
task: to offload and store images from a digital camera and print a page of
The idea behind the word federation is that the Jini view of the network
doesn't involve a central controlling authority. Because no one service is
in charge, the set of all services available on the network form a
federation--a group composed of equal peers. Instead of a central
authority, Jini's run-time infrastructure merely provides a way for clients
and services to find each other (via a lookup service, which stores a
directory of currently available services). After services locate each other,
they are on their own. The client and its enlisted services perform their
task independently of the Jini run-time infrastructure. If the Jini lookup
service crashes, any distributed systems brought together via the lookup
service before it crashed can continue their work. Jini even includes a
network protocol that clients can use to find services in the absence of a
lookup service.
How Jini works
Jini defines a run-time infrastructure that resides on the network and
provides mechanisms that enable you to add, remove, locate, and access
services. The run-time infrastructure resides in three places: in lookup
services that sit on the network, in the service providers (such as Jini-
enabled devices), and in clients. Lookup services are the central
organizing mechanism for Jini-based systems. When new services become
available on the network, they register themselves with a lookup service.
When clients wish to locate a service to assist with some task, they consult
a lookup service.
The run-time infrastructure uses one network-level protocol, called
discovery, and two object-level protocols, called join and lookup.
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
Discovery enables clients and services to locate lookup services. Join
enables a service to register itself in a lookup service. Lookup enables a
client to query for services that can help accomplish its goals.
The discovery process
Discovery works like this: Imagine you have a Jini-enabled disk drive that
offers a persistent storage service. As soon as you connect the drive to the
network, it broadcasts a presence announcement by dropping a multicast
packet onto a well-known port. Included in the presence announcement is
an IP address and port number where the disk drive can be contacted by a
lookup service.
Lookup services monitor the well-known port for presence announcement
packets. When a lookup service receives a presence announcement, it
opens and inspects the packet. The packet contains information that
enables the lookup service to determine whether or not it should contact
the sender of the packet. If so, it contacts the sender directly by making a
TCP connection to the IP address and port number extracted from the
packet. Using RMI, the lookup service sends an object, called a service
registrar, across the network to the originator of the packet. The purpose
of the service registrar object is to facilitate further communication with
the lookup service. By invoking methods on this object, the sender of the
announcement packet can perform join and lookup on the lookup service.
In the case of the disk drive, the lookup service would make a TCP
connection to the disk drive and would send it a service registrar object,
through which the disk drive would then register its persistent storage
service via the join process.
The join process
Once a service provider has a service registrar object, the end product of
discovery, it is ready to do a join--to become part of the federation of
services that are registered in the lookup service. To do a join, the service
provider invokes the register( ) method on the service registrar object,
passing as a parameter an object called a service item, a bundle of objects
that describe the service. The register( ) method sends a copy of the
service item up to the lookup service, where the service item is stored.
Thinking in Java
Once this has completed, the service provider has finished the join
process: its service has become registered in the lookup service.
The service item is a container for several objects, including an object
called a service object, which clients can use to interact with the service.
The service item can also include any number of attributes, which can be
any object. Some potential attributes are icons, classes that provide GUIs
for the service, and objects that give more information about the service.
Service objects usually implement one or more interfaces through which
clients interact with the service. For example, a lookup service is a Jini
service, and its service object is the service registrar. The register( )
method invoked by service providers during join is declared in the
ServiceRegistrar interface (a member of the net.jini.core.lookup
package), which all service registrar objects implement. Clients and
service providers talk to the lookup service through the service registrar
object by invoking methods declared in the ServiceRegistrar interface.
Likewise, a disk drive would provide a service object that implemented
some well-known storage service interface. Clients would look up and
interact with the disk drive by this storage service interface.
The lookup process
Once a service has registered with a lookup service via the join process,
that service is available for use by clients who query that lookup service.
To build a distributed system of services that will work together to
perform some task, a client must locate and enlist the help of the
individual services. To find a service, clients query lookup services via a
process called lookup.
To perform a lookup, a client invokes the lookup( ) method on a service
registrar object. (A client, like a service provider, gets a service registrar
through the previously-described process of discovery.) The client passes
as an argument to lookup( ) a service template, an object that serves as
search criteria for the query. The service template can include a reference
to an array of Class objects. These Class objects indicate to the lookup
service the Java type (or types) of the service object desired by the client.
The service template can also include a service ID, which uniquely
identifies a service, and attributes, which must exactly match the
attributes uploaded by the service provider in the service item. The service
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
template can also contain wildcards for any of these fields. A wildcard in
the service ID field, for example, will match any service ID. The
lookup( ) method sends the service template to the lookup service,
which performs the query and sends back zero to any matching service
objects. The client gets a reference to the matching service objects as the
return value of the lookup( ) method.
In the general case, a client looks up a service by Java type, usually an
interface. For example, if a client needed to use a printer, it would
compose a service template that included a Class object for a well-known
interface to printer services. All printer services would implement this
well-known interface. The lookup service would return a service object (or
objects) that implemented this interface. Attributes can be included in the
service template to narrow the number of matches for such a type-based
search. The client would use the printer service by invoking methods from
the well-known printer service interface on the service object.
Separation of interface and
Jini's architecture brings object-oriented programming to the network by
enabling network services to take advantage of one of the fundamentals of
objects: the separation of interface and implementation. For example, a
service object can grant clients access to the service in many ways. The
object can actually represent the entire service, which is downloaded to
the client during lookup and then executed locally. Alternatively, the
service object can serve merely as a proxy to a remote server. Then when
the client invokes methods on the service object, it sends the requests
across the network to the server, which does the real work. A third option
is for the local service object and a remote server to each do part of the
One important consequence of Jini's architecture is that the network
protocol used to communicate between a proxy service object and a
remote server does not need to be known to the client. As illustrated in
the figure below, the network protocol is part of the service's
implementation. This protocol is a private matter decided upon by the
developer of the service. The client can communicate with the service via
Thinking in Java
this private protocol because the service injects some of its own code (the
service object) into the client's address space. The injected service object
could communicate with the service via RMI, CORBA, DCOM, some
home-brewed protocol built on top of sockets and streams, or anything
else. The client simply doesn't need to care about network protocols,
because it can talk to the well-known interface that the service object
implements. The service object takes care of any necessary
communication on the network.
"Well-known" interface
Service object
The client talks to the service through a well-known interface
Different implementations of the same service interface can use
completely different approaches and network protocols. A service can use
specialized hardware to fulfill client requests, or it can do all its work in
software. In fact, the implementation approach taken by a single service
can evolve over time. The client can be sure it has a service object that
understands the current implementation of the service, because the client
receives the service object (by way of the lookup service) from the service
provider itself. To the client, a service looks like the well-known interface,
regardless of how the service is implemented.
Abstracting distributed systems
Jini attempts to raise the level of abstraction for distributed systems
programming, from the network protocol level to the object interface
level. In the emerging proliferation of embedded devices connected to
networks, many pieces of a distributed system may come from different
vendors. Jini makes it unnecessary for vendors of devices to agree on
network level protocols that allow their devices to interact. Instead,
vendors must agree on Java interfaces through which their devices can
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
interact. The processes of discovery, join, and lookup, provided by the Jini
run-time infrastructure, enable devices to locate each other on the
network. Once they locate each other, devices can communicate with each
other through Java interfaces.
Along with Jini for local device networks, this chapter has introduced
some, but not all, of the components that Sun refers to as J2EE: the Java
2 Enterprise Edition. The goal of J2EE is to build a set of tools that allows
the Java developer to build server-based applications much more quickly,
and in a platform-independent way. It's not only difficult and time-
consuming to build such applications, but it's especially hard to build
them so that they can be easily ported to other platforms, and also to keep
the business logic separated from the underlying details of the
implementation. J2EE provides a framework to assist in creating server-
based applications; these applications are in demand now, and that
demand appears to be increasing.
Solutions to selected exercises can be found in the electronic document The Thinking in Java
Annotated Solution Guide, available for a small fee from .
Compile and run the JabberServer and JabberClient
programs in this chapter. Now edit the files to remove all of the
buffering for the input and output, then compile and run them
again to observe the results.
Create a server that asks for a password, then opens a file and
sends the file over the network connection. Create a client that
connects to this server, gives the appropriate password, then
captures and saves the file. Test the pair of programs on your
machine using the localhost (the local loopback IP address produced by calling
Modify the server in Exercise 2 so that it uses multithreading to
handle multiple clients.
Thinking in Java
Modify JabberClient.java so that output flushing doesn't occur
and observe the effect.
Modify MultiJabberServer so that it uses thread pooling.
Instead of throwing away a thread each time a client disconnects,
the thread should put itself into an "available pool" of threads.
When a new client wants to connect, the server will look in the
available pool for a thread to handle the request, and if one isn't
available, make a new one. This way the number of threads
necessary will naturally grow to the required quantity. The value of
thread pooling is that it doesn't require the overhead of creating
and destroying a new thread for each new client.
Starting with ShowHTML.java, create an applet that is a
password-protected gateway to a particular portion of your Web
Modify CIDCreateTables.java so that it reads the SQL strings
from a text file instead of CIDSQL.
Configure your system so that you can successfully execute
CIDCreateTables.java and LoadDB.java.
Modify ServletsRule.java by overriding the destroy( ) method
to save the value of i to a file, and and the init( ) method to
restore the value. Demonstrate that it works by rebooting the
servlet container. If you do not have an existing servlet container,
you will need to download, install, and run Tomcat from
jakarta.apache.org in order to run servlets.
Create a servlet that adds a cookie to the response object, thereby
storing it on the client's site. Add code to the servlet that retrieves
and displays the cookie. If you do not have an existing servlet
container, you will need to download, install, and run Tomcat
from jakarta.apache.org in order to run servlets.
Create a servlet that uses a Session object to store session
information of your choosing. In the same servlet, retrieve and
display that session information. If you do not have an existing
Chapter 15: Distributed Computing
servlet container, you will need to download, install, and run
Tomcat from jakarta.apache.org in order to run servlets.
Create a servlet that changes the inactive interval of a session to 5
seconds by calling getMaxInactiveInterval( ). Test to see that
the session does indeed expire after 5 seconds. If you do not have
an existing servlet container, you will need to download, install,
and run Tomcat from jakarta.apache.org in order to run servlets.
Create a JSP page that prints a line of text using the <H1> tag. Set
the color of this text randomly, using Java code embedded in the
JSP page. If you do not have an existing JSP container, you will
need to download, install, and run Tomcat from
jakarta.apache.org in order to run JSPs.
Modify the maximum age value in Cookies.jsp and observe the
behavior under two different browsers. Also note the difference
between just re-visiting the page, and shutting down and
restarting the browser. If you do not have an existing JSP
container, you will need to download, install, and run Tomcat
from jakarta.apache.org in order to run JSPs.
Create a JSP with a field that allows the user to enter the session
expiration time and and a second field that holds data that is
stored in the session. The submit button refreshes the page and
fetches the current expiration time and session data and puts them
in as default values of the aforementioned fields. If you do not
have an existing JSP container, you will need to download, install,
and run Tomcat from jakarta.apache.org in order to run JSPs.
(More challenging) Take the VLookup.java program and modify
it so that when you click on the resulting name it automatically
takes that name and copies it to the clipboard (so you can simply
paste it into your email). You'll need to look back at Chapter 13 to
remember how to use the clipboard in JFC.
Thinking in Java
A: Passing &
By now you should be reasonably comfortable with the
idea that when you're "passing" an object, you're actually
passing a reference.
In many programming languages you can use that language's "regular"
way to pass objects around, and most of the time everything works fine.
But it always seems that there comes a point at which you must do
something irregular and suddenly things get a bit more complicated (or in
the case of C++, quite complicated). Java is no exception, and it's
important that you understand exactly what's happening as you pass
objects around and manipulate them. This appendix will provide that
Another way to pose the question of this appendix, if you're coming from
a programming language so equipped, is "Does Java have pointers?"
Some have claimed that pointers are hard and dangerous and therefore
bad, and since Java is all goodness and light and will lift your earthly
programming burdens, it cannot possibly contain such things. However,
it's more accurate to say that Java has pointers; indeed, every object
identifier in Java (except for primitives) is one of these pointers, but their
use is restricted and guarded not only by the compiler but by the run-time
system. Or to put it another way, Java has pointers, but no pointer
arithmetic. These are what I've been calling "references," and you can
think of them as "safety pointers," not unlike the safety scissors of
elementary school--they aren't sharp, so you cannot hurt yourself without
great effort, but they can sometimes be slow and tedious.
Passing references around
When you pass a reference into a method, you're still pointing to the same
object. A simple experiment demonstrates this:
//: appendixa:PassReferences.java
// Passing references around.
public class PassReferences {
static void f(PassReferences h) {
System.out.println("h inside f(): " + h);
public static void main(String[] args) {
PassReferences p = new PassReferences();
System.out.println("p inside main(): " + p);
} ///:~
The method toString( ) is automatically invoked in the print statements,
and PassReferences inherits directly from Object with no redefinition
of toString( ). Thus, Object's version of toString( ) is used, which
prints out the class of the object followed by the address where that object
is located (not the reference, but the actual object storage). The output
looks like this:
p inside main(): PassReferences@1653748
h inside f(): PassReferences@1653748
You can see that both p and h refer to the same object. This is far more
efficient than duplicating a new PassReferences object just so that you
can send an argument to a method. But it brings up an important issue.
Aliasing means that more than one reference is tied to the same object, as
in the above example. The problem with aliasing occurs when someone
writes to that object. If the owners of the other references aren't expecting
that object to change, they'll be surprised. This can be demonstrated with
a simple example:
Thinking in Java
//: appendixa:Alias1.java
// Aliasing two references to one object.
public class Alias1 {
int i;
Alias1(int ii) { i = ii; }
public static void main(String[] args) {
Alias1 x = new Alias1(7);
Alias1 y = x; // Assign the reference
System.out.println("x: " + x.i);
System.out.println("y: " + y.i);
System.out.println("Incrementing x");
System.out.println("x: " + x.i);
System.out.println("y: " + y.i);
} ///:~
In the line:
Alias1 y = x; // Assign the reference
a new Alias1 reference is created, but instead of being assigned to a fresh
object created with new, it's assigned to an existing reference. So the
contents of reference x, which is the address of the object x is pointing to,
is assigned to y, and thus both x and y are attached to the same object. So
when x's i is incremented in the statement:
y's i will be affected as well. This can be seen in the output:
x: 7
y: 7
Incrementing x
x: 8
y: 8
One good solution in this case is to simply not do it: don't consciously
alias more than one reference to an object at the same scope. Your code
will be much easier to understand and debug. However, when you're
passing a reference in as an argument--which is the way Java is supposed
to work--you automatically alias because the local reference that's created
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
can modify the "outside object" (the object that was created outside the
scope of the method). Here's an example:
//: appendixa:Alias2.java
// Method calls implicitly alias their
// arguments.
public class Alias2 {
int i;
Alias2(int ii) { i = ii; }
static void f(Alias2 reference) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Alias2 x = new Alias2(7);
System.out.println("x: " + x.i);
System.out.println("Calling f(x)");
System.out.println("x: " + x.i);
} ///:~
The output is:
x: 7
Calling f(x)
x: 8
The method is changing its argument, the outside object. When this kind
of situation arises, you must decide whether it makes sense, whether the
user expects it, and whether it's going to cause problems.
In general, you call a method in order to produce a return value and/or a
change of state in the object that the method is called for. (A method is
how you "send a message" to that object.) It's much less common to call a
method in order to manipulate its arguments; this is referred to as
"calling a method for its side effects." Thus, when you create a method
that modifies its arguments the user must be clearly instructed and
warned about the use of that method and its potential surprises. Because
of the confusion and pitfalls, it's much better to avoid changing the
Thinking in Java
If you need to modify an argument during a method call and you don't
intend to modify the outside argument, then you should protect that
argument by making a copy inside your method. That's the subject of
much of this appendix.
Making local copies
To review: All argument passing in Java is performed by passing
references. That is, when you pass "an object," you're really passing only a
reference to an object that lives outside the method, so if you perform any
modifications with that reference, you modify the outside object. In
Aliasing happens automatically during argument passing.
There are no local objects, only local references.
References have scopes, objects do not.
Object lifetime is never an issue in Java.
There is no language support (e.g., "const") to prevent objects from being
modified (that is, to prevent the negative effects of aliasing).
If you're only reading information from an object and not modifying it,
passing a reference is the most efficient form of argument passing. This is
nice; the default way of doing things is also the most efficient. However,
sometimes it's necessary to be able to treat the object as if it were "local"
so that changes you make affect only a local copy and do not modify the
outside object. Many programming languages support the ability to
automatically make a local copy of the outside object, inside the method1.
Java does not, but it allows you to produce this effect.
1 In C, which generally handles small bits of data, the default is pass-by-value. C++ had to
follow this form, but with objects pass-by-value isn't usually the most efficient way. In
addition, coding classes to support pass-by-value in C++ is a big headache.
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
Pass by value
This brings up the terminology issue, which always seems good for an
argument. The term is "pass by value," and the meaning depends on how
you perceive the operation of the program. The general meaning is that
you get a local copy of whatever you're passing, but the real question is
how you think about what you're passing. When it comes to the meaning
of "pass by value," there are two fairly distinct camps:
Java passes everything by value. When you're passing primitives
into a method, you get a distinct copy of the primitive. When you're
passing a reference into a method, you get a copy of the reference.
Ergo, everything is pass-by-value. Of course, the assumption is that
you're always thinking (and caring) that references are being
passed, but it seems like the Java design has gone a long way
toward allowing you to ignore (most of the time) that you're
working with a reference. That is, it seems to allow you to think of
the reference as "the object," since it implicitly dereferences it
whenever you make a method call.
Java passes primitives by value (no argument there), but objects
are passed by reference. This is the world view that the reference is
an alias for the object, so you don't think about passing references,
but instead say "I'm passing the object." Since you don't get a local
copy of the object when you pass it into a method, objects are
clearly not passed by value. There appears to be some support for
this view within Sun, since one of the "reserved but not
implemented" keywords was byvalue. (There's no knowing,
however, whether that keyword will ever see the light of day.)
Having given both camps a good airing, and after saying "It depends on
how you think of a reference," I will attempt to sidestep the issue. In the
end, it isn't that important--what is important is that you understand that
passing a reference allows the caller's object to be changed unexpectedly.
Cloning objects
The most likely reason for making a local copy of an object is if you're
going to modify that object and you don't want to modify the caller's
object. If you decide that you want to make a local copy, you simply use
Thinking in Java
the clone( ) method to perform the operation. This is a method that's
defined as protected in the base class Object, and which you must
override as public in any derived classes that you want to clone. For
example, the standard library class ArrayList overrides clone( ), so we
can call clone( ) for ArrayList:
//: appendixa:Cloning.java
// The clone() operation works for only a few
// items in the standard Java library.
import java.util.*;
class Int {
private int i;
public Int(int ii) { i = ii; }
public void increment() { i++; }
public String toString() {
return Integer.toString(i);
public class Cloning {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList v = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
v.add(new Int(i));
System.out.println("v: " + v);
ArrayList v2 = (ArrayList)v.clone();
// Increment all v2's elements:
for(Iterator e = v2.iterator();
e.hasNext(); )
// See if it changed v's elements:
System.out.println("v: " + v);
} ///:~
The clone( ) method produces an Object, which must then be recast to
the proper type. This example shows how ArrayList's clone( ) method
does not automatically try to clone each of the objects that the ArrayList
contains--the old ArrayList and the cloned ArrayList are aliased to the
same objects. This is often called a shallow copy, since it's copying only
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
the "surface" portion of an object. The actual object consists of this
"surface," plus all the objects that the references are pointing to, plus all
the objects those objects are pointing to, etc. This is often referred to as
the "web of objects." Copying the entire mess is called a deep copy.
You can see the effect of the shallow copy in the output, where the actions
performed on v2 affect v:
v: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
v: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Not trying to clone( ) the objects contained in the ArrayList is probably
a fair assumption because there's no guarantee that those objects are
Adding cloneability to a class
Even though the clone method is defined in the base-of-all-classes
Object, cloning is not automatically available in every class3. This would
seem to be counterintuitive to the idea that base-class methods are always
available in derived classes. Cloning in Java goes against this idea; if you
want it to exist for a class, you must specifically add code to make cloning
2 This is not the dictionary spelling of the word, but it's what is used in the Java library, so
I've used it here, too, in some hopes of reducing confusion.
3 You can apparently create a simple counter-example to this statement, like this:
public class Cloneit implements Cloneable {
public static void main (String[] args)
throws CloneNotSupportedException {
Cloneit a = new Cloneit();
Cloneit b = (Cloneit)a.clone();
However, this only works because main( ) is a method of Cloneit and thus has
permission to call the protected base-class method clone( ). If you call it from a
different class, it won't compile.
Thinking in Java
Using a trick with protected
To prevent default cloneability in every class you create, the clone( )
method is protected in the base class Object. Not only does this mean
that it's not available by default to the client programmer who is simply
using the class (not subclassing it), but it also means that you cannot call
clone( ) via a reference to the base class. (Although that might seem to be
useful in some situations, such as to polymorphically clone a bunch of
Objects.) It is in effect a way to give you, at compile-time, the
information that your object is not cloneable--and oddly enough most
classes in the standard Java library are not cloneable. Thus, if you say:
Integer x = new Integer(1);
x = x.clone();
You will get, at compile-time, an error message that says clone( ) is not
accessible (since Integer doesn't override it and it defaults to the
protected version).
If, however, you're in a class derived from Object (as all classes are), then
you have permission to call Object.clone( ) because it's protected and
you're an inheritor. The base class clone( ) has useful functionality--it
performs the actual bitwise duplication of the derived-class object, thus
acting as the common cloning operation. However, you then need to make
your clone operation public for it to be accessible. So, two key issues
when you clone are:
Virtually always call super.clone( )
Make your clone public
You'll probably want to override clone( ) in any further derived classes,
otherwise your (now public) clone( ) will be used, and that might not do
the right thing (although, since Object.clone( ) makes a copy of the
actual object, it might). The protected trick works only once--the first
time you inherit from a class that has no cloneability and you want to
make a class that's cloneable. In any classes inherited from your class the
clone( ) method is available since it's not possible in Java to reduce the
access of a method during derivation. That is, once a class is cloneable,
everything derived from it is cloneable unless you use provided
mechanisms (described later) to "turn off" cloning.
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
Implementing the Cloneable interface
There's one more thing you need to do to complete the cloneability of an
object: implement the Cloneable interface. This interface is a bit
strange, because it's empty!
interface Cloneable {}
The reason for implementing this empty interface is obviously not
because you are going to upcast to Cloneable and call one of its methods.
The use of interface here is considered by some to be a "hack" because
it's using a feature for something other than its original intent.
Implementing the Cloneable interface acts as a kind of a flag, wired
into the type of the class.
There are two reasons for the existence of the Cloneable interface.
First, you might have an upcast reference to a base type and not know
whether it's possible to clone that object. In this case, you can use the
instanceof keyword (described in Chapter 12) to find out whether the
reference is connected to an object that can be cloned:
if(myReference instanceof Cloneable) // ...
The second reason is that mixed into this design for cloneability was the
thought that maybe you didn't want all types of objects to be cloneable. So
Object.clone( ) verifies that a class implements the Cloneable
interface. If not, it throws a CloneNotSupportedException exception.
So in general, you're forced to implement Cloneable as part of support
for cloning.
Successful cloning
Once you understand the details of implementing the clone( ) method,
you're able to create classes that can be easily duplicated to provide a local
//: appendixa:LocalCopy.java
// Creating local copies with clone().
import java.util.*;
class MyObject implements Cloneable {
int i;
Thinking in Java
MyObject(int ii) { i = ii; }
public Object clone() {
Object o = null;
try {
o = super.clone();
} catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
System.err.println("MyObject can't clone");
return o;
public String toString() {
return Integer.toString(i);
public class LocalCopy {
static MyObject g(MyObject v) {
// Passing a reference, modifies outside object:
return v;
static MyObject f(MyObject v) {
v = (MyObject)v.clone(); // Local copy
return v;
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyObject a = new MyObject(11);
MyObject b = g(a);
// Testing reference equivalence,
// not object equivalence:
if(a == b)
System.out.println("a == b");
System.out.println("a != b");
System.out.println("a = " + a);
System.out.println("b = " + b);
MyObject c = new MyObject(47);
MyObject d = f(c);
if(c == d)
System.out.println("c == d");
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
System.out.println("c != d");
System.out.println("c = " + c);
System.out.println("d = " + d);
} ///:~
First of all, clone( ) must be accessible so you must make it public.
Second, for the initial part of your clone( ) operation you should call the
base-class version of clone( ). The clone( ) that's being called here is the
one that's predefined inside Object, and you can call it because it's
protected and thereby accessible in derived classes.
Object.clone( ) figures out how big the object is, creates enough
memory for a new one, and copies all the bits from the old to the new.
This is called a bitwise copy, and is typically what you'd expect a clone( )
method to do. But before Object.clone( ) performs its operations, it first
checks to see if a class is Cloneable--that is, whether it implements the
Cloneable interface. If it doesn't, Object.clone( ) throws a
CloneNotSupportedException to indicate that you can't clone it.
Thus, you've got to surround your call to super.clone( ) with a try-catch
block, to catch an exception that should never happen (because you've
implemented the Cloneable interface).
In LocalCopy, the two methods g( ) and f( ) demonstrate the difference
between the two approaches for argument passing. g( ) shows passing by
reference in which it modifies the outside object and returns a reference
to that outside object, while f( ) clones the argument, thereby decoupling
it and leaving the original object alone. It can then proceed to do whatever
it wants, and even to return a reference to this new object without any ill
effects to the original. Notice the somewhat curious-looking statement:
v = (MyObject)v.clone();
This is where the local copy is created. To prevent confusion by such a
statement, remember that this rather strange coding idiom is perfectly
feasible in Java because every object identifier is actually a reference. So
the reference v is used to clone( ) a copy of what it refers to, and this
returns a reference to the base type Object (because it's defined that way
in Object.clone( )) that must then be cast to the proper type.
Thinking in Java
In main( ), the difference between the effects of the two different
argument-passing approaches in the two different methods is tested. The
output is:
== b
= 12
= 12
!= d
= 47
= 48
It's important to notice that the equivalence tests in Java do not look
inside the objects being compared to see if their values are the same. The
== and != operators are simply comparing the references. If the
addresses inside the references are the same, the references are pointing
to the same object and are therefore "equal." So what the operators are
really testing is whether the references are aliased to the same object!
The effect of Object.clone( )
What actually happens when Object.clone( ) is called that makes it so
essential to call super.clone( ) when you override clone( ) in your
class? The clone( ) method in the root class is responsible for creating
the correct amount of storage and making the bitwise copy of the bits
from the original object into the new object's storage. That is, it doesn't
just make storage and copy an Object--it actually figures out the size of
the precise object that's being copied and duplicates that. Since all this is
happening from the code in the clone( ) method defined in the root class
(that has no idea what's being inherited from it), you can guess that the
process involves RTTI to determine the actual object that's being cloned.
This way, the clone( ) method can create the proper amount of storage
and do the correct bitcopy for that type.
Whatever you do, the first part of the cloning process should normally be
a call to super.clone( ). This establishes the groundwork for the cloning
operation by making an exact duplicate. At this point you can perform
other operations necessary to complete the cloning.
To know for sure what those other operations are, you need to understand
exactly what Object.clone( ) buys you. In particular, does it
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
automatically clone the destination of all the references? The following
example tests this:
//: appendixa:Snake.java
// Tests cloning to see if destination
// of references are also cloned.
public class Snake implements Cloneable {
private Snake next;
private char c;
// Value of i == number of segments
Snake(int i, char x) {
c = x;
if(--i > 0)
next = new Snake(i, (char)(x + 1));
void increment() {
if(next != null)
public String toString() {
String s = ":" + c;
if(next != null)
s += next.toString();
return s;
public Object clone() {
Object o = null;
try {
o = super.clone();
} catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
System.err.println("Snake can't clone");
return o;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Snake s = new Snake(5, 'a');
System.out.println("s = " + s);
Snake s2 = (Snake)s.clone();
System.out.println("s2 = " + s2);
Thinking in Java
"after s.increment, s2 = " + s2);
} ///:~
A Snake is made up of a bunch of segments, each of type Snake. Thus,
it's a singly linked list. The segments are created recursively,
decrementing the first constructor argument for each segment until zero
is reached. To give each segment a unique tag, the second argument, a
char, is incremented for each recursive constructor call.
The increment( ) method recursively increments each tag so you can see
the change, and the toString( ) recursively prints each tag. The output is:
s = :a:b:c:d:e
s2 = :a:b:c:d:e
after s.increment, s2 = :a:c:d:e:f
This means that only the first segment is duplicated by Object.clone( ),
therefore it does a shallow copy. If you want the whole snake to be
duplicated--a deep copy--you must perform the additional operations
inside your overridden clone( ).
You'll typically call super.clone( ) in any class derived from a cloneable
class to make sure that all of the base-class operations (including
Object.clone( )) take place. This is followed by an explicit call to
clone( ) for every reference in your object; otherwise those references
will be aliased to those of the original object. It's analogous to the way
constructors are called--base-class constructor first, then the next-derived
constructor, and so on to the most-derived constructor. The difference is
that clone( ) is not a constructor, so there's nothing to make it happen
automatically. You must make sure to do it yourself.
Cloning a composed object
There's a problem you'll encounter when trying to deep copy a composed
object. You must assume that the clone( ) method in the member objects
will in turn perform a deep copy on their references, and so on. This is
quite a commitment. It effectively means that for a deep copy to work you
must either control all of the code in all of the classes, or at least have
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
enough knowledge about all of the classes involved in the deep copy to
know that they are performing their own deep copy correctly.
This example shows what you must do to accomplish a deep copy when
dealing with a composed object:
//: appendixa:DeepCopy.java
// Cloning a composed object.
class DepthReading implements Cloneable {
private double depth;
public DepthReading(double depth) {
this.depth = depth;
public Object clone() {
Object o = null;
try {
o = super.clone();
} catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return o;
class TemperatureReading implements Cloneable {
private long time;
private double temperature;
public TemperatureReading(double temperature) {
time = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.temperature = temperature;
public Object clone() {
Object o = null;
try {
o = super.clone();
} catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return o;
Thinking in Java
class OceanReading implements Cloneable {
private DepthReading depth;
private TemperatureReading temperature;
public OceanReading(double tdata, double ddata){
temperature = new TemperatureReading(tdata);
depth = new DepthReading(ddata);
public Object clone() {
OceanReading o = null;
try {
o = (OceanReading)super.clone();
} catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
// Must clone references:
o.depth = (DepthReading)o.depth.clone();
o.temperature =
return o; // Upcasts back to Object
public class DeepCopy {
public static void main(String[] args) {
OceanReading reading =
new OceanReading(33.9, 100.5);
// Now clone it:
OceanReading r =
} ///:~
DepthReading and TemperatureReading are quite similar; they
both contain only primitives. Therefore, the clone( ) method can be quite
simple: it calls super.clone( ) and returns the result. Note that the
clone( ) code for both classes is identical.
OceanReading is composed of DepthReading and
TemperatureReading objects and so, to produce a deep copy, its
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
clone( ) must clone the references inside OceanReading. To
accomplish this, the result of super.clone( ) must be cast to an
OceanReading object (so you can access the depth and temperature
A deep copy with ArrayList
Let's revisit the ArrayList example from earlier in this appendix. This
time the Int2 class is cloneable, so the ArrayList can be deep copied:
//: appendixa:AddingClone.java
// You must go through a few gyrations
// to add cloning to your own class.
import java.util.*;
class Int2 implements Cloneable {
private int i;
public Int2(int ii) { i = ii; }
public void increment() { i++; }
public String toString() {
return Integer.toString(i);
public Object clone() {
Object o = null;
try {
o = super.clone();
} catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
System.err.println("Int2 can't clone");
return o;
// Once it's cloneable, inheritance
// doesn't remove cloneability:
class Int3 extends Int2 {
private int j; // Automatically duplicated
public Int3(int i) { super(i); }
public class AddingClone {
Thinking in Java
public static void main(String[] args) {
Int2 x = new Int2(10);
Int2 x2 = (Int2)x.clone();
"x = " + x + ", x2 = " + x2);
// Anything inherited is also cloneable:
Int3 x3 = new Int3(7);
x3 = (Int3)x3.clone();
ArrayList v = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
v.add(new Int2(i));
System.out.println("v: " + v);
ArrayList v2 = (ArrayList)v.clone();
// Now clone each element:
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
v2.set(i, ((Int2)v2.get(i)).clone());
// Increment all v2's elements:
for(Iterator e = v2.iterator();
e.hasNext(); )
// See if it changed v's elements:
System.out.println("v: " + v);
System.out.println("v2: " + v2);
} ///:~
Int3 is inherited from Int2 and a new primitive member int j is added.
You might think that you'd need to override clone( ) again to make sure j
is copied, but that's not the case. When Int2's clone( ) is called as Int3's
clone( ), it calls Object.clone( ), which determines that it's working
with an Int3 and duplicates all the bits in the Int3. As long as you don't
add references that need to be cloned, the one call to Object.clone( )
performs all of the necessary duplication, regardless of how far down in
the hierarchy clone( ) is defined.
You can see what's necessary in order to do a deep copy of an ArrayList:
after the ArrayList is cloned, you have to step through and clone each
one of the objects pointed to by the ArrayList. You'd have to do
something similar to this to do a deep copy of a HashMap.
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
The remainder of the example shows that the cloning did happen by
showing that, once an object is cloned, you can change it and the original
object is left untouched.
Deep copy via serialization
When you consider Java's object serialization (introduced in Chapter 11),
you might observe that an object that's serialized and then deserialized is,
in effect, cloned.
So why not use serialization to perform deep copying? Here's an example
that compares the two approaches by timing them:
//: appendixa:Compete.java
import java.io.*;
class Thing1 implements Serializable {}
class Thing2 implements Serializable {
Thing1 o1 = new Thing1();
class Thing3 implements Cloneable {
public Object clone() {
Object o = null;
try {
o = super.clone();
} catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
System.err.println("Thing3 can't clone");
return o;
class Thing4 implements Cloneable {
Thing3 o3 = new Thing3();
public Object clone() {
Thing4 o = null;
try {
o = (Thing4)super.clone();
} catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
System.err.println("Thing4 can't clone");
Thinking in Java
// Clone the field, too:
o.o3 = (Thing3)o3.clone();
return o;
public class Compete {
static final int SIZE = 5000;
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception {
Thing2[] a = new Thing2[SIZE];
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
a[i] = new Thing2();
Thing4[] b = new Thing4[SIZE];
for(int i = 0; i < b.length; i++)
b[i] = new Thing4();
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
ByteArrayOutputStream buf =
new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream o =
new ObjectOutputStream(buf);
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
// Now get copies:
ObjectInputStream in =
new ObjectInputStream(
new ByteArrayInputStream(
Thing2[] c = new Thing2[SIZE];
for(int i = 0; i < c.length; i++)
c[i] = (Thing2)in.readObject();
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
"Duplication via serialization: " +
(t2 - t1) + " Milliseconds");
// Now try cloning:
t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
Thing4[] d = new Thing4[SIZE];
for(int i = 0; i < d.length; i++)
d[i] = (Thing4)b[i].clone();
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
"Duplication via cloning: " +
(t2 - t1) + " Milliseconds");
} ///:~
Thing2 and Thing4 contain member objects so that there's some deep
copying going on. It's interesting to notice that while Serializable classes
are easy to set up, there's much more work going on to duplicate them.
Cloning involves a lot of work to set up the class, but the actual
duplication of objects is relatively simple. The results really tell the tale.
Here is the output from three different runs:
Duplication via serialization: 940 Milliseconds
Duplication via cloning: 50 Milliseconds
Duplication via serialization: 710 Milliseconds
Duplication via cloning: 60 Milliseconds
Duplication via serialization: 770 Milliseconds
Duplication via cloning: 50 Milliseconds
Despite the significant time difference between serialization and cloning,
you'll also notice that the serialization technique seems to vary more in its
duration, while cloning tends to be more stable.
Adding cloneability
further down a hierarchy
If you create a new class, its base class defaults to Object, which defaults
to noncloneability (as you'll see in the next section). As long as you don't
explicitly add cloneability, you won't get it. But you can add it in at any
layer and it will then be cloneable from that layer downward, like this:
//: appendixa:HorrorFlick.java
// You can insert Cloneability
// at any level of inheritance.
import java.util.*;
class Person {}
Thinking in Java
class Hero extends Person {}
class Scientist extends Person
implements Cloneable {
public Object clone() {
try {
return super.clone();
} catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
// this should never happen:
// It's Cloneable already!
throw new InternalError();
class MadScientist extends Scientist {}
public class HorrorFlick {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person p = new Person();
Hero h = new Hero();
Scientist s = new Scientist();
MadScientist m = new MadScientist();
// p = (Person)p.clone(); // Compile error
// h = (Hero)h.clone(); // Compile error
s = (Scientist)s.clone();
m = (MadScientist)m.clone();
} ///:~
Before cloneability was added, the compiler stopped you from trying to
clone things. When cloneability is added in Scientist, then Scientist and
all its descendants are cloneable.
Why this strange design?
If all this seems to be a strange scheme, that's because it is. You might
wonder why it worked out this way. What is the meaning behind this
Originally, Java was designed as a language to control hardware boxes,
and definitely not with the Internet in mind. In a general-purpose
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
language like this, it makes sense that the programmer be able to clone
any object. Thus, clone( ) was placed in the root class Object, but it was
a public method so you could always clone any object. This seemed to be
the most flexible approach, and after all, what could it hurt?
Well, when Java was seen as the ultimate Internet programming
language, things changed. Suddenly, there are security issues, and of
course, these issues are dealt with using objects, and you don't necessarily
want anyone to be able to clone your security objects. So what you're
seeing is a lot of patches applied on the original simple and
straightforward scheme: clone( ) is now protected in Object. You must
override it and implement Cloneable and deal with the exceptions.
It's worth noting that you must use the Cloneable interface only if you're
going to call Object's clone( ), method, since that method checks at run-
time to make sure that your class implements Cloneable. But for
consistency (and since Cloneable is empty anyway) you should
implement it.
Controlling cloneability
You might suggest that, to remove cloneability, the clone( ) method
simply be made private, but this won't work since you cannot take a
base-class method and make it less accessible in a derived class. So it's not
that simple. And yet, it's necessary to be able to control whether an object
can be cloned. There are actually a number of attitudes you can take to
this in a class that you design:
Indifference. You don't do anything about cloning, which means
that your class can't be cloned but a class that inherits from you can
add cloning if it wants. This works only if the default
Object.clone( ) will do something reasonable with all the fields in
your class.
Support clone( ). Follow the standard practice of implementing
Cloneable and overriding clone( ). In the overridden clone( ),
you call super.clone( ) and catch all exceptions (so your
overridden clone( ) doesn't throw any exceptions).
Thinking in Java
Support cloning conditionally. If your class holds references to
other objects that might or might not be cloneable (a container
class, for example), your clone( ) can try to clone all of the objects
for which you have references, and if they throw exceptions just
pass those exceptions out to the programmer. For example,
consider a special sort of ArrayList that tries to clone all the
objects it holds. When you write such an ArrayList, you don't
know what sort of objects the client programmer might put into
your ArrayList, so you don't know whether they can be cloned.
Don't implement Cloneable but override clone( ) as protected,
producing the correct copying behavior for any fields. This way,
anyone inheriting from this class can override clone( ) and call
super.clone( ) to produce the correct copying behavior. Note that
your implementation can and should invoke super.clone( ) even
though that method expects a Cloneable object (it will throw an
exception otherwise), because no one will directly invoke it on an
object of your type. It will get invoked only through a derived class,
which, if it is to work successfully, implements Cloneable.
Try to prevent cloning by not implementing Cloneable and
overriding clone( ) to throw an exception. This is successful only if
any class derived from this calls super.clone( ) in its redefinition
of clone( ). Otherwise, a programmer may be able to get around it.
Prevent cloning by making your class final. If clone( ) has not
been overridden by any of your ancestor classes, then it can't be. If
it has, then override it again and throw
CloneNotSupportedException. Making the class final is the
only way to guarantee that cloning is prevented. In addition, when
dealing with security objects or other situations in which you want
to control the number of objects created you should make all
constructors private and provide one or more special methods for
creating objects. That way, these methods can restrict the number
of objects created and the conditions in which they're created. (A
particular case of this is the singleton pattern shown in Thinking in
Patterns with Java, downloadable at .)
Appendix A: Passing & Returning Objects
Table of Contents:
  1. Introduction to Objects:The progress of abstraction, An object has an interface
  2. Everything is an Object:You manipulate objects with references, Your first Java program
  3. Controlling Program Flow:Using Java operators, Execution control, true and false
  4. Initialization & Cleanup:Method overloading, Member initialization
  5. Hiding the Implementation:the library unit, Java access specifiers, Interface and implementation
  6. Reusing Classes:Composition syntax, Combining composition and inheritance
  7. Polymorphism:Upcasting revisited, The twist, Designing with inheritance
  8. Interfaces & Inner Classes:Extending an interface with inheritance, Inner class identifiers
  9. Holding Your Objects:Container disadvantage, List functionality, Map functionality
  10. Error Handling with Exceptions:Basic exceptions, Catching an exception
  11. The Java I/O System:The File class, Compression, Object serialization, Tokenizing input
  12. Run-time Type Identification:The need for RTTI, A class method extractor
  13. Creating Windows & Applets:Applet restrictions, Running applets from the command line
  14. Multiple Threads:Responsive user interfaces, Sharing limited resources, Runnable revisited
  15. Distributed Computing:Network programming, Servlets, CORBA, Enterprise JavaBeans
  16. A: Passing & Returning Objects:Aliasing, Making local copies, Cloning objects
  17. B: The Java Native Interface (JNI):Calling a native method, the JNIEnv argument
  18. Java Programming Guidelines:Design, Implementation
  19. Resources:Software, Books, My own list of books
  20. Index