
STL Conventions:Iterator Conventions, Algorithm Conventions

<< Formatted Output:Print Formats, Print Functions, Print Conversion Specifiers
Containers:Cont::const_reference, difference_type, reverse_iterator >>
Chapter 9. STL Conventions
The Standard Template Library (page 1), or STL (page 1), establishes uniform
standards for the application of iterators (page 37) to STL containers (page 41) or
other sequences that you define, by STL algorithms (page 38) or other functions
that you define. This document summarizes many of the conventions used widely
throughout the Standard Template Library.
Iterator Conventions
The STL facilities make widespread use of iterators, to mediate between the
various algorithms and the sequences upon which they act. For brevity in the
remainder of this document, the name of an iterator type (or its prefix) indicates
the category of iterators required for that type. In order of increasing power, the
categories are summarized here as:
v OutIt -- An output iterator X can only have a value V stored indirect on it, after
which it must be incremented before the next store, as in (*X++ = V), (*X = V,
++X), or (*X = V, X++).
v InIt -- An input iterator X can represent a singular value that indicates
end-of-sequence. If an input iterator does not compare equal to its
end-of-sequence value, it can have a value V accessed indirect on it any number
of times, as in (V = *X). To progress to the next value, or end-of-sequence, you
increment it, as in ++X, X++, or (V = *X++). Once you increment any copy of an
input iterator, none of the other copies can safely be compared, dereferenced, or
incremented thereafter.
v FwdIt -- A forward iterator X can take the place of an output iterator (for
writing) or an input iterator (for reading). You can, however, read (via V = *X)
what you just wrote (via *X = V) through a forward iterator. And you can make
multiple copies of a forward iterator, each of which can be dereferenced and
incremented independently.
v BidIt -- A bidirectional iterator X can take the place of a forward iterator. You
can, however, also decrement a bidirectional iterator, as in --X, X--, or (V = *X--).
v RanIt -- A random-access iterator X can take the place of a bidirectional iterator.
You can also perform much the same integer arithmetic on a random-access
iterator that you can on an object pointer. For N an integer object, you can write
x[N], x + N, x - N, and N + X.
Note that an object pointer can take the place of a random-access iterator, or any
other for that matter. All iterators can be assigned or copied. They are assumed to
be lightweight objects and hence are often passed and returned by value, not by
reference. Note also that none of the operations described above can throw an
exception, at least when performed on a valid iterator.
The hierarchy of iterator categories can be summarize by showing three sequences.
For write-only access to a sequence, you can use any of:
forward iterator
bidirectional iterator
random-access iterator
The right arrow means ``can be replaced by.'' So any algorithm that calls for an
output iterator should work nicely with a forward iterator, for example, but not the
other way around.
For read-only access to a sequence, you can use any of:
input iterator
-> forward iterator
-> bidirectional iterator
-> random-access iterator
An input iterator is the weakest of all categories, in this case.
Finally, for read/write access to a sequence, you can use any of:
forward iterator
-> bidirectional iterator
-> random-access iterator
Remember that an object pointer can always serve as a random-access iterator.
Hence, it can serve as any category of iterator, so long as it supports the proper
read/write access to the sequence it designates.
An iterator It other than an object pointer must also define the member types
required by the specialization iterator_traits<It>. Note that these requirements
can be met by deriving It from the public base class iterator.
This ``algebra'' of iterators is fundamental to practically everything else in the
Standard Template Library (page 1). It is important to understand the promises,
and limitations, of each iterator category to see how iterators are used by
containers and algorithms in STL.
Algorithm Conventions
The descriptions of the algorithm template functions employ several shorthand
v The phrase ``in the range [A, B)'' means the sequence of zero or more discrete
values beginning with A up to but not including B. A range is valid only if B is
reachable from A -- you can store A in an object N (N = A), increment the object
zero or more times (++N), and have the object compare equal to B after a finite
number of increments (N == B).
v The phrase ``each N in the range [A, B)'' means that N begins with the value A
and is incremented zero or more times until it equals the value B. The case N ==
B is not in the range.
v The phrase ``the lowest value of N in the range [A, B) such that X'' means that
the condition X is determined for each N in the range [A, B) until the condition
X is met.
v The phrase ``the highest value of N in the range [A, B) such that X'' usually
means that X is determined for each N in the range [A, B). The function stores
in K a copy of N each time the condition X is met. If any such store occurs, the
function replaces the final value of N (which equals B) with the value of K. For a
bidirectional or random-access iterator, however, it can also mean that N begins
with the highest value in the range and is decremented over the range until the
condition X is met.
v Expressions such as X - Y, where X and Y can be iterators other than
random-access iterators, are intended in the mathematical sense. The function
Standard C++ Library
does not necessarily evaluate operator- if it must determine such a value. The
same is also true for expressions such as X + N and X - N, where N is an integer
Several algorithms make use of a predicate, using operator==, that must impose an
equivalence relationship on pairs of elements from a sequence. For all elements X,
Y, and Z:
v X == X is true.
v If X == Y is true, then Y == X is true.
v If X == Y && Y == Z is true, then X == Z is true.
Several algorithms make use of a predicate that must impose a strict weak
ordering on pairs of elements from a sequence. For the predicate pr(X, Y):
v ``strict'' means that pr(X, X) is false
v ``weak'' means that X and Y have an equivalent ordering if !pr(X, Y) && !pr(Y,
X) (X == Y need not be defined)
v ``ordering'' means that pr(X, Y) && pr(Y, Z) implies pr(X, Z)
Some of these algorithms implicitly use the predicate X < Y. Other predicates that
typically satisfy the ``strict weak ordering'' requirement are X > Y, less(X, Y), and
greater(X, Y). Note, however, that predicates such as X <= Y and X >= Y do not
satisfy this requirement.
A sequence of elements designated by iterators in the range [first, last) is ``a
sequence ordered by operator<'' if, for each N in the range [0, last - first) and
for each M in the range (N, last - first) the predicate !(*(first + M) < *(first
+ N)) is true. (Note that the elements are sorted in ascending order.) The predicate
function operator<, or any replacement for it, must not alter either of its operands.
Moreover, it must impose a strict weak ordering (page 39) on the operands it
A sequence of elements designated by iterators in the range [first, last) is ``a
heap ordered by operator<'' if, for each N in the range [1, last - first) the
predicate !(*first < *(first + N)) is true. (The first element is the largest.) Its
internal structure is otherwise known only to the template functions make_heap
(page 259), pop_heap (page 263), and push_heap (page 264). As with an ordered
sequence (page 39), the predicate function operator<, or any replacement for it,
must not alter either of its operands, and it must impose a strict weak ordering
(page 39) on the operands it compares.
Chapter 9. STL Conventions
Standard C++ Library