

<< Cameras:LINEARITY, Absolute sensitivity, Relative sensitivity, PIXEL FORM
Algorithms:HISTOGRAM-BASED OPERATIONS, Equalization, Binary operations, Second Derivatives >>
...Image Processing Fundamentals
The displays used for image processing--particularly the display systems used
with computers--have a number of characteristics that help determine the quality of
the final image.
The refresh rate is defined as the number of complete images that are written to the
screen per second. For standard video the refresh rate is fixed at the values given in
Table 3, either 29.97 or 25 images/s. For computer displays the refresh rate can
vary with common values being 67 images/s and 75 images/s. At values above 60
images/s visual flicker is negligible at virtually all illumination levels.
To prevent the appearance of visual flicker at refresh rates below 60 images/s, the
display can be interlaced as described in Section 2.3. Standard interlace for video
systems is 2:1. Since interlacing is not necessary at refresh rates above 60 images/s,
an interlace of 1:1 is used with such systems. In other words, lines are drawn in an
ordinary sequential fashion: 1,2,3,4,...,N.
The pixels stored in computer memory, although they are derived from regions of
finite area in the original scene (see Sections 5.1 and 7.5), may be thought of as
mathematical points having no physical extent. When displayed, the space between
the points must be filled in. This generally happens as a result of the finite spot size
of a cathode-ray tube (CRT). The brightness profile of a CRT spot is approximately
Gaussian and the number of spots that can be resolved on the display depends on
the quality of the system. It is relatively straightforward to obtain display systems
with a resolution of 72 spots per inch (28.3 spots per cm.) This number
corresponds to standard printing conventions. If printing is not a consideration then
higher resolutions, in excess of 30 spots per cm, are attainable.
In this Section we will describe operations that are fundamental to digital image
processing. These operations can be divided into four categories: operations based
on the image histogram, on simple mathematics, on convolution, and on
mathematical morphology. Further, these operations can also be described in terms