Urethral Obstruction


Urethral constriction means that the urethra has become narrower than usual at any place, making urine difficult to reach. This is often due to the fact that scars have formed after an injury or inflammation of the urethra.

What is Urethral Congestion?

Urethral congestion is most common in men, which is due to the fact that the urethra in men is longer than in women.

Damage that can lead to urethral congestion can occur, for example, when using a  urinary catheter or accidents like a fall against a bicycle bar.

Inflammation of the urethra, which can also lead to urethral constriction, can sometimes be due to  STDs.

If the prostate gland is enlarged to require surgery, there is a small risk that urethral congestion may occur later, sometimes several years after the operation.

Symptoms of urethral congestion

If you have urethral congestion, you may notice that you have difficulty peeing, for example, so that

  • you have a weak urine jet
  • you need to tick to empty the bladder 
  • it takes longer
  • it hurts
  • the urine jet becomes fragmented.

Seek care

If you find it difficult to urinate, contact a health care center.

Treatment of urethral congestion

The urethra can be dilated with special instruments, called dilatation. This is done during a regular outpatient visit, and you do not need to be hospitalized. Sometimes you can learn to widen the urethra yourself.

Sometimes the urethral constriction needs surgery. Then an incision is made through the narrow part of the urethra.

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