Testicle that did not come down into the scrotum


In some children, one or both testicles have not entered the scrotum when the child is born. Occasionally the testicle descends into the scrotum itself during the first half of the year. For premature babies, it is quite common for testicles not to be present in the scrotum at birth. Sometimes the testicle needs to be moved with an operation.

It is good to tell at the childcare center, BVC if you suspect that the testicles are not present in the scrotum.


You can tell for yourself if the testes are in the scrotum. You do this when the child is calm and relaxed, for example when the child is taking a bath. 

When and where should I seek care?

Contact the childcare center, BVC, if you cannot feel the testicles in the scrotum.


The child’s testicles are examined at BB and at BVC. There it is usually discovered if the child has a testicle that has not come down into the scrotum. 

You should understand the information

In order for you to be involved in care and treatment, it is important that you understand the information you receive from the healthcare staff. Ask questions if you don’t understand. For example, you should get information about treatment options and how long it may be before you receive the treatment.

Children should also be involved in their care. The older the child, the more important it is.


When a testicle or both testicles have not entered the scrotum, the child needs surgery. It appears that the testicle comes down on its own after six months, but very rarely after twelve months. The surgery should be done before the baby is 12 months and is usually done when the baby starts approaching one year. 

The operation is done while the baby is asleep. It is most common for children to be anesthetized by getting painkillers or sleep drugs directly into the blood, through a thin plastic tube. It’s called a venous catheter.   

The operation usually takes half an hour. Often stitches are used that dissolve by themselves.

After the operation, the child may feel sick and vomit. Getting fluid through the vein catheter can help if the baby is much needed. Most people can go home the same day as the surgery.

Sometimes the doctor has to do a  puncture surgery to see if the testicle is in the stomach or is completely missing.

After the surgery

There are non-prescription pain-relieving medications, such as Clevedon or Panodil, that help if the child is in pain after surgery. After about a week, the child is usually able to move and play as usual.


It is important to operate the testicle so that it lies in the scrotum. The chance of having biological children is reduced if the testicle is not in the scrotum. There is also an increased risk of testicular cancer if the testicle is not in the scrotum.

What happens in the body?

During fetal life, the testicles form in the stomach. Towards the end of the fetal period, the testicles should come down into the scrotum, but sometimes they have not come down when the baby is born. The earlier the baby is born, the more common it is that the testicles have not entered the scrotum.

In some children, the testicles fall into the scrotum by themselves during the first year of life, but sometimes one testicle stays too high. The testicle usually does not come down by itself unless it has come down when the child is six months. It is usually just one of the testicles that have not come down, but it can be both.

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