Self Cracks


You get self-cracks if the skin is so dry and thick that the outer layer of skin bursts. You can treat and prevent self-cracking yourself.

Symptoms self cracks

Self-cracks in the skin most often occur on the soles of the feet, especially on the heel and big toe pad. Self-cracks can also get on your fingertips and palms.

When and where should I seek care?

Contact a health care center if any of the following is true of you:

  • You have long-term or recurring problems.
  • You have diabetes and need help with foot care.

You can contact many receptions by logging in.

Contact a health care center or an on-call reception if the self-cracks hurt more, the skin around it becomes red and hot, it forms where or you get a fever.

If closed, you can wait until the on-call reception or medical center open.

What can I do for myself?

It can be difficult to get rid of self-cracks, but you can reduce the hassles as follows:

  • Tape the wound edges together with wound tape to help the cracks heal.
  • Use special patches that relieve, relieve pressure against the crack and make it easier to heal.
  • Use a solution for skin cracks. The solution forms an elastic membrane, which facilitates healing and reduces pain.
  • Use zinc patches to help the skin heal.
  • Use ointment that numbs the skin if the crack hurts. Examples are Xylocaine.
  • Lubricate with softening cream on the days and ointment for the night.
  • Take a foot bath with soap or foot salt about once a week. Finish by filling your feet and lubricating with softening cream.

There are many different types of creams, ointments, and special patches both in ordinary stores and in pharmacies. Ask your pharmacist if you are not sure what to choose.

You can prevent self-cracking

For the skin to be soft and supple, it needs to contain a certain amount of moisture and fat. You can try to keep your skin soft and supple by using shower oil instead of soap. You can also lubricate the skin with a softening cream after washing.

To keep your hands dry, try to avoid direct contact with detergent and detergent by using protective plastic gloves. Then use thin cotton gloves closest to the skin. It is also good to use protective gloves for dirty work and gloves or gloves when it is cold outside.

Avoid wearing clogs or other open-heeled shoes. If you use whole shoes instead, moisture will be created which preserves the skin’s softness.

Contact a pediatrician for help with taking care of your feet.

You should understand the information

In order for you to be involved in your care and treatment, it is important that you understand the information you receive from the healthcare staff. Ask questions if you don’t understand. For example, you should be given information about treatment options and how long you may have to wait for care and treatment.

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