Movements from the genital area


Movements are a fluid that comes from the genital area. It is good and natural to have floated in the vagina. On the other hand, you should always seek care if you have removals from the penis.

This text is about relocation after puberty. Children can also have floats and you can read more about this here.

Removals from the vagina

Liquids are a slimy, whitish or translucent liquid that comes from the vagina. The fluctuations change upon contact with the air and then get a light yellow to brownish color. Liquids usually smell a bit acidic, much like film milk.

Having floats is both good and natural. The removals dampen the mucous membranes of the vagina, keep the vagina clean and protect against infections. It is usually no sign of any disease to have flow from the vagina.

When you get sexually aroused, you get more flow. It’s called lubrication. Those flows tend to be more transparent.

Relocations begin at puberty and continue throughout life

Movements from the vagina begin to reach puberty, usually before the first period. Then you have relocations for the rest of your life, but they decrease the older you get. It is different from person to person how many floats you have.

The hormones in the body affect the flow

Sometimes the movements change the appearance. Most often, it depends on what day it is in your menstrual cycle, for example, if you have ovulation. The hormones in the body can also be changed for any of the following reasons:

  • You use contraceptives that contain hormones.
  • You’re pregnant.
  • You have entered the menopause.

After the menopause, the mucous membranes can become dry. You can also get a lasting flow if the mucous membranes are fragile.

Sometimes altered movements may be due to some illness

Diseases and infections can affect the flow in different ways:

  • You can get more migrations.
  • The removals can change color.
  • The movements can be grainy.
  • The removals may start to smell differently.
  • The movements can become blood-mixed.

Removals from the penis

Removal of the penis is almost always a sign of an infection. For example, you may have had chlamydia or some other STD if you have had unprotected intercourse.

On the other hand, the fact that a transparent fluid comes out of the urethra when you get excited is not due to any illness. It is called bail and is no escape.

What can I do for myself?

You who have abundant flows can test the following things:

  • Use baby oil instead of soap when washing the abdomen.
  • Ventilate the genital area if you feel you have too much fluid or feel that the genital area is dry.
  • Do not use clothing that is tight around the abdomen.
  • Use tampon only when you have menstruation, not due to flooding. Then it is better to change lingerie more often.

You can test non-prescription drugs for fungi if you know the floats are due to a fungal infection.

There are several drugs for you who are in menopause and have had altered movements. You can read more in the text about medicines for menopausal disorders.

When should I seek care?

If you have one or more of the following problems, contact a health care center or skin and genital clinic:

  • You have flooded from the penis.
  • You have removes from the vagina that starts to smell bad.
  • You have movements from the vagina that change color and do not go away after three days. The floats can then be green, yellow, gray, grainy or blood mixed.
  • You have had symptoms of fungus in the vagina more than twice in six months.
  • You have had unprotected sex with someone and suspect you may have had an STD.

You who have problems with the vagina can also contact a gynecological reception. You who are pregnant can contact your midwife.

You can also contact a youth reception. You can go there if you are 12 or 13 years until you are between 20 and 25 years, it is different in different receptions.

If it’s in a hurry

Immediately seek care at a health center or on-call reception if any of the following is true of you:

  • You have altered movements of the vagina, while you have pain in the lower abdomen and fever.
  • You use a tampon and suddenly get a high fever, feel sick and get smelly fluids. Remove the tampon at once and then seek care.


First, you get to meet a midwife, nurse or doctor. She asks questions to understand what may be causing the floods. You may also describe your complaints.

Most often, an examination is needed to see what the genital area looks like.

If you have a sheath, the person examining you looks at the sheath’s mucous membranes and the uterus pin to see what the removals look like.

If you have a penis, the person examining you looks at the skin of the penis. The foreskin is withdrawn if you are not circumcised, and they examine the inside of the foreskin and the eyelid.

The person examining you takes some of the flow and examines it with a microscope. They can also investigate how acidic the fluids are.

You may submit different types of samples

Often you have to pass a urine sample. Therefore, it is good not to have paused for at least an hour before you arrive at the reception. A urine test can show if you have, for example, a urinary tract infection or an STD.

Sometimes samples are taken from the womb for, for example, STDs or cell changes.

Influence and participate in your care

You can seek care at any medical center or open specialist clinic you want throughout the country.

You should understand the information

In order for you to be involved in your care and treatment, it is important that you understand the information you receive from the healthcare staff. Ask questions if you don’t understand. 

Treatment of disorders of the genital area

Whether and how the floats should be treated depends on what has caused them.

Antibiotics are the most common treatment if the floats, for example, are due to some STD. Bacterial vaginosis is treated with antibiotics or antiseptics. The drugs are available in three different forms:

  • tablets you take by mouth
  • slidkräm
  • vaginal suppositories.

Wear pills to insert into the vagina with a finger. The cream takes you into the vagina with an insert that comes with the package. Both the wear pillars and the wear cream melt or dissolve inside the vagina.

A fungal infection is treated with antifungal medication. 

Lichen rubs and lichen sclerosis are skin diseases that can cause ulcers in the vagina. They are usually treated with a strong cortisone cream in the abdomen.

If you have a lot of glandular mucosa on the cervix that causes increased flow, a doctor may remove the extra mucosa.

What is the result of altered movements of the vagina?

There are various types of infections and disorders of the genital area that are shown by the movements of the vagina changing.

Blood-mixed flow may be due to cell changes in the uterus.

Fungus in the vagina

Mushrooms in the abdomen can give a white, dawn flow from the vagina. Usually, it itches and the abdomen becomes swollen and red. Mushrooms in the abdomen usually go away by themselves after a few days.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis causes fluid from the vagina that smells very bad and can be greyish-white. The movement can also be foamy. The move is most often seen most clearly after vaginal intercourse without a condom and before and after you have had menstruation.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea

Chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause penile and increased vaginal discharge. It can also sting when peeing. Often you do not get any symptoms at all, which means you can have these infections without knowing it.

Both chlamydia and gonorrhea are transmitted during intercourse without a condom. Therefore, it is good to test you if you have had sex without a condom with a new partner.

Uterine infection and fallopian tubes

Both uterine infection and fallopian tubes can cause fluids to change in several ways. The removals may turn yellow, green or start to smell bad. Sometimes you can get blood-mixed flow.

A common symptom is also to get very sore in the lower abdomen. It usually hurts more when you exert yourself. You may also have a fever and a general feeling of illness.

Uterine infection can occur after a miscarriage, abortion or childbirth. You can also get it after you have a spiral inserted, but it is very unusual.

Ovary inflammation can be a sequela of gonorrhea or chlamydia.


Occurrence is sometimes treated with a ring that sits in the vagina and lifts the bladder or uterus. The ring can sometimes cause abrasions that can lead to blood flow. Scratches can also occur if the vagina slips and the mucous membranes rub against the underwear. The disease is most common after menopause.

A lot of glandular mucosa on the uterus

In most cases, the glandular mucosa is located inside the cervix, but some have a lot of glandular mucosa on the uterus. This can result in increased flows. These floats do not usually smell different.

Toxic shock syndrome

A forgotten tampon can provide abundant and very smelly flow. You may also have a fever. This is called toxic shock syndrome or TSS. The disease is due to bacteria being trapped in the tampon and starting to form bacterial toxins, so-called toxins. Toxic shock syndrome is very uncommon.

Lichen also robs lichen sclerosus

Erosive lichen rubs and lichen sclerosis are skin diseases that can cause ulcers in the vagina. The wounds can cause you to get more flow. The wounds can also cause you pain when you have vaginal intercourse. You can also get white patches in the abdomen and strong itching.

Causes other than diseases

The movements can change the appearance and amount without being due to any illness.

Sometimes it may feel like you are getting more removals after vaginal intercourse. If you have had vaginal intercourse and have sperm in the vagina, the sperm will sooner or later run out. So these are not floats.

Movements during pregnancy and breastfeeding

You who are pregnant can have more floods than you have before. It is ordinary and harmless.

You who are breastfeeding can get dry mucous membranes which give less flow. This is because the hormone balance in the body changes. Often, a prescription estrogen cream can help. You buy the cream at a pharmacy.

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