

Hiccups are due to contractions in the diaphragm, a muscle in the lower chest. Both adults and children can get hiccups. There is some advice on what you can do to stop hiccups, but nothing is scientifically proven.

Hiccups usually go over by themselves. Having hiccups is not serious, although it can be cumbersome.

What is the reason for the hiccups?

The following things can cause you to hiccup:

  • You have eaten or eaten spicy foods.
  • You have been drinking or drinking alcohol.
  • You eat or drink too fast.
  • You use medicines containing nicotine that you take by mouth.

It is unusual, but you may get hiccups of some diseases. You often have a troublesome hiccup. Examples are stomach, lungs, or heart disease.

Hiccups can also occur without any particular cause.

Children can get hiccups while eating

Children who are breast-fed or bottle-fed often get hiccups but are rarely bothered by it. The hiccup comes from the baby swallowing air as they eat.

When and where should I seek care?

Most people who get hiccups do not need to seek care because the hassles usually go by themselves.

If you have had hiccups for more than a couple of hours, or if you have hiccups frequently, contact a health center or on-call clinic.

What can I do for myself?

There are various tips on what you can do yourself to stop hiccups, but nothing is scientifically proven.

For example, you can do the following:

  • Drink cold water.
  • Drink cold water from the far side of the glass in the forward-bending position.
  • Hold your breath and swallow at the same time, you can do it several times.
  • Breathe in a paper bag.

Children who often hiccup when swallowing air may be helped by the following:

  • That the breastfeeding person changes the breastfeeding position
  • Having a smaller hole on the baby bottle.
  • That the baby breastfeeds a little between meals or gets some water in a baby bottle.
  • That the child is allowed to grope after eating.

What happens in the body?

In the case of hiccups, the diaphragm pulls together without you being able to influence it. The diaphragm is a muscle in the lower chest. The contraction leads to a strong inhalation. The sound occurs when the vocal cords in the larynx are closed.

Also, since you cannot affect the aperture, you cannot affect the sound.

Influence and participate in your care

You can seek care at any medical center or open specialist clinic you want throughout the country. Sometimes a referral  to the open specialized care is required.

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